It's our turn, June mummies :D

When I go out nowadays I take my backpack with me. In it are my notes, clean socks and underwear and a pair of comfy trousers and my mobile phone. It weighs nothing to carry around, but if my waters break I can wear dry clothes and if something else happens I can either phone hubby or the hospital.

Maybe you should take the risk, just incase something happens ;).

Hope the bath helps you, I'm so having 1 today!!

I've just got out of a clary sage oil bath (ewwww smells horrible! But got a shower after haha!)
And it's a really good idea tbh carrying that around with you.. least you know that you've got your notes if anything happens

That Clary Sage sounds horrible!! Is it really worth it ? I've still not tried anything to induce labour apart from forcing hubby to have sex (which is surprisingly easy with men :haha:). The walking I do just to keep active and not go completely mental on my own in this house, since I've been home since January!

Leah - What a bunch of idiots, people are so stupid aren't they. Hope you can get it all sorted without losing money.

Kandbumpx - You still not had breakfast? It's always the first thing I do in the morning because I'm starving when I wake up! I can't get started without breakfast and a cuppa tea! Before that I'm a zombie!
That Clary Sage sounds horrible!! Is it really worth it ? I've still not tried anything to induce labour apart from forcing hubby to have sex (which is surprisingly easy with men :haha:). The walking I do just to keep active and not go completely mental on my own in this house, since I've been home since January!

Leah - What a bunch of idiots, people are so stupid aren't they. Hope you can get it all sorted without losing money.

Kandbumpx - You still not had breakfast? It's always the first thing I do in the morning because I'm starving when I wake up! I can't get started without breakfast and a cuppa tea! Before that I'm a zombie!

Ye it's an awful smell, and I wouldn't bother with it tbh, I don't really know why I had one today (wishful thinking I guess) but I've had a few baths with it and rubbed it in my belly at night before bed.. But all it has done is made me smell horrible (hence why i put it on before bed, can wash it off in the morning :haha:)
And I can't function in a morning without my cuppa and a couple of biscuits hehe.. But yep just had mi breakfast now, yum!
I'm already waiting for lunchtime to come 'round ;)! I feel like such a piggy lately, I could eat forever!

Baby has been doing a couple of reaaaaally slow prods. I think it's lazy day, I hope she's getting ready for her grand entrance soon (wishful thinking!).

The husband actually agreed to take me out to the big nature park thing next weekend! So I'm all excited he wants to go for a long walk with me!!! I bought him a very fancy camera for his birthday so he wants to go out and practice taking many pictures. We'll be going the day before I'm due and he can take pictures while I rest on the benches ;).
I'm already waiting for lunchtime to come 'round ;)! I feel like such a piggy lately, I could eat forever!

Baby has been doing a couple of reaaaaally slow prods. I think it's lazy day, I hope she's getting ready for her grand entrance soon (wishful thinking!).

The husband actually agreed to take me out to the big nature park thing next weekend! So I'm all excited he wants to go for a long walk with me!!! I bought him a very fancy camera for his birthday so he wants to go out and practice taking many pictures. We'll be going the day before I'm due and he can take pictures while I rest on the benches ;).

i havent had no movemts yet toda so wishful thinking on my behalf aswell hope she resting for grand enterance i havent got a doppler though :-/ she was slowing down th eother day i mentioned it to mw and shye told me off for not getting checked so i had a hot suggary coffe a few hour ago that didnt kick start her so now im eating an ice cold lolly see if the cold shocks her then if nothing ill have a shower a lay down and then if still nothing ill call mw :-/
by the way i can spell i allways read my posts back and the words are all over the place lol its cos i use a wireless keyboards and if im not bang infront of sensor it plays up so if im sat on my ball or sofa with it it screws everything up that i rite as signal is low on it lol
Aww that sounds nice :)
And I've got a lazy one too.. She was moving this morning when I has mi usual cuppa and tried kicking it off my belly :haha:

And some days, I can just pig out all day and eat loads, other days I just don't feel hungry :shrug:
by the way i can spell i allways read my posts back and the words are all over the place lol its cos i use a wireless keyboards and if im not bang infront of sensor it plays up so if im sat on my ball or sofa with it it screws everything up that i rite as signal is low on it lol

haha, well i can always understand what you put so itll be reyt lol. i know sometimes when im on mi iphone things just come up totally different to what ive typed.. does nut in
:haha: I can understand what you're saying, so it's all good ;).

Deffo get checked or phone up if she won't wake up. Rather safe than sorry right? At least they can give you advice when you ring up about what to do. I can't believe I'm worrying about movements again as I though I was really over that phase since our last scare 10 weeks ago! My Lurky has been moving really well since then, I just hope she takes after her daddy and is just a lazy bum ;)!

I fancy going out to buy baby clothes! I'll probably have a go at it tomorrow without telling my husband up front, he'll probably get mad at me for buying so much ! I just can't resist!!
Aww that sounds nice :)
And I've got a lazy one too.. She was moving this morning when I has mi usual cuppa and tried kicking it off my belly :haha:

And some days, I can just pig out all day and eat loads, other days I just don't feel hungry :shrug:

I'm like that! Sometimes I easily finish my dinner and have a sandwich after at 9pm. Other days I can manage like 3 bites and feel so full!

Thing I struggle with most now though is that I only fancy bland food, llike a sandwich with peanutbutter or nutella, I don't fancy a proper meal with potatoes+veg+meat anymore :(.
Lauki - Ye im like that with the food, although.. im fancying having a 'proper meal' more at night now whereas usually it'd be pizza and chips or something fatty with chips lol.
But through day i just fancy crisps/chocolate/toast and crap :/.

Leah - Ye I agree, better to be safe than sorry. But I'm sure shes fine

Well I was gunna start my walk soon, but got really bad cramp in mi right calf.. so gunna have to wait abit :(
she probs is a lazy ass like her dad lol i hate thinking im wasting their time though :-/ ive been up twice for reduced movements allready in second tri and they said if i go up again they may have to look at induction :-/ which at all cost i want to avoid but i suppose if summat up wit bubs then may be best oh well ill wash pots get in shower have another coffee n a lay down n a poke n see what she doin lol she normally starts kicking of if you put something on belly or poke her lol x
Ugh I can't get the motivation to get up now!
Been on the phone with my little sis for an hour and am all lazy ;).
She's flying over in July to come and meet her first little cousin, I'm so excited for her to come and see us!

Starting to panick a bit now that after birth I won't have my mummy/sisters to rely on as they live on the other side of the sea :(. Everyone's saying: But you have your MIL, don't you! And yea, she's a wonderful woman and a brilliant MIL, but she's not my mummy (I sound like such a baby :haha:!).. Planning on taking baby over to my family as often as I can though! Luckily it's only an hour with the plane :).

Hope your cramp goes away soon, would be nice to go out for a walk and get some fresh air!
she probs is a lazy ass like her dad lol i hate thinking im wasting their time though :-/ ive been up twice for reduced movements allready in second tri and they said if i go up again they may have to look at induction :-/ which at all cost i want to avoid but i suppose if summat up wit bubs then may be best oh well ill wash pots get in shower have another coffee n a lay down n a poke n see what she doin lol she normally starts kicking of if you put something on belly or poke her lol x

Cold Applejuice always does the trick for me! Or a bar of chocolate.
If nothing, it's the best excuse to go buy a nice bar of chocolate right :happydance:.
I dunt know if its same with you leah but sometimes i cant feel lo moving but if i watch my belly i can see her moving if you get me?
and i know what you mean about wasting their time :/ as i once went up to rotherham hospital as i hadnt felt her move but as soon as i got strapped up she kicked! i felt right daft... but its their job and better to be safe isnt it? its not wasting their time, thats what they are there for

and Lauki, i know how you mean, i get talking on here and then i cant motivate myself but i am determined to today! lol
Yea I went in hospital twice for reduced movements. Once she moved behind my anterior placenta which meant I just couldn't feel her movements but she was moving (they only checked with the doppler as I was only 23 weeks and told me they woudldn't do anything if something was wrong because I hadn't reach 24 weeks yet, wasn't that just wonderful to hear!).

The second time I was 29 weeks and the second they put the sensors on she started going mental and hopping around. They made me feel right bad for not coming back the next day for another checkup because we'd just planned a nice weekend away together and just really wanted to enjoy that instead of sitting at home stressing out! After the monitoring I could feel her move fine anyway, so I wasn't worried about something being wrong. Just so mean how they can make you feel like such a bad mom, only because you don't want to sit in a hospital for no reason being all stressed!
Yea I went in hospital twice for reduced movements. Once she moved behind my anterior placenta which meant I just couldn't feel her movements but she was moving (they only checked with the doppler as I was only 23 weeks and told me they woudldn't do anything if something was wrong because I hadn't reach 24 weeks yet, wasn't that just wonderful to hear!).

The second time I was 29 weeks and the second they put the sensors on she started going mental and hopping around. They made me feel right bad for not coming back the next day for another checkup because we'd just planned a nice weekend away together and just really wanted to enjoy that instead of sitting at home stressing out! After the monitoring I could feel her move fine anyway, so I wasn't worried about something being wrong. Just so mean how they can make you feel like such a bad mom, only because you don't want to sit in a hospital for no reason being all stressed!

Ye i was 29 weeks when I went.. No movements at all.. But as soon as they put me up to sensors she did a big kick! Lol.. Then just wouldn't stop kicking me. I felt a fool.. But, better to be safe isn't it
ha thats what this little bliter does lol OH will say he has felt her move but i havent felt a thing and when i get to hosp as soon as elastics go on belly shes like a frikin tap dancer lol doesnt stop the whole time were there
hey i have some of those elastics from hosp that they monitor you with they left them in my notes so i dont need knew ones when i go in again ill put them on and trick her into thinking were listening to her hahaha
ye im same i dont feel her but OH does.. so when i dont feel her i sit and stare at my belly and she moves but i still dont feel it lol

and ye they let me keep my straps too ahha
Right, I'm off on my walk.. Cramp hasn't gone but I'll see how I go on... Decided on the 5 mile walk.. And get bus back home.. As I know I'll see something for baby I can't resist buying hehe x
Hope you have a lovely walk :). I'm gonna be out soon too, need cat litter!
Luckily Lidl's doesn't sell baby clothes, so I won't be tempted ;)!

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