Itty Bitty Babies Club (Slow Gainers)

I'm totally bummed. My baby's 3 weeks old and has lost half a pound now. He has regular wet diapers, albeit some seem like small wees. He is not pooping everyday but rather more like twice a week recently. He seems to feed ok for ten minutes then starts getting sleepy and it's difficult to keep him going. From what I understand, it's after ten minutes that the hindmilk comes in and that's where all the fat is, so I don't think he's getting enough fat in his feed. I'm trying to keep him awake more and he's going to be weighed again on Monday. Hopefully he'll be gaining then instead of losing. It's really bumming me out. :(
I'm totally bummed. My baby's 3 weeks old and has lost half a pound now. He has regular wet diapers, albeit some seem like small wees. He is not pooping everyday but rather more like twice a week recently. He seems to feed ok for ten minutes then starts getting sleepy and it's difficult to keep him going. From what I understand, it's after ten minutes that the hindmilk comes in and that's where all the fat is, so I don't think he's getting enough fat in his feed. I'm trying to keep him awake more and he's going to be weighed again on Monday. Hopefully he'll be gaining then instead of losing. It's really bumming me out. :(

To keep Noah awake i'd take his babygro off, change is nappy when he fell asleep, tickle his feet, gently blow on his face.
Lots of babies lose weight, Noah lost 13% which is a massive amount so I just fed constantly.
Connor lost around 11/12% of his weight and was told to wake him every 3 hours and feed him. Connor just wouldnt feed though even though we were waking him but at least we tried, connor didnt gain any weight in his first month he was 4lb 8oz when born, went down to around 4lb and then stayed there for a month. Like maffie said have you tried tickiling his feet, kissing his cheek, blowing gently on his face?
Thank you for your replies. I have just started to do that more now in the last two days since he'd been weighed again and was still the same. It definitely has helped a lot and I like the idea of changing his diaper at that point and then putting him on again, I bet that would definitely wake him right up, LOL..

It's comforting to hear from others who have had weight loss in their babies at first. It makes me feel pretty crap right now, like why didn't I pick up on this before? I probably should have noticed he was only feeding ten minutes then sleeping as I had breastfed my son 7 years ago. He's otherwise alert, seems hydrated, and his fontanel is soft etc as the nurse says those are good signs. He's had much better feeds now since this morning. I'm still waiting on these super wet diapers and lots of poops to happen....

My sister-in-law said she had something similar happen and started expressing her milk for a good few minutes first then feeding her baby as he would get more hindmilk then. I might start trying this.

Thank you very much for letting me barge in and vent. :)
Thank you for your replies. I have just started to do that more now in the last two days since he'd been weighed again and was still the same. It definitely has helped a lot and I like the idea of changing his diaper at that point and then putting him on again, I bet that would definitely wake him right up, LOL..

It's comforting to hear from others who have had weight loss in their babies at first. It makes me feel pretty crap right now, like why didn't I pick up on this before? I probably should have noticed he was only feeding ten minutes then sleeping as I had breastfed my son 7 years ago. He's otherwise alert, seems hydrated, and his fontanel is soft etc as the nurse says those are good signs. He's had much better feeds now since this morning. I'm still waiting on these super wet diapers and lots of poops to happen....

My sister-in-law said she had something similar happen and started expressing her milk for a good few minutes first then feeding her baby as he would get more hindmilk then. I might start trying this.

Thank you very much for letting me barge in and vent. :)

Noah went through a phase of only pooping every 6-10 days :wacko: I think when a baby has been losing weight, first step is to get baby maintaining and then start gaining. Also dont compare to any other babies or worrying about doubling weight (Noah has only just doubled)
:hi: I agree with what the other's have said. Harry lost 11% of his birthweigh too & took 22 days to regain it & was slow but steady from that point on; everyone was constantly going on about how tiny he looked & how maybe BFing wasn't the best thing for him, but he was perfectly happy & healthy & is doing just fine now. Stick with it, every baby is different & develops/grows at their own rates. If your LO suddenly seems discontented or unwell, or stops having wet nappies & doesn't seem alert, then obviously you'd sport that & would take them to the Drs for advice.

Re expressing. In the beginning I had a lot of fore milk & I'd spray about all over the damn place, lol. I expressed off the first ounce, then pop him on, and I think this did help him a bit. I also fed him every 2 hours duing the day- sometimes he's take it, sometimes not, but it was always worth a try. Changing nappy half way through a feed or when they start to drop off to sleep is always a good way to wake them up a bit, and also to burp them to make sure they aren't filling up on air rather than milk. Tickling feet, rubbing hands, keeping them cool, having eye conteact, singing, chatting, tickling their spine etc are all good ways to keep LO more alert when feeding too.
baby_maybe. Did you get that weightloss thread started yet? I worked out for five whole minutes on the elliptical today and my chest was burning so bad. :rofl: How pathetic is that? Five minutes and I was done for. I used to use a recumbent bike and I lost 45 pounds that way but it was so much easier than this elliptical. :wacko: It's a start I suppose!

No I haven't... I need a name :p I have no clue as to what to name the thread lol... I am terrible at that stuff!

Oh I would have made if 5 minutes and fell on the floor! hahaha I just had a nice big bowl of Utterly Devine Ice Cream too! :blush::blush::blush:

I'll happily give Noah some pounds I have too many. I'd like to be 125lbs but im about 55 over that :blush: Not going to be losing anytime soon now either :haha:

hehe Nope! You have an excuse now though :) :cloud9:
baby_maybe. Did you get that weightloss thread started yet? I worked out for five whole minutes on the elliptical today and my chest was burning so bad. :rofl: How pathetic is that? Five minutes and I was done for. I used to use a recumbent bike and I lost 45 pounds that way but it was so much easier than this elliptical. :wacko: It's a start I suppose!

No I haven't... I need a name :p I have no clue as to what to name the thread lol... I am terrible at that stuff!

Oh I would have made if 5 minutes and fell on the floor! hahaha I just had a nice big bowl of Utterly Devine Ice Cream too! :blush::blush::blush:

I'll happily give Noah some pounds I have too many. I'd like to be 125lbs but im about 55 over that :blush: Not going to be losing anytime soon now either :haha:

hehe Nope! You have an excuse now though :) :cloud9:

I already feel like my waist is expanding :wacko:
Thank you so much for your insights and sharing. It really does help to know I'm not alone in it. I guess I'd just never thought or heard about these types of issues before so it's all new territory. The relief when things start picking up again must be great..

Maffie, I must keep that in mind about focusing on maintaining first then gaining. I'm hoping tomorrow's weigh in will bring good news.

Florabean1981, those are great tips on keeping baby awake and feeding. I'm also trying to offer the boob very often just to make sure I'm not missing out on any opportunities where he might feed but doesn't scream for it or whatnot. Think sometimes he's such a placid baby (not to be confused with sleepy or lacking in alertness) that I'm still learning his ways and picking up on his cues for feeding.

Such a learning curve, lol...I thought I had it made regarding breastfeeding since it was so smooth and easy with my son 7 years ago. Funny how little ones can really surprise us just when we think we've got it all figured out.
Such a learning curve, lol...I thought I had it made regarding breastfeeding since it was so smooth and easy with my son 7 years ago. Funny how little ones can really surprise us just when we think we've got it all figured out.

I know what you mean. My sister Bf her 1st born for 13 months, no issues what so ever. With her 2nd she had every problem under the sun & had to give up (she ended up in hospital on IV antibiotics in then end) after just 6 weeks because it was just too much for her. Just goes to show how every journey is different & every baby is unique :)
Hello :flower:

I wish I'd seen this thread sooner! In the first few weeks I Was so stressed about my LO's weight. He was 8lbs 11oz at birth but at four days old had dropped down to 7lbs 11oz (12% loss). I'm breastfeeding and it took him 4 weeks to regain his birth weight. He's now almost 12 weeks old and just 10lbs 5oz. My doctor has checked him over and he is completely healthy - just a slow gainer.

At least we're getting loads of use out his clothes. He's only just started outgrowing his "new baby" sized clothes!

Such a learning curve, lol...I thought I had it made regarding breastfeeding since it was so smooth and easy with my son 7 years ago. Funny how little ones can really surprise us just when we think we've got it all figured out.

I know what you mean. My sister Bf her 1st born for 13 months, no issues what so ever. With her 2nd she had every problem under the sun & had to give up (she ended up in hospital on IV antibiotics in then end) after just 6 weeks because it was just too much for her. Just goes to show how every journey is different & every baby is unique :)

God you can say that again! Lol...totally thought it would be a breeze for me this time.

Had him weighed today and he lost a bit more. Went from 3.88 kg to 3.8 kg. :( In the end, after much thinking, postulating, and so on, we've established he isn't sucking and drawing on the breast hard enough to get the milk coming out and going. We figured this after we broke down and got him a formula today because we're concerned about him losing weight, and while he was on the bottle, he was glugging away.

So now I got a manual pump and I'm starting to do that. I'm wanting to get back to exclusive breastfeeding but for the moment I will supplement with formula just as I know my supply isn't up where it should be.
Can I please join you ladies? I've been lurking here for awhile trying to decide if I fit the requirements, :lol: but have decided I must! Phoenix was born 15th Jan at 8lb11oz and at just over 4months old is now a hefty (not :haha:) 11lb12oz. He's dropped from the 75th centile at birth to sitting on the 2nd now for weight and the 50th for length and HC.
He's been checked by a PED twice and has been cleared of anything 'wrong' with him, he's just a slow gainer. Is reaching all his milestones though and is super strong in his legs wanting to stand up as much as possible, is rolling over from front to back all the time and has gone back to front a couple of times.

When he was born everyone told me what a 'big boy' he is, but now when I tell people his age all I get is "oh, he's skinny isn't he" :roll:
:hi: Kota, welcome to the group. It sucks getting all the comments doesn't it?! I think it works both ways too, coz one of my nephews is mahusive (99.6th centile!!!) and my sis gets upset by how everyone's always saying how big he is & I get the other end with everyone saying how small harry is :dohh: Damned if you do & damned if you dont!!!

:hi: Teal aswell. :) My son weighed about the same at 11 weeks too, and like you, the Drs said he was absolutely fine (doesn;t stop you worrying though, does it?!) & just a slow gainer, but to remember that ANY gain is better than nothing.

Minstermind: We gave Harry a bottle of formula each evening between weeks 4&5, and again weeks 7&8 and again when we moved house in january for a few days too. Never gave him more than one bottle a day & it did no harm to him at all & allowed me a bit of 'me' time & also time for me to pump & start to build up a stash of EBM in the freezer. Now that I have a good stash (over 50oz) he hasn't had any formula since feb/march time I think. It didn't really make any difference to his weight gain in all honesty, but it did help my sanity, lol! And it was good to know that if all else failed, I knew he was ok at taking a bottle & that he didn't care at all whether it was booby milk or formula, lol.

Well, I have some news.... I was in town yesterday going boring bank stuff & such, and this lady started randomly talking to me & Harry. She asked how old he was & I said 7 1/2 mths & she said.... wait for it... "He's a big boy isn't he?!" I was soooo happy coz that's the first time anyone has commented on how big he is for his age rather than how small! :happydance: It made me grin for ages afterwards. Silly I know, but it was nice to hear it, iykwim? getting him weighed again next week- really hoping he'll have a good gain & stay on the 9th centile after it's taken 7 darn months to get him there, lol!

How's everyone else doing?
flora - that's great on the comment :flower: good luck for his weigh in next week! I'm getting LO weighed a week today. I keep telling myself I won't stress as long as he's gained something!

I get that too with my nephew. He's 5 days older than my LO but over 4lbs heavier and there was only an oz difference at birth. I know I shouldn't compare but it's hard not to. xx
Hello Kota and teal! :flower: teal, hope the weigh-in goes well! It is hard when comparisons are made to other babies, my Auntie does it all the time with her niece and Logan, even though her niece is now 2 all I hear is "oh, when niece was Logan's age she was x weight, and composing sonnets!". I DONT CARE! Logan can crawl, and thats good enough for me :smug:
Minstermind, I had the same issue with Logan, he lost weight at 3 months so I supplemented with formula for a while, then he was exclusively ff at 4 months. Still dont know what went wrong, I reckon my supply ran out :shrug: It was awful giving him formula at first as he didnt like it, but it was of course the right decision, and he put on weight straight away! Please let us know how you get on, and if you discover any good ways to increase supply too (so I know for baby no.2!)

:hugs: for group members and their gorgeous ickle babies
baby_maybe. Did you get that weightloss thread started yet? I worked out for five whole minutes on the elliptical today and my chest was burning so bad. :rofl: How pathetic is that? Five minutes and I was done for. I used to use a recumbent bike and I lost 45 pounds that way but it was so much easier than this elliptical. :wacko: It's a start I suppose!

No I haven't... I need a name :p I have no clue as to what to name the thread lol... I am terrible at that stuff!

Oh I would have made if 5 minutes and fell on the floor! hahaha I just had a nice big bowl of Utterly Devine Ice Cream too! :blush::blush::blush:

I'll happily give Noah some pounds I have too many. I'd like to be 125lbs but im about 55 over that :blush: Not going to be losing anytime soon now either :haha:

hehe Nope! You have an excuse now though :) :cloud9:

I already feel like my waist is expanding :wacko:

So is mine and I'm not having anymore babies :blush: LOL

Can I please join you ladies? I've been lurking here for awhile trying to decide if I fit the requirements, :lol: but have decided I must! Phoenix was born 15th Jan at 8lb11oz and at just over 4months old is now a hefty (not :haha:) 11lb12oz. He's dropped from the 75th centile at birth to sitting on the 2nd now for weight and the 50th for length and HC.
He's been checked by a PED twice and has been cleared of anything 'wrong' with him, he's just a slow gainer. Is reaching all his milestones though and is super strong in his legs wanting to stand up as much as possible, is rolling over from front to back all the time and has gone back to front a couple of times.

When he was born everyone told me what a 'big boy' he is, but now when I tell people his age all I get is "oh, he's skinny isn't he" :roll:


My little one still won't roll over! She doesn't seem to even care to try... :shrug:
I'm going to talk to my doctor about it tomorrow... I know all babies are different but it's worrying me some.
Kayleigh is getting weighed tomorrow :D and..... those DARN needles that go along with doctor visits :( I want to run away! I hate them! I know she needs them but it's so sad :(
you'd think they'd use that numbing cream on their little legs n stuff when they stick them with needles so they dont feel it as much. It's heartbreaking isn't it? Mean Drs.
Thanks, 50 oz saved formula! That's awesome! At the moment I'm doing good just to pump out one measly ounce between both boobs..that's how rotten my supply is at the moment, lol

Logans_Mum...well, I spoke with a breastfeeding clinic lady yesterday and she recommended I drink two cups of fennel tea a day to increase supply. She said I should let the tea bag sit in it for ten minutes before drinking in order for the fennel to get out into the tea.

She also recommended I get Motilium and take that 3 times a day. Odd one alright, but heyho, anything that works!

Also heard to eat porridge so I'm having that every morning for breakfast!

And the other known things like making sure to drink plenty of fluids and eat a good diet and get plenty of rest...

I'm hoping these things will work.

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