all, I've been super busy, ill, super busy again etc etc so haven't been online much, but just wanted to check in & see how everyone's doing?
re: weigh-ins- I take Harry every 4-6 weeks to the local surestart to get weighed, although at his age, they suggest every 3-6 months, but I worry about him if I leave it too long, so usually it's about every 5 weeks for my own piece of mind... He's shot up height-wise recently, but still small (mid 9th centile) for his weight for his age, but is healthy as far as we can gather, so I guess it's all good.
We're currently trying to figure out a way to reduce the amount of BFs he's taking in a 24hr period. He sleep through the night now for 10-12hrs, but is still BFing between 6-10 times a day, refuses to take a bottle & wont drink more than 1-2oz of cow's milk in a day either, but is fine with drinking his water
I dont mind feeding him that much, but I always kinda thought that by almost 13 months he'd be starting to wind down... but instead, he's like a boobie addict!
Ah well, such is life I guess.
anyways... How's everyone doing> what are you & your LOs up to these days>
Happy Halloween too