Hi guys
How come I missed this thread? I'm joining!
My little girl Macy is almost 16weeks old. She was born weighing just 5lb8 (on the 4th centile) and is now just 10lb12 and under the 2nd centile. She gained really well at first, had regained her birth weight by a week old and was creeping up the centiles! But then the reflux kicked in and she now gains from 2.5 - 5 ounces a week.
Her feeding is really poor, anything from 10-18ounces a day and each bottle is a complete nightmare with lots of screaming, back arching and eventually I can get 2 or 3 ounces into her and then 15minutes later she projectile vomits the whole thing back up and we'd have to start again, it's no fun!
She's on Neocate for milk allergy and Omeprazole for reflux. She had been weaned at 12 weeks under paediatrician and dietician which really helped her appetite and made feeds more comfortable but I stopped as she had been doing so well with taking her milk after we started solids, we've gone back to square 1 though so I'm re-introducing them today. Lots of high calorie things like banana, avocado, papaya, any other ideas?