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Itty Bitty Babies Club (Slow Gainers)

hmm this should work, i will check my settings also

facebook.com/leanne.mullaney if that doesnt work search leanne mullaney, my pic is my son and daughter :) if not i may have to add you :) lol. x
Dunno if this will work for me- https://www.Facebook.com/fleurywury. If that doesn't work then I've nO idea, lol!
Hi ladies, Im Janette Lister (Brooks) on facebook. Lilbump - glad James gained - even if only small. Id be interested to see how you get on with weaning. Emilia is coming up to 16 weeks and i do think weaning will help her - we too think she has had silent reflux and is on gaviscon - her eating has got a lot better the past couple of weeks or so, it takes an hour and half for her to take 4oz but at least we get there eventually!

Ill get her weighed on Monday before Paediatrician appt on Tuesday... oo err
hey jk he has definitely started taking more milk he fed for 25 mins earlier he hasnt fed that long since he was tiny! He also seems more like his usual happy contented self! :) x
cant find you fleur that link doesnt work...if you search for Jayne huxley-steadman you shoud find me hehe x
Fleur have added you and have added you to Jkbmah :)

Jkbmah your lo is so cute in your profile piccy x
Hey Ladies! I don't know what Finn is weighing but since starting the prevacid, adding back his nighttime bottle, he has had a huge growth spurt!! He is in size 2T now!! :dance: He looks chubbier and where his spine used to protude, it doesn't. He has a few rolls on his legs :)

All of this despite being really sick since the beginning of January (even diarrhea and now vomitting and diarrhea)

Something is working :) We have our follow up ped appt in a couple weeks. I really am looking forward to seeing where he is at weight wise.
That's really excellent news snugglebot! It's great that you've found a solution to his low weight gain.
2T sounds huge to me. Gabriel still fits in a lot of his 3-6 month clothes. Although, we do put him in some of his 6-9 month ones just for variety.
Seity! I know it is really hard to believe just a month ago Finn was in his 6 month pants!

Anyways I will be very surprised if he weighs in less than 22lbs. He was at 19lbs10z at the beginning of January.
hi ladies, well after getting myself all worked up we had our Paediatrician appointment today which turned out to be a total non-event. I was kakking myself in the waiting room after talking to a lady who had a little girl with a growth hormone deficiency and was feeding her through a tube in her stomach! but it seems I got myself worked up over nothing.

Really he just took one look at her and said, yes its odd that she was only 5lb at birth (when im 5'8'') but he thinks she is just small and that there is nothing wrong - he didnt even get her undressed or do any bloods/urine tests.

The main thing he said was to RELAX about feeding and that he didnt pay any attention to the rule about 2 1/2 oz of milk per lb of bodyweight over 24 hours, and that feeding every 3 hours must be hard work (weve only just moved away from every 2 hours!!) and that we should try her every 4 hours and see if she takes more! (im not convinced)

this whole relaxing about feeding sounds easier said than done - we have written down every feed since birth! Though it would be very liberating if I can relax about it - though i am quite annoyed as weve just got ourselves into a nice 3 hourly routine through the day

He did also say to try her on solids - which i am very excited about! - shes 16 weeks tomorrow - so in a weeks time ill be getting out the baby porridge

anyway he didnt seem to think there was anything wrong - which is a relief - but we are going back in 3 months time just for a check.

Jayne - how is James getting on with his REAL food? - what did you start him on?
Awwww JK really pleased about that hun!!! :yay:

Ermmmmm its very hit and miss, he has has baby rice mixed with formula, fruity porridge which he seemed keen on but then didnt, homemade potato & carrot which he didnt like, even choc & banana jarred pud which he didnt really seem overly enthusiastic about...i think its one of three things 1) he doesnt like the spoon 2) he is going to be a baby that likes to do it himself... or 3) he just isnt ready! To be honest i think number 2 is most likely as he will sit sucking on a banana (but wont suck a bottle of formula) and watches my every mouthful! x
Hello ladies I too have a slow gainer. Dr thinks he has reflux and possibly a lactose problem. We he was weighed last week (8 week check up) he was only 9lb 6oz 2nd percentile. Gotta go back for another appt this coming wed hoping the formula change and added zantac will help. He is very long so I am just wondering if he is gonna be long and skinny. He is eating more 5 or 6 oz but still throws up almost after every feed.
Xavier is lovely :) x

James is now 13.05lb at 21 weeks...hv was a bit funny to be honest and i felt like she didnt believe me when i was telling her i am eating well...it was so embarrassing cos it was an open clinic so there were other people there too!! She has reffered him to the gp just to cover herself so she says! I used to really like her but she has really gone down in my estimations(sp)! Its really bothered me!! He had put 3.5oz on in a week which would be 14oz in 4 weeks so i think thats about right??? x
Dont you hate that when they make you feel like it is something you are doing and that you are not feeding them enough? Everyone talks about how small he is and I am like he eats all the time but he just throws so much up he definetly lets me know when he is hungry and he stops eating when he is not.
Hi guys

How come I missed this thread? I'm joining!

My little girl Macy is almost 16weeks old. She was born weighing just 5lb8 (on the 4th centile) and is now just 10lb12 and under the 2nd centile. She gained really well at first, had regained her birth weight by a week old and was creeping up the centiles! But then the reflux kicked in and she now gains from 2.5 - 5 ounces a week.

Her feeding is really poor, anything from 10-18ounces a day and each bottle is a complete nightmare with lots of screaming, back arching and eventually I can get 2 or 3 ounces into her and then 15minutes later she projectile vomits the whole thing back up and we'd have to start again, it's no fun!

She's on Neocate for milk allergy and Omeprazole for reflux. She had been weaned at 12 weeks under paediatrician and dietician which really helped her appetite and made feeds more comfortable but I stopped as she had been doing so well with taking her milk after we started solids, we've gone back to square 1 though so I'm re-introducing them today. Lots of high calorie things like banana, avocado, papaya, any other ideas?

welcome stardust! Potato is good too as its slow release! X

have any of your lo's been referred for their weight gain, if so what tests do they do? X

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