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Itty Bitty Babies Club (Slow Gainers)

hiya and welcome to the newbies!
Em is currently 9lb 5oz (as of last week) at 16 weeks - and still under all the lines - we are starting solids on Weds!

The Paed last week told me to relax about feeding and dont force anything down her, so that is what weve been trying to do all week, so ill be interested to see how her weigh-in goes today as shes definately eaten less this week..............
thanks - she weighed in at 9lb 10oz - thats 5oz in a week - very good for Em. Considering shes not eaten anywhere near as much as the previous week (4oz gain) because weve been trying to "relax" about food and not constantly pushing her.

maybe there is something in this relaxed attitude to food......
That's great jk. It's hard to relax about it, but I think that helped us as well. Just had to trust that he was eating as much as he needed.
well done em thats Brill! What posts of tests did they do on em hun x
hiya, the Paed didnt really do any tests, he just picked her up and looked at her - he said he wasnt concerned enough to do any tests just yet. The main thing was that shes growing in proportion - chubby cheeks and that her head is growing (and is actually on a line) because it means her brain is growing. She was only 5lb 1oz at birth and lost 10% of her bodyweight so we shouldnt expect her to climb the charts!

We are going back in 3 months, he might do tests then if he thinks its needed
Since getting the red flag in January, we found letting Finley eat whatever and how much he feels like is easier and he does better so.

I make supper, if he really likes his peas but won't eat anything else, that's fine. I keep serving him peas until he looks green :rofl: In the end over the course of a week, he is eating a balanced diet and seriously seems to be doing so much better!!! Some nights its only pickles bean salad - he LOVES chick peas (and of course he farts for the rest of the night :rofl:) Anyways, they are people too and need to be given the opportunity to start making decisions for themselves. We added back the bottle at bedtime too instead of the darn sippy cup. He drinks from that during the day, but I did want more calories in him and so he gets a bottle since he drinks WAY more milk that way than in a sippy cup.

Anyways we have our pediatricain appt tomorrow for his blood work results, weigh in and discussing an EEG (he is having tremors and we are ruling out epilepsy)
Good Luck snuggle hope all goes well.

We have a weigh in today hopefully he has gained in the past two weeks. Fxx I'm not sure what the next step will be if he hasnt. Two weeks ago he was 9lb 10 oz.
hope the weigh in goes well puppy! x

James went to see the gp as advised by the hv and gp checked him over and said there doesnt appear to be any problems...he was a very sensible doctor and talked a lot of sense, he said a breastfed baby will 9/10 times be on the lower centiles and if i wanted him on higher centiles i would need to give him more calories through foods or formula. He checked his mouth and said he does still have thrush...even thou the hv, after grabbing James' face to get him to open his mouth, said she couldnt see anything!!! Grrrr!!! I really have lost all respect for her and i used to really like her, and i feel worried about going tomorrow now...in fact i am considering leaving it and going to a different clinic for his weigh-ins!! x
hiya, is there not a babyclub you can go to near you to get James weighed? I go to one which is a surestart thing - free but its run by a nursery nurse who weighsfor you.

I only take my red book every month for it to be plotted, even though i weigh her every week. The doc said only to weigh her every month because you dont get a true picture of the lines she is following (or not following !!) with dots every week.

on a seperate note, Em had her first taste of real food today, I gave her baby rice - she had almost 4 teaspoons of it quite easily and even gave me a smile so im hoping she liked it! - trying porridge tomorrow!

hugs to puppymom - hope the weighin goes well
im a nursery nurse i could weigh him myself then lol...not that i know of thou hun! Glad Emi enjoyed her food...James loved it the first time but now i tend to have to aim and fire lol x
So X gained one pound in two weeks so she is no longer worried about his weight. He now weighs 10lb 9 oz. She did switch him from Zantac to Prilosec so hopefully that will help with the reflux feel like all I do is feed him all the time as he throws it all up just to try and make him gain weight. She also said we could put rice cereal in his milk. Anyone do this before?
F was never diagnosed with reflux so I can't help you. Although we are on prevacid at teh moment.


Finley put on 2lbs in a month and a half!!! :shock::shock::shock:

He jumped back up from the 4th to between the 10-15th percentile I think!!! :dance: Weighing in at 21lbs and 10 ounces. He doubled his birthweight for the second time :rofl: (he lost weight over christmas hence the concern).

Anyways, we are going to wean him from the prevacid and see if it was just the bottle in the evening that we were giving him again (we had dropped it in mid december) and see if that prompted the weight gain or if the prevacid was actually helping too. If he gets fussy eating again, then we will add it back.
wow, such awesome weight gains there ladies :thumbup: Obviously doing something right!
Some great weight gains, ladies! :thumbup:

lilbumpblue - there's no such thing as ONLY and ounce and a half. As I'm sure all the ladies in this group will tell you - any gain is a good gain :flower:

I've no idea what Rebecca weighs at the moment. The day before her op (mid Jan) she was 8.3kg and had jumped to the 25th percentile (I was staggered) but since then I've no idea. I suspect she may have dropped a bit due to the op and a recent bug which stopped her eating but who knows?

Assuming she's well enough next week, she's due to have her injections so I'll get her weighed at the same time. I'm not too worried about it though - in the scheme of things as long as she's happy and healthy then I'm happy too! Of course, I say that ~ if she has lost weight then I'll be back to my usual stressing again :dohh:
Thank you WW1 and can i just say how well Rebbecca looks in your new avatar...she is gorgeous xx

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