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Itty Bitty Babies Club (Slow Gainers)

Ivy weighed in at 10lb 5oz at 3 months exactly - holding her line nicely between 2nd and 9th percentile :flower:

I go to an early days group with other babies all born within a couple of weeks of each other - Ivy is the eldest but also the smallest! I have noticed that most of the others now seems to be lifting their heads when placed on their tummy but Ivy shows pretty much zero interest in doing it, it seems like she just isnt big enough yet :shrug:

She can roll onto her side and is getting good head control etc - is the head lifting thing at size thing or does she just hate tummy time? :haha:
James hates tummy time too!! tinkers!! lol x

James has a chest infection so has been quite poorly these past few days and had lost 2oz today at weigh in :cry: xx
Rebecca hated tummy time as well. I think it's pretty common - Ivy will get there in her own time I'm sure.

Poor little James. A chest infection is hard enough in an adult but for a LO who doesn't understand it must be awful. I hope he's better really soon.

Rebecca had her follow up appt in Liverpool this week (which went brilliantly). She is now 19.2 lbs and on the 25th percentile :happydance: she also 75cm tall :cloud9: I can't work out how she's gone up the percentiles as she's such a fussy eater! Still I suppose she knows how much she needs!
WTG Rebecca! :)

Harry hated tummy time till he was about 5 months old, before that, he'd scream blue murder! In the end, we got down on ther floor with him, with a mirror in front of us & pulled faces, made noises, rolled around & stuff, and within a week, he loved it!
Gabriel has always loved tummy time and lifted his head from birth, so it's definitely not a size thing.

Go Rebecca! Not so itty bitty now :thumbup:
Niamh likes tummy time if shes pointed at the tv :dohh:

I got told off by the HV yesterday for comparing Niamhs weight to other babys her own age and said if i was going to compare her to other babys i need to compare her to babys 5 weeks younger (she was 5 weeks prem).
I havent posted in here for abit. Connors still tiny and isnt putting on weight. He weighs 19lb and is 73cm at 21 months.
Gabriel has his 1 year checkup tomorrow. I'll get to find out his height and what he weighs now.
Hi girls! Haven't posted in here for a little while... Reg now weighs 23ish lbs at 16 months... So about 25th percentile.

Is it just me or do some of the comments on "show off your chubby baby thread" annoy anyone else.

Things like "the chubbier the better" or "chubby babies are the best" I find annoying... Maybe I shouldn't read these threads in the first place :dohh:
Start of your own "show of your not chubby babys" thread.

Niamh looks chubby till you find out how old she it :dohh:
I don't read those threads. Honestly, I don't think chubby babies look very cute, but that's just my opinion. I'm sure I'm biased towards smaller babies because of Gabriel.
Anyway, no appointment today, we got about a foot of snow dumped on us, so everything is closed. They rescheduled us for Wednesday.
I'd guess based on my own measurements at home that he's about 16.5 lbs and 27.5 inches.
never seen that thread probably just trying to justify making their babies fat! :hehe: no all babies are cute in their own way! One of my friends babies is 3 months old and last week she had him weighed at the same time as James and he was 15lb and they told her off for over feeding him he is cute but very short and dumpy! X
hi ladies......

well after a great 5oz gain last weigh-in Em has only gained 2oz in the past 2 weeks!! - the problem is i dont understand why -shes been eating really well (for her) and we've started solids too! - there just doesnt seem to be any science to her weight gain at all!!

im trying her with avocado tomorrow for the calories!
its strange isnt it hun she sounds just like James...its weigh in day tomorrow but he is ill with a chest infection so hasnt been having much milk at all so im not holding much hope for a gain! :OS x
We just got back from his 1 year appointment. Doctor was very happy with his progress.
He's now 17 lbs and 28.7 inches. Still following the .3rd percentile line for weight, but his length is now at the 16th percentile, so up from around the 7th. His HC is also up around the 26th, whereas it was around the 5th. Both really good signs he's growing just fine. Gabriel eats nonstop, so he must just have his mom and dad's crazy high metabolisms, plus he never stops moving.
Haven't been on here much, forgot about this thread!!

Macy had been doing really well, draining 4oz every 4hours and had gained 7oz at last weigh in!! Then she's gone back to normal this week, fussing over every bottles, anything from 0.5ounce - 3ounce every 4hours and only a 3ounce weight gain :-(

Does anyone have any tips on getting a fussy baby to feed? Reflux pain seems under control just now but she's just not interested in eating and has no appetite. I managed to get her to take 5.5oz earlier on today by playing music at full blast and dancing round the room but then she wouldn't take anything else for 6 hours! Can't win :-(

She's also going off her solids too and used to do so well on them - 3 big portions a day but now she's just having a little spoonful or two. Back at dietitian on Monday so will ask for some help.

Her height is on the 75th centile at 63cm and weight right down on the 2nd centile at 11lbs11. Here's a pic of my skinny minnie (at least she has little podgy thighs lol)


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avocado went down well -but all came back up again - and out of her nose!!! - v scary seeing greren puke! - does that mean she had too much?, or that she gagged? because she seemed to like it??? ahhh this weaning thing is too hard, im petrified to try her on anything else now!
avocado went down well -but all came back up again - and out of her nose!!! - v scary seeing greren puke! - does that mean she had too much?, or that she gagged? because she seemed to like it??? ahhh this weaning thing is too hard, im petrified to try her on anything else now!


Macy was weaned early too under dietitian and paediatrician. I find she doesn't cope too well with avocado just now as I can't get it to go into a completely smooth puree!! She ends up projectile vomiting if the slightest bit of texture is in it so I don't give it. If she had too much she'd probably only spit up the extra not vomit the whole thing. I've got lots of tips from the dietitian though - can you get referred to one?

stardust, looks perfect to me, not skinny at all. Certainly has more chunk than Gabriel has ever had.
No idea about early weaning. The puking sounds very scary though. Maybe a bit too much. I think they only need 1-2 tsp of food when they are just starting out, but I'm sure you can find info on that online with a web search.

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