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Itty Bitty Babies Club (Slow Gainers)

avocado went down well -but all came back up again - and out of her nose!!! - v scary seeing greren puke! - does that mean she had too much?, or that she gagged? because she seemed to like it??? ahhh this weaning thing is too hard, im petrified to try her on anything else now!


Macy was weaned early too under dietitian and paediatrician. I find she doesn't cope too well with avocado just now as I can't get it to go into a completely smooth puree!! She ends up projectile vomiting if the slightest bit of texture is in it so I don't give it. If she had too much she'd probably only spit up the extra not vomit the whole thing. I've got lots of tips from the dietitian though - can you get referred to one?


this is useful to know - thanks, yes i had problems getting it totally smooth and i think this may have been the problem - Em is only 41/2 motnhs and we are also weaning early too due to advice from the Paediatrician - we took her off gaviscon and she been ok on the milk (well for her anyway) so i thought her reflux was ok - but the avocado has put us back a bit and shes been off her milk all day today :-( - she did however down a load of porridge before bed but she wouldnt go near any milk.

I might ask HV about a dietician because im getting into a right state about milk vs solid food nutrients I am expecting her to eat all her milk feeds PLUS 2/3 "meals" - clearly this wont happen but im worried about dropping a milk feed............... if only we had big fat babies.. would i worry as much? ...probably!!!
avocado went down well -but all came back up again - and out of her nose!!! - v scary seeing greren puke! - does that mean she had too much?, or that she gagged? because she seemed to like it??? ahhh this weaning thing is too hard, im petrified to try her on anything else now!


Macy was weaned early too under dietitian and paediatrician. I find she doesn't cope too well with avocado just now as I can't get it to go into a completely smooth puree!! She ends up projectile vomiting if the slightest bit of texture is in it so I don't give it. If she had too much she'd probably only spit up the extra not vomit the whole thing. I've got lots of tips from the dietitian though - can you get referred to one?


this is useful to know - thanks, yes i had problems getting it totally smooth and i think this may have been the problem - Em is only 41/2 motnhs and we are also weaning early too due to advice from the Paediatrician - we took her off gaviscon and she been ok on the milk (well for her anyway) so i thought her reflux was ok - but the avocado has put us back a bit and shes been off her milk all day today :-( - she did however down a load of porridge before bed but she wouldnt go near any milk.

I might ask HV about a dietician because im getting into a right state about milk vs solid food nutrients I am expecting her to eat all her milk feeds PLUS 2/3 "meals" - clearly this wont happen but im worried about dropping a milk feed............... if only we had big fat babies.. would i worry as much? ...probably!!!

No problem. The dietitian has told us to aim for 20ounces of milk a day plus her 3 meals which should be a variety of cereals/porridge/fruit and veg just now. At 20 weeks they want me to introduce proteins like lentils, meats, cheese, yoghurt etc. She also gets a daily multivitamin and if the milk intake was less than 20 ounces they'd want her on a calcium supplement and possibly iron too - it's all so complicated!

Macy's milk intake has always been very very poor due to her reflux though - sometimes less than 15 ounces a day so 20 ounces is good for us! Any milk mixed into porridge, food etc. counts as part of the daily milk intake too!

Seity - thank you, people always tell me she is so skinny and scrawny but she doesn't look unhealthy so I guess I shouldn't listen!! xx
Sweet potato is good for calories too and i got it so smooth and mix 1 ice cube of it with 3/4oz formula and James loves it...well i say loves is...once iv got the spoon through his clamped mouth he loves it!! James gags on some smooth foods too but today we went into Mcdonalds today with my mum and she had my niece with uswho was eating cheesy wosits and James was rocking towards her looking at the snack so my Mum said "awww he wants one here you go give it him" so i did cos i thought he would just drop it but oh no...he sat and ate 3 wotsits without as much as a face pull!!!!! I couldnt believe it!!!! :) x
Finley pukes up avocado still. He eats it sometimes but I know I get sick from it so I think it is a fatty food that is hard to digest. It's a shame though because it is such a nutrient packed food.
20oz a day is what Em has without any solids! - we are still doing 5 milk feeds at the moment (during the day) and 1 or 2 at night - in total she has 20-22oz. I am desperately trying to get this much down her in the day (in some vague attept to get her to sleep through)- but its impossible!! - she will have about 16-17oz during the day (if we stick to 5 feeds) - so im struggling to see how we will ever drop a milk feed and take more solids!!

this morning for brekkie Em has had about 3.5oz of milk plus some porridge made with milk - in total about 4oz, this is good for her!

the worry is she likes solid food and often seems hungry but shows no interest in milk - so we do kind of have 3 meals a day (breakfast lunch and supper).... mayeb we will speak to HV next week and see what shethinks!!! but i do like the idea of seeing some kind of baby nutritionist

also thanks for the replies ladies - really appreciate it xx
hi ladies just wanted to let you all know and get some advise or see if anyone has had the same...

James has been sent for tests now and his bloods have shown he has am iron deficiency/aneamic so he is now having further tests as they think it could possibly be coeliacs disease. I am hoping and praying it is dietary and not something serious i done think i could cope with it! :( :cry: x x
We started weaning about 3 weeks ago now and Olivia is still only putting on minimal amounts of weight. Shes gained 7ozs in the last 3 weeks now. She now weighs 13lbs 14ozs at 27weeks.

I am still breastfeeding her 5 to 6 times per day and my HV has sadi just to try and not drop any of her feeds for now. Im quite happy with this for now. Were on 3 meals a day aswell.

LBB - Hugs hun. xxx Poor James. x
hugs Jayne - hope James is OK, they havent actually done any tests on Em yet - i have a feeling they might do when we go back in May as her weight gain isnt getting any better joy of joys................
Got harrison weighed yesterday, 17lb 4oz! X

On this thread that makes Harrison a regular chunker :haha: I bet you don't get that very often ;)

lilbumpblue - Let us know how the tests turn out. FX'd it's nothing serious.
Got harrison weighed yesterday, 17lb 4oz! X

On this thread that makes Harrison a regular chunker :haha: I bet you don't get that very often ;)

lilbumpblue - Let us know how the tests turn out. FX'd it's nothing serious.

:rofl: no not often at all! :haha:
Im just glad hes still gaining a decent weight even tho hes only having 2bottles a day :happydance:
great weight gain harrison! :happydance: Had to laugh at seity's 'chunker' comment, hehe! I think harry will fall into the chunk catagory within the realms of this thread now too. Not sure how much he weighs now (he was almost 21lbs at 15 1/2 months) but he certainly looks chunky to me these days, which either means he's finally getting there, or he's suddenly gonna spurt up in height!

Hope everyone else is doing ok?
Aww bathbabe that great! x

Seity the results came back negative for coeliacs and the paed said he is not aneamic...he had put on 4oz in 4 days, albeit differet scales but still a gain :) got to go back on 7th April for a check up and possibly more bloods take :( x
Hello all :flower: Two people today when we have been out and about have asked whether Ivy was premature because she is so 'tiny' - do other people get this too?

She isn't that titchy either - 11lb 5ish at nearly 4 months :shrug:
I get that all the time. Had the cashier at the grocery store ask his age and was surprised because her 9 month old is bigger.
He's wearing a 0-3 mo shirt and 3-6 mo pants today :haha:
i get the same no one believes me when i say callie is one on saturday, somebody thought she was just a more advanced 7 month old! lol

she is now 14lbs 4 and is in 0-3 and 3-6 month clothes mostly 3-6 month now though :)
I used to get asked if he was preemie, but it stopped at about 10 months old. Now people just comment on his short little legs, his silly grin & podgy belly! :rofl:
i get asked that too and people are so shocked when i inform them he was actually 2 weeks over! Lol X

James is 13lb 4oz now at 6 months x
Forgot about this thread once again. Yep I get the comments too, Macy is 11lb13.5 at 5months, people are shocked when I tell them! xx
yep ALL the time!!!

Em is only 10lb 6oz (ish) at 5 months but she was only 5lb at borth, so we cant expect her to be a monster!

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