Itty Bitty Babies Club (Slow Gainers)

Welcom Logan's mum :flower:

Logan's Mum- He is absolutely gorgeous hun! :cloud9: Your avatar piccie is amazing.

The threads on here about big babies can be hard to deal with at time. For me the worst comments are the 'big babies are healthy babies'. It always hurts me every time because I know Emma is healthy and if they actually believe what they are saying than they must think my beautiful girl is unhealthy. :(

ahhh Cleckner :hugs:
Logan's Mum- He is absolutely gorgeous hun! :cloud9: Your avatar piccie is amazing.

The threads on here about big babies can be hard to deal with at time. For me the worst comments are the 'big babies are healthy babies'. It always hurts me every time because I know Emma is healthy and if they actually believe what they are saying than they must think my beautiful girl is unhealthy. :(
Thanks! The pic is a few months old now, but hes still just as cute :cloud9: I know what you mean about the big babies comments, sigh, but I know Logan is healthy and very happy so I try and ignore them. Its rude when people comment on small babies anyway, there could be a serious underlying medical condition for it for all they know. Plus, it makes you feel like you are starving your LO. Happily, I noticed this morning that Logan now has fat rolls on the tops of his legs, could be due to all the cheese he scoffs, good stuff! :thumbup:
:haha: Emma loves cheese too! Which is nice because it's so easy to just slice it up and hand her a piece. :thumbup:
Logan's Mum- He is absolutely gorgeous hun! :cloud9: Your avatar piccie is amazing.

The threads on here about big babies can be hard to deal with at time. For me the worst comments are the 'big babies are healthy babies'. It always hurts me every time because I know Emma is healthy and if they actually believe what they are saying than they must think my beautiful girl is unhealthy. :(
Thanks! The pic is a few months old now, but hes still just as cute :cloud9: I know what you mean about the big babies comments, sigh, but I know Logan is healthy and very happy so I try and ignore them. Its rude when people comment on small babies anyway, there could be a serious underlying medical condition for it for all they know. Plus, it makes you feel like you are starving your LO. Happily, I noticed this morning that Logan now has fat rolls on the tops of his legs, could be due to all the cheese he scoffs, good stuff! :thumbup:

:hi: Logan's mum :) I agree, your son is gorgeous!!! And I totally get what everyone says about how hurtful the 'big babies are healthy babies' comments- it really makes you feel like somehow, your child isn't right & makes you feel like you've done everything wrong. :(
BUT, I always tell myself that he is my son & if something was truly wrong, I would know & I would do something about it straight away... It can get difficult to annoy the comments. the best one I seem to get a lot is 'when is he gonna get some chunk?!' and 'ooohh, he's like one of those little china dolls.' Then of course the pressure to wean & people wanting to feed him up like he's some kinda starving orphan or something :( Thank god I have a supportive family who trust me & my decisions & see how happy my son is on a daily basis.
Sorry, self pitying moment over, lol :dohh:

Happy Mother's Day everyone :)
Logan's Mum- He is absolutely gorgeous hun! :cloud9: Your avatar piccie is amazing.

The threads on here about big babies can be hard to deal with at time. For me the worst comments are the 'big babies are healthy babies'. It always hurts me every time because I know Emma is healthy and if they actually believe what they are saying than they must think my beautiful girl is unhealthy. :(
Thanks! The pic is a few months old now, but hes still just as cute :cloud9: I know what you mean about the big babies comments, sigh, but I know Logan is healthy and very happy so I try and ignore them. Its rude when people comment on small babies anyway, there could be a serious underlying medical condition for it for all they know. Plus, it makes you feel like you are starving your LO. Happily, I noticed this morning that Logan now has fat rolls on the tops of his legs, could be due to all the cheese he scoffs, good stuff! :thumbup:

:hi: Logan's mum :) I agree, your son is gorgeous!!! And I totally get what everyone says about how hurtful the 'big babies are healthy babies' comments- it really makes you feel like somehow, your child isn't right & makes you feel like you've done everything wrong. :(
BUT, I always tell myself that he is my son & if something was truly wrong, I would know & I would do something about it straight away... It can get difficult to annoy the comments. the best one I seem to get a lot is 'when is he gonna get some chunk?!' and 'ooohh, he's like one of those little china dolls.' Then of course the pressure to wean & people wanting to feed him up like he's some kinda starving orphan or something :( Thank god I have a supportive family who trust me & my decisions & see how happy my son is on a daily basis.
Sorry, self pitying moment over, lol :dohh:

Happy Mother's Day everyone :)

Morning all! I know what you mean too... the other day at baby clinic, I got chatting to lady next to me with a little baby girl, she was the same age as Max but much larger.....i kind of lied and said Max was only 4 months :blush:, i didnt think about it, it just came out.......felt bad afterwards, but i instinctively just didnt need to see her face look confused or worried. Mad with myself about it now though. :growlmad:

Also, I've been looking back at some pictures I have of him when he reflux was really bad (around Christmas) and he looks so skinny....makes me feel bad too, thankfully its under control now.:cloud9:

It's so nice to be able to share stuff with you all, as like Cleckner said, the rest of the forum is quite focused on weight being a sign of health.
You're all completely right - it's so good to talk to people who know their little little ones are just fine! I looked back at Rebecca's newborn photos last night and she looks so much more alert now so something must be right!

I'm trying my hardest not to stress about her feeding - as long as she's not starving it's fine - easier said than done though!
Hey girls! I haven't been on in a few days but I wanted to give you all hugs. :hugs::D

Emma has been a terror lately. She's learned to pull herself up on things and stand. :shock: And she gets in to everything. I've been working on a quilt for her to play on but it's slow moving when I have to chase her around. :haha: Thankfully she'll sit in her bumbo and snack on Cheerios for quite a while so it keeps her distracted enough to get some done a little at a time. :thumbup:

How is everyone else doing? Any new milestones lately? Does any of your LOs have teeth yet? Emma still has none. Which is a blessing in most ways because I'm still breastfeeding and can only imagine what it'll be like with teeth. :rofl:
Harry hasn't got any teeth yet, but does have pointy lumps where his canines will eventually be. No new milestones here... unless you count him finiding & poking himself in the belly button all the time, lol!
Well, I got Logan weighed yesterday and hes now......... 14lb 10oz!!! :thumbup: Last time he was weighed, a month ago, he was 13lb 8oz, so am pleased to see hes getting full use of the bread and butter he loves at the moment. He doesnt stand yet, but just got him a jumperoo which he loves, so hoping it increases the strength in his legs a bit more so he will want to stand. He might be a secret crawler!, he seems to end up at the bottom of the cot most mornings, cant see that rolling alone would get him down there. Anyone else notice this?
Well, I got Logan weighed yesterday and hes now......... 14lb 10oz!!! :thumbup: Last time he was weighed, a month ago, he was 13lb 8oz, so am pleased to see hes getting full use of the bread and butter he loves at the moment. He doesnt stand yet, but just got him a jumperoo which he loves, so hoping it increases the strength in his legs a bit more so he will want to stand. He might be a secret crawler!, he seems to end up at the bottom of the cot most mornings, cant see that rolling alone would get him down there. Anyone else notice this?

Thats great news about the weight! Max was ending up at the bottom of the cot and waking, so now I have two blankets rolled up on either side like little roll bars, keeps him in position a bit better. Might be different for Logan though as hes probably stronger. Jumperoos are great, i'm sure he will love it.

Max is having another reflux flare its all a bit stressful at the moment as he isnt keep much milk down. they've increased his meds, but not joy yet. Anyways, hope you are all well. Have a great weekend x
Hi everyone, Ive seen this group for a ahile and just got the courage to type, Following a terrible incident last month (long story short lo was very sick and gasping for breathe and we were eventually rushed to trauma unit and spent 2 nights in hospital :() we had to go to a pead for a check-up and he called today to say all is well but to keep an eye on lo as he is rather small particularly his hieght :(
I am short and i was a wee baby myself but my boy is now almost 9months and 67,5cm and weights 16,75 lb (7,6kg)
He is bf and doing alright on solids :) i was worried as the first month on solids he only gained 3.175 oz! but has gained a little more since then luckily...
I have a 'friend" who truth be told force feeds her lo a little (imo) and always makes me feel bad for G being so teeny, but you know he has reached all his milestones well, he crawls and stands at 8 months and just got his first tooth!
She also suggested it was bcos im still bfing him and my bf is no longer good after 6m (that made me v mad!)
Harry hasn't got any teeth yet, but does have pointy lumps where his canines will eventually be. No new milestones here... unless you count him finiding & poking himself in the belly button all the time, lol!

:rofl: That sounds adorable! :haha:
Celine. Welcome hun! :hugs: I'm so sorry your LO was sick. That must've been scary. Your 'friend' sounds familiar. I have a friend that always seems to think she's better and is quite competitive about things. :growlmad: I've seen a few women on here even that overfeed their babies but they are quite proud of it. It just makes me upset because childhood obesity rates are raising over the years and it doesn't help to start children off by overfeeding right from the beginning. I allow Emma to eat what she wants and don't force the issue. I BLW and love it. You can come in here and rant away anytime you want hun. We all have bitty LOs and are proud of it! :hugs:
Welcome celine, nice to have you along. Noah is a short arse too. He is 6.5 months and is on the 0.4th centile for height (old red books). He is BF and i do BLW. x
It doesnt help that Im in Holland where the people are supertall, seriously never seen so many tall people in my life!
Sorry I've not been around for a while. That's awesome about Emma pulling up - you must be so proud! And that is terrific weight gain for Logan. Welcome celine! My hubby is very tall (6'7") - I think that's a large reason people keep thinking our baby should be bigger. But he's very thin and I'm average size, so I'm not worried if LO is much smaller weight than height. She started daycare this past week (Mon, Tues, and Wed) and she ate 12oz each day she was there (I only pumped 8oz at work and had to make up the difference pumping at night). I feel like she's been trying to increase my supply the past few days and she's been having lots more pooey diapers, so I'm hoping that means she's getting more. We're going to go get her weighed next weekend so I'm excited to see if she's gained. No new milestones, but she's started sitting in her bumbo chair this week - she's so adorable in there! I hope you all are having a good weekend!
cutie4evr01- I LOVE my bumbo seat! It was one of my best purchases. They really are cute in them aren't they?! :cloud9: I always get pictures of Emma in hers. Of course all of the weaning pictures I've taken are with her in the Bumbo because I put the tray on it and use it as a highchair since she's too teeny to see over the tray of a regular sized highchair. :haha:
What I find super-odd and a wee bit annoying is that whenever posts on weight are in the baby club part and someone puts their baby's weight as being quite large, no-one comments, but as soon as you put your LOs weight down you get comments on how small they are :dohh:
celine :hugs: ignore your friends comments, not exactly helpful are they?!? as long as your LO is hitting milestones (which he clearly is) keep BFing (cant believe she would say that!!).
Currently, Im trying to encourage Logan to crawl, he rolls around and finds his way to the end of the cot but seems frustrated when he cant reach toys but doesnt try yet to crawl. Any ideas on how I can encourage him? He doesnt seem inclined to stand yet, but the Jumperoo is really stregthening his legs so that will happen at some point.
One other thing, how do you go about getting blinkies made up for groups? Would anyone be interested in getting one for this group? Lets show our pride in our weenie, healthy, happy babies!! :thumbup:
Logan's mum re: getting them to crawl, what I think is the link to getting them started (personally anyway) is when my lo was 6 months I showed him to get onto all 4's, from there they do the 'sex move' lol its when they thrust back n forth (seriously i heard someone call it that once and its so true!) then once he knew how to get onto all 4's on his own he quickly started crawling about. The first step for me was putting his knees under him to show him he can see more from that angel and then he started going from there.

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