Itty Bitty Babies Club (Slow Gainers)

:hi: celine :) Gabriel sounds like he's doing really well, despite the scary illness & hospital stay. I always wondered, is Netherlands BFing friendly? I was there on holiday in June when I was 26 weeks pregnant & Amsterdam really struck me as one of the friendliest places I've ever been :thumbup:

Great weight gain for Logan & well done to emma for pulling herself up on things- No stopping her now!

Re: a blinkie for the group. I think you just kinda request them in the group for that on here & hope that someone can make them? lol. I am computer-useless, so I'm not the best person to reply to that, hehe!
I've only just found this group :blush: Oops! Shows how much attention I pay doesn't it! Can I join in?

My little girl started on the 25th centile at birth, but is just on the 0.4th now (for weight, we rarely get length/height done here). She's dinky, but perfect, and meeting (or going past) all her milestones, so I'm not concerned, especially as my DH was small until he was 16. Apparently he was told he was going to need human growth hormone, but then suddenly started growing himself!

I get comments all the time, usually when I say how old LO is. People are like "No way is she 5 months, she's like half the size of my baby!" :dohh: I tend to take the view that good things come in small packages - though I'm not sure what that says about me, as small girl I ain't :haha:

We're hoping to start BLW when Romilly is ready, and I'm really excited about it :) My HV is mostly supportive, but did say the other day that I might have to reconsider trad weaning, as I'll need to "pack the calories in"! I very politely told her that I'd do no such thing, and Romilly is following her curve at the moment (even if it is at the low end of the scale!)

It was a big evening tonight, we've finally cleared out most of her 0-3 month clothes, and filled her drawers with her 3-6 month stuff :dance:. Some of it absolutely hangs off her, body wise, but she tends to need the length now (long and skinny baby!). Took us ages to get into 0-3, it feels so weird to be putting it all away!

Anyways, I shall stop prattling :blush: Nice to know that there are other Mummies with dinky babies out there too! :D
Hi girls! Fleur let us know about this thread and I wondered if me and James are allowed over? He has been on the 9th centile or just below since about 2 weeks old. He had a blip of 25th centile 4 weeks ago but is now firmly back on 9th centile :( He is a little skinny thing but happy enough. He rolls and is trying desperately to crawl. He was weighed today and is 14lb 14oz at 22+6. Has only gained 6oz in 4 weeks :(
Hi all Flora told me about the group so thought i'd pop in if thats ok?

My names Sam and I had Noah 22nd October. He weighed a good 7lbs 9oz but lost 13% of his birth weight, he took well over a month to regain and is slowly gaining weight, we usually sit between the 2nd and 9th percentile but since 16 weeks he's not been weighed he was 12lbs 10oz then. He looks skinny but he's a tall baby so he's a bit of a string bean. I feel reluctant to keep getting him weighed :shrug: He is still in his 0-3 outfits (apart from babygros as his legs are too long)
:hi: Eala, LittleKitten8 & Maffie :) Nice to see you over here- I think this group has a number of us October 2009 Bumpkins in it now- we must just make smaller babies, lol! At least we are a sexy looking bunch, hehe!!! :rofl:

Maffie, my HV says to get your baby weighed more than once a monbth makes their weight gains/falls look squiffed as it doesn't give a true representation of how they're growing, because it's normal for babies to have slow weeks & mega weeks and that monthly weigh-ins give a better picture of how a baby is doing... and also that length & head circumference are actually more accurate at measuring healthy growth than weight alone.

Harry's due to be weighed tomorrow (if I get up in time, lol). He was 12lbs 15oz last time at 21 weeks old. I can't believe in 2 weeks time he's gonna be 6 months old. It's crazy how fast all this is going!!!!
We started on the weaning again yesterday after a week off, as he seemed really grumpy & agitated everytime I ate. I gave him some baby porridge (which I know he likes) & he ate some of it & was like a different babgy, so I think it's definitely time now for more than just breastmilk. I then tried him with some mashed potatoe in the evening, but he was having none of it!!! So I gave him a raw carrot stick & a chunk of nectarine & he sat happily sucking & gumming the juices out of both for about 30mins & seemed really happy, so I'm gonna try a cooked carrot stick tonight & see how he gets on. I am soooo terrified of him choking though...

Q: for those of you with older babies (6+ months) is it 'normal' for babies to lose a bit of weight when they start on solids, or does the weight gain stay about the same, or go up, or what?
Flora Noah loves food, he was holding a chunk of banana sat nibbling on it, next thing i know he's wolfed it all :wacko: I thought a chunk would be easiest to hold so now he has constipation. I'd recommend carrot cooked soft they mush a bit as they shove them in, I worried about choking too.
So many newcomers!! :happydance: I would love to have a group siggie. Someone should ask xxjacquixx(I think that's her name) To make us one! She makes siggies with LOs pictures in them so i'm sure she could do something simple enough for our growing group!

Logans' Mum- Emma started army crawling at 5 months and I'm not sure if I actually helped her any but I'd always hold my hand up to her feet when she'd try kicking off and she'd shove against me and inch forward. I'd help a little by giving her a gentle shove. So whether it helped or not, I don't know. But either way, your little man will crawl when he's ready!! :hugs:

Eala- Welcome hun! I know what you mean about people double checking the age. I tell everyone Emma is seven months and they are like 'are you sure?' Umm yeah I'm sure! :haha: I'm not a small woman either so it's odd to me to have such a teeny little girl. Maybe she's going to be lucky and not get my big girl genes. :rofl:

Maffie- Welcome to you as well hun! Emma is a string bean too. Really tall but super skinny. I don't get her weighed anymore either. The only reason she was weighed recently was because she had a cold and I took her to the doctor and they weighed her. Otherwise I'd prefer to just stay away from the scales. The same goes for weighed myself. :rofl:

flora- emma has still been gaining steadily. Although I've read on here about other babies not gaining as much once weaning starts. I think it could go either way really. :thumbup:
Hi all. Decided to join you today as I am feeling a little low. Scarlett was gaining fine until a couple of weeks ago when she only gained 2 oz, then last week she gained 8 oz so I thought hoorah we are getting somewhere but she has gained nothing whatsoever this week, not an ounce! She takes forever to feed (for no reason) and I can't see her having much of a growth spurt as she only takes the recommended amount of formula for a 2 week old (she's 9 weeks today). So what I am trying to say is I think I am going to be a permanant fixture! :hugs: to everyone.
:hugs: to both you & scarlett... Sorry to hear you're feeling low... I dont have much advice as I'm not too savvy on FF & such, but so long as she's getting wet/dirty nappies (6-8 wet a day I think is considered optimum/average?) & seems alert & happy, then chances are she's okay, depsite the erratic weight gains. May I ask what bottles you use? I know my sister had to try 3 different brands & types of teats before she found one that suited her 2nd child- he would either take forever & get very fussy & frustrated & never seemed satified, or drained it so darn quick that he then puked the whole lot back up again... I think she used the Avent ones in the end tho & they seemed to settle him down. :shrug:

On a personal note; got Harry weighed yesterday & I am sooooo pleased! He gained a whole pound in 3 weeks & is now 13lbs 15oz... and the best part is that he has now crept up to just above the 2nd centile line! :happydance: I finally feel like we're getting somewhere & that ppl can back off on him now for being so apparently small. (To me he's not small, but then, I see him everyday & he's mine so I guess I'm biased, lol) He also LOVES blw style broccoli, although I dont like the effect on his dirty nappies! :dohh:

How is everyone else doing this week? Anyone got any interesting plans for Easter?

Clerkner, how long till DH is home? (I feel kinda excited for you! My cousin's hubby is due home in April too, but will still miss their 1st wedding anniversary, which she's gutted about)
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay aww go Harry! Bless him.
Scarlett has always been a fuss pot- we have tried those weird NUK or whatever it's called that they had in the hospital, TT closer to nature (went in the BIN urgh crap) avent and now dr browns. we have to be careful because she gets very very windy! She's very alert and plenty of wet/ dirty nappies so I think she's okay but if it continues to this extent I am going to start freaking out at my doctor.
awww; well it sounds like you've done all the right things tbh! :thumbup: And IMO, Drs are there to be freaked out on, lol!
Hi all. Decided to join you today as I am feeling a little low. Scarlett was gaining fine until a couple of weeks ago when she only gained 2 oz, then last week she gained 8 oz so I thought hoorah we are getting somewhere but she has gained nothing whatsoever this week, not an ounce! She takes forever to feed (for no reason) and I can't see her having much of a growth spurt as she only takes the recommended amount of formula for a 2 week old (she's 9 weeks today). So what I am trying to say is I think I am going to be a permanant fixture! :hugs: to everyone.

Hi there! Welcome to an exclusive club :thumbup:

I'm in a very similar situation and am FF as well. I had Rebecca weighed today and she has put on 6oz in 2 weeks. I was really hoping for more. She's now 10lb 1oz (8lb at birth).

The HV said to mention it to the paed consultant who we're seeing on Monday for a different issue. They can then decide whether the drop in percentiles is something just to monitor or needs acting upon.

I don't really know what to do - she's eating about 700ml per day (23 - 24 oz). She's very "snacky" so we'll feed every 2 hours during the day pretty much. She also has silent reflux. Whether that makes a difference to weight gain or not I've no idea.

All we can do is keep persevering!
Just quickly saying "hi!" to the new members :flower: Well done on the weight-gains for florabean and WW1's LOs :thumbup:(dont be disheartened by the slow gain, WW1, any gain is good, sorry have no experience of reflux :hugs:) Logan is now saying "mum-mum" and "dad-dad" at random occasions, although he said "mum-mum" when I went in to the room when he was on his mat (I had been gone for a while sorting out his pushchair and he was fussing as he couldnt see me). I would like to think it wasnt just a co-incidence :cloud9: (but also realistic :haha:).
Just a query, sorry if this has been asked/discussed before, has anyone had their baby's slow weight gain blamed on the quality of their breastmilk? This happened to me, and Logan started to lose weight being exclusively BF, and now I wonder if he would have been bigger if FF from birth. I really wanted to BF until Logan was 1 years old, and will be definitely looking into ways to increase supply for when Logan has a brother or sister (fingers crossed). BF was really important to me and I wish I could have carried it on, please dont think Im trying to start a FF vs BF debate or saying that the reason our babies are smaller is because some are BF, it just happened to me and Logan and I was wondering if it had happened to anyone else :hugs:
i have heard other people say that maybe slow gain in BF babies is due to not enough hindmilk, but have never had the comments directed at me personally. Conversely, I've heard eating richer foods & things like chocolate can supposedly increase the amount of fat in the hindmilk, but I dont know if that's true. :shrug: I think I read once that if babies are given a lot of ebm rather than direct from the breast, it can contribute to slower gains due to the fact they can't choose between fore & hindmilk & also that hindmilk is quite hard to get out with a pump, whereas a baby can just keep sucking for as long as they want & still get something out... Dunno whether that helps or not!!!
flora- his ship pulls in earlier but his plane doesn't get to me until April 16th! So I have 21 days still. Not that I'm counting of course. :haha: I literally have the days, hours, minutes, and seconds counting down on my macbook. :rofl: I'm so sorry your friend will be missing her anniversary with her hubby. It's never fun to miss out on different occasions like that. DH and I have been married for 5 1/2 years and thankfully have been together for all anniversaries besides one year. But our anniversary from when we started dating we have missed quite a few of those. We celebrate both anniversaries cause we were together for 3 years before we married. :thumbup: Anyways, Well done to Harry with his weight gain!! The nappy issue is kinda gross to get used to. :haha: Emma is now fully solid poo vs. the runny breastmilk poos we used to have. I kinda miss those because they never really smelled either and now they do. :sick:

Logan's Mum- I have been asked if my milk was any good by my grandma. I think it's an old way of thinking and just let it roll off my shoulders. I agree that Emma probably doesn't get as much hindmilk though because in the beginning she had tons of green poos and I tried block feeding for a while and it started fixing the issue and she gained two pounds in the month that I block fed, whereas every other month she gained a pound or less. I don't even try to think about what she'd have been like with formula because I know i'm doing the best I can for her with breastmilk. :thumbup: I, too, would love to feed until 12 months. I'm even thinking I'll go beyond that now. Now that Emma is getting older I still just can't see quitting yet.

mrskx0x0- welcome hun!! :hugs:
Thanks for the responses! It wasnt that someone said "your baby is small as hes being BF", what happened was he slowed in weight gain, then decreased in weight. The HV said I should wake him for night feeds and offer him breast as often as I could. But he still lost weight, and so I said I was going onto formula. She didnt even ask about my eating habits or query why my supply just ran out. So I didnt know if anyones HV had said outright that the milk supply was the cause of their LOs size or not. The problem is that HVs cant encourage FFing, if so maybe I would have been told to FF sooner (and maybe Logan would be bigger).
It's really difficult to know if FF earlier would have made a difference. I expressed for the first month (combined with formula) and I wonder if I'd FF from the start would she be so small? Having said that, I would have much preferred to fully BF but it wasn't to be.

At the end of the day our LOs are perfect little packages!
At the end of the day our LOs are perfect little packages!

I couldnt agree more! :flower:

On the blinkie idea, would anyone be interested in a blinkie, and what sort would you like, a little rectangle one or a big one with the words not in a box? (sorry not good at explaining!). And what would the blinkie say? "I love my Itty Bitty Baby" maybe? (cute!) If people like the idea will make a request to get one made (unless a group member does them).
I'd vote for a big blinkie with no box. I don't know how to make them, so if you request one, that would be great!

I have terrific news! Christina got weighed this morning and is now 10lb, 11oz, and that was after a big poo! So she gained 1lb, 5oz in just under 3 weeks!! This is a huge gain compared to the 3oz/week she was gaining before. I think it's because she's been to daycare for 6 days, and the childminder is feeding her between 12-16oz EBM while she's there (and I only pump 8 at work!), so then the other days when she was at home I imagine she was eating more to help up my supply. I am so thrilled, and hope that I can keep up with expressing as much as she's eating over there so that she can get her weight caught back up with her height. :) It has given me renewed confidence and needed encouragement to continue BF.

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend!
Yay on the weight gain cutie4evr01!! (after a big poo too:rofl:!)

On blinkies- I love my itty bitty baby is ADORABLE for a blinkie! Someone should put in a request! I'd definitely use one as long as it's small enough cause my siggie is already pretty full but I can figure something out. :D

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