Hi Girls,
I am back. My follicle shrunk to 10mm from 60mm.
I hope you are all well. What are you all up to at the moment?
Akcher and Vineyard good luck with the IVF, I hope it works first time.
This taken from my journal and is my plan of attack for this months cycle:
Cycle 5th February 2009 IUI #3
CD1 - Feb 5 AF arrived
- Meds - Fertility Multivitimin
CD2 - Feb 6 Appointment with FS for Follicle checking Scan. I have the go ahead for fertility treatement this month

- Meds - Oestrogen
- Meds - Fertility Multivitimin
CD3 - Feb 7 - Meds - Gonal-F injection 150 IU / 11 µg
- Meds - Oestrogen
- Meds - Fertility Multivitimin
CD4 - Feb 8
- Meds - Oestrogen
- Meds - Fertility Multivitimin
CD5 - Feb 9 - Meds - Gonal-F injection 150 IU / 11 µg
- Meds - Oestrogen
- Meds - Clomid 100mg
- Meds - Fertility Multivitimin
CD6 - Feb 10
- Meds - Oestrogen
- Meds - Clomid 100mg
- Meds - Fertility Multivitimin
CD7 - Feb 11 - Meds - Gonal-F injection 150 IU / 11 µg
- Meds - Oestrogen
- Meds - Clomid 100mg
- Meds - Fertility Multivitimin
CD8 - Feb 12
- Meds - Oestrogen
- Meds - Clomid 100mg
- Meds - Fertility Multivitimin
CD9 - Feb 13 - Appointment with FS to check the size and quantity of follicles
- Meds - Gonal-F injection 150 IU / 11 µg
- Meds - Oestrogen
- Meds - Clomid 100mg
- Meds - Fertility Multivitimin
I am going to have Gonal-F injection 150 IU / 11 µg on CD3, CD5, CD7 and CD9.
I am also on Eustrogen (Progynova) from CD2 - CD11
and on Clomid 100mg from CD5 - CD9
CD10? - Lining & Follicle Scan
CD12? - HCG ???
CD14? - IUI