IUI Reference List: Please share your numbers here

ash one eggie or two, still sounds like you had a good IUI.
Just popping in with an update, I tested yesterday morning and this morning and got a faint BFP. I'm a little worried as I have been cramping and spotting for 5 days. Have a blood test in 2 days.

Congrats girl!!! How many dpo? Fingers crossed!

Congrats TTB!!!!!!!!!!!!! H&H 9 months!

The Beta will be good in 2 days, but i would definitely let them check the progestrone as well.

1st IUI= 5 to 7 mature follies 17 to 19mm (I think) Sperm count 13 million 100% motility BFN
2nd IUI= 1 mature follie 22mm -Sperm count 33 million 98% motility BFN
3rd IUI= 5 mature follies 16mm to 22mm. -Sperm count 64 million 95% motility. I'm currently 1 dpiui.

Medications IUI # 1 & 2= clomid 100mg (CD 3-7)and ovidrell 250
3rd IUI= clomid upped to 150mg and ovidrell 250
good luck Sandra B, fx'd for you too......
tww is torture at times......... but we get through it.....
Sandra - :dust: hope it works out well for you. Fx for a bfp for you!
Sandra- make sure they are checking progression too. My sperm has a good count and a good motility and crap progression. Ie they are all moving, they just aren't going anywhere
Hi girls, I've been MIA for a while and I'm coming in with bad news. After my BFP I kept testing and the line did not get any darker, which really had me eorries, then a day later my spotting turned into AF. So I'm very sad to say I had a chemical pregnancy :(

Got an appt with the doc tomorrow to figure out what to do from here.
TTB oh dear, I am so sorry for your loss. Lifting you up in hope and healing and wishing you a speedy physical and emotional recovery.....
So sorry TTB :hugs: good luck at the docs and I hope your next try works out :)
TTB > i am so so sorry for your loss,,,,,, it just aint fair i tell you..... :hugs: to you.....

I am schedueled for IUI tomorrow morning at 7.30AM. We did the progress scan on Sunday morning, my LHS has not much going on, only about 1 or 2 small follies of about 6mm... on my RHS is about 4 follies, about 2x19mm, 2x16mm, and about 2 small ones,,,,, but now, what worries me is that i have developed some thrush, i used cream on yesterday morning and last night, it seemed to of cleared up a bit. i am not going to use it again and hopefully it will clear. My pharmacist said its safe to use while ttc with iui, but not to use it within a 24hr period of the procedure,,,,, and not for a few days (3) after iui....
has anyone had thrush before iui, i dont want to destroy the little chance i have.... :shrug:
TTB > Im so sorry about that, hope you get your forever baby soon!

AFM > My Beta is back and it is negative.

So this is my plan of action for IVF this next round:

Stop progesterone today
AF Saturday
CD3 Scan on Monday and start with meds
Acupuncture on Tuesday
Acupuncture on Thursday
Acupuncture on Saturday
CD9 Scan on Sunday ?????
Acupuncture on Monday
CD11 Scan on Tuesday
Hopefully retrieval on the Thursday the 26th
Fertility Massage on Sunday to get blood flowing
Transfer of my babies on the 1st of May
8-10 days bed rest (literally) Gonna watch lots of series
11 May get my BFP so I can tell my IVF success to everyone!
Sorry to hear your IUI didn't work Tella and good luck with your first IVF cycle! IVF was scary to me at first but I found it was not as bad as I thought it would be.

Good luck ashknowsbest & Sandra B and hope the TWW isn't too much torture for you. Hope your IUI goes well MommyMel.

Thanks for all your comments and well wishes! We haven't told anyone in the real world that we are TTC let along doing IVF, it means so much having support from you girls!

I feel a lot better after my appointment with the doctor today. We are doing another cycle of IVF on my next cycle, which should be early May. He is lowering my dose of FSH in the hope of producing less eggs, but better quality. I will also be eating more protein this time around during stims as I heard this can help with quality. He also ordered a Karotype test to make sure there are no genetic problems, so fingers crossed that all comes back ok.
Hi! I'm new to this Forum and site. I'm hoping to get the support that my other TTC site isn't giving me. :)

My TTC journey began in Feb 2009. In Feb 2010 went to my OB and took 3 months of Clomid while trying naturally. No luck. Then went to RE and did 3 rounds of Clomid with IUI. No Luck. Took a long break! Went to a new RE September 2011 and had Laparoscopic surgery to remove endometriosis, repair my uterine septum, tried to unblock my left fallopian tube with no success and drained ovarian cysts. Since the surgery tried naturally for 2 months. No luck.

Feb 2012 started first round of injectible medications with IUI.

Here are my stats:
Cycle 1: 150 Follistim & Menopur (CD3-7)
CD8- Estrogen 1264 (very high) with 15mm, 14mm, 13mm, 12mm, 11mm, 11mm, 10mm, 10mm Follicles. No more Follistim/Menopur
CD 9- Estrogen at 1713. 2 fully mature follicles 17mm and 16mm and smaller follicles 14mm, 13mm, 12mm, 12mm and 10mm. Took 5,000 HcG trigger at midnight.
CD 10 IUI # 1 Don’t’ have Post Wash Data but I know Total Motile was 6.5 Million.
CD 11 IUI #2: Post Wash data- 42.5 million Concentration, 79% Motility, 0.5 ML Volume, 16.7 total Motile.
CD26- HcG blood test- BFN 

Current Cycle:
CD3- 75 Follistim & Menopur (CD3 thru 9)
CD 6- Estrogen 169. 11mm, 10mm on Left (blocked side) and 11mm on right
CD9- Estrogen 853. Right- 16, 15, 11 and Left 16mm, 14mm and 14mm. Last Dose of Follistim & Menopur.
CD10- 10,000 HcG Trigger at Midnight
CD 11 IUI # 1- Don’t have post wash data. I know Total Motile was about 17 Million.
CD12 IUI # 2- Post Wash Data- 41 Million Concentration, 87% Motility, 0.5ML Volume, 17.83 total Motile.
Taking Progesterone CD13-CD27
CD 27- HcG blood test in office

If not successful this cycle we are going to start IVF next cycle (April 18th).
Tella- I'm sorry about another failed IUI. But at least now you are moving on to IVF with unbeatable odds! I bet you must be excited for that...but sad that this wasn't your month. :hugs: soon!

MommyMel- try some natural remedies.
Yogurt and garlic eating, and avoiding breads and yeast products can't hurt, but as for some of the others I'd be wary.
Good luck with the IUI!

TTB- it's a big burden without ppl to talk to isn't it? Least this site is here as an outlet for us all. Sounds like a good plan about increasing the quality of your eggs. If you never had this experience you wouldnt even have known!

Rfeller808- welcome and I hope you find what you seek here. Wow sounds like you are a veteran to IUI. Sorry you've had so much troubles. Wish they would have done your lap before all those failed attempts. So you only have one working tube? Well you definately need stims to get follies on both sides and a trigger in hopes it'll release the ones on the correct side. If it doesn't work I think IVF would be great for you as generally that's the go after 3failed IUI. Where are you in your cycle?
Rfeller808- welcome and I hope you find what you seek here. Wow sounds like you are a veteran to IUI. Sorry you've had so much troubles. Wish they would have done your lap before all those failed attempts. So you only have one working tube? Well you definately need stims to get follies on both sides and a trigger in hopes it'll release the ones on the correct side. If it doesn't work I think IVF would be great for you as generally that's the go after 3failed IUI. Where are you in your cycle?[/QUOTE]

I'm definitely a veteran to IUI. :dohh: My left tube is completely blocked even after the doctor attempted to unblock during surgery. We have decided that if I don't get my BFP after 2 injectible cycles then we will move on to IVF.

Currently I'm 8DPO and cant wait to test this weekend! I'm going nuts! :) I know if I test too early I could get a false positive but I'm super anxious.
I'm definitely a veteran to IUI. :dohh: My left tube is completely blocked even after the doctor attempted to unblock during surgery. We have decided that if I don't get my BFP after 2 injectible cycles then we will move on to IVF.

Currently I'm 8DPO and cant wait to test this weekend! I'm going nuts! :) I know if I test too early I could get a false positive but I'm super anxious.

How many days post trigger are you? What type of HCG shot was it? I know for me I used Ovidrel and it was out by 7-8dpt (5-6 dpo). I got my bfp at 11 dpo.
My IUI's were done when my follicles were bigger than you triggered at from what I see in your stats. What made them trigger you so early?
Anyways I hope you get a bfp and IVF isn't necessary, but if it is, what a wonderful world we live in, with all this technology!
So you did 24 and 48 hours post triggers IUI's?
TTB > Thanks, I hope its not to bad eihter. I keep thinking IUI wasn’t that bad, so I just hope the IVF not to much worse. Im also gonna do more protein this cycle! Fx'd everything is fine and it was just a normal spontaneous early m/c.

Rfeller > The ladies on B&B is amazing and have given me so much support and im sure you will find it the same. I hope you get your bfp this cycle and that you wont need IVF. But if you do, we will be IVF buddies, I start my next cycle which will be the 14th.

Hopeful > Thanks :hugs: I believe IVF is gonna bring my bfp for me in 4 weeks time!

AFM > Had acupuncture this morning and we are going big next week. We are doing acupuncture every day from Monday till Saturday to stimulated the eggies :dance: Hope I get lots of eggies that is great quality!

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