IUIs 2014!!! Let's do this!!!

Congrats on the heartbeats ladies! It's such a wonderful time, enjoy it.
Congrats Moni, I am truly happy for you!

Both of you ladies moni and dini heard your baby heart beats...hope some of that baby dust finds its way over to us still ttc. Hope you're our good luck charms!! ;)

Take care!
Today is 15dpiui from my 1st round and 14dpiui from my 2nd round this month. Both are clear BFNs. :( I feel so shattered. I am getting impatient and feel so disheartened. I know AF isn't here yet, but *sigh*
Sorry jaan. I know how it feels Youthink you finallyhave a perfect iui and nothing...

You're not out yet... What is your next plan of action?
Sorry Jaan. I know how it feels too unfortunately, my first iui was bfp that failed and another 3 iuis after that were bfn. Don't give up, it'll happen. I think it just takes alot longer going the iui route. Has your dr talked to you about ivf at all?
jaan I'm sorry ;( I hope maybe this one is still hiding...but if not try to keep your chin up, although I know how hard that is, we all do.

Sometimes the IUI route really does take a while. My last one was so perfect, and it failed of course. I blamed the stress at work and of TTC, because it really does affect things. What are your thoughts on IVF? We couldn't do it, too expensive but somehow God gave us a blessing that I never truly believed would happen, so don't give up!! That baby you are working for is there waiting, I just know it!
hi lovely ladies,
sadly, im out for this month. tested 15/16dpiui and both were BFN, followed my period the next morning.
I am already on CD2 today and already started my injections. So onto a new fresh cycle. Hoping this is it.

She's increased my dosages for the first three days to hopefully produce a better egg or two. The more injections the more money and the more stress! *sigh*

In the Philippines none of this is insured so I am paying so much per cycle. Hopefully this is it. I will be researching IVF (clinics, prices, procedures etc) this month, but didn't want to lose time so will continue IUI for this next cycle. My doctor said she would recommend some doctors to me so I can prepare myself if I wish to move to IVF as the chances are better.

In our society (being an Asian) a lot of people dont discuss infertility so I can't really seek advice through our social circle, but I am sure many of them have had assisted conception help too. It's quite sad because we could share and help other people. I guess its a pride thing. Anyway, I have asked a friends who I feel closer to and one or two have known someone who have gone through IVF and have sent me some info regarding which clinics to go with or whatever.

My husband really wants to try IUI till the end of the year before moving onto IVF in Jan of next year. I think however he is getting impatient too. Paying for IUI for a cycle is crazy because I am taking about 900 iu of Puregon monthly which is crazy expensive here in Asia. Not to mention all the follicle monitoring, doctor fees, IUI fees (back to back). Keep trying to convince him to move to IVF already, afterall 3 to 4 rounds of IUI here I am assuming is the price of IVF.

Anyway, will read up on IVF so can keep sharing info with him about it. But as for this cycle, will try our luck with IUI. Just keep thinking if it worked once, there's a chance for it to work again. Had I not miscarried, I would have had a 5 month old right now :((

Feeling like I have gotten left behind. Friends are popping their 2nd or 3rd kids already, so many friends who have been TTC have already gotten pregnant...and here we are...just stuck. *SIGH*

Thank you ladies for the support. I appreiciate it.
jaan I'm so sorry :witch: showed up. I know you were hopeful this time! Maybe the increase in dosage will do it!

I know how you feel about the expense, that's why DH and I took a break. We used all of our savings and dug ourselves into a hole that took us a lot of time to get out of and we still haven't built that savings back up thanks to me having surgery in late January after my last IUI (gallbladder) and a few other things. We had to pay for everything as well, so IVF simply wasn't an option for us at all.

It makes me sad that you can't talk about it with your friends much. One of the Filipino girls I work with used clomid to get pregnant but of course she's been in the US for several years and just became a citizen so maybe some of our culture has rubbed off on her. (In regards to discussing it)

I will keep my fingers crossed for you hon!
So Sorry Jaan - a lot of people here do not really discuss it either. That's why these blogs are so helpful.

I forgot it worked for you once - that is a good sign!! FXed this is it for you!
hi lovely ladies,
sadly, im out for this month. tested 15/16dpiui and both were BFN, followed my period the next morning.
I am already on CD2 today and already started my injections. So onto a new fresh cycle. Hoping this is it.

She's increased my dosages for the first three days to hopefully produce a better egg or two. The more injections the more money and the more stress! *sigh*

In the Philippines none of this is insured so I am paying so much per cycle. Hopefully this is it. I will be researching IVF (clinics, prices, procedures etc) this month, but didn't want to lose time so will continue IUI for this next cycle. My doctor said she would recommend some doctors to me so I can prepare myself if I wish to move to IVF as the chances are better.

In our society (being an Asian) a lot of people dont discuss infertility so I can't really seek advice through our social circle, but I am sure many of them have had assisted conception help too. It's quite sad because we could share and help other people. I guess its a pride thing. Anyway, I have asked a friends who I feel closer to and one or two have known someone who have gone through IVF and have sent me some info regarding which clinics to go with or whatever.

My husband really wants to try IUI till the end of the year before moving onto IVF in Jan of next year. I think however he is getting impatient too. Paying for IUI for a cycle is crazy because I am taking about 900 iu of Puregon monthly which is crazy expensive here in Asia. Not to mention all the follicle monitoring, doctor fees, IUI fees (back to back). Keep trying to convince him to move to IVF already, afterall 3 to 4 rounds of IUI here I am assuming is the price of IVF.

Anyway, will read up on IVF so can keep sharing info with him about it. But as for this cycle, will try our luck with IUI. Just keep thinking if it worked once, there's a chance for it to work again. Had I not miscarried, I would have had a 5 month old right now :((

Feeling like I have gotten left behind. Friends are popping their 2nd or 3rd kids already, so many friends who have been TTC have already gotten pregnant...and here we are...just stuck. *SIGH*

Thank you ladies for the support. I appreiciate it.

Sorry about the witch. I know how you feel. I am on my 3rd iui and if this doesn't work we are moving onto IVF. Insurance has stopped covering this using the excuse that over the age of 38 they don't deem it a good method. I feel ok with it since the Dr, the PA, and my acupuncturist said it's likely the age of the eggs and hardness so IVF would be a better option for us. I try not to look at how easy it has been for my friends, I just tell them they have to give me all their hand-me-downs!

Try and stay encouraged and look forward. It will happen. :hugs:
Hi ladies,
Thank you for your kind thoughts and words of encouragement.
Sorry I have been MIA. Just so incredibly busy.

I had my 5th IUI done this weekend. October 4 and 5. A little disappointed with the sperm count, but what to do. We tried to abstain for 3 days before the first IUI but we mixed up the days so he had only abstained for 24 hours before collection on the first IUI. My eggs also grew so fast, we thought we'd still need 2 to 3 days. Anyway, I promised I would not stress over it. I went in with 2 eggs, 2.1 and 1.83 both on my left ovary and my right ovary only had 1 measuring 1.6. In the past follicle monitoring for all my IUIs my left ovary has been lazy and barely produces anything, so quite the change this time.

In the meantime, I have visited an IVF Clinic here and have an appointment with a top doctor next week. It's just so much $$$$$$$$$$$ :(((((((

Trying to stay positive and relaxed about this cycle, but be prepared for IVF, if I need it.

Hope you're all well, thank you for being there. xoxoxoxo
Good luck jaan, I hope you don't need the IVF!! I've seen numerous people say they had a low count on an IUI and got a BFP so my fingers are crossed for you!
4 more days till testing.. i haven't caved in yet. hopefully i can wait a bit longer. no symptoms, nothing. still trying to remain positive :)
Hie Dearies!

I'm also IN here with all of you
today started with Gonal F 300 iu injections which will goes one till 22nd Oct i.e. my CD11 ,

same day Dr call me for follicular ultrasound also, hope for best if any chance with enough mature follicles, the insemination will happen on Saturday 25th or Sunday 26th

sending lots of baby dust n prays to all of yours way

Good luck buddies <3 <3
Hiiiiii!!!! So I spent the week visiting 2 different IVF centres and preparing myself incase AF shows up this weekend.....We chose to go with an IVF center in the best hospital in the country vs an IVF clinic. We got our expenses in order and mentally prepared ourselves....


Just need some opinions to help ease my mind! I don't want to get too excited....

Since I did back to back IUI, today is 13dpiui from the first round and 12dpiui from the second insemination.

I promised myself I wouldn't test until October 18th, but I couldn't wait. October 18 would be 15dpiui from my first insem and 14dpiui from my second insem.

All these came up within the time frame. Really hope it's the start of a happy and healthy pregnancy. This is not done with FMU.

Someone please CONFIRM this is not the trigger showing me a BFP. My trigger was Pregnyl, 10,000iu on Oct 2. So, technically I'm 14dptrigger.



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I don't believe it could be the trigger Hun. Congrats! That's a BFP!!!

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