crystal8 and 1babydreamer Good luck to both of you. fingers and toes crossed for you both.
I don't know why mine is a 5 day transfer. They had that as part of their protocol right from get go, even during stims, that is what they said is done. It is making me VERY nervous. And to not hear anything is even more scary. today is day 3. All they said is transfer is on Thursday at 2. We don't call unless something is the matter, so not hearing from us is a good thing. So I jump when I hear my phone ring. I am waiting for a call back from nurse regarding the symptoms of frequent urination, and drowsy spells (right now in middle of one), so maybe I will ask. I don't want to go on Thursday and find out something's wrong then. All I know is I got 2 eggs, both fertilized is what they said on sunday. This is painfully scary for me. Is it different places have different protocols? This is my first IVF. So don't know. Is it due to age? Would they transfer (have called) earlier if all was not going right?
Nervous wreck here..... 47 hours to go but that is an eternity.