IVF Aug/Sept 2015 Fresh & Frosties

:( N8ie, don't be sorry. I am sorry for the loss of your grandma and send big hugs. I am sure she will still be watching over you, waiting for that day that you are pregnant. You could be right now! Aren't you tempted to test and then know for sure? You could get a lovely surprise xx
I had a few days to catch up on and I don't remember the individual names that fall into the following categories, so I'm lumping you all!! :)

for those of you who have had horrible news, I'm so so sorry. This whole thing is just a deep and personal challenge and it just takes the wind out of us. We are all here for you. I hope you can start to try again soon. I think it was MissCassie who said she's going on a break/get fit/vacation? Good for you, hon. All the best.

For those of you with betas coming up - GOOD LUCK!! n8 - do you usually cramp so much/so long before AF is due? I wish I had thought about that during my first cycle - I never cramp until the day of AF and I was cramping a few days ahead of time. I should have seen that as a sign! I hope it's a sign for you! And don't feel bad about sharing your sorrows with us. I feel better thinking that your grandmother sees all right now and she probably knows a little something about you that you don't yet. ;)

for those in the midst of stimming and bloating and fatigue from all the meds you're shoving into your bodies - you're almost there! linings are thickening, follies are plumping and eggs are growing! keep it up!
So happy for all of the retrievals and transfers coming up - more TWWs! each one gives us all a new nugget of hope!

afm - nothing going on here yet. one more week of BCP, then I get to start stims sometime next week. My box 'o' science will arrive on Thursday and I have to quickly store it away without anyone seeing! We have family friends arriving for the weekend that day so there may be some scurrying on my side. Not to mention having to somehow hide the gonal-F in the fridge! They may have to go in the veggie bins under some lettuce! ;)
Whew, busy weekend in here... Did my best to catch up but sorry if I missed any big news.

MissCassie - So sorry about the CP :hugs: I went through it last cycle and it was just devestating. But you have a bunch of :cold: still in waiting, don't give up hope yet. Sounds like taking a break to be healthy (physically and a nice mental break) is a great course of action. And you can relax and enjoy the holidays to the fullest.

Boopin - Welcome :waves: What are your next steps after TTC naturally? Are you going right to IVF or will you try some medicated cycles or IUIs first?

Ref - Sorry the betas came back so low :hugs: I think that might be a bit low even for 7dp... but my clinic doesn't even test until 14dpt, so there is definitely still time for things to happen I think. I think I've read that in some cases it can take up to 10 days for HCG to start rising.

Tina - Best of luck on Thursday! I'm not sure on the exact size ranges, I think they just take everything they can and then check them individually.

N8ie - FXed for you :dust: Cramps can definitely be a good sign as well, so try not to worry to much about symptom spotting. Are you on Progesterone? If so that may delay AF either way, so I might not rely on that too much. FXed you make to Thursday without any issues and your betas come back nice and high. I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I lost mine in November... and as I type this I almost can't believe it's been that long because it still feels like such a fresh loss. :hugs:

S08 - Good luck on Wednesday! Did you have an FET this cycle? It can take a little longer to get a good HCG surge building if you did.

Wish2 - Best of luck stimming. LOL I love the "box 'o' science"
N8ie - I'm really sorry to hear about your grandma. Both of DH's grandmas used to always say "I hope we see you next year with a baby" (they live overseas so we would only see them once a year) and unfortunately both of them passed away before we had our DD. It's heartbreaking but I like to think they knew DD was on her way to us before we did. I'm sure your Grandma is watching over you right now :hugs:

Ren - I think 200-400 per follicle sounds about right

Tina - good luck for Thursday!

s08 - good luck for Wednesday!

Luciola - that's great news! All the best for next week!

Wish - thank you, that was so nice to read. I used to put my meds in a brown bag and stash them in the veggie drawer when we were having people over that we weren't telling about IVF.

Afm - my transfer is this afternoon! I'm so excited and nervous of course. I just hope things go smoothly.
Hi all,

Just been catching up big hugs to all that need them and good luck for all up coming apps xxxx

Afm been poorly since Thursday wit a sickness bug so stuck at home recovering, af arrived today so start down reg injections on the 28 th so ready to get started and meds arriving Friday x got my pre stim scan 15th oct. Couple a question think the hosp already think I'm a loon asking stupid stuff so sorry in advance 1st time for all this so v over whelmed.

When you start the down reg injections do your still get af as expected?
If there happy on the pre stim scan do you just start straight on to the stim injections?
And then we got told to not get jiggy with it this month before starting down reg once you start injecting is it safe to do as should be way past ovulation anyone ?

Cheers girls sorry for been a bit silly haha

Tina- I am very tempted to test, I bought some HPT and might do so tomorrow morning if AF doesn't come before then. Thanks for the kind words.

Wish2beMom- I don't normally cramp for that long, hopefully it's a good sign. I completely understand about hiding the gonal f, you don't want people using Dr Google to know what it's for. All the best and thanks for the kind words.

Krissy- thank you, I cry everytime I think about her. Sorry about your gran too.

Em- thank you. And congratulations on being pupo, how many were transferred?

Dizzydoll- sorry about the bug hope you get well soon
Thinking of all you ladies. I'm here cheering you all on.
S08 - Good luck on Wednesday! Did you have an FET this cycle? It can take a little longer to get a good HCG surge building if you did.

Krissy, thank you for your words of encouragement. Yes, it was a FET, so I'm hoping it is just a little slow to surge. I went out and bought more tests yesterday...I have serious issues. My test appeared slightly darker last night, but my cramps are terrible today. I'm trying to look at them as a good sign, but it is not easy. I second-guess everything!

How are you feeling?

Em, good luck on your transfer today!

N8ie, I'm sorry you're having a difficult time right now after the passing of your grandmother. And with dealing with all that, I don't blame you for not wanting to test and add additional stress. Keep us posted if you end up testing.
I'm hanging in there :) Excited to be past the 5 week mark and less than a week until my first US. Was pretty crampy this weekend and my joints were sore, but today seems a little more comfortable.
good luck today, em!!! PUPOOOOOOO!!! :bodyb:
I don't know why that needed a flexing smiley but it made me laugh :)
Hcg is now at 1500. My first u/s is scheduled for 9/16. That seems early at
6 weeks exactly. :shrug:
I think that's great! My clinic offers one at 6-7 weeks too for ivf pregnancies!
Yay for being pupo. Love the fighting smiley.
I had my second ultrasound after my 3rd day of stims. There are 4 embryos on the right and about 11 on my left. The estrogen was at 269 and progesterone was .27. They upped my gonal f to 375.
Crystal - That's a great HCG! Congrats!!! And my ultrasound is scheduled for the same time as well (9/15 at 6w2d). It just got pushed a few days past 6 weeks exactly to get past the weekend and for my doc to be in the office I prefer going to. They're just looking for sacs at that point mainly, then they'll probably want another in a week or two to check for a heartbeat
So busy on here this weekend! I'm trying my best to catch up! :wacko:

N8ie, I'm so sorry you're going through all this. I have been just where you are and I can tell you it stinks! The emotional roller coaster of infertility is unlike anything I've ever known. People who haven't experienced trouble conceiving can't really understand it. My Dad passed away right before I got engaged to my husband and he will never meet his grandson. That thought hurts me everyday. Both my grandparents are gone and I grew up having a very large Irish family all around me. Now I'm far from family and that made the struggle to get pregnant so much harder. At my lowest point I thought we'd never have children of our own. It's so hard to see through the fog of infertility. I had losses and chemicals and when I was finally pregnant with my son I wouldn't believe it was real, not even after the scan when we saw his little heartbeat. It's hard to shake that kind of negativity and loss. I'm sorry for the novel! I just feel so much for you and all the ladies here who are struggling and having a hard time, and I want to let you know you are not alone and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Once you are holding your precious miracle rainbow baby, the pain of the struggle will recede and there will be joy! :hugs:

MissCassie, I'm so so sorry Hun! I had two back to back chemicals before the FET that gave me my son. It was devastating, but on the very small bright side, at least I knew I could get pregnant and all we needed was that perfect combination of egg, sperm and meds. I'm sending you so much sticky dust for when you decide to try again. Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself. :hugs:

crystal8, my first US is at 6 weeks too, next Monday the 14th. It was that early last time too which I didn't mind because I was so nervous! :wacko: Fingers crossed for us!! :thumb up:

KrissyB, I've been super cramps too and sore and soooooooooo tired!! Like falling asleep on my feet tired! I was so worried about it that I took two more HPT's, lol. I think I will be able to relax a little after the first scan. When is your first ultrasound?

s08, I have had a very rocky past with HPT's and chemicals so I usually don't even trust them! When I was pregnant with my son I took a test before my beta because I was sure I was out and I just wanted to end my misery. It was positive but light and I made myself believe it was another chemical. Once I got my beta it was a good number but I STILL didn't believe it!! It was until my third beta that I finally accepted that I was pregnant. Don't lose hope yet!! The HCG can go from a tiny amount and then surge! Fingers crossed for you!! :flower:

Em260, best of luck on your transfer today, and to all the ladies stimming and waiting for their transfers, :dust::dust::dust:

So sorry if I missed anyone!! :hugs:
Em good luck with your transfer!!

N8ie... It's such a tough situation to be in and I can totally understand why you're terrified of testing so nobody blames you if you wait until your beta but on the other hand you could be delaying your good news! I have a good feeling about you

AFM I have got my trigger shot in less than an hour! I'm excited to be finished with injecting. It's am achievement in itself I think to conquer that step alone! On to the next hurdle! BRING IT ON!!! xx
So busy on here this weekend! I'm trying my best to catch up! :wacko:

N8ie, I'm so sorry you're going through all this. I have been just where you are and I can tell you it stinks! The emotional roller coaster of infertility is unlike anything I've ever known. People who haven't experienced trouble conceiving can't really understand it. My Dad passed away right before I got engaged to my husband and he will never meet his grandson. That thought hurts me everyday. Both my grandparents are gone and I grew up having a very large Irish family all around me. Now I'm far from family and that made the struggle to get pregnant so much harder. At my lowest point I thought we'd never have children of our own. It's so hard to see through the fog of infertility. I had losses and chemicals and when I was finally pregnant with my son I wouldn't believe it was real, not even after the scan when we saw his little heartbeat. It's hard to shake that kind of negativity and loss. I'm sorry for the novel! I just feel so much for you and all the ladies here who are struggling and having a hard time, and I want to let you know you are not alone and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Once you are holding your precious miracle rainbow baby, the pain of the struggle will recede and there will be joy! :hugs:

MissCassie, I'm so so sorry Hun! I had two back to back chemicals before the FET that gave me my son. It was devastating, but on the very small bright side, at least I knew I could get pregnant and all we needed was that perfect combination of egg, sperm and meds. I'm sending you so much sticky dust for when you decide to try again. Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself. :hugs:

crystal8, my first US is at 6 weeks too, next Monday the 14th. It was that early last time too which I didn't mind because I was so nervous! :wacko: Fingers crossed for us!! :thumb up:

KrissyB, I've been super cramps too and sore and soooooooooo tired!! Like falling asleep on my feet tired! I was so worried about it that I took two more HPT's, lol. I think I will be able to relax a little after the first scan. When is your first ultrasound?

s08, I have had a very rocky past with HPT's and chemicals so I usually don't even trust them! When I was pregnant with my son I took a test before my beta because I was sure I was out and I just wanted to end my misery. It was positive but light and I made myself believe it was another chemical. Once I got my beta it was a good number but I STILL didn't believe it!! It was until my third beta that I finally accepted that I was pregnant. Don't lose hope yet!! The HCG can go from a tiny amount and then surge! Fingers crossed for you!! :flower:

Em260, best of luck on your transfer today, and to all the ladies stimming and waiting for their transfers, :dust::dust::dust:

So sorry if I missed anyone!! :hugs:

Thank you for the 'novel' it means so much, this is a scary and exciting experience. Thank you for the support
1baby - Wow! Big week for ultrasounds then! Yours in Monday, mine is Tuesday, and Crystal's is Wednesday lol.
I have a question about your stim cycles ladies. I am on day 4. The last two days I have been getting chills that only resolve when I sleep. Luckily soul crushing fatigue comes with the chills.

This normally only happens when my autoimmune is going off, but it isn't, I would know because of other stuff.

Is this the menopur or follistim?
Hcg is now at 1500. My first u/s is scheduled for 9/16. That seems early at
6 weeks exactly. :shrug:

I think that's great! My clinic offers one at 6-7 weeks too for ivf pregnancies!
Yay for being pupo. Love the fighting smiley.
I had my second ultrasound after my 3rd day of stims. There are 4 embryos on the right and about 11 on my left. The estrogen was at 269 and progesterone was .27. They upped my gonal f to 375.

I had my first us at 6w2d, and got to see heartbeats for both, I was surprised but so happy to see them thriving already. Their heartbeats were slow for being caught so early, so hoping they have picked up at next week's us.
happy trigger day, tina!!! woop woop!

ren - I don't recall that happening to me (I took Gonal-F and menopur - same thing this time around...) but i'll let you know if it does this time. I just remember the fatigue. I don't start stimming until late next week, though, so this doesn't help you much now.

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