IVF Aug/Sept 2015 Fresh & Frosties

There is so much happening on this thread, hope I don't miss anyone.

Rachy- what lovely sizes. I'm so happy for you, all the bests

Praying- I love your attitude and it really seems like you have a solid plan. All the best.

Amanda- welcome, what protocol are you on?

Crystal- I'm clueless in this one so are the numbers good? How many weeks are you? I'm so excited about my u/s and scared at the same time. I pray that all is well with my baby
Still so early in the game, so not sure what everyone's numbers mean, but by the sounds of it things seem to be going well! Good to hear!!

wish2Bmom - man, you should have seen me all psyched up for it, got everything ready like 30 minutes in advance, called my mom I was so stressed (hubby was at work) and then when I actually did it, it was like really? that's it? I guess now I just wait to see what the side effects are......

N8le - I think it says Antagon protocol at the top of my calendar the nurse gave me. I'm on 225IU Bravelle and 75IU Menopur for the first 5 days, then I start Orgalutran on top of those for 5 days. Once my numbers are all good, my trigger is Ovidrel. ER and ET scheduled for the week of Sep. 27
Very busy days for me but just want to pop up to say hi and I just had my embryo transfer, 2 blasts were put in.

A bit disappointed because they had to thaw 3 embryos, as one didn't survive the thaw! Darn, how is that possible?

Anyway, 2 hatching ones put in and 2 remaining in the freezer!

So exciting for you! Congrats on being PUPO, I have my FET transfer scheduled for November 10th and I am so worried about losing any when they are defrosted. From what I hear is that they probably weren't viable if they don't survive, so maybe for the best. Again I am not sure about this but this is what I have read.

I see that you were on Clexane for your first IVF, do you have a blood clotting disorder? Are you on it again this time? I have been told I will have lovenax in my FET but I don't have a clotting disorder. My dr seems to think it will help as I have had 2 implantation failures with beautiful eggies.

Rachy-congrats you follies are growing perfectly

Wish2bmom-thanks I will look into it I am exploring all options lol

Afm-so I just came bk from doc consult and she explained in detail everything that happened. Apparently I was a very quick responder so when I went in for scan I had 2 leading follicles of about 20/22 and the other ones around 14 so although I had an extra night of stims this was not enough time for the smaller ones to catch up and she didn't want to risk over maturation of the leading follicles. As the follies were not mature when I triggered they did not release from the walls making her able to do the ER. In addition to that I actually developed an endometrioa (spelling may be wrong) cyst which she was unable to detect until egg retrieval which she ended up draining. Active endometrioa can also effect follie growth. So next steps lol. She will definitely change the protocol as it doesn't make sense doing the same thing. So to suppress the endometriosis I must take zoladex injections for 3 months before the IVF cycle (one per month) this replaces the buserelin injections. My clinic only does IVF certain dates so based on their schedule February is the nearest month that works for us. I'll be on bcp for 3 months then go into zoladex injections with plans to have another IVF go in February.

I'm trying to look at the bright side so there is an exam i've been putting off I will start studying for as well as working to drop a few (ok more than a few lol) pounds before February. We are also in process of building our home so this also gives us time to save up for our next cycle. I will also get a credit from the clinic and the finance dept will email me with details today. They also took the unused meds I had which had expiration dates before February and will give me a credit for those as well as those I will not be using on the new protocol.

So there you have it our journey continues into 2016 :)

I am so happy that they gave you a detailed explanation like this and that they are going to try another approach. I remember after my first IVF when it failed I was so devastated and someone on this board told me that usually the first one is so they can see how your respond etc. Everyone is different so one protocol might not work when another would be great. I think this is probably what happened with you. So February it is! Good luck with your home, exam, and your diet. I am always on a diet in between cycles b/c I put on so much during my IVF. I am trying to lose now LOL.

Hey guys!

Mind if I join you guys? Just started my first IVF cycle this week, first day of stims was today, (JUST gave myself the first injection!). Kinda nervous and stressed about the whole process, although super excited too obviously!

Welcome and good luck!

Sorry I'm still catching up on everyone's news. I just wanted to let everyone know that we had our first u/s today and we have one gestational sack, one fetal pole, and a hb of 116. :cloud9:

That is so awesome! Congrats hun!
ttcbaby117- yes i am always on a diet too lol but definitely since i started my buserelin injections I threw everything out the window because in my head I was thinking I'll be pregnant soon anyway lol. I will see how it goes this time around :)
Thank you everyone, Ye I have never thought that one could not survive the thaw! I was pretty shocked when I heard that... But you are right wish, the rate is not 100% so there are some unlucky embies I guess... Unfortunately I can never do a fresh transfer due to OHSS. I am over it now and hope for the best for the two that got put into me!

Tina, totally understand you! I took 3.5 days off from work and have all kinds of thoughts. But this is not my first ivf so I think I am a bit more experienced. Enjoy PUPO because you have done your very best!!

Congrats Crystal, and thank you everyone for your kind words xxx
tina congrats on being pupo

praying - my friend had something similar happen although she did get 6 eggs (out of 12). Given all her pretesting was good, her RE is pretty sure it was a medication issue. They triggered her pretty late which could have contributed.

luciola congrats on being pupo and people are right, the embryo probably wouldn't have survived anyway so better to find out now. I know that sounds kind of heartless, but outside of ivf we would never really know about these embryos. So we get to see all the natural attrition. Still makes it hard. :hugs: Focus on the two they put in, they sound strong!

rachy - those are excellent measurements, you should get a good bunch of mature eggs from those

hi amanda!

phew, sorry if I missed anyone this thread moves so fast!
tina congrats on being pupo

praying - my friend had something similar happen although she did get 6 eggs (out of 12). Given all her pretesting was good, her RE is pretty sure it was a medication issue. They triggered her pretty late which could have contributed.

luciola congrats on being pupo and people are right, the embryo probably wouldn't have survived anyway so better to find out now. I know that sounds kind of heartless, but outside of ivf we would never really know about these embryos. So we get to see all the natural attrition. Still makes it hard. :hugs: Focus on the two they put in, they sound strong!

rachy - those are excellent measurements, you should get a good bunch of mature eggs from those

hi amanda!

phew, sorry if I missed anyone this thread moves so fast!

I hear the numbers are good, congratulations. How many weeks are you on now?
Hey Amanda! Updated you on the front page.

Trigger done! Can't wait for my shot free day tomorrow.
I'm on my way to the clinic for my beta. I'm getting nice dark lines on hpts so fingers crossed for a strong number!
N8ie, I'm 6 weeks today. Generally at this stage they want a hb over 100. At that stage things are so early so don't be alarmed if they don't see anything right away. Development happens at different stages so sometimes at 5-6 weeks you see the hb and sometimes you don't.

Ok during the u/s it was really cool to see how the machine figures out the hb. It scans repeatedly back and forth quickly looking for movement. And then puts that together to form motion. I'm such a nerd I know. :blush:
Morning girls hope everyone is doing well!

Good luck to all those getting scans and BETAS

AFM - 2DP5DT today. No symptoms as such to report apart from being highly emotional and nauseous today

N8ie, I'm 6 weeks today. Generally at this stage they want a hb over 100. At that stage things are so early so don't be alarmed if they don't see anything right away. Development happens at different stages so sometimes at 5-6 weeks you see the hb and sometimes you don't.

Ok during the u/s it was really cool to see how the machine figures out the hb. It scans repeatedly back and forth quickly looking for movement. And then puts that together to form motion. I'm such a nerd I know. :blush:

Thanks for educating me.
Em- all the best, I'm sure it's a great number

Tina- don't you have any cramps?
N8ie, I'm 6 weeks today. Generally at this stage they want a hb over 100. At that stage things are so early so don't be alarmed if they don't see anything right away. Development happens at different stages so sometimes at 5-6 weeks you see the hb and sometimes you don't.

Ok during the u/s it was really cool to see how the machine figures out the hb. It scans repeatedly back and forth quickly looking for movement. And then puts that together to form motion. I'm such a nerd I know. :blush:

That is so cool!

Em, it sounds like you have a sticky one. Yay, fx for a stellar beta.

Tina, sorry you are so nauseous. Hormone changes rock me too. I have been sleeping with a bowl of dry Chex cereal next to my bed so I can eat when I get up to fight it. I hope once your body adjusts to the progesterone that you will be one of the lucky ladies that doesn't have morning sickness.

I did my hpt this morning and it looks like I did my trigger shot right. It was neat to see those two lines come up.
em - FX'ed for your beta today!!

ren - wahoo on no shots today. FX'ed for a successful ER tomorrow!!

crystal - that is really neat to know!
Thanks, ladies! The clinic just called and my beta is 185! I don't have to go back for another beta until next Thursday and if that number looks good my ultrasound is scheduled for Sept. 29th.

It feels weird not having to go back for a week. Last time I had a 2nd beta 48hrs after the 1st one to make sure the number doubled. The nurse said when the number is strong enough there is no reason to test again so soon. It's going to be nerve wracking though not knowing what is happening for another week.

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