Thanks ladies for all your stories on how the ER went! Much appreciated
Ren, I have a feeling I'll probably be like you, but I can't take Percocet, makes me hallucinate and be SUPER nauseous. Were you under general anaesthetic? Not sure if my clinic offers that, or if it's just sedation. Good luck on having them fertilize!!!
I wish I knew what numbers all mean, but as this is my first cycle, I'm still a newbie! Everything sounds great though!! Fingers crossed and hoping that there are lots of BFP's in the next few days/weeks!!!
Tina, hope that it was indeed the little one implanting!!
AFM, I'm completed 3 days of stims, and a kinda surprised that it hasn't been worse that it has. Other the the injections being sore/stinging when it goes in, the only side effect I've had is a mild headache and my skin has broken out like crazy (joy). Have my first scan Monday, and then they will adjust my dose and start me on orgalutran. I've heard that one sucks a little more., but so be it!