luciola - that's wonderful!!
ugh - I'm very frustrated. 2nd scan this morning and we showed zero growth from Tuesday's. Still only 2 follicles and my lining is still thin (though I was still spotting a bit yesterday) at 3.something. Last cycle I only stimmed for 10 days and last night's was day 7. I can't see my growth happening in these last 3 days, so I guess this is just a different cycle altogether. And now I may also have to purchase more of these expensive drugs to keep going, which is stressing me out. I don't understand it - can a blip in my injection schedule cause this much damage or is it really just my body reacting differently this time? is it b/c I am still exercising and maybe I shouldn't be? food intake that I should change up? I really feel like this is 'user error' somehow b/c it just doesn't make sense to me at all...