Hi baby! I'm on estrace now after my ER, and take it orally. Haven't noticed any side effects yet! Hope you feel better, and good luck!
Wish - I hear ya on the expensive aspect, hope it takes soon!
N8ie - good luck on the u/s! So exciting!!
Tina - any news????
AFM - I'm kinda losing my mind waiting for the call tomorrow on how many eggs were mature, how many embies they got, whether hubby's 1 sperm was good enough.....I know I need to relax, because it's out of my control, but I can't help but worry that maybe none of them will make it. I know most clinics call you the next day, but for some reason, maybe because it's the weekend, my clinic won't call until Monday morning, which will already be at the 3 day stage. Not sure how much sleep I'll be getting tonight! Eeeeee!!!