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IVF Aug/Sept 2015 Fresh & Frosties

Cowgirl - thanks for the tip, I will be sure to plug in my heating pad!

N8 - yes that lil one is just making sure you don't worry. LOL

Sunshine - welcome hun! I do hope you get your BFP! When is your test date?

AFM - wow these hormones have me raging. I do hope it calms a bit!
Cowgirl - thanks for the tip, I will be sure to plug in my heating pad!

N8 - yes that lil one is just making sure you don't worry. LOL

Sunshine - welcome hun! I do hope you get your BFP! When is your test date?

AFM - wow these hormones have me raging. I do hope it calms a bit!

I am scheduled to go in on 10/30. I don't think I can make it till then without testing! Those sticks are so expensive though…

For those of you in the 2WW, anyone feel any symptoms? I have none so far.:shrug:
Hi sunshine :wave:

I'm now on day 8 of stims can't wait for the needles to be done now my skins wrecked
Welcome sunshine and best of luck for #3! Did we meet each other in the "3 failed iui" thread? Your name sounds very familiar !

afm, hectic days, my baby boy is sick and admitted to hospital and my husband on business trip in Europe. Best of timing. I haven't slept for 3 days and I m feeling awful!

But a better news is that I had a second scan at 8w, both baby still thrive, A measured up to date while B still 2 days behind, and with a smaller sac. But both babies have an increased heart rate: 161 and 158! Next appointment in 2 weeks, still not out of woods but we are all doing our best!
Luciola, you sound familiar, too! I haven't been on it for a while but I wasn't on the 3 failed iui thread because I've only done iui once. my son got sick today, too! what does your son have?

this waiting period really sucks. i'm out of the bed rest but my 2 toddlers still want me to play with them and it's hard not to. not to mention my house is a mess from my husband trying to take care of things.:dohh:
Luciola, great news about both babies growing nicely and their heartbeats increasing :) So happy for you!

Sunshine, welcome to the thread. These girls are great, you are certainly in the right place if you're looking for motivation to get through the awful 2WW! I've just finished my first fresh cycle, we transferred 1 embryo but it was BFN for us. We have 1 frozie which we are transferring in January. Your story has given me hope for my future cycles that this can work!

AFM - waiting on my AF to arrive, only 2 more to go after this then we can transfer our final emby. Going to stick in this thread though because you girls are great

Luciola sorry about your son, hope he gets well soon. Great news about the babies.

Tina- I'm glad you are sticking here with us.

Afm- I'm officially 10 weeks today 😊, I have gained so much weight already and colleagues are asking about it but I hope I can hide for another month 😉. Don't know how because my clothes hardly fit. I'm not complaining though.

I didn't really have any morning sickness until a few days back, I wake up nauseous and even at night I get nauseous, that makes me happy. I know I'm weird.

Tomorrow we are off for a scan, hope all is well with the baby.

Have a great weekend ladies
n8 - happy 10 weeks! almost there. Good luck in your scan!!

luciola - so happy to read that the babies are thriving and the HBs improved!!! Twinnies!!
tinadecember don't be discouraged... I actually put in 3 for my failed FET!! I went from being freaked out that I will have triplets to devastation, it was just a bad cycle.

N8ie did you gain the weight during your cycle or after you got pregnant? I remember getting so bloated during IVF. That's one of the things that make me feel NOT very pregnant this time since it's an FET. I'm not bloated and definitely not having all those symptoms the HCG shot gave me during a fresh cycle. Congratulations on your beanie, have you had an ultrasound yet?

today is 3dp5dt, I can't seem to sleep these days probably because of the medrol dose pack I'm on. Anyone else have that problem? I was bored early this morning when I woke up at 5 am so I started organizing my bathroom and I found 1 HCG stick! DH is very against me testing but I'm not sure I can hold out.:haha:
Sunshine, Medrol can certainly cause insomnia. But so can early pregnancy. How many more days of Medrol do you have left? Doing 16 mg a day?

N8ie, good luck tomorrow!

Luciola, So happy for you as well.

Tina, Glad you are sticking with us. The final embryo is stressful...so stressful.

TTC, how are the meds treating you?

Cowgirl, Monday is soooo close!!!!!!

AFM, Baseline Ultrasound is Monday, but even more exciting my husband will finally be home after a week.. I miss him dearly.
So had my scan this morn after 9 days stimming they've barely grown lazy little buggers so now ec put back from mond/tues to wed/Thursday pah feeling a bit miserable with myself now
Hi ladies

Sunshine- yes I picked up weight during my cycle but since finding out I'm pregnant I have had the craziest cravings, I'm always hungry and have picked up about 7 pounds 😂 that's in total from the beginning of my cycle. Sorry about the insomnia. Don't POAS too early, but I know how tempting that is. All the best.

Renaendel- all the best for Monday and I'm so happy your husband is coming home.

Dizzy-I'm so sorry don't feel miserable. Did the doctor give some more medication?

Afm- today I went for my scan but I saw a different gynae, the baby has grown and she/he moved his/her arms and did a little dance. That was the sweetest thing to see. The heart rate was at 213, I don't know why so high but the gynae was happy and so was I. He said the baby measured at 9w1d and according to my RE the baby is supposed to be at 10w1d. Anyway I'm not that worried I will find out when I go for my next appointment in 2 weeks time. Right now I'm so happy.

Do you know the reason the baby is measuring 1 week behind?
tinadecember don't be discouraged... I actually put in 3 for my failed FET!! I went from being freaked out that I will have triplets to devastation, it was just a bad cycle.

N8ie did you gain the weight during your cycle or after you got pregnant? I remember getting so bloated during IVF. That's one of the things that make me feel NOT very pregnant this time since it's an FET. I'm not bloated and definitely not having all those symptoms the HCG shot gave me during a fresh cycle. Congratulations on your beanie, have you had an ultrasound yet?

today is 3dp5dt, I can't seem to sleep these days probably because of the medrol dose pack I'm on. Anyone else have that problem? I was bored early this morning when I woke up at 5 am so I started organizing my bathroom and I found 1 HCG stick! DH is very against me testing but I'm not sure I can hold out.:haha:

Sunshine... I'm the worst POAS addict ever! 3dp5dt is early though! I'd save it for another two days!! lol

I went in to check my progesterone levels and my E2 levels since they have put my on the crinone gel and estrace vaginally... and while there they did a HCG quant... before my beta. The level came back at 47 at 6dp5dt. My actual beta is on Tuesday at 11dp5dt. So fingers crossed the number continues to rise appropriately! I feel tired and have a headache on and off but not sick at all... I think the crinone is making me a little crampy... hoping this little one sticks!

Hope everyone else is doing ok!! Welcome to the newbies! xo
Hi ladies

Sunshine- yes I picked up weight during my cycle but since finding out I'm pregnant I have had the craziest cravings, I'm always hungry and have picked up about 7 pounds 😂 that's in total from the beginning of my cycle. Sorry about the insomnia. Don't POAS too early, but I know how tempting that is. All the best.

Renaendel- all the best for Monday and I'm so happy your husband is coming home.

Dizzy-I'm so sorry don't feel miserable. Did the doctor give some more medication?

Afm- today I went for my scan but I saw a different gynae, the baby has grown and she/he moved his/her arms and did a little dance. That was the sweetest thing to see. The heart rate was at 213, I don't know why so high but the gynae was happy and so was I. He said the baby measured at 9w1d and according to my RE the baby is supposed to be at 10w1d. Anyway I'm not that worried I will find out when I go for my next appointment in 2 weeks time. Right now I'm so happy.

Do you know the reason the baby is measuring 1 week behind?

Their keeping me on same dose so will just see what happens what's meant to be will be and if it's meant to work for us it will just getting uncomfortable haha and my stomach is solid lol oh what women do to themselves xx

So pleased you saw your little one x
Sunshine, Medrol can certainly cause insomnia. But so can early pregnancy. How many more days of Medrol do you have left? Doing 16 mg a day?

N8ie, good luck tomorrow!

Luciola, So happy for you as well.

Tina, Glad you are sticking with us. The final embryo is stressful...so stressful.

TTC, how are the meds treating you?

Cowgirl, Monday is soooo close!!!!!!

AFM, Baseline Ultrasound is Monday, but even more exciting my husband will finally be home after a week.. I miss him dearly.

Hi Ren the meds have me crazy lol. I don't remember being like this during my fresh cycles. good luck in your baseline. I am so happy you are able to start again.
Dizzy- all the best. I will keep my fingers crossed for you
Babyd225, from my knowledge of crinone, it does not make you crampy so it's definitely the pregnancy. I had cramps the times I've gotten pregnant (with light bleeding, too). I keep hoping to feel some cramps but nada. The only thing I can kind of think of as a symptom is I noticed (when I put my progesterone suppositories in) that my vagina area has gotten a lot "fatter" :haha: I think they say it's suppose to get that way but I don't remember getting fat down there this early on before.

Renaendel, I took my last medrol this morning! Where is your husband? I'm excited to see your show get started! I hope your baseline all read well.

N8ie, Satisfy those cravings! this is the time to do it, without guilt!:happydance: So good to hear good news on your beanie, and that's a powerful heartbeat!
Ladies, I caved in and tested today, afternoon pee after I drank some water so I knew my chances of a line were low. But an addict is an addict, I couldn't help it. It is maybe the faintest line I've ever seen. I used a flashlight to look at it, which made it worse. I brought it outside to our balcony and definitely saw a pink line. I wish I knew how to upload it for you guys. I asked DH to look at it and he said I wasn't imagining it. I hope it gets darker. Today is 5dp5dt. I've used up all my sticks now. I may cave in and go buy some. I don't want to be too excited right now. I have 0 symptoms, seriously…other than fatigue and not wanting to eat. :shrug:

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