IVF BFP 'S .. The journey, the hope, the success.

I was thinking of you. You are next!
:hugs: Luciola, stay strong you'll get a reward in the end of this story. Please be patient.
Do you mind asking, why will you be induced?

I need to buy a breatsfeeding bra. Any suggestions, ladies?
I saw too kinds: 1. a bra which opens a nipple 2. a bra which opens the whole breast.
I beleave I need to buy one size bigger cup. My breasts stopped growing at 100cm(they grew 9cm since pregnancy), but the milk production will make them bigger.
My Girls have arrived on Friday . Florence Aria at 18:31 4.6lb. and Matylda Lena at 18:49 5.7lb. We are still in the hospital but hoping to leave soon. Tried to breastfeed but it did not work well so started to pump and bottle feed. I am pumping and feeding all the time. I really need to find another solution otherwise I am going to burn out pretty quickly .....
Congratulations on the safe arrival of your little ones x

I hope you manage to find a solution to the pumping issue shortly, i'm not sure what the problem was with breast-feeding them but is it possible to give it another try? Or speak to a lactation consultant incase one (or both!) has a tongue tie?

I need to buy a breatsfeeding bra. Any suggestions, ladies?
I saw too kinds: 1. a bra which opens a nipple 2. a bra which opens the whole breast.
I beleave I need to buy one size bigger cup. My breasts stopped growing at 100cm(they grew 9cm since pregnancy), but the milk production will make them bigger.
I have the ones that open up the whole breast but I think I would prefer ones that just open at the nipple - I can't find any of that type around though.

I was told to get measured after 36 weeks and preferably after 38 weeks for a nursing ba due to that size increase during that time!
My Girls have arrived on Friday . Florence Aria at 18:31 4.6lb. and Matylda Lena at 18:49 5.7lb. We are still in the hospital but hoping to leave soon. Tried to breastfeed but it did not work well so started to pump and bottle feed. I am pumping and feeding all the time. I really need to find another solution otherwise I am going to burn out pretty quickly .....

mizuno - congrats :happydance:

Congrats!! What beautiful names! :hugs: I tried breastfeeding, and it didn't work for us, either. I've been pumping and supplementing with formula since I don't produce enough milk especially now that I've reduced the number of times a day that I pump and her appetite has increased a little (I won't be able to pump as frequently or as long when I return to work in January). I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you will be able to breastfeed directly soon. I'm by no means an expert when it comes to pumping, but feel free to ask any questions and I will try to answer them for you. There's a helpful sticky thread for exclusive pumpers on the Breastfeeding forum that is worth checking out.

Definitely invest in a hands-free pumping bra if you don't have one already. I really like the one from Simple Wishes. I bought one through Amazon, and I've found coupon codes for 50% when I bought another directly through the manufacturer.


bizzibi, Congrats on your baby's. Will you ever be able to know which one was a natural or which one was IVF baby?
Don't give up pumping, at home you'll feel much better and have more rest. Soon the babys will learn how to breastfeed themselves.

my baby is not head down, his heart rate was great, my blood pressure and urine were great too. So far healthy baby, healthy mommy.

I'm glad to hear that baby and mommy are doing great. You've still got some time for baby to turn. :)

Congrats Bizzi and Mizuno!

I am due soon. Doc wants me to give birth earlier so an induction is planned towards 39weeks - that's in 10 days.
I am still working - because of the earlier date and a big project, I will only start my maternity leave 5 hours before going to the delivery suite. Crazy days, I am super stressed... I feel really sorry for my unborn baby and I actually cry a lot because of all the stress at the end stage of this project at work...

Exciting times, Liciola! Good luck with wrapping up things at work. Im wishing you a smooth and safe delivery! :hugs:

I was thinking of you. You are next!
:hugs: Luciola, stay strong you'll get a reward in the end of this story. Please be patient.
Do you mind asking, why will you be induced?

I need to buy a breatsfeeding bra. Any suggestions, ladies?
I saw too kinds: 1. a bra which opens a nipple 2. a bra which opens the whole breast.
I beleave I need to buy one size bigger cup. My breasts stopped growing at 100cm(they grew 9cm since pregnancy), but the milk production will make them bigger.

I bought ones that expose the full breast -- I'm not sure I've seen any that expose only the nipple around here. Of course, I don't wear them much since I'm exclusively pumping and am almost always at home when I pump. I wear a lot of nursing camisoles that clip down, and I use pumping bras just when I pump. The camisoles are nice for keeping my tummy covered while I pump now that it's starting to get cold around here. I didn't experience a lot of growth in the bust area. Maybe get one or two initially and then get measured again when your milk comes in.

I've read that you should avoid nursing bras with underwire as it could potentially impact your milk production. I'm not sure how true that is, but I only bought wireless ones myself.

They probably don't sell these exact ones in Germany, but I got these when I was still pregnant and continue to wear them now. This style is very comfortable.


Bizzi - congrats on the arrival of your little ones!

Dovkav - i only have bras that expose the whole breast and I don't think I would like the ones that expose only the nipple, as sometimes I need to massage the breast to make the milk come forward and I think that would be nearly impossible if the whole breast wasn't exposed. As for your baby being breech, there is still time for her to turn. There is also the possibility of doing external cephalic version, which is a bit controversial. I had it done and it worked for me. Otherwise, there is always the c section. In retrospect, I think I should have gone with the c section. My vagina would have been intact and I wouldn't have to spend half a day taking care of the episiotomy wound (needed it because they used vacuum to get the baby out).

Luciola - why are they inducing you so early?

For all you girls who had twins, I don't know how you are managing. I had a really tough first week, and a pretty tough second week. It's only now getting better. No one really talks about it, but I think I cried every day for the past two weeks - taking care of myself and the baby has been really hard on me. I have my DH around and my mom helps occasionally, but still, mentally, I've been a mess.

The baby is doing wonderfully though. She is super cute and doesn't cry too much (yet, knock on wood), except when she's hungry or gassy.
Hang in there, mizuno. It gets easier. :hugs: I was pretty overwhelmed myself once DH was back at work and my mom stopped coming over. What was (and sometimes still is) hard on me is that I exclusively pump, and it's hard to do much for the baby when I'm pumping. It was harder when I was pumping somewhere around 10 times a day and her sleep schedule was less predictable. :wacko: It got easier once she started liking her (expensive!) Mamaroo seat and once she started playing on the activity mats that we got for her. I'm down to pumping 4-5 times a day now, and it's allowed me to regain a bit more sanity and lengthen my leash away from the house. :winkwink:

By the way, our little girl started playing with this Fisher Price piano mat somewhere around the 1-1.5 month timeframe. She still loves this thing -- it's been awesome at keeping her busy. Definitely well worth the money!! :thumbup:

Thank all for your advice about the breast bra.
Minzuno, I am scared of external cephalic version, in this case I'll go for a c-section, about vacuum, I would choose c-section, if we have time and the baby's heart rate is fine.
Sorry about your birth complications, body is amazing and hopefully all your tears will heal quickly. Was is painful to sit? It would be wise to get a tire for sitting, isn't?
About crying... it is possible you are suffering postpartum depression, if your emotions get worst, you should seek help.:hugs:
Disney - thanks, i hope thungs get better soon... It's already a bit easier now that she gained back her birth weight and we don't have to wake her every 2-3 h

Dovkav - I totally understand that you would want to avoid external version. I also understand that you would opt for a c section rather than vacuum delivery. If I had any presence of mind at the time, I would have asked for a c section, but I was so tired and out of it, that if just let them do whatever they wanted. In retrospect, a c section would have been easier to recover from. I still can't sit properly. And I do have a doughnut/tire thingy to sit on, but it's still sore. Now I got a yeast infection on top of it. Ugh. It's only been just over 2 weeks, I hope by 6 weeks all these issues clear up.
Hi ladies thank you all for your encouraging messages!
Last 2 days at work with endless meetings and wrap up!

I am being induced early because the whole pregnancy I am on claxane, my doc wants to be able to pin point the delivery time - ie stopping injection one week before the delivery. Carrying on the injection until labour may result in excessive bleeding and problems with epidural.
By the way, our little girl started playing with this Fisher Price piano mat somewhere around the 1-1.5 month timeframe. She still loves this thing -- it's been awesome at keeping her busy. Definitely well worth the money!! :thumbup:

I order this based on your recommendation then the very next day it went down on sale in Amazon's Black Friday lightning sales :dohh: So I have returned the first one (I hadn't actually received it before the price went down!) and I am now waiting on the new one to be delivered :) I know at 3 months Izzy won't get as much use out of it as she might have, but she is so active with her legs I think she might like it :)

Thank all for your advice about the breast bra.
Minzuno, I am scared of external cephalic version, in this case I'll go for a c-section, about vacuum, I would choose c-section, if we have time and the baby's heart rate is fine.
Sorry about your birth complications, body is amazing and hopefully all your tears will heal quickly. Was is painful to sit? It would be wise to get a tire for sitting, isn't?
About crying... it is possible you are suffering postpartum depression, if your emotions get worst, you should seek help.:hugs:
I'm with you on this Dovkav, I wouldn't try ECV either :nope:

Congrats Bizzi and Mizuno!

I am due soon. Doc wants me to give birth earlier so an induction is planned towards 39weeks - that's in 10 days.
I am still working - because of the earlier date and a big project, I will only start my maternity leave 5 hours before going to the delivery suite. Crazy days, I am super stressed... I feel really sorry for my unborn baby and I actually cry a lot because of all the stress at the end stage of this project at work...
Your birth must be imminent now Luciola since this post was made 11 days ago! Good luck with everything - update us when you can :hugs:

My friend gave birth last week - at 29 weeks gestation, she suffered from pre-e complications and so they decided to deliver her LO. He is doing amazingly well though and is already off of his ventilator - I am so happy for them :kiss:

We are doing fine - I am getting a bit bored during the daytime since I am still confined to the bedroom but Izzy has a playmat, a tummy time mat and her bouncer all set up next to the bed so hopefully she isn't getting too bored :) I should be out of the cast by christmas with any luck :happydance:

Hope all you other ladies are doing well :flower:
Luciola, thinking of you and wishing you all the best. I can't wait for the big announcement!

My baby is head down, and I hope he'll stay that way.:happydance:

I bought a winter jacket but it's syntetic, I don't think it's warm enough. I am looking something with wool, I expect it'll be a bit pricy but warm and cozy.
Hello ladies!
My baby boy arrived safely yesterday at 13.36 :) (we live in Asia so a bit in advance in terms of time zone :))
Went in the night before and got prostin pesseries to ripe the cervix. In the morning water broke and got epidural. Just 4 hours later fully dilated and everything happened so fast - pushed 3 times literally and in 5 minutes it was all done! I can't believe how "easy" it was! Great experience! At 38weeks 4 days, baby very healthy, weighed 3.4kg and 52cm.

Now still waiting for breast milk to come!
I am so glad about your amazing, easy and short labor.:thumbup:
Wishing you all the best to you and your family.
I guess I am next!
I should probably update and say i had my little girl on Friday 21st November. She came at 38w6d via planned C-section weighing 6lbs13oz.
Disney - I love the play mat. I may have to order it too ;-) I still pump and supplement with formula . In the first two weeks I have had several blocked milk ducts and an infection. 39.9 C temp and in pain Ive almost gave up pumping but then after getting antibiotics it got better . My girls just don't latch on properly. I have tried a consultant etc and it is all good they tell me to keep trying but my nipples were in such a state that each time I had to put one on I had an anxiety attack so I have decided I will pump until I cannot do it anymore and then switch to formula . I do love the fact I am giving them my milk because it is " liquid gold " and I think that keeps me going but at the end of the day I need to be happy too. oh and my boobs got so big I have struggled to find a good nursing bra that fits ....

Mizuno - I have cried for the first couple of weeks almost every day. I was tired and in pain and I could not take it . My doc said it is normal . It's all the hormones, but to watch out in case it doesn't stop . Now 3 weeks on I am getting into a routine and it gets easier. I don't cry any more. My girls are doing great but I cannot stop thinking how easy it would be if there were only one. However I love them to bits and I got two for the price of one so I cannot complain.

Dovkav- are you the last one pregnant ? :)

Luciola and Misha - congrats
By the way, our little girl started playing with this Fisher Price piano mat somewhere around the 1-1.5 month timeframe. She still loves this thing -- it's been awesome at keeping her busy. Definitely well worth the money!! :thumbup:

I order this based on your recommendation then the very next day it went down on sale in Amazon's Black Friday lightning sales :dohh: So I have returned the first one (I hadn't actually received it before the price went down!) and I am now waiting on the new one to be delivered :) I know at 3 months Izzy won't get as much use out of it as she might have, but she is so active with her legs I think she might like it :)

We are doing fine - I am getting a bit bored during the daytime since I am still confined to the bedroom but Izzy has a playmat, a tummy time mat and her bouncer all set up next to the bed so hopefully she isn't getting too bored :) I should be out of the cast by christmas with any luck :happydance:

Hope all you other ladies are doing well :flower:

Audrey still loves the mat. She started with just kicking the piano non-stop and staring at herself in the little mirror. After a month or two, she started swatting at the hanging toys. It's been a godsend at keeping her occupied if I need my hands free to do something (or I need to lay down and rest for a few minutes :winkwink:).

That's great that you will be getting the cast off soon. Hopefully having to be off your feet isn't too bad. You're almost there! :hugs:

My baby is head down, and I hope he'll stay that way.:happydance:

That's great! Fingers crossed that he stays that way! :thumbup:

Hello ladies!
My baby boy arrived safely yesterday at 13.36 :) (we live in Asia so a bit in advance in terms of time zone :))
Went in the night before and got prostin pesseries to ripe the cervix. In the morning water broke and got epidural. Just 4 hours later fully dilated and everything happened so fast - pushed 3 times literally and in 5 minutes it was all done! I can't believe how "easy" it was! Great experience! At 38weeks 4 days, baby very healthy, weighed 3.4kg and 52cm.

Now still waiting for breast milk to come!

Congrats!! That sounds like such a wonderful birthing experience. I was in labor with my little missy for 40 hours before going for my C-section. I was originally hoping to avoid any pain medications during the birth (which I learned is next to impossible if you are given pitocin), but I don't remember it being too bad once I got my epidural. Enjoy your little miracle! :hugs:

I should probably update and say i had my little girl on Friday 21st November. She came at 38w6d via planned C-section weighing 6lbs13oz.

Congrats!! How sweet! :hugs:

Disney - I love the play mat. I may have to order it too ;-) I still pump and supplement with formula . In the first two weeks I have had several blocked milk ducts and an infection. 39.9 C temp and in pain Ive almost gave up pumping but then after getting antibiotics it got better . My girls just don't latch on properly. I have tried a consultant etc and it is all good they tell me to keep trying but my nipples were in such a state that each time I had to put one on I had an anxiety attack so I have decided I will pump until I cannot do it anymore and then switch to formula . I do love the fact I am giving them my milk because it is " liquid gold " and I think that keeps me going but at the end of the day I need to be happy too. oh and my boobs got so big I have struggled to find a good nursing bra that fits ....

Yes, those blocked milk ducts are the bane of my existence. A few things have helped me to minimize getting them. I use heat compresses for about 10 minutes before I pump -- especially if I feel a blockage forming. I use compressions throughout the pumping process to ensure that I empty both boobs as much as possible. If I have a painful blockage, I take a HOT shower right before I pump, and I massage the hard spot(s) under the hot water. I read a while back that using a wide tooth comb to "comb" your breasts in a downward motion over the blockage toward the nipple is helpful, so I do that in the shower, too. I've found that applying strong pressure directly on the hard spots with my hands/fingers while I'm pumping helps clear the blockages after a shower. It hurts like hell momentarily, but once it's opened up and the milk starts spraying out more, it feels a lot better. I think my milk is on the thicker side because I normally don't get a good "spray".

Try to avoid putting pressure on your boobs for extended periods of time. I tend to get blockages if I accidentally fall asleep on my side or tummy. I think I've gotten them if my bra / nursing tanks are too tight in the band, too.

I've been pumping for almost 5 months now. I'm down to pumping 4x per day, but I'm trying to figure out how to wean from the pump before I have to go back to work in January :)cry:). I'm really torn about switching to exclusively formula feeding, but it's currently taking me 1-1.5 hours to pump each time because I have slow or delayed let downs and it's hard for me to get the milk out. By law, my work has to give me time to pump, but I can't be taking multiple 1+ hour pump breaks throughout the day. Plus, it's getting harder to keep her entertained while I'm hooked up to the pump for so long. :dohh: I'll admit that I'm looking forward to the freedom of ditching the pump (and the obsessing over how many mls I've pumped each time!), but I still really want her to get the benefits of my milk. Some days are rougher than others, but hang in there. Whatever you decide to do will still be great for your babies. :hugs: (Oh, and from what I can tell, the amount of time it takes me to pump is far from the norm, so don't let scare you with this 1-1.5 hour stuff!).

These aren't cheap, but I picked up these compresses from Babies R Us when they had a buy one get one 50% off promo on breastfeeding stuff months ago. They work great for me.


If you want more info on using compressions during pumping to maximize milk output, this is a great video that includes deonstrations on how to do it effectively. https://newborns.stanford.edu/Breastfeeding/MaxProduction.html

I have mixed feelings about Christmas this year. It's typically my favorite time of the year, but I'm so sad that I have to go back to work next month. I'm trying really hard not to dwell on it, but the thought of not spending all day every day with my angel makes me want to cry. :cry: I'm still enjoying my time with my little girl and am making the best of the remaining time off I get to spend with her.
Oh, and I hate to be that person that keeps pestering you guys about various baby items that she buys, but the Tiny Love Super Mat has been great for playing with the baby on the floor without putting her directly on the floor. It's a nice big mat and has been great for playtime on her back and tummy. Audrey has also fallen asleep on the mat, so it's served well for nap time at times, too. DH and I have been known to lay on it, too. :winkwink:

Product pictures found on the Internet:

I've seen it go as low as $30-ish on Amazon.
Disney honey I am so sorry you feel that way. Maybe it won't be as bad or maybe you will be able to find another solution . Can you work from home or go part time ? :hugs::hugs::hugs:

1.5 Hours ? woman how do you do that ? I only pump for 10 - 15 mins every 3-4 hours. I get around 160 ml from one pumping session which I don't know is good or a bad result . girls eat around 90 ml each atm so I usually give them formula at night and BM during the day . I am hoping to pump for another 2 months.

Also 40 h of labour ? I do feel for you.My one was 6 hours in total with 4 hours of pain and 40 mins of pushing for both. I had the morphine type thing which you administrate yourself as a pain relief and that was good enough of me.
Disney honey I am so sorry you feel that way. Maybe it won't be as bad or maybe you will be able to find another solution . Can you work from home or go part time ? :hugs::hugs::hugs:

1.5 Hours ? woman how do you do that ? I only pump for 10 - 15 mins every 3-4 hours. I get around 160 ml from one pumping session which I don't know is good or a bad result . girls eat around 90 ml each atm so I usually give them formula at night and BM during the day . I am hoping to pump for another 2 months.

Also 40 h of labour ? I do feel for you.My one was 6 hours in total with 4 hours of pain and 40 mins of pushing for both. I had the morphine type thing which you administrate yourself as a pain relief and that was good enough of me.

Thanks! :hugs:

I'm now forcing myself to stop pumping at 1 hour regardless of whether or not I feel like I've emptied completely. I'm currently working towards pumping 3x/day, though I have to do the shift from every 6 hours to every 8 hours gradually or I'll get lots of annoying plugged ducts. :dohh: 160 ml is great -- I was barely getting an ounce or so early on. Even now, I'm only getting about 27-28 ounces a day, average about 200 ml (-ish) each time I pump (and that's with pumping for what seems like forever). I started out pumping for 15-20 minutes each time. I eventually figured out that I would get more if I went to 25-30 minutes and waited for another letdown before I stopped pumping. When I startd decreasing the frequency of my pumping sessions, I gradually had to start pumping longer each time in order to empty out. My milk supply has never been great, and I knew my supply would drop if I wasn't emptying completely each time. I don't want to stop giving her milk, but I won't be able to take long pump breaks during work, so I've been slowly trying to do things to gradually decrease my supply. It seems so strange given the hard work I went through to build it up to where I'm at (you name it, I tried it) -- especially since I'm only currently about 3-4 ounces shy of producing enough to feed the baby daily.

By the way, I can't believe my baby is 5 months old already! Where is the time going?! :shrug:
Congrats MishC!!!!!!

I think my belly has dropped a bit. When I sit, I feel it on my laps.
In two more days I'll be 37 weeks. I can't beleave that!
Where the time goes! Disney?
I'll qualify to birth in the birthing center!!!
Lets hope and pray baby stays head down and we stay healthy.
Congratulations on the safe arrival of your LO's Luciola and MishC :flower:

Audrey still loves the mat. She started with just kicking the piano non-stop and staring at herself in the little mirror. After a month or two, she started swatting at the hanging toys. It's been a godsend at keeping her occupied if I need my hands free to do something (or I need to lay down and rest for a few minutes :winkwink:).
Well the playmat was a big hit :happydance: Kicking away at it like mad and whacking the dangling toys lol She got a little too enthusiastic at times and was kicking a bit high, but she seemed to get the idea :) I was worried at first it wouldn't work :/ It came with batteries in that had leaked in the battery compartment :( I had to clean it all up and find new ones but thankfully it worked.

On mode 1 does yours play music after they kick a note? I guess I assumed one mode would be notes only and the other music - but mine seems to play the note then launch into a piece of music lol

I have mixed feelings about Christmas this year. It's typically my favorite time of the year, but I'm so sad that I have to go back to work next month. I'm trying really hard not to dwell on it, but the thought of not spending all day every day with my angel makes me want to cry. :cry: I'm still enjoying my time with my little girl and am making the best of the remaining time off I get to spend with her.
Enjoy your first Christmas together as a family and try and not think about having to go back to work :hugs: I am so excited about Christmas! I wish our house was more complete but we will enjoy it anyway :) I hope Izzy likes her presents as much as I do :haha:

I'm now forcing myself to stop pumping at 1 hour regardless of whether or not I feel like I've emptied completely. I'm currently working towards pumping 3x/day, though I have to do the shift from every 6 hours to every 8 hours gradually or I'll get lots of annoying plugged ducts. :dohh: 160 ml is great -- I was barely getting an ounce or so early on. Even now, I'm only getting about 27-28 ounces a day, average about 200 ml (-ish) each time I pump (and that's with pumping for what seems like forever). I started out pumping for 15-20 minutes each time. I eventually figured out that I would get more if I went to 25-30 minutes and waited for another letdown before I stopped pumping. When I startd decreasing the frequency of my pumping sessions, I gradually had to start pumping longer each time in order to empty out. My milk supply has never been great, and I knew my supply would drop if I wasn't emptying completely each time. I don't want to stop giving her milk, but I won't be able to take long pump breaks during work, so I've been slowly trying to do things to gradually decrease my supply. It seems so strange given the hard work I went through to build it up to where I'm at (you name it, I tried it) -- especially since I'm only currently about 3-4 ounces shy of producing enough to feed the baby daily.

By the way, I can't believe my baby is 5 months old already! Where is the time going?! :shrug:
I take my hat off to you - exclusively pumping is hard enough but when you have a low supply and have to pump for an hour at a time, wow!

5 months already :kiss:

I think my belly has dropped a bit. When I sit, I feel it on my laps.
In two more days I'll be 37 weeks. I can't beleave that!
Where the time goes! Disney?
I'll qualify to birth in the birthing center!!!
Lets hope and pray baby stays head down and we stay healthy.
37 weeks! Where has that time gone!! Your baby will be here before you know it :hugs: I hope your LO stays head down so you can have the birthing experience you want :flower:

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