IVF BFP 'S .. The journey, the hope, the success.

So i find that nursing twins is a 24 hour job. If I'm not feeding them, I'm changing them. It's hard to give them a daily bath because I always have a boob in one's mouth. Lol. I read that I need 3000 calories a day to feed them both. I don't think I'm close to that. But I'm trying. It's hard to find time to eat or get myself a drink. These boys eat very well, are gaining and growing like crazy. At my 2 week appointment I had lost 30 lbs of the 49 I had gained. Yeah!
Postal - congrats on losing the weight . Do you feed them together at the same time ? I am having a consultation next week regarding BF twins and I am getting induced next week Friday. I will be 37w3d and my hubby will stay with me for a week. After that he needs to go away for work for few days. I don't know how will I cope being by myself 24/7 ? ( Ive added you on FB )
Bizzibii, I feed them individually and if I have to at the same time. I highly recommend the. .. My breast friend twin breast feeding pillow. I got mine on ebay used for $35. It's great for feeding at the same time. You need your hubby for the first week. After that you should be able to cope on your own. I had a c sec so I was in more pain than a vaginal recovery. (I Had vaginal for my first daughter) your instincts will kick in. And if you have questions or problems message me on fb so I can try to help.
PostalMom - I meant to come back here and say that your boys are absolutely adorable! Best of luck with the breastfeeding. :hugs: I'm still exclusively pumping for my little one, and while it's not anywhere near the same as feeding twins, I find that my days (and nights) still revolve around feeding the baby and pumping her next meal. She's sleeping through the night and I still have to get up and pump. :dohh:
Hello ladies,
Nice to hear from you all. How is everybody else doing?
I am feeling great. I am planing to give a birth in the birthing center which is located in the main hospital. Now my worry is, when or if the baby turns his head down and prepares for an exit.
biziibii, I am so glad that your hubby will be with you during delivery.
I ended up not taking anit-d profilaxis and I didn't check for antibodies. My dr. told me it's my decision. I'll take a shot after the baby is born, if he is RH+.
When I grew up, my mom never fed us at night. It was a big no no those times.
Now I beleave moms are breastfeeding on demand.
Here in Germany I know a family of 11 children. Parents never fed them at night. Let the babies cry out for a couple of nights.... I hear the comment like "don't spoil them and don't let them become your bosses"
I am thinking, can I do that? Ignoring and not checking on him, when he cries????
Disney, you are so lucky!!! when did your girl started sleeeping through the night? Do you use a pacifier?
Hello ladies,
Nice to hear from you all. How is everybody else doing?
I am feeling great. I am planing to give a birth in the birthing center which is located in the main hospital. Now my worry is, when or if the baby turns his head down and prepares for an exit.
biziibii, I am so glad that your hubby will be with you during delivery.
I ended up not taking anit-d profilaxis and I didn't check for antibodies. My dr. told me it's my decision. I'll take a shot after the baby is born, if he is RH+.
When I grew up, my mom never fed us at night. It was a big no no those times.
Now I beleave moms are breastfeeding on demand.
Here in Germany I know a family of 11 children. Parents never fed them at night. Let the babies cry out for a couple of nights.... I hear the comment like "don't spoil them and don't let them become your bosses"
I am thinking, can I do that? Ignoring and not checking on him, when he cries????
Disney, you are so lucky!!! when did your girl started sleeeping through the night? Do you use a pacifier?

You're rounded the corner and are getting closer to that finish line, dovkav! We didn't do anything special to get her to start sleeping through the night. I think she started doing it around 12 weeks or so and she was about 12 lbs. We haven't given her any pacifiers as I'm afraid that it will be hard to get her to stop using it when she's older, and I didn't want her to grow dependent on one, either.

Regarding feeding babies at night, I'd be afraid to not feed the baby for many reasons. Two of them are 1) it can impact the development/growth of the baby, and 2) if you plan to breastfeed, not feeding the baby will negatively impact your milk supply (that's the generic "you", not you directly :winkwink:). Our little girl would sleep up to 12 hours straight at night if we let her. I asked her doctor a few weeks ago if that was ok to do, and when we weighed her, it turned out that she started falling a little below average in weight (but not alarmingly so). Although we were feeding her an appropriate number of ounces of milk per day, her pediatrician thought that an extra feeding during that 12 hour gap would be good as she could use the extra calories. We now wake her to feed her after 4 hours and then let her sleep another 8 hours until she wakes herself up.
You are right disney about my breast health if I don't breastfeed at night. I would need to pump the milk at night and store in the fridge or freeze it. Baby's health too, the weight and developement need to be cosley watched.
Dovkav - Another thing to consider is that your baby will help you build your milk supplier better than a pump can as babies are much more efficient at getting the milk out. I exclusively pump and bottle feed as breastfeeding did not work out for us, and I struggle to make enough milk. For the first 3 months, I was having to pump a minimum of every 2-3 hours around the clock. Somewhere around 3 months/12+ weeks, the milk supply is said to "stabilize", and I've been able to go a little longer between pumping sessions (every 3.5-4-ish hours now) without noticing too much of an impact on my milk supply. I certainly hope that my next baby is able to breastfeed because exclusively pumping is A LOT of work, it's incredibly time consuming, and it makes it hard for me to leave the house for more than a couple of hours at a time.
Postal, I saw your pics of your family on FB, but can't see any pics of the boys. Hopefully you mange to upload them here.

AFM - I'm now 4 days overdue and no sign of baby wanting to come. My doc wants to induce me later this week - and I can't wait. I'm so ready for this baby to be here!
Hello ladies,
Nice to hear from you all. How is everybody else doing?
I am feeling great. I am planing to give a birth in the birthing center which is located in the main hospital. Now my worry is, when or if the baby turns his head down and prepares for an exit.
biziibii, I am so glad that your hubby will be with you during delivery.
I ended up not taking anit-d profilaxis and I didn't check for antibodies. My dr. told me it's my decision. I'll take a shot after the baby is born, if he is RH+.
When I grew up, my mom never fed us at night. It was a big no no those times.
Now I beleave moms are breastfeeding on demand.
Here in Germany I know a family of 11 children. Parents never fed them at night. Let the babies cry out for a couple of nights.... I hear the comment like "don't spoil them and don't let them become your bosses"
I am thinking, can I do that? Ignoring and not checking on him, when he cries????
Disney, you are so lucky!!! when did your girl started sleeeping through the night? Do you use a pacifier?
I'm glad you decided on where to give birth and that you are happy with your decision :) 32 weeks - so close now :hugs:

I could never go all night without feeding at least once, I can't stand to hear her cry (and those real tears :cry: ) - also since I am breast-feeding it would get incredibly sore and going so long without a feed isn't good for their development :) We are lucky in that Izzy goes back to sleep fairly well after she has been woken up :kiss: I tend wake her for a feed before I go to bed (which can be around midnight most days) and then also feed at 05:45 when my husbands alarm goes off. The rest of the time I pretty much feed on demand.

Dovkav - Another thing to consider is that your baby will help you build your milk supplier better than a pump can as babies are much more efficient at getting the milk out. I exclusively pump and bottle feed as breastfeeding did not work out for us, and I struggle to make enough milk. For the first 3 months, I was having to pump a minimum of every 2-3 hours around the clock. Somewhere around 3 months/12+ weeks, the milk supply is said to "stabilize", and I've been able to go a little longer between pumping sessions (every 3.5-4-ish hours now) without noticing too much of an impact on my milk supply. I certainly hope that my next baby is able to breastfeed because exclusively pumping is A LOT of work, it's incredibly time consuming, and it makes it hard for me to leave the house for more than a couple of hours at a time.
Disney - I take my hat off to you for exclusively pumping. I pump on occasion and I know how time-consuming that can be so to exclusively pump ... wow!

How is Audrey doing? I can't believe she is 4 months already - where is the time going!

AFM - I'm now 4 days overdue and no sign of baby wanting to come. My doc wants to induce me later this week - and I can't wait. I'm so ready for this baby to be here!
I hope you have managed to have your LO by now, or if not then induction is just around the corner. Good luck! I hope all goes smoothly - can't wait to see your update :)

As for me - well, things could be better but things could be worse :dohh: The main thing though is that Izzy is doing great :kiss: She is almost 11 weeks now!

We moved house a couple of weeks ago amidst much palaver thanks to the Bank of England which meant we were delayed on the purchase of our new property so we were effectively homeless for the night since all of our possessions had been taken away on the removals van! Thankfully Izzy's carrycot for her pram can be used for overnight sleeping and I had put that in our car at the last minute! (the pram chassis was on the removals truck - so no idea why I decided to keep the carrycot out :wacko: ).

I am so glad to be in our new house but managed to break my ankle in two places a few days ago by slipping on the garden path which really has set us back :dohh: I can't do anything around the house and I am pretty much confined to the bedroom with Izzy during the day whilst my husband is at work as I can't carry her whilst on crutches. If it heals well I only have another 6-8 weeks of this :dohh: I will find out more next week when I go for follow up x-rays.

Hope all you ladies are doing ok :hugs:
Postal, I saw your pics of your family on FB, but can't see any pics of the boys. Hopefully you mange to upload them here.

AFM - I'm now 4 days overdue and no sign of baby wanting to come. My doc wants to induce me later this week - and I can't wait. I'm so ready for this baby to be here!

Mizuno - I hope you're no longer waiting and are holding your baby by now! :hugs:

Dovkav - Another thing to consider is that your baby will help you build your milk supplier better than a pump can as babies are much more efficient at getting the milk out. I exclusively pump and bottle feed as breastfeeding did not work out for us, and I struggle to make enough milk. For the first 3 months, I was having to pump a minimum of every 2-3 hours around the clock. Somewhere around 3 months/12+ weeks, the milk supply is said to "stabilize", and I've been able to go a little longer between pumping sessions (every 3.5-4-ish hours now) without noticing too much of an impact on my milk supply. I certainly hope that my next baby is able to breastfeed because exclusively pumping is A LOT of work, it's incredibly time consuming, and it makes it hard for me to leave the house for more than a couple of hours at a time.
Disney - I take my hat off to you for exclusively pumping. I pump on occasion and I know how time-consuming that can be so to exclusively pump ... wow!

How is Audrey doing? I can't believe she is 4 months already - where is the time going!

As for me - well, things could be better but things could be worse :dohh: The main thing though is that Izzy is doing great :kiss: She is almost 11 weeks now!

We moved house a couple of weeks ago amidst much palaver thanks to the Bank of England which meant we were delayed on the purchase of our new property so we were effectively homeless for the night since all of our possessions had been taken away on the removals van! Thankfully Izzy's carrycot for her pram can be used for overnight sleeping and I had put that in our car at the last minute! (the pram chassis was on the removals truck - so no idea why I decided to keep the carrycot out :wacko: ).

I am so glad to be in our new house but managed to break my ankle in two places a few days ago by slipping on the garden path which really has set us back :dohh: I can't do anything around the house and I am pretty much confined to the bedroom with Izzy during the day whilst my husband is at work as I can't carry her whilst on crutches. If it heals well I only have another 6-8 weeks of this :dohh: I will find out more next week when I go for follow up x-rays.

Hope all you ladies are doing ok :hugs:

Thanks! Exclusively pumping is a giant pain in the you-know-what, but it's worth it. The first 3 months were hard as I was having to pump at least 8-10 times per day just to maintain my already low supply. I got a good 2 months of being able to pump just enough to satisfy her needs before she started needing more. We have since reintroduced the formula for supplementation, and though I don't prefer it, I've made peace with it. I'm currently pumping 6x per day and am working on getting that down to 5x so that I can regain a little more sanity in my life.

Audrey is doing amazingly well. I can't believe she's already 4 months old! She's rolling over, smiling regularly, and I'm guessing she will be ready to laugh soon. :cloud9:

I'm glad to hear that Izzy is doing well. Congrats on the new house! I'm so sorry to hear about your ankle! I hope you heal quickly and are back on your feet in no time. :hugs:
She's finally here!
We got back from the hospital today with our little baby girl!
I was induced at 40+6 days and delivered her the next day. She is perfect and super cute. I, on the other hand, am a mess - long labour, assisted delivery with vacuum, sleep deprivation, sore nipples, sore episiotomy site... But I'm sure you all went through it and survived :) It's all worth it when I look at her cute little face :)
I will try to post a picture later.

Thanks for all your support throughout this journey!
Minzuno, Congrats! What a joy in your home! Have a rest and take care of yourself! Can't wait for photos!

Serenyx, sorry for your ankle. Pray and hope for a speedy recovery:hugs:

I am doing great. Started to have a new symptom, lower back pain when I walk for a longer time. Pain her and there I am not complaining, that's the beauty of pregnancy. Baby is moving a lot, I wonder if he ever sleeps. The movements are uncomfortable, rough, strong. He has no more cartlige but the bones are remodeling my abdomen.
I am wearing compression stockings and it's not that bad as everybody told me. I did became an expert to put them on and off without sweating or being out of breath. I can walk longer and my leg cramping is gone.
I have no idea if the baby moved the head down, I'll find out next week. I feel him really low very seldom, mostly he is close to my ribs.
She's finally here!
We got back from the hospital today with our little baby girl!
I was induced at 40+6 days and delivered her the next day. She is perfect and super cute. I, on the other hand, am a mess - long labour, assisted delivery with vacuum, sleep deprivation, sore nipples, sore episiotomy site... But I'm sure you all went through it and survived :) It's all worth it when I look at her cute little face :)
I will try to post a picture later.

Thanks for all your support throughout this journey!

Congrats!!! I hope you heal very quickly. Enjoy that beautiful miracle of yours! :hugs:
Thanks! Exclusively pumping is a giant pain in the you-know-what, but it's worth it. The first 3 months were hard as I was having to pump at least 8-10 times per day just to maintain my already low supply. I got a good 2 months of being able to pump just enough to satisfy her needs before she started needing more. We have since reintroduced the formula for supplementation, and though I don't prefer it, I've made peace with it. I'm currently pumping 6x per day and am working on getting that down to 5x so that I can regain a little more sanity in my life.

Audrey is doing amazingly well. I can't believe she's already 4 months old! She's rolling over, smiling regularly, and I'm guessing she will be ready to laugh soon. :cloud9:

I'm glad to hear that Izzy is doing well. Congrats on the new house! I'm so sorry to hear about your ankle! I hope you heal quickly and are back on your feet in no time. :hugs:
Yes you do need to get a balance :) I am glad you have made peace with adding some formula - I exclusively breastfeed but Izzy has had to have formula on two occasions (as we were in the middle of the move, my mum was looking after her and I couldn't locate my pump!). At the end of the day you know you are doing what is best for your baby, and if that is supplementing with a bit of formula then so be it :hugs:

Glad to hear Audrey is doing so well! I'm dreading the rolling over stage as I know I will worry if she rolls over in bed! We have got to the smiling stage though and I am so in love with her smiles :kiss: If you ever feel a bit down (we have not had much luck recently!) you just have to get that wonderful grin appear and everything is so much better :hugs:

She's finally here!
We got back from the hospital today with our little baby girl!
I was induced at 40+6 days and delivered her the next day. She is perfect and super cute. I, on the other hand, am a mess - long labour, assisted delivery with vacuum, sleep deprivation, sore nipples, sore episiotomy site... But I'm sure you all went through it and survived :) It's all worth it when I look at her cute little face :)
I will try to post a picture later.

Thanks for all your support throughout this journey!
Glad your little girl is here - you will soon forget the painful delivery :) Have you named her yet?

I am doing great. Started to have a new symptom, lower back pain when I walk for a longer time. Pain her and there I am not complaining, that's the beauty of pregnancy. Baby is moving a lot, I wonder if he ever sleeps. The movements are uncomfortable, rough, strong. He has no more cartlige but the bones are remodeling my abdomen.
I am wearing compression stockings and it's not that bad as everybody told me. I did became an expert to put them on and off without sweating or being out of breath. I can walk longer and my leg cramping is gone.
I have no idea if the baby moved the head down, I'll find out next week. I feel him really low very seldom, mostly he is close to my ribs.
If you can feel him in your ribs he might actually be head down, Izzy was head down so was doing most of her kicking up by my ribs :)
My Girls have arrived on Friday . Florence Aria at 18:31 4.6lb. and Matylda Lena at 18:49 5.7lb. We are still in the hospital but hoping to leave soon. Tried to breastfeed but it did not work well so started to pump and bottle feed. I am pumping and feeding all the time. I really need to find another solution otherwise I am going to burn out pretty quickly .....

mizuno - congrats :happydance:
Bizzibii. Aww congrats! ! My robby was 5 lbs 7 oz too. But wyatt was 7 lbs 2 oz. You did great. Don't give up on breast feeding. It's not always easy at first. Right now I think my boys are having a dairy protien allergy. So i have to give up all dairy and soy. I hope that's what the allergy is. They have been fussy, gassy, got diaper rash, poop more than 12 times a day each, they want to comfort nurse so I have sore nipples still. I hope this fixes the problem.
Mizuno good job! Glad to hear that your baby is here. It is all worth it. My boys are smiling now. That smile will make you cry. It's so beautiful.
bizzibi, Congrats on your baby's. Will you ever be able to know which one was a natural or which one was IVF baby?
Don't give up pumping, at home you'll feel much better and have more rest. Soon the babys will learn how to breastfeed themselves.

my baby is not head down, his heart rate was great, my blood pressure and urine were great too. So far healthy baby, healthy mommy.
Congrats Bizzi and Mizuno!

I am due soon. Doc wants me to give birth earlier so an induction is planned towards 39weeks - that's in 10 days.
I am still working - because of the earlier date and a big project, I will only start my maternity leave 5 hours before going to the delivery suite. Crazy days, I am super stressed... I feel really sorry for my unborn baby and I actually cry a lot because of all the stress at the end stage of this project at work...

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