IVF Cycle in August

Thanks guys!! Unfortunately it won't the the end if injections for me, my clinic makes everyone do pio injections for progesterone, bleh! But hopefully I won't have to do that for too long.

Too funny about your sedation stories. They told me that I'm going to be knocked out completely, is that how it was for you guys?
Ha Baby - I told hubby to go have fun in the bath with regards to that last ejaculate:winkwink: Was so not in the mood:dohh:
But follies all sound good - keep positive - sounding great!!

How are you hanging in there Lexus??

How is everyone else??

As for me - from my 16 follies, I got 14 eggs. I now need to wait and see how many are mature etc - more waiting and stressing. Feel a bit crampy but okay.

As for the sedation - did I fall asleep?? On no!! I get totally lightheaded and called all the nurses, consultant and anaesthetist characters from Carry On Doctor. Kept calling the anaesthetist Dr Nookie.......

I am hanging my head in shame......Wink


HAHAH I love the sedation story! 14 eggs is amazing! I am praying for you!! WOOO:happydance:
Ha Baby - I told hubby to go have fun in the bath with regards to that last ejaculate:winkwink: Was so not in the mood:dohh:
But follies all sound good - keep positive - sounding great!!

How are you hanging in there Lexus??

How is everyone else??

As for me - from my 16 follies, I got 14 eggs. I now need to wait and see how many are mature etc - more waiting and stressing. Feel a bit crampy but okay.

As for the sedation - did I fall asleep?? On no!! I get totally lightheaded and called all the nurses, consultant and anaesthetist characters from Carry On Doctor. Kept calling the anaesthetist Dr Nookie.......

I am hanging my head in shame......Wink


HAHAH I love the sedation story! 14 eggs is amazing! I am praying for you!! WOOO:happydance:

Thank you Honey!! Need that phone call now to see how many are mature and how many fertilises! So much waiting and anticipating.:cry:

Hope that you are okay - I bet that you are walking on air - it must be quiet surreal!!! Rock on with the next scan!!! xxx
I am triggering tomorrow night for retrieval on Thursday. Now it's becoming real and I am trying not to get too hopeful/excited... but I figured none of us would undertake this journey if we didn't have hope it would work. xxx

Good luck Strawberry- I have progesterone bullets to shove up my arse and i'm sure i'd prefer another injection lol I also have to continue with my clexane. xx

Tee- fab numbers! xx

Emmi- I am hoping I don't give any of my secrets away under sedation ;) Hope you get some great embabies :) xxx
Ha Baby - I told hubby to go have fun in the bath with regards to that last ejaculate:winkwink: Was so not in the mood:dohh:
But follies all sound good - keep positive - sounding great!!

How are you hanging in there Lexus??

How is everyone else??

As for me - from my 16 follies, I got 14 eggs. I now need to wait and see how many are mature etc - more waiting and stressing. Feel a bit crampy but okay.

As for the sedation - did I fall asleep?? On no!! I get totally lightheaded and called all the nurses, consultant and anaesthetist characters from Carry On Doctor. Kept calling the anaesthetist Dr Nookie.......

I am hanging my head in shame......Wink


HAHAH I love the sedation story! 14 eggs is amazing! I am praying for you!! WOOO:happydance:

Thank you Honey!! Need that phone call now to see how many are mature and how many fertilises! So much waiting and anticipating.:cry:

Hope that you are okay - I bet that you are walking on air - it must be quiet surreal!!! Rock on with the next scan!!! xxx

I remember waiting for my fertilized call too, why do they take so long to call us back!?

I am feeling OK, I feel HUGE, like bloated and I am feeling a little crampy, but not bad crampy. I don't know, it's weird.:wacko:
I am triggering tomorrow night for retrieval on Thursday. Now it's becoming real and I am trying not to get too hopeful/excited... but I figured none of us would undertake this journey if we didn't have hope it would work. xxx

Good luck Strawberry- I have progesterone bullets to shove up my arse and i'm sure i'd prefer another injection lol I also have to continue with my clexane. xx

Tee- fab numbers! xx

Emmi- I am hoping I don't give any of my secrets away under sedation ;) Hope you get some great embabies :) xxx

Of course it's nerve wracking but as you say - you have to hopeful as why would we bother??? I can get a little doubtful but luckily - hubby is brilliant at making it positive:happydance:

And yep - the trigger makes it so real but embrace it - you have worked hard to get this far.

Yep - the sedation - I do wonder what else I was saying......I hate to think what secrets I was giving away!!!:fool:


Errrr - nothing up my arse - just the front bit - phew:wacko:
I am triggering tomorrow night for retrieval on Thursday. Now it's becoming real and I am trying not to get too hopeful/excited... but I figured none of us would undertake this journey if we didn't have hope it would work. xxx

Good luck Strawberry- I have progesterone bullets to shove up my arse and i'm sure i'd prefer another injection lol I also have to continue with my clexane. xx

Tee- fab numbers! xx

Emmi- I am hoping I don't give any of my secrets away under sedation ;) Hope you get some great embabies :) xxx

Of course it's nerve wracking but as you say - you have to hopeful as why would we bother??? I can get a little doubtful but luckily - hubby is brilliant at making it positive:happydance:

And yep - the trigger makes it so real but embrace it - you have worked hard to get this far.

Yep - the sedation - I do wonder what else I was saying......I hate to think what secrets I was giving away!!!:fool:


Errrr - nothing up my arse - just the front bit - phew:wacko:

Everything is moving so fast here, its hard to keep up!! :dohh:

Emmi..fantastic number of eggs hon, fx they all fertilise for you.x :thumbup:

Baby and Strawberry..your turn next for EC! The progesterone suppositories aren't that bad up the bum as I first thought, less leakage as well!.x :winkwink:

Tee..Thanks for your encouraging words, still having on and off cramps & backache + feeling cranky with OH!x :hugs:

Pinkie & Qwerty..hope your both doing well.x :hugs:

baby dust to us all..:dust::dust::dust:
Hi Ladies, I feel like i have missed loads again.

I am finally home, i hated leaving my mum but i know she is in the best care and I have to go back to work, unfortunately i missed my acupuncture tonight but hoping to get another appointment before next week. Nothing else to report, still doing stims and they are going fine, a bit too fine, apart from being emotional for obvious reasons i've had no other side effects and feeling surprisingly calm. Looking forward to my scan on Fri, fingers cross i can have EC next Monday - so exciting.

Emmi - brilliant EC story ha ha and well done on those eggs thats a great number, good luck with the phone call in the morning - positive thoughts coming to you.

Strawberry/Baby D - great news that you are almost ready for EC, good luck to you both.

Lexus - not much longer, you hang in their girl and you will get that result, keep busy and keep happy

Tee/Qwerty - hope you two yummy mummys are doing well, think you will have a few more join your club shortly.

Looking forward to keeping up to date now the fun is all kicking off xx
Back to work today & did I have some cramps! I thought AF was on its way due the way it grabbed my tummy area, to make it worse my back is still aching, boobs are heavy from progesterone and I felt to argue with my OH this evening as he was getting on my nerves (still is!!) :wacko: :grr:

Had quite a bit of lotion like cm when I rushed to the toilet today and my left ovary area feels like there is a mini golf ball stuck inside (doesn't hurt as such, more that I'm aware of it when bending and sitting down) :shrug:

TBH this is the worse 2ww EVER..I'm trying hard not to look at any 'symptoms' as good or bad but it is hard. One minute I feel great & believe it could have worked, the next especially when I was getting AF cramps, I think wtf I spent so much money for this to work and this is going on..Arghh! :muaha:

Pray for me ladies and send positive vibes my way that my embie is still inside & doing what it should, thanks! [-o< :dust:
Ha Baby - I told hubby to go have fun in the bath with regards to that last ejaculate:winkwink: Was so not in the mood:dohh:
But follies all sound good - keep positive - sounding great!!

How are you hanging in there Lexus??

How is everyone else??

As for me - from my 16 follies, I got 14 eggs. I now need to wait and see how many are mature etc - more waiting and stressing. Feel a bit crampy but okay.

As for the sedation - did I fall asleep?? On no!! I get totally lightheaded and called all the nurses, consultant and anaesthetist characters from Carry On Doctor. Kept calling the anaesthetist Dr Nookie.......

I am hanging my head in shame......Wink


HAHAH I love the sedation story! 14 eggs is amazing! I am praying for you!! WOOO:happydance:

Thank you Honey!! Need that phone call now to see how many are mature and how many fertilises! So much waiting and anticipating.:cry:

Hope that you are okay - I bet that you are walking on air - it must be quiet surreal!!! Rock on with the next scan!!! xxx

I remember waiting for my fertilized call too, why do they take so long to call us back!?

I am feeling OK, I feel HUGE, like bloated and I am feeling a little crampy, but not bad crampy. I don't know, it's weird.:wacko:

All the waiting for every step is just awful!!You woop for joy one moment and then onto the next stressy stage!!:wacko:

If a little crampy and not bad crampy means being pregnant - you cramp away!!!! xxx
Hi Ladies, I feel like i have missed loads again.

I am finally home, i hated leaving my mum but i know she is in the best care and I have to go back to work, unfortunately i missed my acupuncture tonight but hoping to get another appointment before next week. Nothing else to report, still doing stims and they are going fine, a bit too fine, apart from being emotional for obvious reasons i've had no other side effects and feeling surprisingly calm. Looking forward to my scan on Fri, fingers cross i can have EC next Monday - so exciting.

Emmi - brilliant EC story ha ha and well done on those eggs thats a great number, good luck with the phone call in the morning - positive thoughts coming to you.

Strawberry/Baby D - great news that you are almost ready for EC, good luck to you both.

Lexus - not much longer, you hang in their girl and you will get that result, keep busy and keep happy

Tee/Qwerty - hope you two yummy mummys are doing well, think you will have a few more join your club shortly.

Looking forward to keeping up to date now the fun is all kicking off xx

Hey Honey - can imagine how hard it was to leave your mum - big hugs. Hope that you are okay. I always find it hard to leave my mum so I can imagine how it must be for you.

And that's great that you don't feel any side affects. Apart from being a tad bloated - I think my emotions just came from tiredness and IVF in general.

And then not long until your turn!! Ooooo it's all happening here!!! XXX
Lexus - this 2WW must be the worst part of the whole process so i really feel for you at the moment. How long have you got left?

I am sending you positive thoughts, positive vibes, keeping my fingers crossed, sending you lots and lots of baby dust and praying for you

Back to work today & did I have some cramps! I thought AF was on its way due the way it grabbed my tummy area, to make it worse my back is still aching, boobs are heavy from progesterone and I felt to argue with my OH this evening as he was getting on my nerves (still is!!) :wacko: :grr:

Had quite a bit of lotion like cm when I rushed to the toilet today and my left ovary area feels like there is a mini golf ball stuck inside (doesn't hurt as such, more that I'm aware of it when bending and sitting down) :shrug:

TBH this is the worse 2ww EVER..I'm trying hard not to look at any 'symptoms' as good or bad but it is hard. One minute I feel great & believe it could have worked, the next especially when I was getting AF cramps, I think wtf I spent so much money for this to work and this is going on..Arghh! :muaha:

Pray for me ladies and send positive vibes my way that my embie is still inside & doing what it should, thanks! [-o< :dust:

I'm not even on the 2ww but have nearly killed my hubby a few times. He is quite wonderful but just seems to wind me up at the mo - why is it so hard to tidy up after himself:wacko:

Totally natural to symptom spot and I can only imagine the stress of it all. We have spent a fortune too and if it doesn't work.....well.....I just don't know..... But until we know different - lets make these little embabys grow!!!

Baby dust and more baby dust to you.

Lexus - this 2WW must be the worst part of the whole process so i really feel for you at the moment. How long have you got left?

I am sending you positive thoughts, positive vibes, keeping my fingers crossed, sending you lots and lots of baby dust and praying for you


Beta is on Mon but may do a hpt over the weekend :wacko:
Hi Ladies, I feel like i have missed loads again.

I am finally home, i hated leaving my mum but i know she is in the best care and I have to go back to work, unfortunately i missed my acupuncture tonight but hoping to get another appointment before next week. Nothing else to report, still doing stims and they are going fine, a bit too fine, apart from being emotional for obvious reasons i've had no other side effects and feeling surprisingly calm. Looking forward to my scan on Fri, fingers cross i can have EC next Monday - so exciting.

Emmi - brilliant EC story ha ha and well done on those eggs thats a great number, good luck with the phone call in the morning - positive thoughts coming to you.

Strawberry/Baby D - great news that you are almost ready for EC, good luck to you both.

Lexus - not much longer, you hang in their girl and you will get that result, keep busy and keep happy

Tee/Qwerty - hope you two yummy mummys are doing well, think you will have a few more join your club shortly.

Looking forward to keeping up to date now the fun is all kicking off xx

Stay strong Pinkie for your family.. you've had a lot going on & are doing great.xx:hugs:
Thanks guys!! Unfortunately it won't the the end if injections for me, my clinic makes everyone do pio injections for progesterone, bleh! But hopefully I won't have to do that for too long.

Too funny about your sedation stories. They told me that I'm going to be knocked out completely, is that how it was for you guys?

No they just said sedated and told me the two drugs. I work with an anesthesiologist and she told me that it just is for pain and calming you down. I know a lot of clinics do put people out for real though.
Hi Ladies, I feel like i have missed loads again.

I am finally home, i hated leaving my mum but i know she is in the best care and I have to go back to work, unfortunately i missed my acupuncture tonight but hoping to get another appointment before next week. Nothing else to report, still doing stims and they are going fine, a bit too fine, apart from being emotional for obvious reasons i've had no other side effects and feeling surprisingly calm. Looking forward to my scan on Fri, fingers cross i can have EC next Monday - so exciting.

Emmi - brilliant EC story ha ha and well done on those eggs thats a great number, good luck with the phone call in the morning - positive thoughts coming to you.

Strawberry/Baby D - great news that you are almost ready for EC, good luck to you both.

Lexus - not much longer, you hang in their girl and you will get that result, keep busy and keep happy

Tee/Qwerty - hope you two yummy mummys are doing well, think you will have a few more join your club shortly.

Looking forward to keeping up to date now the fun is all kicking off xx

Pinkie welcome back. Must have been hard to leave but you have so much on your plate maybe it's better to get back to your routine...?

I don't remember what stims you are on but I didn't feel ANY side effects either with the gonal F stims the whole time.

Good luck sweetie!
Lexus all of your symptoms sound like you are totally pg... I understand not wanting to get your hopes up though because you are right with all the drugs and this being our first time we don't know if this would be the way our bodies felt anyway... I totally vote for a POAS test this weekend even if it just makes the wait a tiny bit less time for you and maybe more bearable :flower:
Hi Ladies, I feel like i have missed loads again.

I am finally home, i hated leaving my mum but i know she is in the best care and I have to go back to work, unfortunately i missed my acupuncture tonight but hoping to get another appointment before next week. Nothing else to report, still doing stims and they are going fine, a bit too fine, apart from being emotional for obvious reasons i've had no other side effects and feeling surprisingly calm. Looking forward to my scan on Fri, fingers cross i can have EC next Monday - so exciting.

Emmi - brilliant EC story ha ha and well done on those eggs thats a great number, good luck with the phone call in the morning - positive thoughts coming to you.

Strawberry/Baby D - great news that you are almost ready for EC, good luck to you both.

Lexus - not much longer, you hang in their girl and you will get that result, keep busy and keep happy

Tee/Qwerty - hope you two yummy mummys are doing well, think you will have a few more join your club shortly.

Looking forward to keeping up to date now the fun is all kicking off xx

WOO HOO Pinkie! I am crossing everything for you! XOXO:hugs:

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