IVF Cycle in August

Hi ladies, Fertilisation report #1: Out of the 9 eggs, 3 were immature, so that leaves 6. All 6 fertilised with ICSI but one is looking a bit unhappy and probably won't last, leaving us 5 that look good. :)

Tomorrow they will call us to say how they are doing. They will either transfer tomorrow (2DT) or Sunday (3DT) which would hopefully leave us some to freeze. Hope you're all well? x
Aww thats fantastic news on your embies Baby..not long now until your pupo as well! :happydance:
Aww thats fantastic news on your embies Baby..not long now until your pupo as well! :happydance:

Thank you. I am just hoping they divide well and are good quality otherwise we will push for two to be put back. xx
This has been an emotional morning for me so bear with me ladies.:cry:

I'm 11dp3dt today so technically I should be able to get a solid bfp on a hpt. Woke up & poas with an ic which came back with a very faint second line (yipee!) also did an Asda hpt but after the 5 mins waiting time came back negative, however after around 20-30 mins I could see a second faint line, does this count? :cry: :shrug:

Why couldn't it be a solid line so I could know one way or the other? After trying for so long and not seeing any form of a second line when poas I so want to believe its a bfp..

Had a good cry as there is so much emotionally to deal with whilst doing IVF and it's still not clear cut for me! Please send your positive vibes & :dust: & [-o<[-o<[-o< to my lovely embie & tell it to thrive in its mama.x

This has been an emotional morning for me so bear with me ladies.:cry:

I'm 11dp3dt today so technically I should be able to get a solid bfp on a hpt. Woke up & poas with an ic which came back with a very faint second line (yipee!) also did an Asda hpt but after the 5 mins waiting time came back negative, however after around 20-30 mins I could see a second faint line, does this count? :cry: :shrug:

Why couldn't it be a solid line so I could know one way or the other? After trying for so long and not seeing any form of a second line when poas I so want to believe its a bfp..

Had a good cry as there is so much emotionally to deal with whilst doing IVF and it's still not clear cut for me! Please send your positive vibes & :dust: & [-o<[-o<[-o< to my lovely embie & tell it to thrive in its mama.x


I would try again with FMU and only use the results from the first test used. Keeping everything crossed for you :hugs:
Hi ladies, Fertilisation report #1: Out of the 9 eggs, 3 were immature, so that leaves 6. All 6 fertilised with ICSI but one is looking a bit unhappy and probably won't last, leaving us 5 that look good. :)

Tomorrow they will call us to say how they are doing. They will either transfer tomorrow (2DT) or Sunday (3DT) which would hopefully leave us some to freeze. Hope you're all well? x

Fabulous news!!! Rest up now as if you thought it was a roller coaster during injections - the 2ww is a tad more bonkers. Hope that they are doing good tomorrow and hope that hubby is looking after you!!!! xxx
This has been an emotional morning for me so bear with me ladies.:cry:

I'm 11dp3dt today so technically I should be able to get a solid bfp on a hpt. Woke up & poas with an ic which came back with a very faint second line (yipee!) also did an Asda hpt but after the 5 mins waiting time came back negative, however after around 20-30 mins I could see a second faint line, does this count? :cry: :shrug:

Why couldn't it be a solid line so I could know one way or the other? After trying for so long and not seeing any form of a second line when poas I so want to believe its a bfp..

Had a good cry as there is so much emotionally to deal with whilst doing IVF and it's still not clear cut for me! Please send your positive vibes & :dust: & [-o<[-o<[-o< to my lovely embie & tell it to thrive in its mama.x


Just hang on in there - my clinic have advised to wait 16 days after a 2 day transfer to test so you may have just tested too early. Sending you lost of positive vibes to your embryo - totally understand what you must be going through. :hugs: xxx
Hi ladies, Fertilisation report #1: Out of the 9 eggs, 3 were immature, so that leaves 6. All 6 fertilised with ICSI but one is looking a bit unhappy and probably won't last, leaving us 5 that look good. :)

Tomorrow they will call us to say how they are doing. They will either transfer tomorrow (2DT) or Sunday (3DT) which would hopefully leave us some to freeze. Hope you're all well? x

Well done BabyD, so happy for you. Fingers crossed for the transfer :hugs: x
This has been an emotional morning for me so bear with me ladies.:cry:

I'm 11dp3dt today so technically I should be able to get a solid bfp on a hpt. Woke up & poas with an ic which came back with a very faint second line (yipee!) also did an Asda hpt but after the 5 mins waiting time came back negative, however after around 20-30 mins I could see a second faint line, does this count? :cry: :shrug:

Why couldn't it be a solid line so I could know one way or the other? After trying for so long and not seeing any form of a second line when poas I so want to believe its a bfp..

Had a good cry as there is so much emotionally to deal with whilst doing IVF and it's still not clear cut for me! Please send your positive vibes & :dust: & [-o<[-o<[-o< to my lovely embie & tell it to thrive in its mama.x


Praying for you honey but seeing that faint line must give you some hope. Hoping it was too early and you get that big fat line in a few days. You have done so well, stay strong - Big Hugs :hugs:
Update from me ladies, just got back from the scan. They made me wait nearly an hour i was going out of my head, i was more nervous this time than any other appointment.

Not great news but not bad... I have 3 follies is each ovary ranging from 10-11 so 6 all together, i was really hoping for a few more and a bit more growth. I have to continue with my meds and go back for another scan on Monday morning, she thinks I will also have to have another scan on Weds with egg collection next Fri. She could see my little worried face :sad1: and told me not to worry and we will get there in the end :thumbup: i really hope so.

I need to get my sorry butt back to work now, i will also have to cancel my holiday next week and rearrange for the following. I am finding juggling work and explaining to people why i am off and rearrange holidays really difficult.

Lexus, any tips on how you got yours to grow? I am planning on sitting with my leg in the air for 20 mins each day and getting plenty of sleep. My friend has brought me pumpkin seeds for lots of protein. All I fancy is a glass of wine :wine:

Enjoy the rest of your day, i will catch up later this evening.

Update from me ladies, just got back from the scan. They made me wait nearly an hour i was going out of my head, i was more nervous this time than any other appointment.

Not great news but not bad... I have 3 follies is each ovary ranging from 10-11 so 6 all together, i was really hoping for a few more and a bit more growth. I have to continue with my meds and go back for another scan on Monday morning, she thinks I will also have to have another scan on Weds with egg collection next Fri. She could see my little worried face :sad1: and told me not to worry and we will get there in the end :thumbup: i really hope so.

I need to get my sorry butt back to work now, i will also have to cancel my holiday next week and rearrange for the following. I am finding juggling work and explaining to people why i am off and rearrange holidays really difficult.

Lexus, any tips on how you got yours to grow? I am planning on sitting with my leg in the air for 20 mins each day and getting plenty of sleep. My friend has brought me pumpkin seeds for lots of protein. All I fancy is a glass of wine :wine:

Enjoy the rest of your day, i will catch up later this evening.


They will grow with the meds Pinkie!! And each follie may have more than one egg - you don't know until collection. So in the mean time - lots of high protein food and milk and talk to them!! Tell them bleeders that you need them to grow!

That must be hard to explaining to people why you are off :shrug:But they don't need to know details. I was sitting on a bench today as my pooch had a little run and a fellow dog walker exclaimed that I should be doing more exercise with my doggie. So - should I tell him to bog off, be polite and say that I already walked 50 miles:winkwink: or tell him I have to not be too strenuous as I have 2 embies that I need to take care of!! Errrrr - I did actually say that we had had a very long walk already:thumbup:

Ahhh - yes - all I need at the mo is a glass of wine!!! Painful that it's just milk these days:wine:

Catch you laterxxxx
Update from me ladies, just got back from the scan. They made me wait nearly an hour i was going out of my head, i was more nervous this time than any other appointment.

Not great news but not bad... I have 3 follies is each ovary ranging from 10-11 so 6 all together, i was really hoping for a few more and a bit more growth. I have to continue with my meds and go back for another scan on Monday morning, she thinks I will also have to have another scan on Weds with egg collection next Fri. She could see my little worried face :sad1: and told me not to worry and we will get there in the end :thumbup: i really hope so.

I need to get my sorry butt back to work now, i will also have to cancel my holiday next week and rearrange for the following. I am finding juggling work and explaining to people why i am off and rearrange holidays really difficult.

Lexus, any tips on how you got yours to grow? I am planning on sitting with my leg in the air for 20 mins each day and getting plenty of sleep. My friend has brought me pumpkin seeds for lots of protein. All I fancy is a glass of wine :wine:

Enjoy the rest of your day, i will catch up later this evening.


Pinkie your doing everything correctly..my two dominant follicles grew well with the Menopur (I think the others did but just not enough by EC!) but keep your protein intake high and drink milk if you can stomach it :wacko:

I don't really like wine :sick:but a glass of rum or brandy + coke would do me right now! :thumbup:
Ladies I hope you are all doing well during the different stages of your treatment :flower: do any of you know how long it takes for Ovitrelle (250) to come out of our bodies? I can't believe that I'm 10dp3dt..thinking of testing..the waiting isn't getting any easier!

I'm still constipated + bloated + backache + cramping on & off + lost of appetite (lost a few pounds on a positive note!)+ moody on & off as well! :dohh:

Sending lots of baby dust for our positive outcomes :dust::dust::dust:

I've seen 9 days online and my clinic said about that as well.
lexus - eeeeeeeeeeeeee i am so nervously happy for you!!!! i know that it is scary seeing just a faint line but i think it's way too late for trigger for you. stay sane this weekend and stay hopeful that at your beta on monday you will get your BFP! you def could test again this weekend but maybe that was too much drama for you? i know when i tested before it was NEGATIVE when it was negative. and my positive this time wasn't really big and fat and all of a sudden for the cheap strip tests i had to wait at least 2 min to see anything. i TOTALLY understand being worried though. but just try to be a tiny teeny bit hopeful because of your results! and you saw it on two tests so it wasn't a fluke!

babydancing great job! so happy for your little troopers fertilizing! hope you continue to get good reports over the weekend about their growth and good luck in your transfer!

AFM trying to stay calm. losing my job in december and had a lead that didn't pan out this week and i sobbed and sobbed all night. really down. just need to keep some income and health insurance until may (if this baby makes it!). if it doesn't i am so sad that we wouldn't have a chance to do a second (or 3rd or 4th) IVF that we would have otherwise been able to do with my job. DH applying all over the place too so life is stressful.

honestly though, being pregnant, and especially days like today where i get another beta result (hopefully good this afternoon!) makes it all ok. somehow, we will take care of ourselves and this little one.

hope the rest of you are well. hang in there pinkie!
lexus - eeeeeeeeeeeeee i am so nervously happy for you!!!! i know that it is scary seeing just a faint line but i think it's way too late for trigger for you. stay sane this weekend and stay hopeful that at your beta on monday you will get your BFP! you def could test again this weekend but maybe that was too much drama for you? i know when i tested before it was NEGATIVE when it was negative. and my positive this time wasn't really big and fat and all of a sudden for the cheap strip tests i had to wait at least 2 min to see anything. i TOTALLY understand being worried though. but just try to be a tiny teeny bit hopeful because of your results! and you saw it on two tests so it wasn't a fluke!

babydancing great job! so happy for your little troopers fertilizing! hope you continue to get good reports over the weekend about their growth and good luck in your transfer!

AFM trying to stay calm. losing my job in december and had a lead that didn't pan out this week and i sobbed and sobbed all night. really down. just need to keep some income and health insurance until may (if this baby makes it!). if it doesn't i am so sad that we wouldn't have a chance to do a second (or 3rd or 4th) IVF that we would have otherwise been able to do with my job. DH applying all over the place too so life is stressful.

honestly though, being pregnant, and especially days like today where i get another beta result (hopefully good this afternoon!) makes it all ok. somehow, we will take care of ourselves and this little one.

hope the rest of you are well. hang in there pinkie!

Ahhh Qwerty you are having such a tough and emotional time with the job situation:hugs: Everything seems to be such a domino effect so I do understand.

And you will take care yourselves as people do in the crappiest of situations. As long as you guys remember that you have each other and another special addition coming soon - you will get by.

I really hope that you and hubby get something real soon. xxxx
Thanks for the words of wisdom ladies, i am staying positive and focused, I am just getting impatient now. I tried the pumpkin seeds and they are awful, YUCK! I will find other ways of eating high protein foods.

Qwerty - good luck with the job searching i really hope something comes up for you soon.

Why is it while we are all going through this IVF life likes to challenge us with other dramas, like we are not stressed/emotional/going crazy women who have enough to think about as it is :wacko:

Hope everyones BFP, PUPO, ET, EC, Scans etc are all going well and everyone is ok.

Its the weekend... Yey :happydance: I plan to relax, sleep, sleep and sleep some more :sleep: x
Sad news... Beta slowing down. Dr. Is concerned so I will go in again on Sunday and they will scan on Tuesday to see what's happening. :(
Sad news... Beta slowing down. Dr. Is concerned so I will go in again on Sunday and they will scan on Tuesday to see what's happening. :(

Oh Honey - really hoping and keeping everything crossed that everything is okay. Sending lots of positive energy to you. Take care xxx
lexus - eeeeeeeeeeeeee i am so nervously happy for you!!!! i know that it is scary seeing just a faint line but i think it's way too late for trigger for you. stay sane this weekend and stay hopeful that at your beta on monday you will get your BFP! you def could test again this weekend but maybe that was too much drama for you? i know when i tested before it was NEGATIVE when it was negative. and my positive this time wasn't really big and fat and all of a sudden for the cheap strip tests i had to wait at least 2 min to see anything. i TOTALLY understand being worried though. but just try to be a tiny teeny bit hopeful because of your results! and you saw it on two tests so it wasn't a fluke!

babydancing great job! so happy for your little troopers fertilizing! hope you continue to get good reports over the weekend about their growth and good luck in your transfer!

AFM trying to stay calm. losing my job in december and had a lead that didn't pan out this week and i sobbed and sobbed all night. really down. just need to keep some income and health insurance until may (if this baby makes it!). if it doesn't i am so sad that we wouldn't have a chance to do a second (or 3rd or 4th) IVF that we would have otherwise been able to do with my job. DH applying all over the place too so life is stressful.

honestly though, being pregnant, and especially days like today where i get another beta result (hopefully good this afternoon!) makes it all ok. somehow, we will take care of ourselves and this little one.

hope the rest of you are well. hang in there pinkie!

Thank you so much Qwerty for your kind words, it means a lot..if I can stomach it tomorrow I'll do another test :dohh:

I'm sorry to hear that your lead never worked out, what type of work do you & your hubby do? You know what sweetie it will work out for you guys & you will make it work whether your working or not..fx a job will be round the corner for you & hubs.x :hugs:
This has been an emotional morning for me so bear with me ladies.:cry:

I'm 11dp3dt today so technically I should be able to get a solid bfp on a hpt. Woke up & poas with an ic which came back with a very faint second line (yipee!) also did an Asda hpt but after the 5 mins waiting time came back negative, however after around 20-30 mins I could see a second faint line, does this count? :cry: :shrug:

Why couldn't it be a solid line so I could know one way or the other? After trying for so long and not seeing any form of a second line when poas I so want to believe its a bfp..

Had a good cry as there is so much emotionally to deal with whilst doing IVF and it's still not clear cut for me! Please send your positive vibes & :dust: & [-o<[-o<[-o< to my lovely embie & tell it to thrive in its mama.x


Just hang on in there - my clinic have advised to wait 16 days after a 2 day transfer to test so you may have just tested too early. Sending you lost of positive vibes to your embryo - totally understand what you must be going through. :hugs: xxx

Aww thanks hon, my beta on Mon will make me 14dp hopefully by then there's hcg swimming through my veins! :winkwink:

How are you feeling today? :hugs:

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