IVF Cycle in August

Hi Ladies,

We had a very difficult time choosing what to transfer because out of the 6, 5 made it to Blastocyst and our hospital have not performed so many blastocyst transfers. After much discussion, and listening to the consultants views about risks of multiples etc, we feel we really made a decision that was right for us.

So, I am currently PUPO with a grade 5AA hatching blastocyst and we are praying it was the right decision. xx


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Tee- so amazing! You must be so thrilled.

Qwerty- anymore news? Do you know when your first scan will be?

So happy for all of the preggos on here- you all give me hope!!

Btw is it weird I have like zero side effects from anything? No effects from the pio shots and really feel 100% normal.

Have first scan today! Later this afternoon. So nervous and excited! Not really sure what to expect on what we are "supposed" to see but at least we will rule out ectopic and might get more explanation of weird numbers from my doc.
baby I think you made a great choice!! Sounds like you have a top grade little bug in there! good luck to you and relax today :)
Hi Ladies,

We had a very difficult time choosing what to transfer because out of the 6, 5 made it to Blastocyst and our hospital have not performed so many blastocyst transfers. After much discussion, and listening to the consultants views about risks of multiples etc, we feel we really made a decision that was right for us.

So, I am currently PUPO with a grade 5AA hatching blastocyst and we are praying it was the right decision. xx

Ooooo loving that word hatching!! I am sure that you made the best decision with the info you had!!

Welcome to PUPO and the most difficult part of it! Take it easy and keep busy - but nowt too strenuous!!xxx
Tee- so amazing! You must be so thrilled.

Qwerty- anymore news? Do you know when your first scan will be?

So happy for all of the preggos on here- you all give me hope!!

Btw is it weird I have like zero side effects from anything? No effects from the pio shots and really feel 100% normal.

Have first scan today! Later this afternoon. So nervous and excited! Not really sure what to expect on what we are "supposed" to see but at least we will rule out ectopic and might get more explanation of weird numbers from my doc.

Really hope that you get your answers - hope that everything is fabulous for you - fingers crossed.

Hi Ladies,

We had a very difficult time choosing what to transfer because out of the 6, 5 made it to Blastocyst and our hospital have not performed so many blastocyst transfers. After much discussion, and listening to the consultants views about risks of multiples etc, we feel we really made a decision that was right for us.

So, I am currently PUPO with a grade 5AA hatching blastocyst and we are praying it was the right decision. xx

Congrats - we transferred One AAA Grade blast and I am almost 6 weeks pregnant. It will happen!!! Good luck to you!!! :hugs::hugs:
Thanks ladies, now I get to join you in the crazy two week wait. Those pregnant so far, any tips on what you did or didn't do?? xx
Tee what does this mean? I am clueless about it other than during stims...

My doc said it's common after stimming and getting pregnant because of the increase of HCG. He said that it will go away on its own. If it was severe I'd have to get it drained. Whew.
:happydance:I am back from my very first US! OMG, things are happening so fast now. I have my last RE appt next monday, which I will see and hopefully hear the heartbeat. The that Wed. I have my first OB appt. The OB is the one that performed my surgury in 06 when I had my ectopic, and he was the one that told me I would have to most likely use IVF. Talk about full circle huh?

So here's my little one's second picture. <3

Oh my god - that is just amazing!!! And then to hear a heartbeat!!! Am so teary that that. Baba is now gonna grow and grow. xxx

I know Emmi - I am just in awe of that little black blob. LOL I can't wait to at least see the heartbeat next monday. I don't want to get my hopes up about hearing it, I know it still might be too soon. It's happening so fast now.

Soon you will be scheduling the same appointments! How are you feeling???:hugs::hugs:
Thanks ladies, now I get to join you in the crazy two week wait. Those pregnant so far, any tips on what you did or didn't do?? xx

The week after the transfer I didn't do anything. I laid in bed. My hubby even brought a cooler up to my room with everything I needed so I didn't have to walk downstairs. I just got up to use the loo and shower.

I also ate a pineapple core a day, a hand full of Brazil nuts everyday, drank a LOT of powerade and smart water and some Pom juice. This may sound silly but I watched funny movies to get me laughing and my mom and sister came over and we LAUGHED so hard. I read somewhere a good laugh is good for the transfer. (I told you it sounds weird). I was also taking prenatals and DHA everyday. No heating pads or tylenol. My doc said that the embryo doesn't like heat. LOL She also said you can't pee, poo or fart it out. HAHAH so just relax as much as possible and talk to that little embaby. Good luck!!! :hugs:
:happydance:I am back from my very first US! OMG, things are happening so fast now. I have my last RE appt next monday, which I will see and hopefully hear the heartbeat. The that Wed. I have my first OB appt. The OB is the one that performed my surgury in 06 when I had my ectopic, and he was the one that told me I would have to most likely use IVF. Talk about full circle huh?

So here's my little one's second picture. <3

What a wonderful picture, so pleased for you Tee it must be starting to feel real xx
:happydance:I am back from my very first US! OMG, things are happening so fast now. I have my last RE appt next monday, which I will see and hopefully hear the heartbeat. The that Wed. I have my first OB appt. The OB is the one that performed my surgury in 06 when I had my ectopic, and he was the one that told me I would have to most likely use IVF. Talk about full circle huh?

So here's my little one's second picture. <3

Oh my god - that is just amazing!!! And then to hear a heartbeat!!! Am so teary that that. Baba is now gonna grow and grow. xxx

I know Emmi - I am just in awe of that little black blob. LOL I can't wait to at least see the heartbeat next monday. I don't want to get my hopes up about hearing it, I know it still might be too soon. It's happening so fast now.

Soon you will be scheduling the same appointments! How are you feeling???:hugs::hugs:

I can imagine the apprehension!! All of this journey is so scary!!!

I am better today - I was very teary yesterday:cry: I had a lovely weekend and then back to too much thinking time!!! Convinced that the IVF hadn't worked - no symptoms and just freaking out with the wait.....Am going bonkers!!

But today - I spoke to a nurse and she calmed me down big time. I have slight cramping which could be the progesterone. All so hard all the symptom spotting!! But - I am just praying and hoping big time....

Hi Ladies,

We had a very difficult time choosing what to transfer because out of the 6, 5 made it to Blastocyst and our hospital have not performed so many blastocyst transfers. After much discussion, and listening to the consultants views about risks of multiples etc, we feel we really made a decision that was right for us.

So, I am currently PUPO with a grade 5AA hatching blastocyst and we are praying it was the right decision. xx

Congratulation BabyD, what wonderful news -if you feel this was the right decision then it will be x
:happydance:I am back from my very first US! OMG, things are happening so fast now. I have my last RE appt next monday, which I will see and hopefully hear the heartbeat. The that Wed. I have my first OB appt. The OB is the one that performed my surgury in 06 when I had my ectopic, and he was the one that told me I would have to most likely use IVF. Talk about full circle huh?

So here's my little one's second picture. <3

What a wonderful picture, so pleased for you Tee it must be starting to feel real xx

Thank you Pinkie. It is feeling real now. Once I see that heartbeat then I will just be over the moon.
Tee- so amazing! You must be so thrilled.

Qwerty- anymore news? Do you know when your first scan will be?

So happy for all of the preggos on here- you all give me hope!!

Btw is it weird I have like zero side effects from anything? No effects from the pio shots and really feel 100% normal.

Strawberry - I am just on cloud nine right now. I'm still so nervous but I am trying to stay positive. :winkwink:
Hi Ladies,

Great to hear some good news on here again tonight.

I have my 3rd scan tomorrow, getting nervous again, had my acupuncture last night so hope that gave them a good growth spurt and I can trigger tomorrow night. I will be glad when these injections are over, i was doing ok on them but for the last 7 days i have been feeling really sick and I have more spots than when i was a teenager!!!

Emmi - glad you are feeling better today, keep the faith and yes organised some nice days out with the hubby to take your mind off things., you will soon be joining the BFP club.

Qwerty - good luck today i hope you get some good news.

Hope you are all feeling good today, happy and positive thoughts to everyone xx
:happydance:I am back from my very first US! OMG, things are happening so fast now. I have my last RE appt next monday, which I will see and hopefully hear the heartbeat. The that Wed. I have my first OB appt. The OB is the one that performed my surgury in 06 when I had my ectopic, and he was the one that told me I would have to most likely use IVF. Talk about full circle huh?

So here's my little one's second picture. <3

Oh my god - that is just amazing!!! And then to hear a heartbeat!!! Am so teary that that. Baba is now gonna grow and grow. xxx

I know Emmi - I am just in awe of that little black blob. LOL I can't wait to at least see the heartbeat next monday. I don't want to get my hopes up about hearing it, I know it still might be too soon. It's happening so fast now.

Soon you will be scheduling the same appointments! How are you feeling???:hugs::hugs:

I can imagine the apprehension!! All of this journey is so scary!!!

I am better today - I was very teary yesterday:cry: I had a lovely weekend and then back to too much thinking time!!! Convinced that the IVF hadn't worked - no symptoms and just freaking out with the wait.....Am going bonkers!!

But today - I spoke to a nurse and she calmed me down big time. I have slight cramping which could be the progesterone. All so hard all the symptom spotting!! But - I am just praying and hoping big time....


Emmi - I was the same way in the last week of the tww. I was a mess and I was so convinced that every "symptom" was the progesterone. It's so hard to tell and it's so hard not to want to test! Are you going to POAS early or wait for the beta? One symptom that did it for me where I was like, OK that isn't right, was my (TMI) nipples. They were bigger and my breast were covered in veins. I knew that I was pregnant when I saw that. But I was still trying to not get my hopes up. The TWW does drive you mad!!
Hi Ladies,

We had a very difficult time choosing what to transfer because out of the 6, 5 made it to Blastocyst and our hospital have not performed so many blastocyst transfers. After much discussion, and listening to the consultants views about risks of multiples etc, we feel we really made a decision that was right for us.

So, I am currently PUPO with a grade 5AA hatching blastocyst and we are praying it was the right decision. xx

Congrats on being pupo Baby with a great looking embie! :thumbup: :happydance:

At my hospital, they advised me to take things easy up & carry on like normal apart from no gym! Taking that advice literally, I went shopping two hours after ET pushing the trolley & everything then sat a 3 hour exam later that evening & it worked for me! Try & rest as much as possible & don't stress over the 2ww (yeah right like I never did!) :dohh:

Hi Ladies,

Great to hear some good news on here again tonight.

I have my 3rd scan tomorrow, getting nervous again, had my acupuncture last night so hope that gave them a good growth spurt and I can trigger tomorrow night. I will be glad when these injections are over, i was doing ok on them but for the last 7 days i have been feeling really sick and I have more spots than when i was a teenager!!!

Emmi - glad you are feeling better today, keep the faith and yes organised some nice days out with the hubby to take your mind off things., you will soon be joining the BFP club.

Qwerty - good luck today i hope you get some good news.

Hope you are all feeling good today, happy and positive thoughts to everyone xx

YAY for the trigger!!! I know what you mean about finally being done with the stimming. I was on stims for 10 days. I was so over it! Hang in there momma!!! :hugs:
:happydance:I am back from my very first US! OMG, things are happening so fast now. I have my last RE appt next monday, which I will see and hopefully hear the heartbeat. The that Wed. I have my first OB appt. The OB is the one that performed my surgury in 06 when I had my ectopic, and he was the one that told me I would have to most likely use IVF. Talk about full circle huh?

So here's my little one's second picture. <3

Oh my god - that is just amazing!!! And then to hear a heartbeat!!! Am so teary that that. Baba is now gonna grow and grow. xxx

I know Emmi - I am just in awe of that little black blob. LOL I can't wait to at least see the heartbeat next monday. I don't want to get my hopes up about hearing it, I know it still might be too soon. It's happening so fast now.

Soon you will be scheduling the same appointments! How are you feeling???:hugs::hugs:

I can imagine the apprehension!! All of this journey is so scary!!!

I am better today - I was very teary yesterday:cry: I had a lovely weekend and then back to too much thinking time!!! Convinced that the IVF hadn't worked - no symptoms and just freaking out with the wait.....Am going bonkers!!

But today - I spoke to a nurse and she calmed me down big time. I have slight cramping which could be the progesterone. All so hard all the symptom spotting!! But - I am just praying and hoping big time....


Glad your feeling better & nurse calmed your fears hon, cramping could be your embie implanting as well so think positive..sending lots of baby dust:dust:

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