IVF Cycle in August

Hi Ladies,

Great to hear some good news on here again tonight.

I have my 3rd scan tomorrow, getting nervous again, had my acupuncture last night so hope that gave them a good growth spurt and I can trigger tomorrow night. I will be glad when these injections are over, i was doing ok on them but for the last 7 days i have been feeling really sick and I have more spots than when i was a teenager!!!

Emmi - glad you are feeling better today, keep the faith and yes organised some nice days out with the hubby to take your mind off things., you will soon be joining the BFP club.

Qwerty - good luck today i hope you get some good news.

Hope you are all feeling good today, happy and positive thoughts to everyone xx

YAY for the trigger!!! I know what you mean about finally being done with the stimming. I was on stims for 10 days. I was so over it! Hang in there momma!!! :hugs:

Thanks Tee - tomorrow will be day 14 of stimms for me, I am bored now lol x
:happydance:I am back from my very first US! OMG, things are happening so fast now. I have my last RE appt next monday, which I will see and hopefully hear the heartbeat. The that Wed. I have my first OB appt. The OB is the one that performed my surgury in 06 when I had my ectopic, and he was the one that told me I would have to most likely use IVF. Talk about full circle huh?

So here's my little one's second picture. <3

Oh my god - that is just amazing!!! And then to hear a heartbeat!!! Am so teary that that. Baba is now gonna grow and grow. xxx

I know Emmi - I am just in awe of that little black blob. LOL I can't wait to at least see the heartbeat next monday. I don't want to get my hopes up about hearing it, I know it still might be too soon. It's happening so fast now.

Soon you will be scheduling the same appointments! How are you feeling???:hugs::hugs:

I can imagine the apprehension!! All of this journey is so scary!!!

I am better today - I was very teary yesterday:cry: I had a lovely weekend and then back to too much thinking time!!! Convinced that the IVF hadn't worked - no symptoms and just freaking out with the wait.....Am going bonkers!!

But today - I spoke to a nurse and she calmed me down big time. I have slight cramping which could be the progesterone. All so hard all the symptom spotting!! But - I am just praying and hoping big time....


Emmi - I was the same way in the last week of the tww. I was a mess and I was so convinced that every "symptom" was the progesterone. It's so hard to tell and it's so hard not to want to test! Are you going to POAS early or wait for the beta? One symptom that did it for me where I was like, OK that isn't right, was my (TMI) nipples. They were bigger and my breast were covered in veins. I knew that I was pregnant when I saw that. But I was still trying to not get my hopes up. The TWW does drive you mad!!

Mine was mainly backache from 3dp everyday & snot like/clumpy cm (tmi!) for a couple of days which I don't get during a normal cycle! :wacko:
Hi Ladies,

Great to hear some good news on here again tonight.

I have my 3rd scan tomorrow, getting nervous again, had my acupuncture last night so hope that gave them a good growth spurt and I can trigger tomorrow night. I will be glad when these injections are over, i was doing ok on them but for the last 7 days i have been feeling really sick and I have more spots than when i was a teenager!!!

Emmi - glad you are feeling better today, keep the faith and yes organised some nice days out with the hubby to take your mind off things., you will soon be joining the BFP club.

Qwerty - good luck today i hope you get some good news.

Hope you are all feeling good today, happy and positive thoughts to everyone xx

YAY for the trigger!!! I know what you mean about finally being done with the stimming. I was on stims for 10 days. I was so over it! Hang in there momma!!! :hugs:

Thanks Tee - tomorrow will be day 14 of stimms for me, I am bored now lol x

OMG day 14??!! Oh you poor thing!!!! After you heal from retreival you're going to feel sooooooooo great! :hugs:
Everyone is moving in the right direction :thumbup:

I've been trying to get a pregnancy ticker but I can't copy & paste it! Do any of you know how to do it? :dohh:
:happydance:I am back from my very first US! OMG, things are happening so fast now. I have my last RE appt next monday, which I will see and hopefully hear the heartbeat. The that Wed. I have my first OB appt. The OB is the one that performed my surgury in 06 when I had my ectopic, and he was the one that told me I would have to most likely use IVF. Talk about full circle huh?

So here's my little one's second picture. <3

Oh my god - that is just amazing!!! And then to hear a heartbeat!!! Am so teary that that. Baba is now gonna grow and grow. xxx

I know Emmi - I am just in awe of that little black blob. LOL I can't wait to at least see the heartbeat next monday. I don't want to get my hopes up about hearing it, I know it still might be too soon. It's happening so fast now.

Soon you will be scheduling the same appointments! How are you feeling???:hugs::hugs:

I can imagine the apprehension!! All of this journey is so scary!!!

I am better today - I was very teary yesterday:cry: I had a lovely weekend and then back to too much thinking time!!! Convinced that the IVF hadn't worked - no symptoms and just freaking out with the wait.....Am going bonkers!!

But today - I spoke to a nurse and she calmed me down big time. I have slight cramping which could be the progesterone. All so hard all the symptom spotting!! But - I am just praying and hoping big time....


Emmi - I was the same way in the last week of the tww. I was a mess and I was so convinced that every "symptom" was the progesterone. It's so hard to tell and it's so hard not to want to test! Are you going to POAS early or wait for the beta? One symptom that did it for me where I was like, OK that isn't right, was my (TMI) nipples. They were bigger and my breast were covered in veins. I knew that I was pregnant when I saw that. But I was still trying to not get my hopes up. The TWW does drive you mad!!

I hate this feeling of no control and just waiting - it's a real killer!! I am going to try and sit it out until my OTD.... I just don't want more drama!! My boobies:holly: look exactly the same...... No symptoms apart from cramps which is most probably the progesterone - I am praying that it's implantation but who knows!! Gawd - am going crazy!!:wacko:

Hi Ladies,

Great to hear some good news on here again tonight.

I have my 3rd scan tomorrow, getting nervous again, had my acupuncture last night so hope that gave them a good growth spurt and I can trigger tomorrow night. I will be glad when these injections are over, i was doing ok on them but for the last 7 days i have been feeling really sick and I have more spots than when i was a teenager!!!

Emmi - glad you are feeling better today, keep the faith and yes organised some nice days out with the hubby to take your mind off things., you will soon be joining the BFP club.

Qwerty - good luck today i hope you get some good news.

Hope you are all feeling good today, happy and positive thoughts to everyone xx

YAY for the trigger!!! I know what you mean about finally being done with the stimming. I was on stims for 10 days. I was so over it! Hang in there momma!!! :hugs:

Thanks Tee - tomorrow will be day 14 of stimms for me, I am bored now lol x

OMG day 14??!! Oh you poor thing!!!! After you heal from retreival you're going to feel sooooooooo great! :hugs:

Crikey Pinkie - that's a whole lot of stimming but you are getting somewhere know. Thinking of you tomorrow - hope that you follies will do you proud!!!
:happydance:I am back from my very first US! OMG, things are happening so fast now. I have my last RE appt next monday, which I will see and hopefully hear the heartbeat. The that Wed. I have my first OB appt. The OB is the one that performed my surgury in 06 when I had my ectopic, and he was the one that told me I would have to most likely use IVF. Talk about full circle huh?

So here's my little one's second picture. <3

Oh my god - that is just amazing!!! And then to hear a heartbeat!!! Am so teary that that. Baba is now gonna grow and grow. xxx

I know Emmi - I am just in awe of that little black blob. LOL I can't wait to at least see the heartbeat next monday. I don't want to get my hopes up about hearing it, I know it still might be too soon. It's happening so fast now.

Soon you will be scheduling the same appointments! How are you feeling???:hugs::hugs:

I can imagine the apprehension!! All of this journey is so scary!!!

I am better today - I was very teary yesterday:cry: I had a lovely weekend and then back to too much thinking time!!! Convinced that the IVF hadn't worked - no symptoms and just freaking out with the wait.....Am going bonkers!!

But today - I spoke to a nurse and she calmed me down big time. I have slight cramping which could be the progesterone. All so hard all the symptom spotting!! But - I am just praying and hoping big time....


Emmi - I was the same way in the last week of the tww. I was a mess and I was so convinced that every "symptom" was the progesterone. It's so hard to tell and it's so hard not to want to test! Are you going to POAS early or wait for the beta? One symptom that did it for me where I was like, OK that isn't right, was my (TMI) nipples. They were bigger and my breast were covered in veins. I knew that I was pregnant when I saw that. But I was still trying to not get my hopes up. The TWW does drive you mad!!

Mine was mainly backache from 3dp everyday & snot like/clumpy cm (tmi!) for a couple of days which I don't get during a normal cycle! :wacko:

Lexus - with the vaginal progesterone pessaries - I haven't got a clue what's going on down there!! And as they are 12 hours apart - you never get an idea if anythings different as there is a whole lot of leakage with the pessaries!!!!

It's all fun fun fun!!!! xxx
Everyone is moving in the right direction :thumbup:

I've been trying to get a pregnancy ticker but I can't copy & paste it! Do any of you know how to do it? :dohh:

You have to paste the URL one. I hope that helps, I am going to look in my signature really quick LOL
:happydance:I am back from my very first US! OMG, things are happening so fast now. I have my last RE appt next monday, which I will see and hopefully hear the heartbeat. The that Wed. I have my first OB appt. The OB is the one that performed my surgury in 06 when I had my ectopic, and he was the one that told me I would have to most likely use IVF. Talk about full circle huh?

So here's my little one's second picture. <3

Oh my god - that is just amazing!!! And then to hear a heartbeat!!! Am so teary that that. Baba is now gonna grow and grow. xxx

I know Emmi - I am just in awe of that little black blob. LOL I can't wait to at least see the heartbeat next monday. I don't want to get my hopes up about hearing it, I know it still might be too soon. It's happening so fast now.

Soon you will be scheduling the same appointments! How are you feeling???:hugs::hugs:

I can imagine the apprehension!! All of this journey is so scary!!!

I am better today - I was very teary yesterday:cry: I had a lovely weekend and then back to too much thinking time!!! Convinced that the IVF hadn't worked - no symptoms and just freaking out with the wait.....Am going bonkers!!

But today - I spoke to a nurse and she calmed me down big time. I have slight cramping which could be the progesterone. All so hard all the symptom spotting!! But - I am just praying and hoping big time....


Emmi - I was the same way in the last week of the tww. I was a mess and I was so convinced that every "symptom" was the progesterone. It's so hard to tell and it's so hard not to want to test! Are you going to POAS early or wait for the beta? One symptom that did it for me where I was like, OK that isn't right, was my (TMI) nipples. They were bigger and my breast were covered in veins. I knew that I was pregnant when I saw that. But I was still trying to not get my hopes up. The TWW does drive you mad!!

I hate this feeling of no control and just waiting - it's a real killer!! I am going to try and sit it out until my OTD.... I just don't want more drama!! My boobies:holly: look exactly the same...... No symptoms apart from cramps which is most probably the progesterone - I am praying that it's implantation but who knows!! Gawd - am going crazy!!:wacko:


I know, it's so hard not to pick apart everything you are feeling. A friend of mine didn't have ANY symptoms, still doesn't and she is PG.
Just wanted to post quickly that at my scan today we saw little heartbeat at 128 bpm and measured fetus at 3.9! I was trying to hold still so doctor could measure heartbeat but also crane my neck to peek so suppressed my crying but husband was losing it next to me :) our dr was so happy and is looking into the lab why that number might have been so off.

Will have to catch up on your posts later! And will try to put up a pic... Although it doesn't do it justice.
Just wanted to post quickly that at my scan today we saw little heartbeat at 128 bpm and measured fetus at 3.9! I was trying to hold still so doctor could measure heartbeat but also crane my neck to peek so suppressed my crying but husband was losing it next to me :) our dr was so happy and is looking into the lab why that number might have been so off.

Will have to catch up on your posts later! And will try to put up a pic... Although it doesn't do it justice.

Awww Qwerty, this is such great news!!!! I am so happy for you and your hubby!!! I can't wait to see the picture and hear the news about why the numbers were off.

Congrats momma!!!!:hugs:
Thanks ladies, now I get to join you in the crazy two week wait. Those pregnant so far, any tips on what you did or didn't do?? xx

So I did eat the pineapple core over the five days after transfer. No caffeine. Lots of gatoragde and coconu water. Didn't do Anything day of transfer but life went back to normal the next day at work. Biked once a week for an hour and did 15 mins of either weights or yoga with no inversions. No herbal teas and avoided cinnamon, rosemary, sage (this was me being really paranoid eating small amounts of them is fine...). Acupuncture day of transfer and then once a week after. Heating pad on low on day of transfer for a few minutes now and then but then stopped. Also I quit soy milk a few months ago.

Of course we don't know if any of these things help or hurt but it's what I felt like doing for my body. In general I am pretty active and have a stupidly stressful job so I tried to keep up workouts to help with stress.

Sorry for the long rambling post... Hope that this helps baby dancing, but mostly just take care of yourself and breathe :)
I was going to post a pic of my hatching blast to see what you ladies thought but can't get it attached so I linked it as my profile pic. Today was a bla day felt light headed all day and even had bubble guts (tmi) a lot..... As much as I'd love for it to be from being preto it's highly unlikely since I'm only 2dp5dt ..... The progesterone shots are making my nipple sore too blah lol testing out my trigger and 9 days it's still there .... Never took this long before
Just wanted to post quickly that at my scan today we saw little heartbeat at 128 bpm and measured fetus at 3.9! I was trying to hold still so doctor could measure heartbeat but also crane my neck to peek so suppressed my crying but husband was losing it next to me :) our dr was so happy and is looking into the lab why that number might have been so off.

Will have to catch up on your posts later! And will try to put up a pic... Although it doesn't do it justice.

Awww - so happy for you!! I bet you had a blub - how wonderful to really see, feel and hear your baba:happydance: Wonderful wonderful news!!!!!!xxxx
Just wanted to post quickly that at my scan today we saw little heartbeat at 128 bpm and measured fetus at 3.9! I was trying to hold still so doctor could measure heartbeat but also crane my neck to peek so suppressed my crying but husband was losing it next to me :) our dr was so happy and is looking into the lab why that number might have been so off.

Will have to catch up on your posts later! And will try to put up a pic... Although it doesn't do it justice.

Awesome Qwerty you have a strong little one inside! Try & put up if if you can! :baby: :happydance:
I was going to post a pic of my hatching blast to see what you ladies thought but can't get it attached so I linked it as my profile pic. Today was a bla day felt light headed all day and even had bubble guts (tmi) a lot..... As much as I'd love for it to be from being preto it's highly unlikely since I'm only 2dp5dt ..... The progesterone shots are making my nipple sore too blah lol testing out my trigger and 9 days it's still there .... Never took this long before

Not that I'm an expert but your embie looks good to me!..fx for you :hugs:
Thanks ladies, now I get to join you in the crazy two week wait. Those pregnant so far, any tips on what you did or didn't do?? xx

So I did eat the pineapple core over the five days after transfer. No caffeine. Lots of gatoragde and coconu water. Didn't do Anything day of transfer but life went back to normal the next day at work. Biked once a week for an hour and did 15 mins of either weights or yoga with no inversions. No herbal teas and avoided cinnamon, rosemary, sage (this was me being really paranoid eating small amounts of them is fine...). Acupuncture day of transfer and then once a week after. Heating pad on low on day of transfer for a few minutes now and then but then stopped. Also I quit soy milk a few months ago.

Of course we don't know if any of these things help or hurt but it's what I felt like doing for my body. In general I am pretty active and have a stupidly stressful job so I tried to keep up workouts to help with stress.

Sorry for the long rambling post... Hope that this helps baby dancing, but mostly just take care of yourself and breathe :)

Qwerty nice to hear that you kept active during your 2ww..my hospital said no to the gym or classes & when I spoke to the nurse yesterday she still said no!

What program do you use with the weights? What do you think of yoga? I was thinking of doing something 'gentle' as my body is crying out for a hardcore workout! :bike:
Good morning ladies - hope that you are all well!!

I started having extreme cramps last night - kind of period ones! Don't know what to think - progesterone, AF or implantation:wacko:

So ladies - am getting confused with what I am reading about progesterone. Does it keep AF away??? I am on the vaginal ones 2 times a day - 12 hours apart.


Hi Emmi, fx it's implantation, how many days since ET?

I'm not to sure what the progesterone does! :wacko: I know it helps make the womb lining remain thick so that the embie can implant but I don't think it stops AF from coming. Sorry I can't be more helpful!:dohh:


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