IVF Cycle in August

Good morning ladies - hope that you are all well!!

I started having extreme cramps last night - kind of period ones! Don't know what to think - progesterone, AF or implantation:wacko:

So ladies - am getting confused with what I am reading about progesterone. Does it keep AF away??? I am on the vaginal ones 2 times a day - 12 hours apart.



I had cramps too Emmi. I swore AF was coming. I mean so much so I ran to the bathroom, and I even had gushes of water (tmi sorry) and thought it was AF, but I think it was from the progesterone. I have also heard that the progesterone does keep AF away. But hang in there, I had all the symptoms of AF coming, even the bad headaches a the lower backaches. :hugs:

OMG - yes yes - gushes of water!! Through the night, I kinda feel wet (sorry tmi) and I think AF has come or I have bloody wet myself!!! But I think it's the progesterone!!

Yep - feels like a AF - though a lot earlier and in my lower abdomen.....Gawd!!!

Hope that you are doing good and still walking on air!!!!


These are all the same things I went through. My cramps ended up going away through out the day and then would show back up in the middle of the night. One time it was so so bad that I couldn't get back to sleep.

I am doing good, so irritable, LOL but that's a given with all my crazy hormones. I just want to lay in bed with a book and ignore the world for a day. I have a stressful job, so it wears me out. I still can't believe I'm pregnant. I wake up every morning and I'm like, OMG I'm pregnant. LOL It's amazing! Although I don't feel pregnant. I can't wait to start showing.

Yep - the cramps aren't so bad during the day but they kept me awake last night so am tired and cranky now.....

Awww bless you - it's all such an emotional roller coaster so natural to feel all over the place. No stress remember so just make sure you take it all in your stride. Ah yes - that wonderful feeling when you start showing. I am sure it won't be too long as you are so gorgeous and slim! With me - I bet people will just think I have eaten all the pies again :wacko:


HAHAH on no, I weigh about 170, so I am not at all slim, but now I just let it all hang out, plus you can't suck in the bloat. HAHAH I am hoping I will lose some weight with the no appetite thing, but that's juts wishful thinking LOL.

You are going to look fabulous with your bump, and I can't wait to see it!!!!:happydance:

You are gorge in all your piccies!! But I think as you go through this difficult journey - your weight takes a back seat. It's all about healthy eating and doing whats best for the IVF and then for little baba.

Ahhh - I so hope that I am pregnant.....It's all so difficult - I swing from thinking that it's failed (and then cry nonstop:cry:) to thinking that maybe it will be okay. I am such a positive person but the doubts really do surface when it comes to this.....Makes you proper loony tunes!!!


You are so sweet! Thank you.

I felt the exact same way. I am a super positive person and at the beginning I kept saying I was pregnant, which I ws until proven other wise, but I was so happy and on cloud nine that my little super baby was in there.

Then I think I was trying to shield myself from being disappointed and was telling myself, that I am just imagining all these crazy symptoms and that all I was feeling was from the meds. I remember walking into work after my beta test thinking, there's no way. I know I'm not pregnant.

It's one hell of a ride. It's so hard to think either way, pregnant or not becasue you just don't know. That's the part that drove me bonkers. The not knowing.

I am praying for you and your little bean and I just know this is it for you!!! <3 Sending you lots of love!!!!

It's all so difficult as every woman has such different symptoms - in fact I found a great website where women post their symptoms after they got their BFP's and every single woman was different!!!


Yep - its the not knowing that's a killer. And swimming is one thing that keeps me sane - love being in the water but obviously - that's a big no no - sheesh.:wacko:

Thank you Sweetie - I keep telling God/The Universe/Buddha/Lord Shiva that I really deserve to be a mama and it must be my time now. You get so tired of being happy for everyone else with their good news and you just want a little bit of happiness for yourself.

Well time will tell!!!


I'm your cheerleader!!! I am sending all the positvity your way!!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Oh and the TWW site I was on 24/7 when I was in my TWW. Also googling everyday like 5dp5dt and 6dp5dt and so on. I was so bad with googling EVERYTHING
Good morning ladies - hope that you are all well!!

I started having extreme cramps last night - kind of period ones! Don't know what to think - progesterone, AF or implantation:wacko:

So ladies - am getting confused with what I am reading about progesterone. Does it keep AF away??? I am on the vaginal ones 2 times a day - 12 hours apart.



I had cramps too Emmi. I swore AF was coming. I mean so much so I ran to the bathroom, and I even had gushes of water (tmi sorry) and thought it was AF, but I think it was from the progesterone. I have also heard that the progesterone does keep AF away. But hang in there, I had all the symptoms of AF coming, even the bad headaches a the lower backaches. :hugs:

OMG - yes yes - gushes of water!! Through the night, I kinda feel wet (sorry tmi) and I think AF has come or I have bloody wet myself!!! But I think it's the progesterone!!

Yep - feels like a AF - though a lot earlier and in my lower abdomen.....Gawd!!!

Hope that you are doing good and still walking on air!!!!


These are all the same things I went through. My cramps ended up going away through out the day and then would show back up in the middle of the night. One time it was so so bad that I couldn't get back to sleep.

I am doing good, so irritable, LOL but that's a given with all my crazy hormones. I just want to lay in bed with a book and ignore the world for a day. I have a stressful job, so it wears me out. I still can't believe I'm pregnant. I wake up every morning and I'm like, OMG I'm pregnant. LOL It's amazing! Although I don't feel pregnant. I can't wait to start showing.

Yep - the cramps aren't so bad during the day but they kept me awake last night so am tired and cranky now.....

Awww bless you - it's all such an emotional roller coaster so natural to feel all over the place. No stress remember so just make sure you take it all in your stride. Ah yes - that wonderful feeling when you start showing. I am sure it won't be too long as you are so gorgeous and slim! With me - I bet people will just think I have eaten all the pies again :wacko:


HAHAH on no, I weigh about 170, so I am not at all slim, but now I just let it all hang out, plus you can't suck in the bloat. HAHAH I am hoping I will lose some weight with the no appetite thing, but that's juts wishful thinking LOL.

You are going to look fabulous with your bump, and I can't wait to see it!!!!:happydance:

You are gorge in all your piccies!! But I think as you go through this difficult journey - your weight takes a back seat. It's all about healthy eating and doing whats best for the IVF and then for little baba.

Ahhh - I so hope that I am pregnant.....It's all so difficult - I swing from thinking that it's failed (and then cry nonstop:cry:) to thinking that maybe it will be okay. I am such a positive person but the doubts really do surface when it comes to this.....Makes you proper loony tunes!!!


You are so sweet! Thank you.

I felt the exact same way. I am a super positive person and at the beginning I kept saying I was pregnant, which I ws until proven other wise, but I was so happy and on cloud nine that my little super baby was in there.

Then I think I was trying to shield myself from being disappointed and was telling myself, that I am just imagining all these crazy symptoms and that all I was feeling was from the meds. I remember walking into work after my beta test thinking, there's no way. I know I'm not pregnant.

It's one hell of a ride. It's so hard to think either way, pregnant or not becasue you just don't know. That's the part that drove me bonkers. The not knowing.

I am praying for you and your little bean and I just know this is it for you!!! <3 Sending you lots of love!!!!

It's all so difficult as every woman has such different symptoms - in fact I found a great website where women post their symptoms after they got their BFP's and every single woman was different!!!


Yep - its the not knowing that's a killer. And swimming is one thing that keeps me sane - love being in the water but obviously - that's a big no no - sheesh.:wacko:

Thank you Sweetie - I keep telling God/The Universe/Buddha/Lord Shiva that I really deserve to be a mama and it must be my time now. You get so tired of being happy for everyone else with their good news and you just want a little bit of happiness for yourself.

Well time will tell!!!


I'm your cheerleader!!! I am sending all the positvity your way!!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Oh and the TWW site I was on 24/7 when I was in my TWW. Also googling everyday like 5dp5dt and 6dp5dt and so on. I was so bad with googling EVERYTHING

Thank you Lovely One!!!:kiss:

Ha - as I have just discovered that website - I am eating it up for every meal:muaha: I am google crazy - hubby has said he would confiscate my laptop as sometimes I am getting all the wrong info and making myself worse.....Errrr - well he does have a point:blush:

Thank you for your support and kind words ladies.

I am taking the ovitrelle pen but they mentioned nothing about taking it out the fridge before hand, am i suppose to do this?
Thank you for your support and kind words ladies.

I am taking the ovitrelle pen but they mentioned nothing about taking it out the fridge before hand, am i suppose to do this?

I used that. I got it out 10mins before the trigger time to make sure I read the instructions and how to apply the needle. It's straight forward hun xx
Thank you for your support and kind words ladies.

I am taking the ovitrelle pen but they mentioned nothing about taking it out the fridge before hand, am i suppose to do this?

Oh no, if it doesn't say keep refridgerated, then you don't have too. :thumbup:
Shot done... that all seemed a little too easy and didnt feel a thing I hope i done it right?
Shot done... that all seemed a little too easy and didnt feel a thing I hope i done it right?

you did! i barely felt that one too. yay! no more shots!! (or are you taking progesterone shots...:wacko:)
Shot done... that all seemed a little too easy and didnt feel a thing I hope i done it right?

you did! i barely felt that one too. yay! no more shots!! (or are you taking progesterone shots...:wacko:)

It seemed to be over with really quickly too like nothing went in but the pen went from 250 to 0 so it must of, I was sitting there was ages with it still sticking in my stomach talking out a loud to myself saying "Is that it, what do i do now" lol!

No more shots, yey! No I will be having the not so pleasure of inserting progesterone in my no go area.

Shot done... that all seemed a little too easy and didnt feel a thing I hope i done it right?

you did! i barely felt that one too. yay! no more shots!! (or are you taking progesterone shots...:wacko:)

It seemed to be over with really quickly too like nothing went in but the pen went from 250 to 0 so it must of, I was sitting there was ages with it still sticking in my stomach talking out a loud to myself saying "Is that it, what do i do now" lol!

No more shots, yey! No I will be having the not so pleasure of inserting progesterone in my no go area.


I don't know what's worse, but I am still doing the PIO shots in the bum. I'm running out of places to shoot too.
Shot done... that all seemed a little too easy and didnt feel a thing I hope i done it right?

Yes - it all seemed so easy!! But job done!! No more injecting!! Woop woop!! Kind of weird suddenly the next day not having a date with the needles!

All going to happen now Pinkie!! Lordy!!

Shot done... that all seemed a little too easy and didnt feel a thing I hope i done it right?

Yes - it all seemed so easy!! But job done!! No more injecting!! Woop woop!! Kind of weird suddenly the next day not having a date with the needles!

All going to happen now Pinkie!! Lordy!!


I am looking forward to an extra half hour in bed tomorrow morning yey x
Shot done... that all seemed a little too easy and didnt feel a thing I hope i done it right?

Yes - it all seemed so easy!! But job done!! No more injecting!! Woop woop!! Kind of weird suddenly the next day not having a date with the needles!

All going to happen now Pinkie!! Lordy!!


I am looking forward to an extra half hour in bed tomorrow morning yey x

Cloud and silver lining and all that :winkwink: Rest up as you are now on the express train!!! Very excited for you!!!! xxx
Emmi- I really empathise with you re: 2WW. I'm only 2dp 5dt and I am driving myself nuts. I don't think I will be able to hold out to test... I think I will cave.

Pinkie- great news re: trigger! Good luck with egg retrieval :)

Hope everyone else is well :) xx
It's awful isn't it Baby!! Just keep busy busy! I have made a date with everyone and anyone to keep busy! Too much thinking time is just too detrimental!

I think testing early isn't the end of the world - I think it gives you back some control but I guess you might not see anything until your OTD, then there are all the stories of false positives etc.

What to do hey - all so hard!!!!:wacko:

It's awful isn't it Baby!! Just keep busy busy! I have made a date with everyone and anyone to keep busy! Too much thinking time is just too detrimental!

I think testing early isn't the end of the world - I think it gives you back some control but I guess you might not see anything until your OTD, then there are all the stories of false positives etc.

What to do hey - all so hard!!!!:wacko:


I know. It's a nightmare- this has been the worst part of the whole process so far. :growlmad:

I keep willing my body to give me symptoms and signs... sigh. What a rollercoaster xx
It's awful isn't it Baby!! Just keep busy busy! I have made a date with everyone and anyone to keep busy! Too much thinking time is just too detrimental!

I think testing early isn't the end of the world - I think it gives you back some control but I guess you might not see anything until your OTD, then there are all the stories of false positives etc.

What to do hey - all so hard!!!!:wacko:


I know. It's a nightmare- this has been the worst part of the whole process so far. :growlmad:

I keep willing my body to give me symptoms and signs... sigh. What a rollercoaster xx

Yep - the constant symptom spotting but bearing in mind that no one person seems to have the same symptoms!! Makes it a million times harder:wacko:

Agree - this has been the hardest part of the whole journey.....Bloody awful!!!
I just want to stuff my face with cakes and biscuits and all things bad!!! But instead - lettuce it is then:yipee:

It's awful isn't it Baby!! Just keep busy busy! I have made a date with everyone and anyone to keep busy! Too much thinking time is just too detrimental!

I think testing early isn't the end of the world - I think it gives you back some control but I guess you might not see anything until your OTD, then there are all the stories of false positives etc.

What to do hey - all so hard!!!!:wacko:


I know. It's a nightmare- this has been the worst part of the whole process so far. :growlmad:

I keep willing my body to give me symptoms and signs... sigh. What a rollercoaster xx

Yep - the constant symptom spotting but bearing in mind that no one person seems to have the same symptoms!! Makes it a million times harder:wacko:

Agree - this has been the hardest part of the whole journey.....Bloody awful!!!
I just want to stuff my face with cakes and biscuits and all things bad!!! But instead - lettuce it is then:yipee:


:dohh: i'm just having a pear then salmon salad :coffee:
It's awful isn't it Baby!! Just keep busy busy! I have made a date with everyone and anyone to keep busy! Too much thinking time is just too detrimental!

I think testing early isn't the end of the world - I think it gives you back some control but I guess you might not see anything until your OTD, then there are all the stories of false positives etc.

What to do hey - all so hard!!!!:wacko:


I know. It's a nightmare- this has been the worst part of the whole process so far. :growlmad:

I keep willing my body to give me symptoms and signs... sigh. What a rollercoaster xx

Yep - the constant symptom spotting but bearing in mind that no one person seems to have the same symptoms!! Makes it a million times harder:wacko:

Agree - this has been the hardest part of the whole journey.....Bloody awful!!!
I just want to stuff my face with cakes and biscuits and all things bad!!! But instead - lettuce it is then:yipee:


:dohh: i'm just having a pear then salmon salad :coffee:

Ha - I am having salmon salad too for lunch:winkwink:

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