IVF Cycle in August

I was lurking. I miss all you ladies! I always think about you all. How is everyone?! <3
I was lurking. I miss all you ladies! I always think about you all. How is everyone?! <3

Hey Tee

Great bump you have there- looking fab! :thumbup: :flower:

I finished the horrible norethisterone and currently waiting for my bleed. I started buserelin yesterday and continue until transfer day. I have a scan booked in for next Monday to check lining, but i'm not sure when to expect the bleed as it took 5 days after I finished the tablets last time. I'm hoping it comes before Monday or I have a feeling it will push my transfer day back- ugh. :shrug: xx
Hi there babydancing. I am so glad to hear that you are almost there. I am sending you lots of positive vibes for your scan!!! So exciting! So your transfer is going to be in Feb? WOO HOO!!!!
Hi there babydancing. I am so glad to hear that you are almost there. I am sending you lots of positive vibes for your scan!!! So exciting! So your transfer is going to be in Feb? WOO HOO!!!!

Yep 3rd Feb hopefully and my 29th birthday is the 25th ;) xx
Hi there babydancing. I am so glad to hear that you are almost there. I am sending you lots of positive vibes for your scan!!! So exciting! So your transfer is going to be in Feb? WOO HOO!!!!

Yep 3rd Feb hopefully and my 29th birthday is the 25th ;) xx

OMG that is so exciting!!!! Keep us posted!!!!!!!! How are you feeling?
Hi there babydancing. I am so glad to hear that you are almost there. I am sending you lots of positive vibes for your scan!!! So exciting! So your transfer is going to be in Feb? WOO HOO!!!!

Yep 3rd Feb hopefully and my 29th birthday is the 25th ;) xx

OMG that is so exciting!!!! Keep us posted!!!!!!!! How are you feeling?

I'm o.k.- except for this hideous pain i'm getting from this wisdom tooth :growlmad: I had a nap this afternoon but just willing the bleed to start to keep everything on track. How you feeling during your pregnancy? xx
Oh yuck, tooth pain is the worst!!!! I would love to have a nap right now.

I remember waiting for my cycle to start after my BC pills. The waiting games sucks big time. I am so super excited for you!!

I'm feeling great with the pregnancy so far. The only complaint I have is my attitude. HAHAH Something in me changed big time. I don't think I am as friendly as I used to be. Also, driving! Oh my goodness, if someone is driving like an idiot I get so protective and MAD! hahaha other than that I've been pretty lucky with no MS and no weird food cravings, well, I do love waffles, but I don't think it's a weird one like pickles and peanut butter LOL
Hi Ladies, I miss you too. I was only saying the other day that I just cant seem to get a connection with people or onto a thread like I did with this one. They either fizzle out or there are so many people on them I get lost!! I always think about everyone too. :hugs:

Tee - you look amazing!!!! LOL at the driving attitude, I am like that minus the hormones. I am glad to hear its all going well. I cant believe you are over half way there already it has gone so quickly.

BabyD - Sending you all the positive vibes and baby dust I can. And hope the AF shows her ugly face soon. I remember clearly this part, it was the first time I was ever late so typical. I hope everything stays on track for you and you get the best birthday present you could ask for.

AFM - nothing much to report, we had a much needed break and getting back on the wagon this month. I am dusting off the ovulation sticks and seeing how we get on. We will be doing another fresh cycle but haven't decided when yet. We should be getting our exchange date on our new home soon so I want to get that out the way first, do some decorating and then do a cycle so I think we'll be looking around the summer time but we will know when it feels right. If a miracle happens the maybe it could happen naturally before then - :shock:

baby dancing good luck to you for your Feb transfer! glad that your meds are going ok.

pinkie good luck on the move! please let us know all the details of your new place :)

miss you ladies too and think of you often. good luck to those of you trying on your own these next few months.
Hey ladies,

Update from today:
Good News: Scan was great- lining has thinned to 2.9mm and they like to see it 4mm and under. Start Progynova to start building the lining back up from today. They like to get it to 10mm then we can do a transfer.

Bad News: 1) I am worried that when thawing the embryos, if 1 out of the first 2 thaw well but we have to thaw the other two to get the second embryo, and say they both thawed well...how do we decide to put 2 back and know the 3rd will be destroyed :/ that kills me thinking we are throwing a potential baby away :/

2) A car smacked into the back of us coming home because some idiot pulled out without looking on the roundabout and we had to slam on. So someone else pulled out and went into us :/ xx
BabyD - Sorry to hear about your car accident, I hope you are both ok? That was the last you need at the moment
(Good job it wasn't Tee, with her road rage at the moment she would have been arrested :))

I totally see where you are coming from with your 3rd embryo, I would feel the same and have no idea what to suggest. Have you spoken to them about your feelings towards this and what they advise to do?

Good news on the scan, sounds like everything is on track :flower:
BabyD - Sorry to hear about your car accident, I hope you are both ok? That was the last you need at the moment
(Good job it wasn't Tee, with her road rage at the moment she would have been arrested :))

I totally see where you are coming from with your 3rd embryo, I would feel the same and have no idea what to suggest. Have you spoken to them about your feelings towards this and what they advise to do?

Good news on the scan, sounds like everything is on track :flower:

Hey hun- good to hear from you. Glad you're doing well and making plans :flower:

We're both fine thanks- luckily we was going quite slow, so the impact wasn't too bad.

The embryo dilemma isn't something i'd considered before as I just 'presumed' they could be re-frozen. But I understand why that would not be possible- i.e. risk of further fragmentation etc. :wacko:

For now, I said to hubby lets see how they thaw and if we get put in the 2 vs 3 situation we will have to really thrash out the for and against arguement. I think, being the female, i'm prob more attached to them than he is- if that makes sense? :shrug:

To me it's a waste of a potential life, but hubby is more concerned about my health and is more practical about multiples and possibility of 2 or more if transferring more than 1 anyway. If only it was easier eh :flower:

BabyD - Sorry to hear about your car accident, I hope you are both ok? That was the last you need at the moment
(Good job it wasn't Tee, with her road rage at the moment she would have been arrested :))

I totally see where you are coming from with your 3rd embryo, I would feel the same and have no idea what to suggest. Have you spoken to them about your feelings towards this and what they advise to do?

Good news on the scan, sounds like everything is on track :flower:

Hey hun- good to hear from you. Glad you're doing well and making plans :flower:

We're both fine thanks- luckily we was going quite slow, so the impact wasn't too bad.

The embryo dilemma isn't something i'd considered before as I just 'presumed' they could be re-frozen. But I understand why that would not be possible- i.e. risk of further fragmentation etc. :wacko:

For now, I said to hubby lets see how they thaw and if we get put in the 2 vs 3 situation we will have to really thrash out the for and against arguement. I think, being the female, i'm prob more attached to them than he is- if that makes sense? :shrug:

To me it's a waste of a potential life, but hubby is more concerned about my health and is more practical about multiples and possibility of 2 or more if transferring more than 1 anyway. If only it was easier eh :flower:


hi babyD - so sorry about your accident. glad you weren't hurt badly but still a PITA for you and your hubs to deal with.

re: frozen embryos i totally understand your concern about throwing away that possible opportunity... but my advice would be try to wait and see what you actually have to deal with. for all you know one might not thaw that well and when they look at them i am sure your clinic will chose only the best to put back inside of you. if that means only one then so be it - those other two might not have made it anyway. it's a hard choice but your husband has some good thoughts too about your health and possble baby's health in mind. good luck to you sweetie!
Pinkie - thank you, you are so sweet! I am so excited for you and your home and upcoming plans. I am sending lots of thoughts and love your way!!!

BabyD &#8211; OMG I am so glad that your accident wasn&#8217;t bad and that everyone is OK! I feel you on the thawing too! I have 6 frozen and while the hubs and I know that we want to try again a few years down the road, I am nervous about having them thawed and what to do with the others. I do want more kids, but I don&#8217;t see myself having more than three. Whew! I am sending a lot of thoughts and prayers your way.
Hey ladies, Had lining scan yesterday and it was a nice, thick 14mm with the triple stripe thing..so, I triggered with Ovitrelle last night and start cyclogest on Friday and gestone injections on alternate days, starting Monday 3/2. Embryo transfer is next Wednesday, 5/2 and my birthday is 25/2. Eeeek!! I am so nervous and excited all rolled into one.

How are all you ladies doing? xx
Hey ladies, Had lining scan yesterday and it was a nice, thick 14mm with the triple stripe thing..so, I triggered with Ovitrelle last night and start cyclogest on Friday and gestone injections on alternate days, starting Monday 3/2. Embryo transfer is next Wednesday, 5/2 and my birthday is 25/2. Eeeek!! I am so nervous and excited all rolled into one.

How are all you ladies doing? xx

BabyD - How exciting!!!! I am sending you lots of baby dust and love!!!! Keep us posted!!! <3
Hey ladies, Had lining scan yesterday and it was a nice, thick 14mm with the triple stripe thing..so, I triggered with Ovitrelle last night and start cyclogest on Friday and gestone injections on alternate days, starting Monday 3/2. Embryo transfer is next Wednesday, 5/2 and my birthday is 25/2. Eeeek!! I am so nervous and excited all rolled into one.

How are all you ladies doing? xx

BabyD - How exciting!!!! I am sending you lots of baby dust and love!!!! Keep us posted!!! <3

Thanks hun :flower: x
excited for you babyd, sounds like everything is going to plan. Good luck let us know how you get on weds x

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