IVF - For those in January?? (Nov. is long gone!)

ttcfurrever-Congrats Auntie!!! Can't wait for you to cycle again next year! :)

sunshine-I had zero symptoms with DS. I felt nothing the entire first trimester really! I swore I wasn't pregnant. So don't let that get you down.

Mobaby-So hope that is your BFP!! It should start getting darker if it is! :)

Me-5 days of stims...Not too bloated yet and af is finally about done! I think starting meds on day 2 wasn't good for my heavy flow but this is all about timing on their clock I guess. Much different from my first clinic. My hips are sore that is for sure! And I want to cry about everything.

Hi ILuvBabies ... I went to get my u/s today and they found 7 follicles on the left and 3 on the right ... this is day 7 for me. Dr said that it is still early as 3-4 days makes a difference. I'm still on 300ml of puregon and starting organlutron tomorrow. I'm back in the Clinic on Friday. My FSH was 8 which she said was good. I'm so disappointed that there are only 10 follicles :( . I hope these buggers start growing and have more!!! ER is most likely on Monday ....

anyone have a similar experience with 10 follicles and a BFP? (plz say yes!)
Beta negative. Guess I was seeing things. I can't believe I got my hopes up. Good luck to everyone else. Idk what our next step is as this is very expensive for us and its all out of pocket.

I'm so sorry MoBaby :hug:
ttcfurrever-Congrats Auntie!!! Can't wait for you to cycle again next year! :)

sunshine-I had zero symptoms with DS. I felt nothing the entire first trimester really! I swore I wasn't pregnant. So don't let that get you down.

Mobaby-So hope that is your BFP!! It should start getting darker if it is! :)

Me-5 days of stims...Not too bloated yet and af is finally about done! I think starting meds on day 2 wasn't good for my heavy flow but this is all about timing on their clock I guess. Much different from my first clinic. My hips are sore that is for sure! And I want to cry about everything.

Hi ILuvBabies ... I went to get my u/s today and they found 7 follicles on the left and 3 on the right ... this is day 7 for me. Dr said that it is still early as 3-4 days makes a difference. I'm still on 300ml of puregon and starting organlutron tomorrow. I'm back in the Clinic on Friday. My FSH was 8 which she said was good. I'm so disappointed that there are only 10 follicles :( . I hope these buggers start growing and have more!!! ER is most likely on Monday ....

anyone have a similar experience with 10 follicles and a BFP? (plz say yes!)

10 follicles is what my clinic wanted me to aim for with my cycle. theres people who retrieve 3 eggs and get a bfp and those who get 20 eggs and a bfn. you are looking for QUALITY not quantity. Im sure you will do great!
ttcfurrever-Congrats Auntie!!! Can't wait for you to cycle again next year! :)

sunshine-I had zero symptoms with DS. I felt nothing the entire first trimester really! I swore I wasn't pregnant. So don't let that get you down.

Mobaby-So hope that is your BFP!! It should start getting darker if it is! :)

Me-5 days of stims...Not too bloated yet and af is finally about done! I think starting meds on day 2 wasn't good for my heavy flow but this is all about timing on their clock I guess. Much different from my first clinic. My hips are sore that is for sure! And I want to cry about everything.

Hi ILuvBabies ... I went to get my u/s today and they found 7 follicles on the left and 3 on the right ... this is day 7 for me. Dr said that it is still early as 3-4 days makes a difference. I'm still on 300ml of puregon and starting organlutron tomorrow. I'm back in the Clinic on Friday. My FSH was 8 which she said was good. I'm so disappointed that there are only 10 follicles :( . I hope these buggers start growing and have more!!! ER is most likely on Monday ....

anyone have a similar experience with 10 follicles and a BFP? (plz say yes!)

10 follicles sounds great...sometimes I think less is more with IVF. If you are on day 7 you may have a few more pop up too.
I had an appt with my RE today.. I called and said I wanted to f/u ASAP and they said how about 1:30 and I said yes. So we went.... He said everything went perfect during the cycle; meds were perfect ; response was perfect; great number of eggs and majority fertilized which was great; 2 perfect embies to transfer. So he did not know why it did not take. He did not think it was chromosomally related b/c DH had karotyping done and I have no family history of genetic issues; all my bloodwork had always been great. The only thing that may have affected this is my small fibroid, which is not near the cavity. He said sometimes women undergoing IVF have a lower success rate with fibroids that do not look to be an issue for unknown reasons. He said we could remove the fibroid which would put us out 3 months to try again. BUT he said he feels that we were just in that 40% area where it did not take and he was extremely disappointed in this. He feels that the surgery is not indicated yet. We are going to start IVF cycle #2 as soon as my period starts (well, the BCP anyways then the Lupron then the other stuff then etc...). So if all goes well, hopefully the first week of Jan we will have EC and transfer. I think the second time is it for us, both mentally and financially, so it has to be it. I am trying to stay positive and Trust in God that he knows what is best. PS: My brother just found out they are having twins. Suprise. That stung. I knew they were expecting for 5 weeks now, but never thought that. She is due a few weeks before I would have been if my little ones would have taken. But that the way it is and I know there is a reason for everything. I'll keep stalking for updates for now :) I'll be in the Jan IVF section soon. Hope I dont see any of you there!! :)
Mobaby, to give you hope, I have a fibriod on my Uterus as well. My RE said that removing the fibroid would cause scar tissue therefore it was better to keep the fibriod.
Mobaby - it's so good that you got a f/u so quickly. Your doctor seems really optimistc and seeing that you responded so well, I hope that you will do the same next time around but with a BFP result. All you can do is keep doing what you were doing and continue to pray. God has a plan for you and I am sure it is a great one!

Good luck with your IVF in January...fingers crossed that you are meant to have a late summer/fall 2012 baby :)
I had an appt with my RE today.. I called and said I wanted to f/u ASAP and they said how about 1:30 and I said yes. So we went.... He said everything went perfect during the cycle; meds were perfect ; response was perfect; great number of eggs and majority fertilized which was great; 2 perfect embies to transfer. So he did not know why it did not take. He did not think it was chromosomally related b/c DH had karotyping done and I have no family history of genetic issues; all my bloodwork had always been great. The only thing that may have affected this is my small fibroid, which is not near the cavity. He said sometimes women undergoing IVF have a lower success rate with fibroids that do not look to be an issue for unknown reasons. He said we could remove the fibroid which would put us out 3 months to try again. BUT he said he feels that we were just in that 40% area where it did not take and he was extremely disappointed in this. He feels that the surgery is not indicated yet. We are going to start IVF cycle #2 as soon as my period starts (well, the BCP anyways then the Lupron then the other stuff then etc...). So if all goes well, hopefully the first week of Jan we will have EC and transfer. I think the second time is it for us, both mentally and financially, so it has to be it. I am trying to stay positive and Trust in God that he knows what is best. PS: My brother just found out they are having twins. Suprise. That stung. I knew they were expecting for 5 weeks now, but never thought that. She is due a few weeks before I would have been if my little ones would have taken. But that the way it is and I know there is a reason for everything. I'll keep stalking for updates for now :) I'll be in the Jan IVF section soon. Hope I dont see any of you there!! :)

big :hugs::hugs::hugs:
the sad reality is, its actually quite hard to get pregnant. they say young healthy couples only have a 25% chance of getting pregnant each month....thats a lot of eggs not being fertilized, not implanting etc. Its not that theres something terribly wrong and it all seems very random. Theres quite a few girls on here who have their first IVF fail and then are pregnant with twins on their second....in my eyes the embryos in the first IVF might not have been perfect but look they found 2 good ones the 2nd time. Its all so random and its really hard to get our heads round. Im glad that you had a positive meeting and really hope January is your month. Your forever baby was just not ready this month, but Im sure will be with you soon :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

p.s I had a polyp removed in march as I was told anything in the uterus can act like a natural IUD and mine was in the preferred place for implantation so I had it removed. lots of women have fibroids and get pregnant so hopefully its not an issue.
wanna_be_a_mom: A lady I work with had only 3 eggies retrieved the first go, bfp first round then 8 eggies the second time, bfp second go round, so as long as you have quality eggies and good embies on day of transfer number does not matter :) Good luck!

Sarah: I will be thinking about you over the next few days! I really hope this is it for you!! I know how nerve recking it can be at this point, so dont panic!

If I had any thing I would do different- DO NOT TEST!! It can lead to false hope/stress thats not needed. I will not test my second go around :)
wanna_be_a_mom: A lady I work with had only 3 eggies retrieved the first go, bfp first round then 8 eggies the second time, bfp second go round, so as long as you have quality eggies and good embies on day of transfer number does not matter :) Good luck!

Sarah: I will be thinking about you over the next few days! I really hope this is it for you!! I know how nerve recking it can be at this point, so dont panic!

If I had any thing I would do different- DO NOT TEST!! It can lead to false hope/stress thats not needed. I will not test my second go around :)

there was definitely something there on your test, must have been the trigger? did you test this morning before the beta? I am testing but Im not stressing about it, right now the line is so faint that it could still be the trigger. only if it gets darker and darker will I get excited. even then Im still cautious as theres the whole first trimester to get through. its so hard :hugs::hugs::hugs:
All my test had the same line on them. Faint pink line within like 2 minutes and the slightly darkened over time. IDK if darker, probably was imagining it. There is no way it could have been the trigger. 2 days ago it looked negative, with nothing I could see. It took almost 12 days for the trigger to go away. But I guess FRER are just crap so Im never buying those again!
All my test had the same line on them. Faint pink line within like 2 minutes and the slightly darkened over time. IDK if darker, probably was imagining it. There is no way it could have been the trigger. 2 days ago it looked negative, with nothing I could see. It took almost 12 days for the trigger to go away. But I guess FRER are just crap so Im never buying those again!

Did they say your BETA was negative or did they give you a number???
All my test had the same line on them. Faint pink line within like 2 minutes and the slightly darkened over time. IDK if darker, probably was imagining it. There is no way it could have been the trigger. 2 days ago it looked negative, with nothing I could see. It took almost 12 days for the trigger to go away. But I guess FRER are just crap so Im never buying those again!

Oh I didnt realize you had got a negative first. Ive never had a evap or any 2nd line on any frer before, they are always stark white, so thats interesting.
Did they say your BETA was negative or did they give you a number???

They just said it was negative, no number given. I did not think to ask for it. They do the quantative one.
Did they say your BETA was negative or did they give you a number???

They just said it was negative, no number given. I did not think to ask for it. They do the quantative one.

OOOoh I would definitely ask for a number .... Some clinics say under 5 is negative but there are some that say under 25 is negative. It could explain your faint test.
All my test had the same line on them. Faint pink line within like 2 minutes and the slightly darkened over time. IDK if darker, probably was imagining it. There is no way it could have been the trigger. 2 days ago it looked negative, with nothing I could see. It took almost 12 days for the trigger to go away. But I guess FRER are just crap so Im never buying those again!

I'm so sorry MoBaby. I too went through the same disappointment and heartache during my 2nd ICSI cycle. Although I used a cheap stick. Same line where the positive would be within 2 minutes and darkened over time. I'm just so sorry you have to go through such pain.
I agree with the rest of you girls that I definitely saw lines on your tests mobaby...and I can totally see why you had so much hope. After 12 days, the trigger should definitely be out of your system. I am also with PCOS mom, I would call your doctor and ask for a number.

So sorry you have to go through all of this. :(
PCOSMomToOne :thumbup: good idea about asking for a number.

my tests are still super super faint, tonight I will be 12 full days from the trigger shot so not sure if its still that. the trigger faded gradually over the first week and now the last couple of days the same faint faint line. So not getting excited seeing as its similar to what happened to you mobaby. but I have not had a complete negative yet so its either the trigger still or my hcg has slowly started and so a small overlap. They are so faint you can barely see anything though so I would need to see the line get obviously darker and darker to get excited. my phone doesnt pick up the lines so will get my good camera from my business and take some photos later in the week.
Hi ladies, I am probably signing off till after Thanksgiving. If you celebrate Thanksgiving, just wanted to wish you a happy one and a fun long weekend (and lots of great black Friday shopping!).

I hope to come back to LOTS of great baby news! I have my fingers crossed for all you girls who are testing the next few days.

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