Ivf/Icis July/Aug Ninewells Hospital Dundee

Thank you all for your lovely kind thoughts and wishes.
The last two times I've done ivf I had positives by 10 days after transfer - faint line but there, altho that was with two back both times. But the main clue for me is I just don't feel anything at all and I did before both times. What I cant understand is why af hasn't shown - but of course that is probably the meds holding her off.
V I decided to stay with the Cyclogest rather than switch mid cycle. The good news is I now have all my meds for the next go - estrimax (estrogen) and crinone.
The plan is to test tomoro and if negative I'll contact clinic and ask for a plan for the August cycle. Think I'm going to ask to be on bcp for the month before - even though I hate bcp - because then at least I know when af will arrive.
We come back from hols on 21st July so hopefully will have af a few days after I get back and can go straight into cycle. Other benefit is that I know af won't arrive while I'm
On holiday!!
I think I have given up on this cycle ladies.
I have visions of my wee grade a embryo having disintegrated once it was transferred. Did I tell you that the transfer was the quickest ive ever had - also makes me wonder how careful the doctor was about it! Ill never know why it didn't work I guess. Lining was perfect 5 layer too. Damn!
Hi Minno, been thinking of you lots. If you really believe this hasn't worked then don't give up hope for next cycle, you should maybe ask to speak to doctors to see if they have any idea why this wouldn't have worked (if it's not) there must be a reason (as v said) to why they make you wait longer! You never know :). Hope your ok? Lots of hugs xx
Minno it's really annoying that Dundee cant help you more. I would like to help you, you've had a tough time. Lets not give totally up until you test again on Sat. I don't know what happens when its a failed transfer, do you get a big bleed or just normal? It's good you have Florida to look forward to & recharge yourself before August. Argh I soooo wanted this to work for you. As H4M said talk to the doctor to why this isn't happening for you as you already have your son so you know you can carry a baby...could it be the woman's egg/quality of egg? Why is it not embedding? Since your body was ready I would expect it to go all well.
We need to think of lots of questions for you to ask the doctor. Remember we are all here for you xx
Hope you are ok today Minno, I echo everything V said, would you manage to have another go at Dundee if you could? And is it possible to have your own donor? Xx
I've stopped the meds yestersay and period already starting. Doc isn't really very forthcoming.
They don't give u reasons as to why it hasn't worked. Just say to keep trying. So they will put me on bcp in May for next the next two cycles so that we can plan exactly when af will arrive after holiday (probably within a day or two of me arriving home) and start meds for FET again. So only two months off then it begins again!

You are both very sweet.
I feel it probably just isn't going to happen for me. I'm always left behind. But I will give it one final go in August. Can't really afford a full cycle with dundee again and that went a bit pear shaped
Last time with no transfer in the end.
The prafue donor was only 24 so it shouldn't be egg qualitu issue. Just think it's one of those things. Sad but true. What can you do.
Don't have anyone I can ask to be a donor.
I'm buggered basically ! Lol

Hope you are both well and kiddies healthy and happy. Much love xxx
August wont be long in coming round & your holiday wont be long in coming round you need one your son will have you on all the crazy rides having loads of fun. It must be so frustrating this not working especially when you already have a son which was natural, did you ever try to conceive after he was born or did you go back on contraception? I do feel contraception has a lot to do with not being able to conceive the hormones that are going into our bodies are not natural.
It would be great if Dundee had more funding & had a lot more egg donors I suppose some people never think about donating there eggs.
This is something I personally wouldn't like to do but have you thought about someone else carrying a baby for you? xx
Morning V. You're up early :)

Yes I'm looking forward to having lots of fun with DS and DH in summertime - I can go on everything and eat what I want , so it's not all bad.
I had my son at 32 without any problems whatsoever. Then I did go on the pill for a bit after - I think they pressure you a bit after giving birth dont they?! And then I was studying and training and by the time I was ready to go again I was 39 and it just didn't happen.Now I'm 45 and it's never gonna happen naturally. still have periods er but it's an egg quality issue now. Had three goes at donor egg ivf, two bfps, two losses. Think it may be a body rejection issue as not my dna (that's just what I think as never had any kind of answer from clinics). Spent a small fortune ttc not to mention the emotional and physical distress. If I knew someone who was willing to be surrogate I would seriously consider it but the process is complicated and v expensive so I believe.
I think after our next Fet in August it's time to move on. Dh and I were just talking yesterday about all the nice holidays we want to plan form our son. I am v lucky to be a mummy but just never thought I'd only have one child. It's my own fault. Should have thought of it sooner than 39!

Have I thorougly depressed you now? Lol sorry!!! Xx
Hey, sorry not been on in so long!!! Been extremely busy!! How's everyone getting on? How are you feeling Minno? Hope you are ok, I think a surrogate sounds like a great idea, I'm not sure how you go about that though as I know there are 'surrogates' out there, and price probably is expensive but maybe something worth looking into. Hopefully your next cycle is the one though :). ️Xx

V hope your well? How's the pushchair situation going? Did you have your back to work meeting? I'm going to have to get in touch with my work... Ooops!! Xx
Sorry I posted on here then my computer froze so I lost my post ARGH!

Minno how are you? Does Prague not do surrogacy? Or would you prefer to know the person so you can go to scans etc. You should defo look into it. If you & your partner is happy to use a surrogate then youz should go for it. How many fertilised eggs have you got in Prague? Have you ever thought about adopting? I had thought about when my first ivf failed but found out your not allowed to apply while going through ivf.
I met a women who couldn't have kids & adopted two babies 30-40 years ago her story was really interesting obviously it wasnt as hard to adopt all them years ago. Unfortunately she couldn't have any kids but told me should would have loved to have the bump etc I felt for her she's now retired but was a childminder.

H4M- Pram is a lot better thanks it's back clocking up the miles on the pavements lol. I had my back to work meeting all was great in agreement to everything I said & told me I don't need to put it in writing (I have a witness to say she said this) I thought I'll do an email to clarify everything she replied saying I need to do an official letter before anything is considered!!! So I'm away to see citizens advice make sure what I'm putting in the letter they cant be awkward with me! I really don't want to go back & secretly hoping my boy doesn't settle with my mum or nursery haha then I will have to give up work. Total stresses me out!! xx
What a lovely story about adoption. I know a few people who foster and I have had a lot to do with children who have been adopted and it's so rewarding. Glad you have your wheels back :lol: hopefully that's it all sorted, Aww it's a horrible thought isn't it, do you have to go back or would you manage without work? How's your wee man doing? Xx

Did you watch this morning today? We're on about surrogates! Was very interesting, they mentioned facebook and I just had a search and there are some groups with surrogates! Maybe worth a look into Minno xx
Wee man is great I got a jumperoo off my friend he's wild in it I can see him flying out of it one day haha. Do you have one/two? Do you buy double toys or are your two quiet good in sharing.
Och if I don't go back to work we wouldn't get holidays and I really don't want to be asking money off of my partner always had my own money!

No I never seen this morning that would have been interesting. I'm more into CBeebies now lol. xx
Haha V, yup mine have jumperoos and exactly the same! Haha they love them!! Go absolutely nuts! We have two of a lot of stuff, but then we have some stuff that's just 1 and share :)! My livingroom looks like a nursery :lol: !! Yeh CBeebies is on here a lot haahaa! Aww Yeh that's not so good :(, I'm sure you will settle in just fine and once back won't be as bad as the thought x
I think because I have DS ive never given adoption serious thought - I think it's a complicated and long process and probably too late in the day for us now. The surrogacy thing is interesting - thanks for looking into H. I don't think we will go down that road though as expensive and lots of legal issues etc. If I had someone who would just say ok I'll domit thst would be different lol. But we have two frozen blasts waiting and I've finally got my treatment plan for next go more or less. Have to keep on the doctor though - I think he forgets the details and sometimes sends me two completely contradictory emails as though he's forgotten what he said before. Really annoys me. Also says he's going to do things and then doesn't. I've kept on at him and should have the pill to take from May onwards with FET planned end July all being well. He said I don't need the pill and I said I know thst but want it to regulate my cycles - grrrrrrrrr I wish he would pay attention!
Anyway, back to bodycombat today yay! Felt good to be active again :)

Sorry about the return to work V - what a thought. But H is right. Once you start back you'll get into a routine and it won't be so bad. If only we didn't need to work eh....

H how are things with you? Any further forward with the childminding plans? Xxx
Just focus on this cycle :), and id speak to your doctor if he's not being consistent with what he's saying, that won't reassure you any!! Glad your back to exercise and enjoying it :). I've looked into it and got forms, need to complete them, :) xx
Hello ladies hope you all well. Just looking for a wee bit of info from you ladies who have been through IVF before and it's not worked. My cycle last month was longer than normal as expected.. This month is even longer but been feeling like it's about to start everyday for two weeks now! Just wanted to know if third bleed after failed IVF should be longer yet again? ..
Hi Roxabell, Sorry I don't know. My ivf failed before egg transfer I cant remember how my bleeding was after all the meds. When are you due to start next treatment?

Minno & H4M - I replied the other day but my post isn't here!! My laptop keeps freezing so must be something to do with that. Minno you will feel good to be back to exercise. Time to get yourself ready for next treatment a holiday is just what you need be great getting on all they rides & I'm sure your boy will enjoy terrifying you on them lol. xx
Only four months to holidays ha ha!
Today I got an email from the coordinator. I sent her a message yesterday asking if the doctor had sent my prescription to the internet pharmacy for the pill and she said he hadn't copied her into the email if he had done it and I should phone the pharmacy to check! Harummphhhhh em isn't thst why I'm paying you dearie! Honestly. They are annoying me a bit now!

I'm back to work well and truly. Missing my leisurely days but I have a spa day booked in edinburgh for Friday. Hair and nails on Saturday. Very nice.
What is everyone else been up to? Xxx
Hello everyone!!
Hope you are all well!! Been such a busy few weeks! Non stop. How's everyone getting on? How did your spa day go Minno? Xx

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