Ivf/Icis July/Aug Ninewells Hospital Dundee

H4M-The first time I injected I was scared but I actually found them easy the only bit I found off putting was I could smell the injection. I did get very bloated & my tummy was a bit red & nippy by the end of the injections. Make sure you have a shelf empty in your fridge as the coolbag is quiet big.

Minno- My cycle is quiet regular, normally starts a little bit early every month I've just finished my period so hurry up November!
Have you mailed the hospital again? All this waiting around is a nightmare. I thought you & the donor would be both on birth control to get your cycles working together?

Do you both live far from Dundee? I'm 22miles, I hope the snow/roads arent too bad this year.
Hey hun. I just heard today, I will be starting down reg on 10th November - eeeeeekkkk! I thought I would be on birth control too but just seems to be buserelin unless there's more info in the pack they are sending. It's all getting very real now.
I live in fife so about an hour or so away but I work in Cupar so easy to get to ninewells from here for scans etc.
Yes, hoping the weather doesn't get in the way. They did say it might get a little complicated with Xmas time closure etc so we'll just have to wait and see how it all works out. Nerve wracking! Xxx
Whoohoo brilliant. It feels like a weight lifted once dates are set eh. How exciting. Does your work know that you are going through treatment? Have you planned any time off? Hopefully you will miss the Xmas closure they should'nt be allowed holidays...;-)
Ha ha I know, bloody selfish if you ask me. No holidays until we're both thru treatment! Actually I dont how how I feel about trying to squeeze in before they close up shop - wonder if it would be better early jan when things are a bit more relaxed? What do You think?

Work, my boss, knows and are very understanding. I always feel guilty taking time for appts but what can you do. One good hung of getting ET before Xmas is that we'd be off on the 2ww over the hols with no work to stress us out. How is your work about it all? X
Yea I was thinking it would be better waiting until January but then thats another few months to wait, just better crack on with treatment & hopefully we will have great news in the new year what a start of a year that would be :)

I havent told my work. I got signed off after egg retrival & they think I had a wee op due to a smear they also think I'm due back in December for a 'check up' I wont be telling them unless I get told I'm on bed rest. I have been at my work for 16 years, they are not the easiest to approach or caring!
Thats really good your boss is understanding. I want to come work at your work lol. Xx
Minno and V2R, I'm so pleased you're both looking as though you will get started this year. I know you're both worried about being stressed trying to fit it all in before the Christmas break, I could be wrong but I think maybe another months wait and the anxiety you can feel going through treatment anyway might leave you even more stressed in the new year. This way you are at least started and have the distraction of Christmas to speed you through the process rather than a lethargic wade through the dark nights of January. Wishing you both the best and quickest positive results.
Minno I'm so glad you are starting in Nov, very exciting!!! I stay about 12miles out of Dundee and it's kinda more on country so hopefully weathers not too bad!!! V2R I agree with rags I think it would be good over Xmas as at least you have other stuff to occupy your mind too, I think about this 24/7 and I know they say try not to think about it but I can't help it. Thank you for your reply about injections, I hope I find them easy/ish...
I'm glad you brought work up actually... I'm in two minds whether to tell my work or not, I personally don't want to but I work for a small company so feel staff will ask me what all the appointments are for, so feel I need an "excuse" :-( x
Thanks ladies, rags h4m, totally agree, it's quite good in a way that we will likely hit Xmas break as there are other distractions and the last 2ww I had seemed to drag on forever.
V2R it would be wonderful. Like someone said to me on another thread, if we are very lucky it could be a very merry Xmas or a happy new year! :)

Now the subject of work. I am really lucky my work and esp my manager are very supportive. They give me whatever time I need. They are used to it as so many of my colleagues have gone thru the process too. If they weren't supportive I would probably make up some excuse like gynae issues or something. V2R, H4M, are you planning to take any time off after ET? Xx

Ps getting pack sent out to me this week! Eeekkkkkk
I wasn't planning on taking time off but the more I'm reading things the more I think I might have too, in my job I'm constantly on the move (work in a children's nursery) and it's constant so not as if I'm sitting down and resting or that :-/, I'm going to have to read up on some stuff or little operations and maybe use that as an excuse, I know my manager would be very supportive and give me the time off Ect my only worry is that other members of staff find out and tbh i feel that could be likely :-( x
H4M - I work in an office sit on my bum all day but I was sore after my follicles were drained & for some reason felt a little bit teary. I couldnt concentrate on work so had to ask the doctor to sign me off he just put on my line 'stomach pain due to op' no word of IVF I was also called back to have my egg put back in which I was told 'Its not reach passed stage 1' so I was glad to have a few days as I was quiet upset. So yes I would advise on either booking time off or getting signed off.

Thanks Rags, I'm ready for my treatment. I'm hoping my period will be early in Nov just to get going!

Minno- How exciting you will just want it now...You will have to let us know what your pack instructions are as you will be different from any of us. Oh I'm sooo hoping we have good news after xmas. Are you taking any time off work?
Thank you V2R I will prob take time off work then for it, if I knew exactly when it was I would just book a holiday but because I don't know it's hard, I'll see what can do though, how long do you recommend is needed ? Thank you so much for all your help :)
Good luck to you both I really hope it's good news for you both xx
Girls I will definately be taking some time off. Last time I had about 3 days off and then it hit the weekend so I had five days off in total. That was good. I rested after transfer but then the rest of the time was pretty much as normal except nothing too strenuous.
I'm secretly hoping it will be just before the hols and we can have a couple of weeks chillin' lol
V2r I'm expecting the pack tomoro so will let you know what's in it tomoro night. I am excited and nervous - this is really it then. We could be getting ready for transfer at the same time mrs! Xx
Thank you V2R I will prob take time off work then for it, if I knew exactly when it was I would just book a holiday but because I don't know it's hard, I'll see what can do though, how long do you recommend is needed ? Thank you so much for all your help :)
Good luck to you both I really hope it's good news for you both xx

Can I suggest something quite inoquous for why you need to take time off if you don't want to give the actual reason - pulled muscle in back, food poisoning etc. I didn't have to take time off as I could work my lunch and tea breaks around iui's and didn't need recovery time but I was aware that some of the women in my department were a little worried about me because I kept having to nip off with very little notice. I felt so bad that they thought I might be properly ill.
Hie Ladies

Wow that's good news for Minno and V2R starting your treatment in November, wish you all the best ladies.

Ps: 2ww is longer and full of anxiety so I would advise doing something to keep yourselves busy hope that falls during Christmas holidays for you guys.

Take care
Thanks Rags, I'll manage somehow :-/, would just feel so much better if didn't have to tell them :) xx
Thanks Rags, I'll manage somehow :-/, would just feel so much better if didn't have to tell them :) xx

Don't blame you at all, I didn't want to tell anyone. Although my family knew I was on the waiting list I didn't tell them when I actually started treatment (except my mum), the tww is enough without other people champing at the bit to find out how it's going.
H4M -I got signed off Tuesday & I was back to work the following Tuesday. I would hate to tell my supervisor she is a twisted b**** she would get drunk at Xmas & make remarks! The appointments are a bit of a pain as it's all about how your body is responding to the protocol, I made sure I the first appoinment of the day so I wasnt too late for work.

Funfair - I am taking up knitting to keep me busy, my other half thinks this is hilarous. But it will take my mind off all the waiting around during nose sprays, injections, scans etc. So I'm going to knit my cat a blanket :)

Minno- Yea we could be around the same time for transfer. I keep saying it but I just want to get on with it now, I feel more ready this time round. You'll be excited today to get your pack its another step closer.
Pack came when I was at work and now have to go to post office tomoro to collect it - aarrgghhhhh! Of course it might have been those earrings I ordered from white stuff....lol!
V2R did u have to sign for the pack?
Knitting lol. I can just imagine you there clacking away :)
och I should've said yea I had to sign for my pack. U will be there at opening time tomorrow morning :) I had more forms to fill in I hate that part but it has to be done

Ha I might post a pictrue of my cats blanket once I'm done lol. You all will be wanting me to knit baby blankets ;-) Are you doing anything to take your mind off it all? Xxx
Haha considered camping out outside their door tonight! The things we get excited about!
I am rubbish at distraction so will probably just obsess for two weeks. Will be at work for some of the time though and will likely do a bit of shopping or film watching in-between. Some treats is what is needed. Quite fancy an Indian head massage.....xx
Definately let us see your cats blanket. We will commission you for bootees and matching hats! Lol x

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