IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?


Just wrote a long message & lost it. Cat is back - my husband had to climb into our neighbours garden in the middle of the night! I was in a right panic - luckily lots of you are cat people so won't judge me for being a loser!

Izabela - so glad you're feeling a little better, hopefully you won't get any cysts when do they check for them?

Key - so sorry for you & your OH you must be so worried. Hope he pulls through quickly. Now you're at the end of the course do you think you're a baby expert? Are you glad you did it?

Kazza - neither my husband or I can remember when we first gave Rosie a bath - how bad is that? I think it was about a month - we just top tailed her every few days in the first couple of weeks. After a month we gave her a bath each night. Love the photos, they are so beautiful - they look identical even though I know they are not! Glad you're feeling better, it definitely comes in waves at first x
Had any poo explosions that go up to their backs? They are fun x

Good luck Briss, massive luck for this cycle.

Tinkerbell - it must be so hard getting your head around it all. Really glad you will cycle again, it's hard but you are so close now x
Kazza - just put my photos into date order & the ones of her first bath were the 29th July, so she was 11 days old. I know we didn't bathe her that often at first, I think every 3 days, until when she was about a month old and then it was every night. Hope that helps!
Thanks Serena , we have just top and tailed with warm water so far!! They are really different those pics make them look similar!
Really pleased your cats back! You have not seen some if the things I've made Daniel do with that cat!!

Isabella I'm really pleased you've found the strength to cycle again, you are so strong and I feel sure you will get the bfp soon!

How is everyone doing?
Kazza, what beautiful 2 babies you have :inlove: they're absolutely gorgeous, you and OH must be in heaven having them here now. How are you finding things looking after 2?

Serena, glad to hear your cat is back home and safe

Key, getting really close now, are you finishing work soon?

Izabela, glad things are looking better on BCP and I'm sure it will be time to start injections in no time

Briss - hope you had no trouble with the injections, I suspect not as every time I fly I have a lot of meds including needles with me and have never once had any of it question. When is your first scan?

Tinkerbell, it took me a couple of weeks to actually really understand what happened. this was our first BFP and I just could not take it in how it could all be gone in a couple of days. every time I passed boots on my way home I'd think I need to pop in for some more test to check if the line got darker... it really took some time to digest and mourn this loss. the only thing that helped was the fact that finally there was something happening after 3.5 years of absolutely nothing, not a sniff of a BFP so I admitted that we should continue IVF route (as far as our finances allow) so planning our next IVF was a huge step forward. I am still not sure what I think about going back to Create but I am just going to give it my best and think positive and take it one day at a time. First thing first I need to see how I am going to take my injections and needles on a plane tomorrow :) am off to Switzerland on a business trip not for long but I need to start my injections tomorrow evening. Create gave me a letter so I hope it will help. Just need to make sure none of my colleagues see it. No one knows what I am up to :)

Briss, it makes me so much better to hear you say some of that, I feel awful that you've had to experience this pain, I really understand just how awful it actually is now.
Thursday and Friday I just kept having this urge to keep testing, in hope a miracle would show the blood test wrong, I know it wasn't ever going to happen and it was a stupid idea but I was just really struggling to accept what had happened. I know I'd only known I was pregnant for a couple of days but I'd made so many plans in my head, thought about so much and got overly excited I couldn't face it being taken away :cry:

AF arrived on Friday and I felt like I'd taken 2 steps back with coming to terms with it, it really hit hard that it had actually happened and the pains I was suffering didn't help but I think today I've made progress, it's the first day I've felt ok to have a giggle at something funny, smile at things that make me happy but I know it's going to be quite a long road trying to come to terms properly.
we've decided to cycle again in February, I wanted to do it in January and DH wanted March so that it was plenty of time to recover and gave us a little tine to save a bit of money so that we didn't have to use literally every last penny of our savings.
Kazza, your babies are absolutely gorgeous!!

Tinkerbell, I completely understand what you are going through. after I got my second beta which dropped to 1.7 and was told to stop progesterone I went to stay at my mum's for a few days to wait for AF and to cry it over without distressing my DH. it's very hard because you were pregnant even if for a brief moment. but this means you can get pregnant again. I tend to think we were just unlucky with egg/sperm quality. it happens in natural cycles all the time but the good thing is that you body did all it supposed to to make the pregnancy happen so I am sure you and I will get lucky the next time. I think feb is perfect because you had a properly stimulated cycle so your body needs time to recover to make it a success next time. I talked to a few ladies who had chemicals on their IVF and got successfully pregnant on their next try after that. so fingers crossed!

afm, just had my first scan on CD 5 and so far so good; 8 follicles on the left, all different sizes; only 2 on the right. follicles on the right are not collectable as the needle will have to go through the cyst and puncturing the cyst have a risk of infection; lining looks very good it's still menstrual but the triple layer is coming through; good blood flow. waiting for my blood results but for the time being I am staying on 125 Gonal F. EC is likely to be Sunday/Monday CD11/12. seems a bit early?

My poor DH had to pay the full amount today and he was slightly shocked so I had to take him for a cup of coffee so he could recover. tbh, I'd much rather part with the money then have to go through stims! we had a bit of a chat about what wonderful things this cycle could bring about finally and I think his mood gradually improved. He decided to cancel drinks tomorrow cos he felt foolish for drinking and damaging our chances while paying so much money for it. finally he is showing some sense!!

we paid for the embryoscope (in case we will have more than 2 embryos). I hope it's worth it. they said it's most likely to be 3 day transfer cos by day 3 they can see through the embryoscope all they need to know about the embryo's chances and they believe my uterus is the best place for it so the sooner it can get in there the better.

My next scan is on CD 7.
So much going on with everyone don't know where to start!

Briss sounds like things are going beautifully with your cycle so far and day 11 or 12 for EC sounds about right. The money part is always very painful too but like you say you were so close last time that there's no reason why it won't work this time. I'm hoping you get the best early Xmas present in the world with you bfp x

Izabela - hope you had a good weekend with your sister & are planning some nice things for Xmas before you kick off again in the new year

Tinkerbell - sorry to hear you've been suffering so much, but completely understandable after having all your hopes raised so cruelly, but nice to see that you are able to start smiling & laughing again. We've all been through so much and it's amazing how resilient we can be. Feb also sounds like a good time to me as it gives you a few months to recover and enjoy Christmas and start new cycle mentally & physically ready.

Kazza - gorgeous pics of Josh & Chloe, how are you getting on I bet you are exhausted but hopefully very happy!! Are they sleeping any more at night at all?

Serena - yeah great news about the cat!! Are you preparing for Rosie's first Xmas?

Monkeyfeet hope you & William are doing well and looking forward to Santa coming!

Afm - had dr consultation today and they're really not keen on me going over due date so if baby not here early I'll be taken in for induction on 26th. Really hope he/she comes early as would like it as natural as possible and induction doesn't really fit bill there! Only 2 more weeks of work which I'm sure will fly by & us NCT ladies are meeting up on my first Monday off which will be nice

K xx
Briss, that's exactly what I'm trying to take from this, for the first time ever we managed to get a BFP so at least now we know it's possible but I'm just terrified about it happening again now and praying it's not a sign of a problem.
I actually had no meds this cycle, it was a completely natural FET which is why I was more inclined to start sooner but waiting one more month than I want isn't too bad and it means not having EC probably right around my 30th.

Glad things are looking good for you, oh I know the feeling about paying, I think DH needed a strong drink after our last payment and will probably pass out with IVF payment next time haha ;)

Hope you go into labour naturally in time Key, lots of walking and spicey food does the trick I've heard ;) bet you can't wait to finish work now and have some relaxing time before little one gets here.
Tinkerbell - I'm so sorry that you've had to go through this and so pleased that you are using the positive part to spur you on for the next round. It's so hard to deal with all of the emotional ups and downs, you've been amazing to already be smiling & laughing again. 2014 will be your year x

Briss - sounds like you've got a good no. of follicles, so let's keep fingers crossed for some great quality eggs! Have you been feeling ok on the stims?

Key - 2 weeks of work left! Fantastic! Our NCT group planned some meetings but then they all started popping out their babies! 3 of the babies born to our group came at 34/35 weeks! Maybe that will be you & you won't need to be induced! I can't believe when I saw the specialist at PRUH & asked about not going over DD because of IVF they just looked at me blankly & said it'd be fine! Rosie was born at exactly 42 weeks!

Kazza - top tailing is fine at first, it's just when they have massive poo explosions you start thinking a bath might be in order! How are you & Daniel getting on? Are you getting any sleep at all?!

Izabela - how are you doing hon? X
I had my second scan today on Cd 7 (6th day of stims) and it's bad news I am afraid. my ovaries are not responding to stimulation, only 2 follicles have grown since last scan. They are considering two options (i) cancelling the cycle or (ii) increasing Gonal F from 125 to 300. I am really not sure what to make of it. I hated the idea of stimulation to begin with and was happy to do another natural cycle with just one egg so to me going through hated stimulation and cancelling the cycle after I have already consumed so much meds is just unthinkable. On the other hand increasing FSH almost 3 times is worrying as my two leading follicles may grow really fast (the largest is already 16mm) not giving the eggs a chance to mature properly. There is no guarantee that my other follicles will respond to higher dose so I may still end up with just 2 follicles but much sooner. Was told to start cetrotide today to supress LH (am still waiting for my bloods). my lining is perfect: 9.8 mm /triple layer but what's the point… I am trying not to get emotional here and just take what comes
Oh no Briss I'm so sorry to hear that - it's must be such a nightmare to have come this far and face a cancelled cycle. I really really hope they can come up with the best solution to still get you some good quality embies. I was always on 300 + of stims because of low resting follicles numbers but always got good quality if that's any consolation about them increasing dosage but obviously each case is different.

When will you find out what they recommend?

Thoughts are with you hun - take care

K xxx
My estradinol yesterday was 1,516 and LH 6.3, they decided that we should go up to 250 of Gonal F and start cetrotide to suppress LH for the next two days. I went for it so fingers crossed it will result in more mature eggs and a healthy pregnancy. next scan is tomorrow. I am so bloated, look slightly pregnant need to cover up for work cos there might be questions...
Good luck for the scan tomorrow I really hope it is good news and you get some nice mature embies

key, I am really hoping this cycle works but I started looking at Lister at the same time for the future. they seem to have very good experience with high FSH ladies which seems to be my problem re poor response to stims. I do not remember if I already asked about your experience with lister? Do you know if you can get NHS funding for them? I know they are private but I read on FF that some managed to get there via NHS funding.
Good luck tomorrow Briss, really hoping that you have some great follicles from the increased stims. I hate the bloating, it's so uncomfortable. Fingers crossed you won't have to move to Lister as you will get a BFP from this round, but great to know you have a very good alternative.

Key - how are you feeling hon? Is it your last week at work next week - bet it doesn't seem real!

Kazza - how are you getting on with the twins? Hope everything is ok!

Tinkerbell - how are you feeling about everything now? I hope you & your husband are both ok x

Izabela - how are you doing hon? Any more exciting Christmas plans?

Monkeyfeet - I've read some of the BLW book and I really want to give it a go - I have some questions that I'll email you when I get a moment! My other mum friends seem a bit sceptical & dismissive about it but I think I'll just plough on regardless!

AFM - awful day yesterday, I fell down the stairs & have fractured a bone in my left hand. I'm so gutted - I can't pick Rosie up now & just feel really sad that I can't do all of our classes & play activities like I usually do. My husband had today off to help & he did baby sensory so that was nice, but feeding is quite hard. My mum has tomorrow free to help & then my OHs parents will come to stay for a week to help. So far no operation though which is great, they are going to monitor it but I'm praying it won't need an op x
Serena that sounds terrible I hope your not on too much pain? Have they given an indication of how long you'll be out if action for? At least it sounds like you're getting a bit of help but hopefully you'll be able to use hand and get back to normal very soon

Briss - how'd it go today? My experience if lister was fantastic & not just cos got my bfp!! They seem quite advanced in treatments they'll consider such as natural killer etc, plus you see the same nurse and ultrasound person every time. I don't know about NHS but we did egg share so only had to pay for drugs & ICSI but I know unfortunately that's not option for you. We've got a frozen embie at guys but if that doesn't work for no.2 I'd go back to lister even though I'll be too old (:() to egg share and it's more expensive but I feel confident they'd get us there again! But like Serena says hopefully you won't need to look at that option because this will be your turn x

Kazza how you getting on probably don't have a second spare to post but hope your doing ok x

Tinkerbell / Izabela / Monkeyfeet - hope your all well

Yes only 1 more week of work for me - will be very weird to not be working, but I'm sure I'll get used to it quick enough!!!

Serena, I am very sorry to hear about your fractured bone. how awful! great that you are getting some help though. I very much hope you wont need any operation and it will heal nicely and quickly.

key, only 1 more week of work sounds like heaven! I cant wait to get to that stage. thank you for sharing your experience with lister. I also really hope I wont need any more IVf because I will be pregnant with twins (obviously!) but I am really warming towards this clinic and if we wont have twins this time around I will definitely be considering another IVf for baby No.2.

afm, It looks like the stimulated cycle just does not work for me. there is very little progress on the scan this morning. CD 9 and 8th day of stims, two dominant follicles are still there 14/16 mm there is a third one at 9mm which may catch up so they want to keep me on stims for 2 more days but depends on my bloods today. Follicles on the right did not grow but that's OK cos they cant access the right ovary because of the cyst anyway. Generally the doc said if I need any more IVF in the future she would not recommend doing any more stimulated cycles cos I had 2 follicles on my natural/modified cycle as well so same result with much less meds. oh well, I sort of knew that with my high FSH I am not a great IVF candidate hence the reason the NHS is refusing the funding. The good news is that my blood flow to the ovaries, follicles and uterus is very good and she said it's a positive sign and there is hope that the egg quality is good so at least there is that. the lining is perfect 11 mm triple layer. They will most likely still proceed on the basis of two follicles but will do 2 day ET. I am thinking whether we still need to pay 600 for the embryo scope cos it's not going to make a difference in choosing the embryo as there is no choice but it may give us some more info on how the embryos are developing which may explain the chemical last cycle but then again with day 2 ET there wont be that much time and into its just going to be 4 cell embryos. The strangest thing is my ovaries feel so full and heavy as if they are giant and filled with hundreds of follicles, I am also bloated and had a fair amount of bleeding after the injection last night, tummy is still hurting.
Briss at least you've got 2 embies - maybe 3 so that's good news but frustrating if you could have got same result without stims!! Glad to hear that lining is great & they think quality will be good. Like u say maybe you'll have twins like Kazza and not have to do ivf again - I really hope so hun! So looking like EC will be Monday?

K x
key, thanks. at the moment they want to do another scan on Sunday and possibly EC on Tuesday. all depends on the bloods, I think my LH may surge earlier as last time despite Cetrotide so we may end up having EC earlier. I am thinking when to BD last time before EC to get best possible SA. Saturday maybe for EC on Monday/Tuesday?
not great news from today's scan, two left follicles have grown nicely at 19/20 mm but the third one at 16 mm has grown on the right side :( right above my cyst and they said the cyst is not a simple one cos it has blood inside so they wont be trying to collect that egg because the risk of puncturing the cyst and infection is just too great. So if we are lucky we will get two eggs. My lining is all ready at 13.3 mm. I am officially triggering tonight and EC is scheduled for Tuesday. fingers crossed!!

I asked again about such poor response to meds but it seems like everyone has a different opinion. today's doc said we should try (hopefully we wont have to though) to start with the large dose from CD2 and will possibly get much better result. seems like some think we should stick to natural while others believe more stims are needed. how confusing, seems like there is no simple answer.

finaly got my notes from our previous IVF and apparently our embryo was graded 4cl/1f, seems ok but i do not really like "f", do not know what it means but it cant be good.

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