IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Ladies, thank you very much for your support. I hope all is well.

it's been very emotional and sad for me, still trying to recover. My IVf cycle was very short with only 11 day LP which never happened before, it's always 13/14 days. They said it's because of imbalance between lots of estrogen and not enough progesterone to support LP. I hope they are right but my next cycle is not going well either. My Af is totally out of order. It's usually more like brown spotting by CD5 and over on CD6. it's Cd 6 today and it's still full on bright red and a lot of it… I am so worried. is it going to stop? have any of you had very long bleeding after failed IVF?
Hello everyone!!

I am glad all the babies are doing well and will be their first Christmas Rosie, Josh and Chloe. I get the impression that your little one Key may be born around Christmas. So exciting and curios to know the gender and all the other info weight time of birth.

I am glad everyone is well.

Briss I am sorry your cycle was not successfully. I think my periods after IVF were longer heavier and I had on and off flow of fresh blood. It actually took a couple of months to adjust. When I had the ectopic it stopped for few days and came back fresh and gone on for 3 weeks until I had it checked. It stopped within 2 days after the operation. It is probably the hormone only in your case as you had your blood test done. Hope is stops soon, uncomfortable. X

I have spent a week with my sister which was lovely she is so huge. So glad for her but feel like is never going to happen to me. Lister now said that they looking for me to start at the end of January not anymore over Christmas. They said there's no match yet for me but in January are likely to be more people. I am eager to start and want to know if I should go for a paid cycle. They said that one lady did not choose me due to nuts allergy but I said I don't have any and then she said due to my ethnicity as my father was born in Norway. Second lady had the same problem with my ethnicity. They match me within few days last time... I more likely think it has to do with the fail cycle... for me and the lady or their Christmas rush. I wish I know if is worth waiting for a match. If the donor super would be with a different clinic I would try a go of IUI - just to feel I am doing something before is too late.
I don' t dare to call them to ask about my new AMH.

Hope everyone is well.
Briss sorry AF is so uncomfortable & unusual fir you - I do think the treatment messes up cycles a bit. I think my periods were a little longer than usual but if you are worried you should definitely contact clinic. I know it must all still be so raw but we're coming into a new year & hopefully 2014 will be the year for you, Izabela & Tinkerbell

Izabela - glad u're sister is ok & you're getting to spend lots of time together. I'm pretty sure lister won't be messing you around I just don't think they're that kind of clinic - if the matching prob was due to failed cycle I think they'd just tell you. I know it's tough but I am sure they will find you a match soon - so try to hang in there until Jan if poss.

Kazza - great news on car, bet you can't wait til tomorrow. Sounds like twins are doing well especially Josh!

Serena - glad to hear you're getting a bit of peace for a few mins by putting Rosie in high chair :) any news on arm?

All good my end - just a waiting game now to see when things will kick off

K xx
Key - how are you doing? Are they on their way yet?! 2/5ths sounds promising! Are they booking you in for sweeps at all before inducing you? How strange will Christmas be this year if the little one hasn't arrived and you know you'll be going in to hospital the next day? Surreal. Great news about the Oasis. I'm desperate for someone I know to end up having the water birth!

Briss - sorry to hear you've had such a hazard time - I had awful periods after ICSI, very heavy for a couple of periods. Hope you're feeling better now.

Kazza - Josh is amazing, piling on the weight. Hope it's all fine and no need to change his diet - if he's happy it can't be a bad thing surely! How's Chloe? And how's the new car?

Izabela - Sorry there's no match yet. Prob people are having a break over Christmas ready to start again in the new year. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for good news in Jan. x

Monkeyfeet - I went to a lecture on BLW which was hilarious & had loads of videos of babies stuffing food in their mouths. And all over their faces. I'm def going to do it. I'm halfway through the book you sent me and will have it finished & will be ready to start on 18th Jan! Any tips for good meals to start with would be great - I want to try to get her to try 3 meals a day where poss even if it's just to chuck on the floor at first. Hope you & William and your OH are all well & getting ready for your first Xmas as a family x
Hi all,

Key how exciting you really don't have long to go now. Hope you're feeling ok and enjoying your last days to yourself.

Kazza - sounds like you are doing a brilliant job and getting out at about a bit - must be do hard with twins - amazing. Hope josh and Chloe are well.

Izabela - hope you find a match soon, it's frustrating having to wait for something you feel you have no control over. Sure it will all start in the new year. Try to enjoy the break.

Serena - glad you like the blw! It really is a messy affair! We started out with fruits and vegetables as finger foods - so for breakfast I gave him lengths of banana, apple, melon etc to hold and put to his mouth. Lunch may have been cucumber/peppers/carrot/broccoli etc.

We now do full meals - so he hasn't porridge oats/wheetabix and banana for breakfast (I preload spoon) but you can make porridge fingers which they can pick up in early stages.

Lunch may be anything from toast/sandwich/jacket pot with beans or cheese
Eve - meatballs and pasta/ roast/ macaroni I cheese/ chicken and veg/ chili! A urging you like really. We eat from the blw recipe book which is fab! Great food easy to make from scratch so avoids ready made sauces so you can watch salt and sugar intake, but great enjoyable food.
It can take a whole for them to pick up food and have coordination to get to their mouth but its def worth persisting! William ears anything out in front of him (starting g to develop preferences but think that's age!)
Looking forward to hearing how Rosie likes it.

Afm - all good albeit shattered, mark away and William been ill and having sleep issues! There always seems to be a new phase to keep me on my toes! Waiting fur egg share recipient but having our frozen embryos transferred from guys to our local clinic today so planning a frozen cycle whilst we wait fur a recipient for egg share. Excited to get started again.

Hope all else are well and enjoying the run up to Christmas.xxx
Hi everyone,

Hope everyone is well and not crazy busy in the last week before Christmas.

Was hoping to come on and see you'd had your baby Key but guess I'm still a little early, is your due date past yet?

I'm doing better than I was and needed some time away from here, still having my down moments though, especially the last few days which I just keep thinking about how far along I should be now etc and I guess with Christmas so close it doesn't help.
We went to Guys last week to talk about cycling there again which we've decided to do, DH prefers it there, it's less stressful and tiring travelling to. We saw Mr El-Toukhy and spoke about the cycles at Hammersmith, he thinks short protocol is definitely what I should stick with as I had better quality embryos rather than go back to long and we'll be doing another endo scratch but I may also get a hysteroscopy, we've put forward for the study so just need to wait and see if I'm picked to be in the group to have it or not, I hope so but with my luck I bet I won't ;) there's something like 4 places left so that was close. We won't actually cycle till March though as we still have some saving to do.
I did look at Lister and CRGH to possibly cycle at but the costs are just too high, we'd be looking at another £3-4000 probably which is almost another cycle and meaning we wouldn't be able to do it until much later in the year, I also entered the draw for a free cycle at Lister but unfortunately wasn't successful for that.
So that all my news since I've been in hiding :) x
Hey ladies!!

Monkey feet, lovely to hear from you! BLW sounds great, can't wait to hear how Serena gets on! How old is William now?

Serena, how's your wrist? When are you planning on starting BLW?

Key any twinges yet? I'm too excited I'm saying a 7.2 baby born Xmas eve!!

Izabella sorry to hear about the recipient, I do think it was just the nuts allergy not the failed cycle as I had had 3 fails before egg share. Enjoy Xmas and start your new cycle in the new year, I'm sure people take a break for Xmas and start fresh in the new year.

Briss I bled fairly heavy after a failed cycle so I think its normal.

Tinkerbell, mr el - toukey is great, we had the hysteroscopy study gave much peace of mind. Glad you have a plan!

AFM twins are great. See the health visitor tomorrow to see how my big man is doing! The new car has given me a new least of life! I'mGoing to try the twins club in the new year as I don't have time this side of Xmas!

Everyone looking forward to Xmas?
Hi ladies lovely to hear from everyone.

Tinkerbell - Christmas is always a difficult time & it's really hard to forget failed cycles but think you are in safe hands at Guys. We also met Dr El-toukhy and he seemed very good although not that keen on Nk tests which was obviously key for us. I'll keep my fingers crossed that your choosen for hysterocopy - I had that done on our last & sure it would have made diff if not for NK issue. When will you be kicking off with Guys?

Monkeyfeet - hope William gets back into a good sleep pattern for you soon!! Didn't realise u could transfer frozen embies - did it cost a lot? We have 1 left at Guys & maybe we can transfer to Lister so I can follow same NK protocol. Are you starting frozen cycle in New Year? Really hope everything goes well :)

Serena - glad to hear wrist is improving, how's Rosie getting on with teething, things getting any better? The BLW sounds interesting I might be asking more about that in a few mths time!!

Kazza - so glad you've got the new car and that you're going to be going to twins club in the new year. I'm sure it will be nice to meet people in the sane boat as you

Briss & Izabela - hope you are both doing ok & have got some nice plans lined up for Xmas

Afm - no more signs that little one is going to arrive early. I'm 39 weeks tomorrow & at least now I should have given birth by 27th/28th if all else fails. Am sleeping a little better than have been but still up a lot - guess that's just good practice for when baby comes. But I'm ready for baby to come now - so send lots of labour vibes my way please ladies!!

K xx

Key - any news???! Sending the labour vibes your way. You will have your baby one way or another in five days time!!!!! CANT WAIT! Wishing you so much luck, can't wait to hear your news x

Monkeyfeet - THANK YOU! So good to hear some details about what to start on. I think fruit and veg seem a good start, I'm nervous about things like chilli at first as can't imagine it not being a horrendous mess - do you think try these things after a couple of weeks on the fruit & veg? Also do you serve chilli/stew etc in bowls rather than just a blob on their tray? At the NHS class they showed a baby eating spaghetti but it was just a mound on their tray - I assume the bowl had been chucked on the floor!
Glad you're trying a FET, it might be successful & save you some money, although obviously egg sharing is a great thing to be able to do for somebody else. Sorry to hear William is having trouble sleeping. I asked my friend when her girl started sleeping through and she said 'last week'...she's 3! I felt like crying. Hope you have a brilliant Christmas x

Kazza - great news about the car . You are doing so amazingly out & about with the twins so quickly. Are they 7 weeks now? How was the health visitor visit? And have you got the twins matching Christmas outfits?

Tinkerbell - so lovely to hear from you again. Sorry that you're still struggling especially because of Christmas. I agree that Guys makes you feel comfortable. Apart from the terrible phone communication they are fantastic. I hope you get on to their trial.

AFM - things are good. Just getting last minute Christmas bits done. Hand is loads better. Rosie rolled over today which was funny. She looked very pleased with herself x
Hey ladies!

Hope everyone is well!

Key I've been thinking if you loads!! Really hope baby is on its way!! And if not by Friday you will be a mummy!

Serena glad your wrist is better! Brill that Rosie has rolled over ! That's super cute!! Everything ready for Xmas!!

Monkeyfeet when were you starting your cycle? I can't believe you've gone full circle, and on for your next baby! I'm so glad we have shared this process together! Good luck !

Tinkerbell, thinking of you loads hun! Try and enjoy Xmas ready to start your new cycle!

AFM health visitor came, josh is now 9.5 and Chloe 7.9 both doing great. Josh is quite clingy , his face looks sore from his dry skin and cradle cap. Going to try and get another drs appt. Plus my stitched area did still not feeling right! No matching outfits but we do have these outfit but I did dress Chloe up as mrs Santa and josh as a reindeer!!

An tho hope all is well for everyone and I'll be waiting for done news on key!!!
Sorry to disappoint but still no news from me - looks like induction likely on 27th (but going in to PRUH on evening of 26th) at this rate, which means no Oasis centre for me either! We've just got home from Loughborough today, so in a way glad baby hasn't come early.

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. Monkeyfeet, Serena & Kazza enjoy this fabulous time with the children. Tinkerbell, Briss & Izabela we are about to start a new year of hope and I'm 100% sure positive things for you all

Much love k xx
Merry Christmas everyone!
I wrote a long post yesterday but I lost it.

Key hope you have a great Christmas day and a easy birth next few days. Another Christmas present waiting for you. So curious to know the sex still think a boy.

Kazza you sound like a great mummy of twins. Both seem to gain weight so well. Dry patches are very common with babies most of them would grow out of it by 6 months. Their first Christmas they will look great in their outfits.

Serena I am glad your hand is better and you can fully enjoy Rosalie's first Christmas. Is great that she enjoys solids and rolls. Sounds like you are going to have a active baby at Christmas. She is going to love the Christmas wrapper.

Monkeyfeet sounds great you have a frostie and you can have it transfer to your local clinic. Is William curious on the Christmas tree and decorations?

Tinkerbell and Briss I hope we all are going to be luckier in the new year and get our babies.

No news at my end. I believe Lister have been very busy this time of the year... They said they sent me 2 weeks ago via post pills but I have not received them and a week ago a prescription for pills but I don't have it either. I don't have a nut allergy so don't know why they said that while talking about matching but they have been brilliant otherwise. I will see how things move in January. I been off threads for a while trying to forget about my struggle to conceive to enjoy my sister pregnancy with her. But I missed everybody's news and I knew Key is going to have her baby soon..

I waffeled too much. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Key - tomorrow woo hoo! It's a shame you won't make it into the Oasis if you're induced but the new induction ward is nice & the delivery rooms are very nice too. So exciting. Have a great day today and can't wait to hear your news x

Kazza - the twins are doing so well with their weight. Poor Josh being clingy. One of my friend's babies had cradle cap but it only lasted a short time. I'm not sure what she used on it. Rosie's skin was very spotty and dry at first, I think they say it clears up around six weeks so not sure if it's the same thing. We use the Earth Friendly baby shampoo as the other one we tried from Kiddicare made Rosie's skin very dry. Sensitive skins! Have a brilliant Christmas, looking forward to hearing how it goes.

Izabela - lovely to hear from you. Have a great Christmas - hope your sister is getting on well and not making it at all hard for you. Lister sound a bit confusing - that's very odd about the pills and nut allergy. Hopefully they will have more time in the new year and it will get sorted. Good luck, 2014 will be your year x

Hope everyone else has a lovely day x
Good luck key!!

Merry Christmas all!

Proper post a bit later!! 2 screaming bubbas today!
Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas Day & thank I for the well wishes

I've now been on induction ward for 36 hrs (since 8.30pm boxing day). Had two lots of gel which only got me to 1cm which was at 1pm yesterday then they've had to "rest" me. Did have some contractions last night so hoping I may have progressed to 2 to 3 cm (or they give me another batch of gel)so I can move to labour ward & have waters broken but I'll only know more when Dr comes round later.

Pls keep fingers crossed for me that baby comes today as starting to get bored at the PRUH even though all midwifed have been lovely

Oh key!! Been thinking of you loads!! 36 hrs!! Your a trooper!! Sending you lots of labour vibes to you!! Hopefully the contractions are a sign that things are moving!! You made a snug home in there for little one!!
Key - you're doing so well! 36 hours already! the 1cm sounds so similar to mine - you can't believe it when they say 1cm as you're sure you're at least 7! Good luck today, fingers crossed for waters to be broken soon and your baby to arrive very soon x

Key, best of luck! keeping my fingers crossed for you!!

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