IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Oh Briss, how frustrating to get told different things. But good news that you've got two good sized follicles so fingers crossed for some great quality eggs. Is EC on Tues? X
Briss sorry other potential embie is on side they can't get to but 2 good quality eggs is still great. We had our 2 best (from only 4 as egg sharing) put back this time and they both worked, although of course we lost 1. So with 2 you have excellent chances of getting your bfp. Sorry don't know what your grading means as know they use different scales everywhere just to be helpful!!

Best if luck for Tuesday x

Serena - how is the hand doing hun, are you managing any easier?

Tinkerbell / Izabela - hope your both making most of being drug free and enjoying the lead up to Xmas. Enjoy all the cheese, alcohol etc things that you can't have during pregnancy as I'm sure you'll both be pregnant early next year :)

Kazza - how are you getting on with the two little ones, I hope you're managing to get some sleep x

Monkeyfeet - do I remember you saying you are going to be egg sharing? When re you starting this off? So exciting to be trying for baby no. 2

K xx
Key - 4 more days of work!!!! How are you feeling? Are you huge now? How many weeks are you now -nearly 36? Do you know for sure when you'll be induced if you reach 40 before your little one arrives? X

Briss - good luck for tomorrow I'll be thinking of you x

Hope everyone else is doing well x

AFM - had a hospital appt today for my hand (I swear I've been to the PRUH 400 times this year) and they are happy not to operate but I have to have the splint on for another 5 weeks. Such a pain. My in laws are staying and have been such a help, especially as my husband has got some sort of pukey bug. One of my NCT friends picked me up & drove me to baby yoga & did it with Rosie while her husband did it with her son. She's so nice! It made me feel a lot less miserable having everyone so willing to help x
Hey ladies!!!

Briss good luck for EC tomorrow!! Sounds like you've had a right old time of it this cycle!! Keep us posted!!

Key maternity leave just around the corner!! That's brilliant!!

Serena sorry to hear about your wrist, when will you be aloud to pick Rosie up have they said?

Tinkerbell - how you doing hun?

AFM twins is hard work!! They are sleeping ok waking every 3-4 hours for a feed, just getting used to broken sleep! I've got to get a new car, my cars too small and it's preventing me from wanting to get out!also don't fe like I have much confidence with 2! But I'll overcome it!

Special baby care phoned today from when Josh was there, they've only just looked at the X-ray of his chest again, because he had that trouble breathing when he was born, they said it looks like he had a leak in the lung, and want another X-ray before tomorrow, so bk to the hospital for X-ray and hope for results tomorrow. We also have the health visitor tomorrow! I'll keep you posted xxx
All the best today Briss - I'll be thinking of you.

Kazza sounds like the twins are keeping you busy - but hopefully they will get into a routine of a bit more sleep soon. That's no good about car you need to make sure you can get out & about otherwise you'll go crazy!! Hope Josh' x-ray is all ok today :)

Serena glad no operation is needed bit 5 more weeks in splint isn't fun at least you've got some good friends to help u out

Afm - I've got 36 wk midwife appt tomorrow so looking forward to hearing if baby is right position I.e front to back. Then 38 wk appt is with doc and that is when they will officially book in my induction for 26th Dec. we've all got to will this baby to come early as would really like to have it naturally in Oasis suite

K xx
Thank you ladies for your good wishes!

EC was, to put it mildly, disappointing. Only one mature egg. I had a temp rise this morning and suspected I ovulated and turned out I was right. one of the two follicles on the left disappeared. Somehow, the doc managed to get one more egg from my right ovary without touching the cyst so we had 2 eggs collected but the lab just confirmed that only one egg was mature for ICSI. anxiously waiting for the news on fertilisations tomorrow.

had a bit of a breakdown when we got home, all the stims etc and the result is no better than we would have got from a completely natural cycle. I will spare you what my DH had to say on the matter but he is very upset. Mainly with the clinic for making me go through the stims and for missing the egg. The doc said there was no way to prevent early ovulation.

I feel quite sick and distressed. trying to calm down
Oh Briss, that's such a shame after everything you've been through. I don't blame you for feeling so upset, especially as it's so stressful and you have such an overload of hormones. The one egg may end up being your child though so try to stay positive although of course it's so difficult and disappointing.

Kazza - sounds so hard but you are doing fabulously well. Sending all my love to Josh, hope he recovers quickly x

Key - 36 weeks is so exciting - do you feel as though the baby has changed position or dropped? I'll be keeping my few working fingers crossed that you make it into the Oasis suite. Someone I know has to have their baby there!
Briss so sorry to hear that you lost one of mature eggs & after everything ended up with same as natural. Really hope thus little embroyo proves a fighter and turns into your beautiful little boy or girl in 9mths. Let us know how you get on

K xx
Hey ladies!

Serena, 5 weeks in a splint is tough, really hope it flies by , good that you don't need an op though. Thinking of you and wishing you well!

Briss I'm really sorry to hear about early ovulation. Everything crossed the embie is a good one! I'm sure it will be!

Key! 36 weeks! Not long to go! Let us know how you get on with the midwife.

Izabella hope your doing well x

AFM josh is fine, X-ray came bk all clear! Phew! I'm going to try and get out today to see my work colleagues! Let's see how I get on!
my only egg did not fertilise. they told me it was not good quality. strange after all this talk on how great my blood flow was. It's the end of the road for this cycle. I am in pieces and cant even think clearly where we go from here. totally devastating...
Oh Briss I'm so so sorry - don't know what to say to help, i understand how you're completely devestated. Is there any comeback on clinic when that happens I.e could you get a reduction on next treatment cost at all?

My love & thoughts are with you & OH. All I can say is give yourself time to grieve and when your ready look at options again as I am sure it will happen for you xx
ladies thank you for your support. I am still in shock, constantly crying and in disbelief. At the moment I do not even know what to think and what to hope for. years of very intensive natural TTC (I've tried everything under the sun believe me before I resorted to IVF) and 2 failed IVF which cost us about 11K. I think I am going to take a break for a while I never thought I'd say it but I am reaching my limits on how much misfortune I can take before I break and want to give up and end it all. I am sure it will pass and I will carry on fighting but not the next few weeks. I might stay away from B&B for a bit because it's getting hard for me and my TTC efforts are not bringing me any closer to a baby.

I just want to wish you all the very best of luck!!
Oh Briss I'm so sorry, that's just awful. I really feel for you, I've felt the same after failed cycles and a break helps. It's tough to imagine now but after a few weeks you will feel stronger. You've had such a good response on natural cycles and a chemical so it's definitely possible even though it sometimes feels impossible. Please come back when you're ready, we will all be thinking of you x
I definately think a break will do you good. Take care Briss try & have a nice Christmas as hard as it is don't let the ivf and long term trying rob you of all the joys in life xx
Key - how was your appointment? X

Kazza - how did you get on with the twins on your own? Did you make it out? X
Hi Serena all went well at midwife on Weds baby isn't yet engaged but on the brim apparently & in the right position :) I asked about being approved for Oasis & I've got to wait to see doc on 9th for him to confirm apparently! Went to see Oasis last night & birthing pool rooms are lovely & very big but if they're full the other rooms are pretty small & basic so I'd be a bit disappointed. Of course if baby hasn't come by 26th then won't have chance to go to Oasis anyway due to induction so we'll have to see

How's the hand doing? Hopefully it isn't too painful & you're managing ok

Kazza - how u getting on
Hope Briss, Tinkerbell & Izabela you're all well and enjoying some time off treatment for a while

K xx
Hey briss I'm so sorry to hear your news! You've been incredibly strong and A break is well needed! Hope to see you back in the future with a lovely bfp!

Izabella, tinkerbell and monkey feet hope you are well!

Key great need that bubs is almost engaged! I felt so much better once my bump dropped!! The oasis is lovely but I liked the labour ward too we had a massive room with own bathroom! Until we delivered in theatre!

My day on my own went very well actually! Sorted a new car which we get in a few weeks so that will also help! Dans back to work Tuesday! Really not looking that!!
Hello, how is everyone doing?

Key - good luck at your appt today - let us know what they say about the baby being engaged! X

Kazza - how are you doing with the lovely twins?

Tinkerbell - how are you doing? Enjoying some time away from IVF in the run up to Christmas? I hope you and your OH are ok x

Izabela - how are you? Have you been busy helping your sister? What are your plans for more treatment - was it mid Jan you start?

Briss - hope you're ok & the break from the site is helping.

Jhoney - you must be coming up to Scarlett's first birthday! Are you planning a big party?

Monkeyfeet - how are you & William? Are you doing lots of special things for his first Christmas?

AFM - the hand is a lot better. Getting it xrayed next Mon so will see what they say. I painted Xmas baubles with Rosie, my friend and her baby boy. It was CHAOS. And both the babies have massive feet! Rosie is going back into a teething stage poor thing. It's not as bad as last time but she's in quite a bit of pain. Hoping they ease off before Christmas as that won't be a fun present for the family! I also have started putting Rosie in a high chair whilst I eat - only for 10 mins at a time but it's a life saver!
Morning all - hope everyone is doing ok.

Serena appt went well on Monday apparently head is about 2/5 engaged - although according to NCT ladies it could stay like that for ages & no indication of when baby will come! I'm ok to go to Oasis which is good but if baby doesn't arrive early I will go to labour ward at 8pm boxing evening & be induced following day. At least I know only 2 weeks & 2 days left - as am finding sleeping really uncomfortable now

Serena glad the hand is feeling better, hopefully X-ray goes well next Mon. The bauble painting sounds fun & messy!! Poor little Rosie with her teething really hope she doesn't suffer too much over Xmas

Kazza - how are you getting on with Josh & Chloe are you coping ok and managing to get out & about a little bit?

Hope everyone is doing well & enjoying time of treatment and looking forward to nice Christmases

K xx
Hey girls,

Serena glad your wrist is improving, hope the X-ray shows some good news! The high chair sounds great! We have those ready and waiting and we also have a bumbo chair which I can't wait to use!! Hope Rosie's teething stage is shirt lived!

Key great news about the head being engaged! The sleep is a nightmare! Not long now!! How exciting!! The labour ward at pru is ok even if you can't use oasis but fingers crossed you can! I'm so excited for you!

All is well my end, get the new car on Saturday! Been out a little but not far, went to see my work colleagues yesterday which was good! Babies are well, josh put a pound on in one week! So the health visitor wants to see him next week to decide if we need to change the feed pattern! I hope not as he seems happy!

Anyway hope everyone is having fun getting prepared for Christmas!!!

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