Hey girls!
Great need about Isabelle's weight! How you feeling?
Snowberry, at your first appt, like Serena says, blood will be taken to check your hormone levels and egg reserve, this will determine what dose of Meds you need. Seman anaylsis to determine if you need IvF or ICSI. And a scan if your womb and ovaries. The dr will discuss your history and tell you which protocol you are on, I think guys generally start the long protocol whereby you will go on the pill on day 2 of your cycle, then, you will start down regulating with a drug you sniff. Then you start injections to make you produce multiple eggs. When you have enough good sized eggs you will do a trigger injection and be booked in for egg collection. Once your eggs are harvested, they fertilise with hubby's sperm and call you the next day to tell you how many fertilised. Then in the 3rd or 5th day, your embie will be replaced into you much like a smear test. The. It's the dreaded 2 WW. That's a quick overview of the process When is your appt? Like Serena says, between us we should have some answers for you so feel free to ask!
Monkeyfeet - what did you decide?
Serena how are you and Rosie?
Isabella and tinkerbell how are you?
AFM, post natel and first lot of immunisations tomorrow! Did any of your babies require calpol after? What do they do at the post natel? Do they also check babies over from head to toe? Josh has been very grizzley these last few days!!