IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Any news?

Hope everybody had a great Christmas and wish you a happy new year. X
Hey ladies how is everyone! Happy new year!

Key hope your ok hun x

Serena hows the wrist? How's Rosie and the teething? Have you started BLW?

Izabella how are you! Lister sound rushed off there feet, sorry you've had a few issues! Hopefully now the new year is hear you will be matched and ready to start again!

Monkeyfeet how was william and xmas?

Afm josh has eczema ! Poor bubba ! Weighs 10.4 at 7.5 weeks and Chloe 8.5! He still has cradle cap but it's getting better! All well otherwise!
Happy New Year everyone!

Key - how are you getting on with your little one?

Kazza - your babies are piling on the pounds! 10.5lbs already! What can you do for Josh' eczema? How are they sleeping? X

Monkeyfeet - How was William's first Christmas? I've started BLW! This is day 3. The HV recommended starting it early. The first 2 days Rosie just picked the food up, put it in her mouth, grimaced and chucked it. Today she chomped on a breadstick for about 20 mins and then gagged & vomited everywhere! It was all milk but she was covered in it, but then ate some more & some chicken, and then gagged & was sick again! She was perfectly happy - did this happen with William? If so how long did it last?

How is everyone else? Any news on treatment? X

I'm good, hand is more or less back to normal. Rosie is still feeding loads & at least twice at night! So tired! X
Happy new year all!

Sorry for delay wrote a long msg this morning then lost it all! Happy to say that after a fairly long induction process starting on 26th dec we had our little girl called Isabelle at 13.14 on 29th Dec weighing 8lb 1 oz. we both had a slight temp so had to go on antibiotics as precaution and only got out yesterday (1st) lunchtime. Actually though was quite useful being in hospital as I used midwifed quite a lot for BF advice and she seems to be latching on well on far

Hope everyone had an excellent Xmas and new year. I am sure this is going to be the year for many bfp's and more babies on this thread.

Serena sounds like an interesting start to blw - do you still feed milk at all now or purely food?

Kazza - great to hear Chloe & Josh'weightsare all healthy& good but shame he's got eczema poor thing

Briss, Izabela, Tinkerbell & Monkeyfeet - any news on next steps for treatment

K xx


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Key great to hear from you and what a great weight! She is absolutely beautiful!! I hated being in hospital! And it was so hot!!!! Did you even get any sleep? I had my own room and still barely slept!! But great the the midwifes were so helpful with breast feeding! How are you finding the lack if sleep! I found the first week
Or two hard and then I seemed to adapt!

Serena blw seems great Rosie seems interested in the food! I'm sure she will get used to it soon!

Not much can be done for josh just to keep him well moisturised and hope it does not get infected! So far so good looks better today.

Hoe you ladies are all well!
Congratulations key! Well done you. Isabelle is gorgeous.xx

Serena - sounds fairly similar to William , although without the sick (he has never been a sicky baby) to be honest when William first tried he barely had the motor skills to keep food in his hand so Rosie is doing amazingly. We remained on fruit and veg only for about 3-4 weeks I'd say - the gag reflex is scary but totally natural and he even now, very occasionally does it (he us a very keen eater and tends to shove too much in at once)
I'd stick with it - sounds like Rosie is doing really well but at sane time you need to be comfy with it so follow your gut.xx

Kazza - glad all is ok - great weights. What is the treatment for Joshua's excema? Hope he's not too affected by it. It's quite common in babies, William had it and we used oilatum which seemed to clear it up nicely.x

Hope all else are well.

Afm, we were due to start a fet in next couple of days whilst waiting for clearance to start egg share.. Then received the call today to go ahead on the egg share programme. Thrown me completely!

If we say yes, they offer me to recipient ASAP and likely start next cycle (feb) obvious pros are its free(ish) and fresh cycle. Cons - it's another month wait (you know how desperate these feels feel) and if I get low numbers of eggs, we could end up with just 4 and icsi may ruin a couple and clinics policy is to only culture to blast if more than 4 viable embryos on day 2.
Arghh! What to do?! We need to give a decision tomorrow really as af likely to arrive this weekend.

Any advice greatly appreciated.xx
Monkey feet, how many eggs did you get in your previous cycles?

How much will it cost for FET?

If the cost is similar, I'd consider a fresh cycle, from memory your embies are good quality? Also, if god forbid your fet fails and then you want to egg share, some clinics only allow a certain number of fails before not allowing you to egg-share.

We are using oilatum and doublebase cream. How long until Williams cleared up?
Key, Isabelle is gourgeus congratulations. You been so brave such a long induction. Love x

Monkeyfeet great news you have been matched there are advantages with both frozen cycle first or egg sharing first. Is good you have options. Good luck with your decision!
Key - Isabelle is so beautiful, you must be over the moon to have her with you. How was the labour apart from long?! And how is it being at home? X
Well done on the breastfeeding, it's definitely good to have midwives around to ask as they are all very encouraging x
Rosie is still being breastfed, the food is just to bash on the table & throw on the floor really x

Monkeyfeet - thanks for the advice and encouragement, I'm going to stick with it. Good to hear it's similarish to William. Rosie is rarely sick either so it was a surprise to see her projectile vomit everywhere! Today I left it longer after her feeds before giving her food and it was fine, she had a bit of pear & breadstick & threw everything else on the floor!
That's interesting about the egg share, I have no real advice but it sounds like Kazza's point about not being able to share if you have a lot of fails means that maybe it'd be a good idea to share. You have had two successful rounds so far so you know the fresh cycles work for you. Although FET is less intrusive so maybe that might be easier on you now that you have William? Let us know what you decide, I completely understand the frustration at the waiting around, one of the worst parts of IVF. X

Kazza - glad Josh is better today, hopefully if you know what creams work for him it won't get infected. Are the twins starting to show any differences in personality yet? Likes/dislikes? X

Izabela - any news from Lister yet?

Briss & Tinkerbell - how are you doing? X
Monkeyfeet - tough decision, like the other ladies say maybe fresh is good option because you've had such good sucess before & you'll still have FET if god forbid you need it. But obviously is a lot more stressful on body &you do have William.it is a tough one buti'm sure whatever you decide will be right for you.

Serena - sounds like the feeding is great fun & very messy!!

Kazza I was lucky enough to have own room too - think they felt sorry for me being there so long! But midwifed were fantastic

We doing good at home - midwife visited today and Isabelle only lost 4% of birth weigh which is great - she loves here good! So far nights haven't been too bad but that's prob famous last words!

Isabela any news on your egg sharing at lister?

K xx
Hi im new to this site. I was just trying to do a bit of re-search on the whole process and came across this thread. Feel a bit in the dark about it all. Have our first appointment at Guys soon and we literally feel like we know nothing. We havn't been told a lot by anyone that we have seen so far and so i wanted to read up a bit about the process to make sure we ask all the right questions. Can anyone tell us what to expect from our first appointment?:shrug: xx
Key - brilliant news on Isabelle's birthweight, sounds like she's settled in to this feeding business well! How are you and your OH finding all the rest of it - nappies, baths, dressing her etc? It's a different world but you get used to it surprisingly quickly!

Snowberry - welcome! Good luck with your treatment. Guys is very good so hopefully you'll feel much more informed after your first appt. have you been to the lecture yet? They cover a lot of the treatment in that and give you a brochure with more info. Do you know what type of treatment they have recommended for you yet? I can't remember exactly what they covered in the first appt but I think they took blood & semen to test and gave me an internal scan. Then they look through your notes, discuss the treatment and give you info on which drugs to take at which points of your cycle, and then give you a start date (e.g first day of next cycle). I think just write down as many questions as you can to ask as they don't rush you and it's best to try to get the info you want. You can always ask us too as between all of us someone usually has been through it! X
Hey girls!

Great need about Isabelle's weight! How you feeling?

Snowberry, at your first appt, like Serena says, blood will be taken to check your hormone levels and egg reserve, this will determine what dose of Meds you need. Seman anaylsis to determine if you need IvF or ICSI. And a scan if your womb and ovaries. The dr will discuss your history and tell you which protocol you are on, I think guys generally start the long protocol whereby you will go on the pill on day 2 of your cycle, then, you will start down regulating with a drug you sniff. Then you start injections to make you produce multiple eggs. When you have enough good sized eggs you will do a trigger injection and be booked in for egg collection. Once your eggs are harvested, they fertilise with hubby's sperm and call you the next day to tell you how many fertilised. Then in the 3rd or 5th day, your embie will be replaced into you much like a smear test. The. It's the dreaded 2 WW. That's a quick overview of the process When is your appt? Like Serena says, between us we should have some answers for you so feel free to ask!

Monkeyfeet - what did you decide?

Serena how are you and Rosie?

Isabella and tinkerbell how are you?

AFM, post natel and first lot of immunisations tomorrow! Did any of your babies require calpol after? What do they do at the post natel? Do they also check babies over from head to toe? Josh has been very grizzley these last few days!!
Kazza - can't believe it's the injections already! Seems to have flown by! I gave Rosie Calpol but I don't think you have to. The nurse said to give her Calpol when I got home - she said officially it's only needed if they get a fever but she thinks it's best to give to them anyway. So up to you really. If you do give it to them it's only the paracetamol one they can have at their age. I think the Nurofen one is 3 months.
At the appt they ask you how you're feeling & coping and give you an examination - not sure if they'd do this if you didn't have stitches? And they checked Rosie all over and measured her head. That's all I can remember and it was only 4 months ago!
Do you have any idea why Josh is grizzly - even more hungry?!

We're getting on well thanks. She is getting to grips with her food and eating everything put in front of her, well tiny pieces of everything. She's sitting well too now. The month between 5-6 months seems to have tons of development in it. She's changing before my eyes!

Key, congratulations! great to hear that all went well. lovely picture, She is absolutely beautiful!!

ladies, sorry for the silence, things have been quite tough. we are going through some genetic testing and then if all is well the urologist may suggest some treatment for DH to improve his SA. our next IVF is on hold until we know if there are any genetic issues that's causing DH's problems.
Briss - that sounds like positive news your end if they think they might be able to do something to improve Sa? Really hope so and you get some positive news so you can move forward

Serena sounds like Rosie is doing great with the weaning & really growing - can't believe she is coming up to 6 mths!!

Kazza the injections seem to have come round quickly hope Josh settles down a Little for you.

Snowberry - I haven't got much to add to what the others have said although I had slightly diff protocol where didn't take pill and just started 2 (or more depending how busy they are) weeks of down reg sniffers to take system to neutral before then starting stim injections but they will discuss all this with you at first meeting. Guys are very good & you're in excellent hands - good luck

Hope everyone else is doing ok

Afm - we're getting in ok - Isabelle liked her first bath the other day. Sleeping at night is a bit hit & miss at moment but nothing too bad. Only slightly worrying thing is that she's a bit sicky at the mo did anyone else have this in early weeks?

K xx
Briss good news that you are having these investigations! Hopefully this will provide you with some answers and you can move forward!

Serena, glad Rosie is doing so well! Sounds like she is thriving!!! I'm so looking forward to all these milestones!!

Key, josh was a really sicky baby at first, to the point where I was really worried, the volume of mucas coming out of him regularly was really worrying, the midwife and HV were not bothered some saying it was due to the traumatic entrance others said it happens! They swallow water when born, he was really grunty with it! But if your worried, always ask midwife, but as long as she is feeding, I'm sure it will be ok. Or is it straight after each feed and pure milk? If so maybe it's reflux, not sure what they do for that though. My friend had a water birth and her baby was really sick and midwife said it was due to the water birth so it seems there's lots of reasons, and probably normal. But always worth a mention to HV or MW.

AFM yep injections already. 9 weeks today!! Both babies were really upset last night!! But managed to settle quite well after there bottle! Chloe us starting to eep the through! It's 5.06 and she's been asleep since 10.30!! Josh is deffo a hungry baby so I've put him on hungry milk for his 10pm feed and he slept through till 4.15!!! In the day he will stay on usual milk! But the normal milk Isn't sustaining him! So now I can't sleep!! I'm
Not used to sleep!! I'll see how we get on with this formula and maybe discuss moving him on it permanently as the nutritional value is the same just larger molecules to keep him fuller for longer! If I increase his ounces he will just get fatter!! Lol so that doesn't seen to be An option as HV says the amount he is on is more than enough for baby of his age!
Hi guys

Key I am glad to hear Isabelle is doing great and you enjoy motherhood. X

Kazza Josh and Chloe seem to do fantastic and you doing great with twins. X

Serena Rosalie sounds so grown up I can't believe she is already eating food. X

Monkeyfeet how is William is he going to be 1 soon? How you getting on with egg sharing?

Briss I am glad you have a plan hope soon you will get some answers.

Snowberry welcome.

AFM - no news from Lister apart from all the ladies on the top of the list have blue eyes and I have brown so if I don't here nothing by the end of the week I will see what is the best next step IUI or founded ICSI.
We had a follow up appointment with our urologist and the good news is that our karyotype testing came back fine, no genetic issues, all chromosomes are in place - what a relief! I was so worried. based on Dh's test results and particularly lower testosterone, the doc suggested hormonal FSH treatment for DH. The doc was very clear that the treatment may increase his count by 30-40% but it will not necessarily lead to pregnancy. We need to check DH's blood in 6 weeks to check that testosterone and FSH are rising and if everything is OK we will repeat SA in 3 months and then consider another IVF. Our urologist suggested stim IVF to improve the odds and did not recommend natural IVF. When I tried to explain that natural worked better for us because of my high FSH (at least we had a chemical pregnancy while with stim cycle we did not have any fertilasation), he kind of hinted that our clinic may not have been the best place for a stim IVF. DH started the treatment last night but 3 months seems like ages.
Hi guys

Is anyone going through icsi in feb I start my injection on 22nd jan and bit nervous on what to expect

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