How are you all?
Izabela - you're so fantastic to be so positive, you are so strong. And I think you are right, when your child finally arrives it will be perfect and will skip all of the teenage dramas! Do you know what your next steps will be?
Monkeyfeet - stay positive, you got your BFP from your first cycle with no frozen ones, so it is definitely possible, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you. Are you finding it easier this time with William as a distraction? X
Briss - the waiting is the worst part, so frustrating! Just keep chasing it to make sure it goes through asap as they are notorious for sitting on paperwork x
Tinkerbell - congratulations on such a successful cycle, brilliant news. Hoping for a BFP soon x
Kazza - how are you & the gorgeous twins doing?
Key - we miss you on here - hope you're well x
AFM - had some annoying nursery issues recently but sorted now. Rosie's got 6 teeth but has slept through for the last week so I'm hoping it's helped her a bit. Not much else to report, going on an early Easter egg hunt tomorrow! X