IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Tinkerbell, congratulations on being PUPO! 11 mature eggs is an excellent result and great news on 2 frosties. It seems like you had good quality eggs this cycle and I am glad Guy's have delivered. Fingers crossed! did you do anything to prepare your body for this IVF?
Briss great news you heard from the NHS. Keep checking on them. The GP sent our federal in May 2009 and I repeated twice the blood test due to their fault and we had our IVF in January 12.They were telling us that the funding system has changed since our initial referral and NHS no longer funded sperm retrivel. We managed to sorted out in the end.

Monkeyfeet congrats on being pupo. Baby dust. When is ODT? X

Thinkerbell you had such a great respons. 2 frostie great! Congrats on being pupo. X

Serena glad you sorted out the nursery. Are you like to go back to work after one year?

Kazza hope you enjoy being married and hope you had a fantastic day. The weather was nice x

Key hope you and Isobell are well. X
Really sorry I haven't posted for a while but when things went quiet I got out if the habit of checking the site!

Izabela I am so so sorry to hear about your ectopic, I can't imagine how hard this must be for you both. You sound so positive which is fantastic & I think you're right when it is so difficult to get our dream baby I'm sure we then get give the good ones!! So glad you haven't given up & thunk you are so strong that I'm sure it will happen. I'm sending all my love xx

Tinkerbell / Monkeyfeet congrats on bring pupo. Tinkerbell sounds like Guys were really good and you had some great quality eggs :) Monkeyfeet stay positive as you know we've seen great results from lower grades eggs so don't give up hope

Briss you've been so patient but May will be here before you know it & you can get going again :)

Serena hope you get nursery probs resolved sounds like a real pain

Kazza congrats again on the wedding can't believe it's been and gone already - bet Josh & Chloe looked so gorgeous!

All well this end - Isabelle is smiling away & growing up quickly. We're off to Cyprus next Sat for a week on our first family hols and can't wait :)

I'll be keeping everything crossed for 2 bfp's very shortly & Izabela hope you & OH are great support for each other and you finally get the break you deserve

K xxx
Hey girls

Great to hear from everyone!

Izabella you're so strong and your positivity is admirable! You'll get there I just no it!

Briss it's April now! Nt much longer to wait! Hoping it flies by for you!

Monkeyfeet any news?

Tinkerbell your cycle sounds like it went vey well! When's otd? Good luck, everything crossed!

Serena glad your nursery issues are sorted hope Rosie's teething isn't too bad!

Key, have a lovely holiday, hope Isobelle is a good girl on the plane for you!

Married life is lovely! Wedding went well just sad hubby is back to work again now! Josh ANC Chloe were good all day until the wedding started then not so good! Haha
Kazza always the way, bet kids were little angels right up until service started!! Glad you're enjoying married life

How's everyone else doing?

K xx
Thought I was going to get a BFP as had the same feeling/symptoms I did from the FET cycle since wednesday but obviously it's all in my head as did a FRER today (7DP5DT) and BFN :cry:
Tinkerbell, I am so very sorry about your bfn, it might be too early though but in any case it's always heartbreaking to see it. I so much hope you are not out yet (TMI with frer i noticed that if I peed directly on it it would give me a faint second line but if I used a cup it would be bfn, no idea how to explain this phenomenon, I just really hope it's not a true bfn)

AFM, it's only 10 DPO and I started spotting :( the same thing happened last cycle. I am so upset, pre af spotting was never my issue. I have high fsh and ovulate early but I always took comfort in my solid and clean 13/14 day LP and now i am losing even that. It just seems like everything is getting worse. sorry to be negative I just feel so hopeless at the moment.
Hello everyone,

Tinkerbell - any more tests since the BFN? Hoping it was just an early negative x

Monkeyfeet - any news? X

Briss - so sorry to hear about the spotting? Are you on any meds that could be causing it? Try not to worry, hopefully it will not interfere with your ICSI as you will be on the down reg drugs which stop you ovulating. It's nearly May so not long now x

Kazza - how are the twins doing? Have you been spending loads of time in the garden?

Key - have a brilliant time in Cyprus

Izabela - how have things been for you? Have you had any follow up consultations? X
Tinkerbell sorry to hear about your early bfn, hopefully it was just too early & you've now got your positive? I really hope that is the case & am thinking of you hun and sending lots of love your way

Briss - the spotting must be worrying but as Serena said it shouldn't interfere with your cycle as your be in DR first anyway - but understand your frustration at your body

Izabela- how you doing hun, have you had any follow ups or decided your next move?

Monkeyfeet - hope your doing well & got your bfp

Serena did you get your nursery place sorted?

Kazza hope you're enjoying married life

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter with family & friends and whatever the situation bfp or not have the strength to not give up hope. It will happen for everyone here I just know it

Thinkerbell I hope is a late implanter. The positive is you have 2 nice frosties and last time you had a good result with frostie.

Briss not long until May. Hope it all will start in time for you and you will get great results. As the girls said the sppoting should not interfere at all just look at the ladies post menopause who have children with donor egg. The most important is that you have good eggs and your uterus is healthy. But I know the feeling :(. X

Monkeyfeet hope is a positive for you. Finger cross.

Sererna hope you enjoy the nice weather.

Kazza glad you enjoyed your wedding and your little one sound like they done really well considering their age and how tiredfull A wedding can be.

Key hope you and Isabelle enjoy the spring.

AFM I have my appointment on Tuesday. Not sure should I go for frozen or a fresh one. Should I wait for end of June for fresh as my body Needs longer to recover or shall I have a frozen in May... Bu then my AMH is droping. The other dilemma is I want to go to stay with my sister and her twins for 4-5 days early in May and she has also fixed the baptis for end of June so both are interfering with my IVF as she now lives in Danemark and on the plane is complicated. I managed to keep strong at work and to pretend was only a small operation. But I had few hard, emotional days I think around ovulation.

Hope everyone has a nice Easter!
Def another BFN cycle :( absolutely gutted of course, Dr El-Toukhy (not sure if any of you saw him at Guy's) even called on OTD to say how gutted he was for us and genuinely shocked as he really had high hopes for this cycle and thought it would be it, he has been absolutely amazing since we went back to Guy's in December. We're giving it a couple of months and then doing a natural FET, have follow up mid May.

Hope your appointment goes ok on Tuesday Izabela, personally id try a FET as I find them so much easier than fresh cycles and would choose it every time if I could, Im even thinking of doing a freeze all for any future cycles as I can't get a sniff of a BFP from a fresh cycle no matter what we try but my one and only FET gave me a BFP.

Hope everyone is enjoying the easter bank holiday x
Tinkerbell really sorry about you bfn it is always so painful & hard to move forward but at least you have 2 frosties and seem to respond much better to fet so let's hope that next one gives you little one you deserve

Izabela hope you appointment today goes well. It's a difficult choice as to whether to try frozen or go straight for fresh - hopefully they can give you some sound advice today to help you decided. I'm sure you've had some really tough days, but you are so amazingly strong & positive and I know this will help you on next cycle whatever you decide

Love to you both xx
Tinkerbell I'm so sorry! It's so hard! 2 great frosties!! Let us no when you start your cycle.

Monkeyfeet any news?

Izabella how dud your appt go?

Briss your starting soon??n
Tinkerbell, I am so sorry about your bfn, heart-breaking! there is still hope with your frozen embryos and as you said FET seems to work much better for a lot of women. keeping my fingers crossed for you.

kazzab, I am still waiting for my initial appointment but feeling less and less hopeful. ladies were saying that it may take 4-9 months after the initial appointment to the actual cycle because they make you repeat all your tests all over again and even then maybe we are waiting for nothing and wont get the funding. it's already been 4 months of waiting I could have had a cycle by now. because we already had 2 private cycles we cant do any more in the UK cos we can lose our entitlement on the NHS so we may have to go aboard to have a cycle while we are waiting for the NHS.
Thinkerbel have you though when you are going for your frostie?

Briss NHS is a pain. I had a friend who waited for 6 months from the consultation and were given 2 free NHS goes. The first one was cancelled due to poor response and they withdraw the second go due to low AMH. She felt really cheted because of the wait and because they took forever to tell her the AMH results and she lost nearly 2 years. I hope you have better luck. I have alleys considered going abroad could be a good plan for you.

AFM I have been MIA for awhile because I had family about and I tried to keep distracted from failing to conceive. I had my appointment after Easter with Dr Kalaf. He advised us to go for a fresh cycle when we are ready and to keep th frostie as ''is mony in the bank'' - his expresion. He recommended to have a scan to check if is any stamp of the tube left and if it is they will clip them there. I was not happy about another oppertion but he said it only takes 10 min and is worthy to eliminate further ectopic. I will keep the same protocol but no BC this time. We want to cycle again in June.

Hope everyone is well.
Hello, how is everyone doing?

Tinkerbell - do you have your follow up soon?

Briss - have you heard anything yet?

Kazza - how are you & the twins getting on?

Monkeyfeet - any news?!

Key - how are you getting on? Did you have a good holiday? Was Isabelle ok on the plane?

Izabella - have you booked in your operation yet? Fingers crossed you'll have another successful cycle but they can prevent the ectopic with this operation x

AFM - both Rosie & I have colds so it's a miserable house but going to Wales next week with friends which I'm looking forward to x
Hey sorry for not posting

Hope everyone is well.

Serena and key . Hope you are both well and Isabelle and Rosie

Tinkerbell, Isabella and briss how are you? Any news on cycles, operation etc?

Monkey feet what was the outcome of your cycle?

AFM we are all well no news really!
Hi all,

Sorry for such a long time not posting.

How are you all? Tinkerbelll, Briss and Isabella, how're you doing and where are you up too?

Key, Kazza and serena, I hope you and babes are all well and that serena, you and Rosie are over your cold? They seem to be a permanent fixture in our household and we don't even yet have nursery to contend with!

Afm, we have been so lucky and are currently 13wks pregnant, so anxious still (I don't think that ever goes away) and just taking each day as it comes. Had some very early complications as was seemedly an intra uterine and an ectopic but turns out all is ok with just the one healthy preg.
Mark is in the middle of a 9mth tpur due to finish in decker and we are currently enjoying our first 3 wks together since march - so have come away to Portugal for a blissful week in a villa - just the 3 of us.

Anyway, hope you're all well and enjoying the sunshine.

I still think of you all loads and check in frequently - just don't often seem to find the time to post.xxx
Oh my god, great news! I can't reply properly now but just wanted to say how pleased I am for you - just amazing x
Hope you have a lovely holiday with your little family x
Also - I will post your back to you asap, I keep meaning to but I will get it done! X
Monkey feet that's fab news!! Have a lovely holiday! I love Portugal!!!

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