IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Key I hope you do not get to many sides effects. It I this your first day back to work after your maternity leave. Hope you have a easy day.

AFM over 48 hours and no discharge. I hope that was the end of it. Early upseating. I think was the wand.
The statistics says a heart beat at 7 weeks means 75% the pregnancy will continue right and the heart beat at 8 weeks rises the chances to 98%. Heartbeat at 10 weeks 94.5%. It just my luck I do not trust. With ivf ectopic the chances were 2 % . But I hope our luck has

Good luck to everyone. Xxx
Isabella I feel confident your luck has finally changed!!! I am so pleased!!!

Brussels how are doing?

Monkey feet!!! Wow your pregnancy had flown!!!

Key and serena how are you both doing?

AFM started stims last night, back on Wednesday for a scan. No down reg for me!!!
Izabela you deserve some good luck hun so odds have to be on your side this time x

Kazza - wow that's come round quick, so will EC be in a couple of weeks?

First day back was ok - long day as had to travel quite far but wasn't too bad, although the 5.50 start with Izzy this morning might make it a long day! No side effects yet for me so hopefully it will carry on like this ...

How's everyone doing?
Izabela I hope the pregnancy is going well - have you had any morning sickness at all?
Briss how are you bearing up - I hope you are fully recovered now & not suffering any more pain x

Monkeyfeet - not long til you meet your little lady :)

Serena / Kazza - how are the little ones doing? Serena have you started sniffers now?

Afm all good with me just had scan at lister and everything ok to start building up lining now. I come back in 10days when hopefully we can schedule transfer - very excited really hope it works!!
Izzy is doing great and crawling all over the place at the moment - she can really get some speed up now

Hope you're all well

K xx
Hi Key glad you are nearly there. Izzy seems to be so active :).

Kazza an Serena hope your cycle are going great.

Monkeyfeet we are waiting for the new any soon?

Briss I hope everything is good with you. What is your next move.

AFM nausea and bitter test all days. Sometimes headaches and disrupted sleep, over 5 toilet trips in the night but I am not complaining all ok and no scares. Tuesday in a week I have my Down Sindrom scan and screaning. Worried about this but I hope I will be lucky enough and all ok.
Key how's that lining coming along!!! My josh is still trying to crawl! Only done it once and now he has forgotten!

Serena How are you!

Isabella sounds like things are progressing well good luck with the test!

Briss how are you?

Monkeyfeet how you feeling?

Afm had ec last Monday 9 eggs collected 4 fertilised I wasn't that happy but I hope works for my friend! Guys are so cautious about stimming me!
Hi everyone, been a long time since I've posted on here but after my 4th fail I needed a break and was finding things harder than ever.

But I'm back with some very cautious good news, we decided to go ahead with another FET this month and despite the thaw not going well at all, transferring 2 which I was always against and spending most of the day of transfer and rest of the wait till test day down and miserable and feeling like we had no hope, last sunday I got a BFP :) I'm currently in beta hell though, due to previous chemical I asked to have my beta levels checked and Mondays (9dp5dt) was really low at 30 it had almost doubled in 43 hours by Wednesday and gone up to 56 and today a smaller rise at 91 so we're far from safe at the moment but they're still optimistic that it's at least rising at quite a good rate but the numbers are just so much lower than usual, I've also been told to watch out for symptoms of an ectopic. I'm back Monday for my 4th beta and hope so much to see it in the 200's.

How is everyone doing?
Tink, I am very happy to hear your news, I am so hoping it's going to turn out well for you. you so deserve it. Just a quick one really, you mentioned you've also been told to watch out for symptoms of an ectopic. I've recently had a scan at the Gynaecology Ultrasound Centre in harley street. Am so impressed with Davor Jurkovic! he really knows how and where to look. No one ever did a scan so thoroughly. He even showed me a place where the IVF needle went into my ovary! impressive. The reason I mention this place is cos they do early pregnancy scans and can see it about 3 days after a missed period so if you are worried I'd just go there for a peace of mind.

afm, things have been quite tough after the IVF complications, took about 5 weeks to recover but I am happy to report all blood have been absorbed finally so we can plan our next IVF. I think we are going to stick to natural IVF from now on and most likely abroad in Czech Republic so am trying to work out all the logistics.
Thikerbell great news I hope your little blast is a slow raiser. Keep optimistic. It is a step forward. Good that you keep an eye for ectopic. I have everything cross for you. You deserve this so much. Xx

Briss I am glad you have recovered and you are planning your next cycle. I am in agreement natural cycle is better for the body and the egg quality. On my last cycle I had 15 eggs and none great. I would have considered natural Ivf if I was not using frozen sperm donor. I need to maximise the use of the ampule. But if I need another cycle I will go fore few eggs with mild stimulation. Hope next one is for you.

Kazza 9 eggs is good. Yes Guys are so scared of OHS with you. As my AMH is low I did not get any blood test cand my E2 went too high and all 15 eggs were not great. If I need next time I'll go for 7 eggs. Good luck to your friend.

AFM I had my 13 weeks scan today and all ok. Was lovely to see the baby. I really hope that all is going to be ok from now.

Hope everyone is ok.
Tinkerbell that is great news - how did you get on yesterday really hope beta is continuing to rise & it's great news I have everything crossed for you xx

Izabela so glad you're over 13 weeks now & things are going well, you really really deserve a lovely & simple pregnancy. When is your due date again?

Briss really glad you are healing & looking at options again. I know you have been through so much (seems we have all been thru quite a journey on this thread!) but I know you will get there like we have

Kazza - glad EC all went ok and it sounds like you had a good response - 4 fertilised is fantastic it's definitely quality not quantity for your friend.

Monkeyfeet hope you're keeping we'll, not too long now :)

Serena - hope treatment is going ok and not suffering from sniffers too much. How's Rosie doing?

Afm - everything going well for FET I'm having transfer on Tues!! Only have 1 blast so really hope it survives! Izzy is doing great she's crawling around & into everything @ the moment :)

Key how was the transfer today. I was thinking of you. Hopefully the 2ww is not to hard. Hope this is a lucky one Xx
Thanks Isabela everything went ok on end. The embroyo only had 65% of cells post thaw which is ok but not great apparently - but it did regain it's shape 100% so they seemed to think that was good. They downgraded it from 4bb to 4cc Becuase of cell loss. They were running over 1hr late so I had the fullest bladder ever and trsnsfer was quite uncomfortable!

It's weird being Pupo again - I can't take it easy like last time and have to lift up my beautiful 10kg+ weight called Isabelle all the time:) I'm just busy at work & with her so hopefully 2ww will fly..,

How are you doing - are you going to find out sex at 20wk scan?

How's everyone else - all well I hope

Key I have everything cross for you. Mine was 4BB. The fact that has expanded to is old shape is fantastic. Ouch an our late us horrible. I went to empty some of my blader last time.
Wow your but if ul girl is nearly 1 year. I can imagine she keeps you bussy :).
Any symptoms so far. Are you going to test early?

Hope everyone is well and I am looking forward to read your news.

AFM I will find out the sex just before Christmas. Can't wait. X
Hi Izabela not good news my end unfortunately as I tested negative. I wasn't surprised as didn't have same symptoms as with Isabelle. We 're going to try a fresh cycle in Jan I think. Although it's still really tough it does help having Isabelle to focus on

Isabela won't be long until you can find out the sex - how exciting can 'to wait to hear

Oh Key I am sorry to hear it is negative. It is good you have Isabelle as a distraction. Nevertheless it's not easy emotionally and not fair that you have to go again though all those appointments, meds build up while carrying for a baby and working + the expense. Frozen cycle are easier but still so much hard work than natural pregnancy.
January should be your time. We all deserve our complete families. Xxx

Yes 22 December my next scan. Hope little one is doing well. At how many weeks did you feel Isabelle moving? I thought I felt something.
Key - so sorry. But what a lovely distraction? Now she's crawling she must be a real distraction! So sorry it didn't work but have lots of good feelings about new year x

Izabela - such an exciting time. And feeling movement, that's wonderful. So pleased for you x

Tinkerbell - how are you? I hope that everything is ok x

Kazza - how are those lovely twins?

AFM - transfer on Friday is the embryo survives the thaw x
Isabelle great news on the scan! Looking forward to 22nd!!

Key sorry about bfn! I hope you have a great Xmas and izzys first birthday then focus on a new fresh cycle!

Briss how you doing?

Serena how are you after your transfer?

Tinkerbell how are you doing?

Afm twins are great! Back to work next month!
Hi ladies, more sad news for me. Dh and I went to Czech republic for our 4th IVF, completely natural this time, no stims. I had two follicles but they could nor get any eggs :( so very sad. We will carry on with natural IVF, maybe try Germany next month. The only good thing us that the Czech clinic did not charge us for the failed cycle.
Hi Briss, so sorry that it didn't work for you. Hopefully you can use the money to get your BFP in Germany. Do you have plans to try again?

Kazza - can't believe you are only just going back to work - feels like you've had ages off!

Monkeyfeet - how are you? Have you had your baby?! X
Briss I am sorry to hear your news. I am glad you keeping at it. Soon should happen for you. Keep positive no matter how hard. It took us 8 transfers, 6 ICSI cycles - 5 transfers and 3 frozen transfer we had our first ICSI in December 11. I have no known issues but I lost both tubes to ectopic, 4 cycles of early ovulation which compromises the embrios quality even if look great by day 3 or 5 and the last ICSI cycle with high Estradiol per number of eggs which again compromises quality. It is good you know your body because most of the clinics do one size fits all. We also used donor sperm because would have take too long, if would have worked with my husband nonmotile sperm and the child would had been a CF carrier and 50% could have infertility issues if a boy, due to blocked ducts also needing ICSI.

Serena when is your test day. I have everything cross for you. How old is Rosalie now?

Hope everybody is well.

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