Hi Kazza,
I completely understand the frustration, my husband and I were talking about it yesterday and saying one of the hardest parts of this is how slowly it seems to go.
I'll put up a copy of the questions we asked - they might make you think of similar ones you want to ask. If you want to know what she said to any of them then let me know, but I wont bother typing it all up as you probably know it already. The one thing you might want to ask is about taking vitamins as I asked question 4 below, and she said I shouldn't start taking anything else. I don't know if she meant 'don't start taking it at this point as you haven't been for months' or 'don't take vitamins at all'. maybe worth checking x.
1. The letter says I have an antral follicle count of 21 is this normal/good?
2. In the letter we received it says 150 iu of gonal f is recommended. Will these doses be changed if OHSS becomes a risk?
3. Can we have a copy/breakdown of our recent test results?
4. In the past when doing ovulation tests at home I discovered that I had a short luteal phase (7 or 8 days). I started taking vitiman B complex which extended the luteal phase, but which I stopped taking in May. I forgot to mention this to the doctor in our last appt. Should I start taking this again?
5. If it isnt successful this month, how long do you have to wait until you can try a transfer again?
6. In the months that we are transferring frozen embryos what is the procedure/timeline? Do I still need to take any medication?
7. If the egg retrieval is successful this month, but you are unable to transfer (due to OHSS or cycts), does that still count as one month, or will we still get 3 frozen embryo transfers from that round of ICSI if the eggs are viable?