IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Hi Key, Glad i'm not the only one unable to talk properly! it's so weird, but it's like my mind goes completely blank and I can't remember what i'm talking about. strange. how bad is your tiredness? I haven't had tiredness really, just constant headache which just wont go, I think i've actually forgotten what it's like to not have a throbbing head.

Kazza, glad you're feeling good. hopefully when you get AF you wont feel too bad x are you still taking the BCP?
I know it's really bizarre - i have to re-read all emails and everything as well as otherwise not sure they would fully make sense! I guess this is a bit like baby brain but at the moment without the baby!!

Tiredness has got a bit better but am sleeping about 9+ hours and even then still feel on and off tired during the day, but come evening it's like i've run a marathon. Still think that's probably better than the headaches - i really feel for you.

Kazza - glad you're not got any symptoms yet - i guess it really does vary from person to person, so maybe you'll avoid the whole forgetfullness prob!

k x
Hiya hopefully I'm going to get off lightly!! Makes me paranoid that I'm not sniffing enough up!!!

Serena rubbish that you still have the headaches! I'm off the bcp now!

Key if that's the only symptom your having then I think your getting off ok too!!

I went out after work for my friends leaving drinks! Found it so hard not having a drink!!!!
Hi kazza, can we not drink on the sniffing drugs? Or can we still have the 5 units?
Funny you mention that Kazza - I'm worried i'm not sniffing properly and keep asking DH to watch to see if he thinks I'm doing it right! I'm really happy that haven't suffered any other symptoms and if this carries on will really have got off lightly - am more than happy to cope with some memory loss rather than physical probs.

I know what u mean about the drink - I'vegiven up completely now in preparation but definately still fancy the odd one now and again, but overall hasn't been too bad.

Serena - did you think anymore about acupuncture?
Hi ladies thank you so much for your support, sorry about the long time in between posts have been snowed under at work
The appointment on Thursday went really well we were very lucky and got Dr Tom he was so nice and you rright very reassuring
I have just finished a round of Clomid and he could see on the scan that I had ovulated so should have a period next week so our icsi will start from then so am very excited now, at last we are having treatment and no more bloody tests
Dr Tom called yesterday and said that my husbands seman analysis had improved so that is a first for us
I have a very good feeling for 2012 for us all
Thank you so much for caring it means loads
Key24 just saw your above post about acupuncture have you tried this, if not someone I know does acupuncture she is actually the leading lady in the country for fertillity specalising in ivf/icsi she has had some great results her name is Emma Cannon and she works out of the lister and has a practice in chelsea hope this is helpful
(would just also like to say sorry for my poor spelling I have real trouble in this area so hope I have mis spelt to much, hopefully our baby will not get this trait from me, ha ha)
Hope your all having a good weekend.x.
Hi ladies

J honey I'm really glad the hospital went well not long to wait till you start!!

Serena i think you can have your 5 units but I too have given it up in preparation!

Key, I'm still feeling fine too preying it stays that way!!
Morning all, hope you had good weekends.

Serena - do you go back this week to start theg stims?
Jhoney - great news about kicking off on ICSI- same treatment as us. Once you start the process it finally feels like things are moving, although still a bit of waiting in-between but at least no more test and we're all getting closer to end result!

I have actually been for a few acupunture sessions with Dennis who is affliated to Zita West. I had a couple of weeks of 2 sessions a week but have now dropped down to one. Hopefully it will help with the whole process, i know i've been staying fairly relaxed so maybe that's also part of it? I guess you can never know 1 way or another, but i've started the sessions now so will see it through to end of treatment and hopefully they will help!!

Kazza - i'm still pretty sympton free, how you getting on?

I will have been taking the sniffers a week tomorrow any ideas when should be getting AF??

I started sniffers and finished my pill on the 19th, I got my AF this morning. Im still symtom free apart from AF pains, sore boobs and feeling a bit miserable but think thats just the PMT not the sniffs! Im at work at the moment and i just want to go home :(

Serena its the 25th you go isnt it?
PS - key the nurse said to me you should get AF up to a week after finishing the pill and if i didnt get it i should phone up.

Sorry to hear you’re feeling bad Kazza, my worst day was the first day of AF & that’s when the headaches started but will keep my fingers crossed that that doesn’t happen for you. It’s such a shame to start AF on Monday rather than at the weekend when you could have just lazed about & relaxed.

Key - I spoke to the nurse at Guys about acupuncture & she said that they can’t officially recommend it as there is no evidence, but I said that lots of people on the forums say it really helps with stress and she said that she agreed and if I felt stressed it is something I can try. At the moment I don’t really feel at all stressed, so I think I might just see how it goes as I am super skint after Christmas. As Vespa said, I’ll use this first go as more of a trial, and then try acupuncture in the upcoming attempts (unless it works first time!). The nurse said that lots of the women that come in are in quite high states of anxiety & she could understand it would help them. I can definitely imagine after a few months of this I might be feeling a whole lot more stressed and desperate so will definitely give it a go then. Maybe it might even help with the headaches? I’m glad you’re feeling so good on the sniffing drugs –maybe that could be due to the acupuncture?

Generally the headaches have been worse when I have them and I spent Friday night laying in a dark room. But Saturday and Sunday have been lots better, but it’s back again today. Maybe i’m allergic to work! But even with the headaches I feel positive and not at all tired or emotional so i’m hoping that wont change. I had wine on Sat night but it made me feel quite rough so i’ll probably give up completely now too. Peer pressure!

I’ve got my appt on Wed afternoon. Do you remember what the nurse said to take with us? Was it just the injection handbag and a packet of the medicine? I should have written it down but I didn’t think I would suddenly lose my memory!

Jhoney – that’s good news, everything’s happening quite quickly for you, and you have the lovely dr tom.
sorry to hear you both feeling a bit rough - Serena can't believe you've been suffering so badly with the headaches.

I haven't been taking the pills so not sure if that makes a difference to when should get AF? Am definately starting to get AF symptoms - very tender boobs so would imagine it should be any day. If not by the end of the week will give Guys a quick call i think.

Re appt, i think you just had to bring 1 set of the injections and the bag and they will show you how to do it etc. How exciting, couple of days you'll be moving onto the next stage!!

Know what you mean about the acupunture - it is still not necessarily widely recognised by medical community but i'm going once a week now to help improve egg quality etc. Who knows if it works or not but am committed now so we'll see what happens!

Happy sniffing all....

Hi Key, thanks for the advice, I couldn't remember what she said to bring but figured it was the injection kit & medicine.

If you get a BFP first time then I'm def going to get the acupuncture! Ha ha.

I guess the headaches could be linked to the pill, I'm not sure. I wonder if they'll go when I start the injections. Do you know if the injections are just once a day? The nurse said if I have to go for blood tests each day they'd ring me in the afternoon to tell me if I should inject or not so I assume it's either once or twice a day.

The nurse told me the same thing as Kazza, if AF hadn't shown up within a week do a pregnancy test & if it's negative then ring up. But it might be different for you if you weren't on the pill.
Hiya, Nurse said to me bring a box of gonal F, but i will bring the bag and stuff too just in case.

As for AF Key, it might well be different if you didnt need to take the pill.

I was wondering how often i would need to inject aswel!! I will be up there daily for bloods too, we will probably end up bumping into each other!! I cant believe we have to go all the way to guys for a blood test!!! Grr!! Oh well it will be worth it in the end.

Serena, i cant believe how quickly its crept round for you to start injecting, i know it probably feels like a life time to you though! Does to me!!

Im leaving work at 4 so im going home for a nice hot bath and a big dinner with lots of home made chips to make me feel better!!!! :)
To be honest it felt like ages when I was on the pill but since doing the sniffing drugs time has flown by, probably because I forget half of everyday with my new fuzzy brain. I'm looking forward to Wednesday but a bit worried as AF keeps coming back each afternoon for about 3 hours so I'm worried something's not quite right & maybe they won't be able to do the scan. I guess I'll find out soon enough.

Hope you're feeling better after loads of chips. Definitely the best medicine. X
Hiya strange about AF im not sure on that but i would say they could still do the scan tomorrow though.

Feeling much better today thank you, my oh keeps telling me that ive been forgetting things alot lately too really weird!!!

Really excited about your appt tomorrow!!! Cant wait for the update.

Key and Jhoney how are you?
Good luck today Serena - hope all goes well and let us know how it all goes.

Not much to report here - although i've had two hot flushes now, 1 yesterday pm and 1 this morning. Other than that things still all fine.

I'm can't beleive that Kazza / Serena you both have to go for bloods everyday of the stims! I was told i'll start them on the 13th (all being well with scans etc) and then come back the following Monday - nothing about any other monitoring, but then in my case i'm hardly likely to overstimulate! Sorry that it is going to be a bit of a mission for you both - but as you say though it is worth it in the end and at least you know they're keeping an eye on you so chances of overstimulating are going to be a lot less.

Jhoney - just realised in you get AF in next few days your only going to be about 2 weeks behind me in the whole process so we'll still be going to Guys whilst Kazza and Serena are waiting for thier BFP :thumbup:

Still no AF from me, think will give Guys a quick call to ask about that...

Thanks Key & Kazza, I'll let you know how I get on.

That's good about not having to go in for all the blood tests/scans Key. It's def because of our PCOS. The nurse said it would either be every day or every other day for me so might not be too bad. it's only a 10 min train ride from my work so not a massive problem for me, just have to work back the time at work which is a bit of a pain.

Do any of you know if we'll be needed for tests between the egg transferral & the pregnancy test? I want to book a holiday but don't want to miss any tests. I'll ask the dr this afternoon but just wondered if any of you had already asked this?

Key - are you still planning on a ski holiday this year? the hot flushes might come in handy on the slopes!
As far as i know once they've done the egg transfer then all goes quiet for 2 weeks we wait (impatiently) for the results. But probably worth checking with dr today.

No unfortunately we've given up on the idea of skiing this year, maybe next year with a young baby!!!

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