IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

You have to have one up your bum????????????

amazing. this made me laugh so much. I still had my mouth open in horror after reading the suppository comment when I read this. brilliant.

Kazza - thanks so much for all the info you posted, it really made me feel better. I just feel so bloated & painful and wasn't expecting it this early on into the injections. I can't wait for the scan, I hope they lower the dose of gonal f. i'm doing the injections myself, even though it's a bit nervewracking, I think if my husband did it and it hurt i'd be more likely to blame him. What a nice wife I am. it's good you have your OHs mother with you - will she do the one with the nurse or will you do it?

Monkeyfeet - you're right it makes sense really that you're going to feel bloated if the ovaries are growing, it didn't occur to me that it would be like this with another week to go - I thought this is how i'd feel just before egg collection. and now i know at the end of all of this I get to stick something up my bum?! it just can't get any better! ha ha. I really hope it goes well tomorrow and that you don't have mild OHSS and that the eggs are ready to go. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you x

Key - although it's horrible for monkeyfeet to overstim, it's good to know what a strong impact the drugs can have on people without PCOS, so hopefully this will mean you get lots of follicles & embryos going, just need to monitor you to make sure you don't overstim!
Sorry ladies.... I didn't mean to lower the tone! Just nobody tells you these bits normally and I'm the kind if person that would always rather know.

Serena, really hope you start to feel a bit better soon.

Thanks again all for the well wishes. Will let you know how I get on.xx
Sorry ladies.... I didn't mean to lower the tone! Just nobody tells you these bits normally and I'm the kind if person that would always rather know.

Serena, really hope you start to feel a bit better soon.

Thanks again all for the well wishes. Will let you know how I get on.xx
Im also the sort of person that likes to know so please dont hold back!! really not looking forward to it now!!!!!

What time are you due for ET? In a few hours you will be PUPO!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!

Serena - im going to try and do them but need someone else just in case i cant!! How are you feeling today, still bloated? If your concerns you can always phone up xx
Monkey feet - i'd much rather know what i'm letting myself in for then be horribly suprised later! Let us know how you get on today x

Kazza - i'm sure you'll be fine, but it's definitely nicer to have someone there, especially in this appt as there's quite a lot of information to take in. Take a notepad!

I'm still bloated & in pain but it's not worse really, just the same. i'm sure i'll be fine until tomorrow and can tell the nurse then. Even though it'd be a pain to have to keep going up to Guy's I'm hoping they will ask me to come in each day, as it's worrying having the pains and reassuring to know you're being monitored. Oh, I had the heart palpitations this morning again, as I was driving to work. Felt like I was going to pass out at the wheel - scary! But ok now at work. Going to take it easy tonight!
Oh Hun sounds like your having a right time of it!!! I agree it's a pain to go daily but you no there monitoring you, still you will find out how things are progressing tomorrow! Keep us posted! Take it easy as you say and get the hubby to wait on you!!
Hi all,

Had my transfer today, unfort none of my embies had made it to blast stage so hve had a morula and early blast put back in. (they recommended 2 because they hadn't yet made blast). I was very gutted but just trying to stay positive and willing them on to do their thing!! Now the dreaded 2ww....
Will find out tomorrow if any if the others make it to blast to freeze, but embryologist suspects not.
Anyways.. Fingers crossed I can make a great home for them over next two weeks and that they're just a bit slow!

So sorry to hear you are still feeling so rubbish Serena, try and relax this evening but as Kazza says, I'm sure if you were worried te nurses would ve more than happy to take your call? If not, hoping tomorrow goes well for you. Sure you will be fine, it's just tht we've never done this before so you just don't know what to expect. They are monitoring you closely so you are in good hands.

Have a good evening all.
Oh monkeyfeet, that's not great news about the blasts but it is still really good news that you had the transfer, and it only takes one of them to latch on and you'll be pregnant! And maybe both will latch on and you'll be double pregnant! It's obviously not the news you wanted to hear but it may still be successful & you might be able to freeze the blasts tomorrow. I read one forum where a lady said it was standard practice for her clinic to transfer on day 6, so obviously some embryos develop more with more time, hopefully this will be the case for you.

Take it easy & stay positive & know we all wish you so much luck x
Following on from serenas post, you had an early blast put back which means by day six it might be a blast and it might be nesting into you too, it's in the best place now! Yes not what you wanted to hear but not terrible coz it might be a blast tomorrow!!

Take it easy relax watch lots of funny films and we have everything crossed for you! When will you test in two weeks?
Sorry to hear you didn't have the blast embies Monkeyfeet but like the others say it might just be that the others are a bit slower to develop. And i've been told by loads of people that you just never know - sometimes the very best embies don't make it and the slightly lower grade go on to be lovely little babies!!! At least they are in the best place now and all you can do is relax and let nature take over :hugs:

BTW -can't beleive i missed the bum thing on ec day, until i saw Kazza's post. Think i must have purposely skim read that bit!!! Can't wait for that new experience!

Serena- take it easy and let us know how you get on at Guys today.

Kazza - couple of days to go, bet you can't wait!

Jhoney -how you getting on, any news?

Morning – just got back from the hospital & all good news, they say I’ve got 14 big follicles and 2 smaller ones – 10 of which are on my right ovary which is probably why that side hurts more. They said all is going well, stay on the same doseage, have another scan on Friday and then I should have the operation on Monday! I’m really excited now. equal parts excited and bloated. They said bloating is normal at this stage as usually you’d have one follicle growing but instead I have 16, but shouldn’t be too painful yet so the pain’s probably down to my IBS. It had crossed my mind that my IBS might be a factor, as it was quite similar pain to when I used to eat wheat, (just x10!) and is better when I go to the toilet (sorry for the gross information!). Anyway, all systems go!

Hope you’re all well, and hope you’re resting up monkeyfeet and taking it easy.

Key - I think we all wished we hadn't read the bum stuff! How are you feeling at the moment - any more headaches?

How are you doing today Kazza?
Hi Ladies

Key - Horrendous - the thought of it eeeeekkkkkkkk!! Not at all impressed AT ALL Haha!! How have you been with the sniffs!!

Serena - that is fab news about the follies!!!!! Im ssoooooo excited for you!! How long would you have been stimming for to grow those follies if you have your op on monday? When will you do the trigger shot? Did they say how big the follies should be before they trigger? Sorry for all the questions.

Im ok, headaches have got better, just cant wait for friday to move to the next stage!!

That's great news Serena - sounds like your gonna have a good number of follicles and only a few more days of discomfort hopefully! Am very excited for you and as always everything crossed for it all to go well.

I'm doing ok - still sniffing, will be into my 3rd week on Monday! Headaches seem to come and go but haven't been as bad as there were for a few days last week so that's good. You guys are actually keeping me sane and hearing how things are progressing is helping the time go quicker.

Kazza - yes, great news. not looking forward to the next few days as the follicles should all get bigger. I will actually have to be rolled around i'm so swollen & have to sit at my desk with my trousers undone. classy. It will be day 13 on Monday, but the nurse said it's different for eveyone as everyone responds at a different pace - she said some women go to day 17 before their follicles are ready. They had a diagram/graph where she'd marked the sizes of all the follicles. She said they operate when at least 8 follicles are over 14mm. However, on the graph she showed us the cut off line was at 18, so it may be that she meant they need to be at 18mm and currently the largest are at 14mm. They didn't mention the trigger shot. is it done the day before? Glad you headaches are better - I definitely had a week where they were really bad, but they've improved loads since being on the injections and the best thing is I can think straight again and not as forgetful. I even remembered to wear suitable underwear today!

Key - glad we are keeping you sane. The 3rd week of sniffers must be rough. less than 2 weeks now until you're on injections though right? is it the 13th? You will be keeping me sane when i'm in the 2ww, and it'll be so exciting to hear all the details about your experience, as it might be really different without PCOS, and also to see how the acupuncture helps. Hope the headaches keep off over the next fortnight x
Thanks for the info, helps to understand what they are looking for! Glad your brains not so fuzzy! I have a friend who went through ICSI, she said she swelled like baloon and as soon as she had EC she felt amazing because they drain all the fluid with the eggs! Less than a week and you should start feeling much better!

Key, hope this next week or so flys by for you, im really looking forward to you getting to the next stage!!

This forum keeps me going, im finding that the treatment seems to be on my mind all the time not in a bad stressful way or anything just there in my mind!, if i didnt have you ladies to talk to im sure i would be out on my ear!! My OH would not be impressed with me keep talking about it to him!! hehe
I know exactly what you mean Kazza. Don't think the other half thinks about it much at all and i'm sure he wouldn't appreciate all the gory details we share! Although might give him a chuckle about the bum supository!!

Serena - i'll be sure to provide you with my regular updates to help your 2ww speed along...

k x
That is fab news Serena! Great number of follies and great that you've been reassured not over stimming. Really excited for you for Friday with er just around the corner! Good luck and keep us posted.

Key... So sorry about the bum stuff! It's really ok, just more the shock of finding out!

Kazza, Friday is getting closer and closer, will be thinking of you. Honestly, it's never ever as bad as you think and I am a needle phobe (hate having blood taken) but is really is nothing compared to blood tests in my view.

As for me, back to work today but work in an office so nothing strenuous and would prob go out of my mind googling various outcomes/symptoms and success rates in clinics all over the world. I too cannot get out of my mind in any spare moment. My husband works away so at least I don't drive him mad with it too as in sure it's not all consuming for him! Men!

Hiya well, we are still in shock from finding out!!! At least we will be over it by the time we get to that point!!

Monkey feet how long do you think you will hold out before testing? Deffo take it nice and easy, did they give you a list of do's and donts?

Monkeyfeet - i'm with you, i think if i took too much time off after the transfer i'd just drive myself crazy on the internet. Just try and take it fairly easy and keep positive that you've got two little embies developing :)

I forgot to sniff this morning, does anyone remember what the nurse said if you forget one, was it that it doesnt matter just take the next one at the time you would normally take it?


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