IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Hi Kazza - as far as I recall the nurse said you have an hour window where it's most effective (30 mins each side of the usual time) but that if it's within 4 hours still take it. After 4 hours just leave it and wait until the next one. i'm sure it'll be fine. Are you excited about tomorrow?!

Monkeyfeet – I was just wondering about when you take the trigger shot and when you stop taking the sniffing drugs and gonal f injections? On the timeline they gave me originally it looks as though you stop them & take the trigger 3 to 4 days before the operation. I’m hoping that tomorrow they’ll decide if Monday is the operation day & if so I’ll take the trigger shot on Fri night/Sat morning. Do you think this sounds about right?
Hi Kazza - am working from home so just checked the pink sheet they gave us and it says that if you forget just take it when you remember and take the next spray at your normal time.

As Serena says i wouldn't worry i am sure one spray is not going to make the slightlest difference.

Good luck for tomorrow - let us know how you get on!

Monkeyfeet -did they tell you how long you have to wait before you can take a test?
Hi Ladies

Well its 2.50 now, i normally take it at 8.50 so shall i leave it till tonight do you think or shall i follow the pink sheet and sniff now, i feel like maybe i should just sniff anyway??

I hope it wont make a difference!!

Im very excited about tomorrow and hope i can move to the next stage, my nightmare will be that ive not not down regged enough and i have to carry on!!

Serena are you due back for another scan tomorrow.
Hi Kazza,

I'm sure the info Key has is right, but maybe just ring the ACU to check? just in case it has any impact on your scan tomorrow x

yes i've got a scan first thing tomorrow - another early morning! x
Thank you, i just called she said that after two weeks it wont make a difference that i missed the dose and she said i can sniff or not it dont matter, so i sniffed anyway !!
Serena, the trigger shot for me had to be 36 hrs exactly before the time I was booked for er and the nurse gave me details of this at te time I was booked for the collection. From the trigger shot onwards you don't take any more gonal f or sniffs.. Whoop! A whole day without meds! A top the nurse gave me for the trigger shot, was to take it out of fridge at least an hour before injecting, apparently I'd it's straight from fridge it can sting a bit. I took her advice and felt nothing so was all good!

I am so excited for you, hope the scan goes well and fingers crossed you'll be in in Monday!

Key, you are right, work has distracted me very well, I now only have a few hours each evening to obsess about it, otherwise my mind it filled with work! It's certainly doing the trick. Not sure whether the distraction will be as effective by this time next week!

Good luck for tomorrow Kazza, let us know how the injection goes.

Sorry... My phone is posting duplicate messages.

Sorry key, didn't see your question first time, my test date is 10th February.x
Thanks monkeyfeet, that's really interesting. I'm really looking forward to the day of no drugs! And thanks for the tip about the trigger shot too, I haven't looked at that injection kit yet. How ate you feeling now you're not on the sniffing drugs & injections- are all the side effects gone? I'm so looking forward to feeling like myself again!

Good luck tomorrow kazza, let us know how the first injection goes! X
The 10th is a week today - hopefully the weekend will fly by and then your on the home stretch Monkeyfeet. Was reading some 1st time success stories on here last night and happens quite a lot - so no reason why we all shouldn't be luck ones too!

Serena - not long til you get a day of the meds then, fantastic news :happydance:

k x
Hiya thanks serena will post later my appts not till 3, hope today goes well looking forward to hearing from you.

Key, ive read loads of 1st time successes too so fingers crossed!

How much longer have you got to down reg key?

Monkeyfeet, hope this las week goes quickly for you! How many days did the hospital tell you you had leave it before testing is it the full 2weeks?
Good luck at 3 Kazza - they were running 25 mins late when i got there and it was first thing! apparently Fridays are their busiest days so hope you don't have to wait too long.

Scan was good, everything's growing as it should be so they've booked me in for egg collection on Monday at 2pm. Which means I have to take the trigger shot at 2am Saturday night/Sunday morning! but Sunday is drug free so great. And tonight is my last gonal f which is also great. She said it looks like i'll have 13 follicles the right size so hopefully 13 ok eggs. She said you need 24 hours of rest after the operation & someone to look after you, so will definitely be off on Tuesday too, and my husband will work from home to look after me.

I'm really nervous about the operation but also can't wait for it to be done. I'm so bloated now it hurts to walk. After the internal scan I was on the verge of being sick for about 2 hours. I had to sit outside for about half an hour trying not to throw up in the street. I feel a lot better now i'm at work and sitting down. just going to take it easy this weekend.

oh. she also gave me the suppository and told me "it's not for your vagina but for your bottom end". Made me think of Kazza's 'you have to put it up your bum????????' comment! ha ha.

Key - despite me not really making it sound that nice, I really can't wait for you to start the injections - it's hardly any time now. it's really good when you read first time BFP stories. One forum i read from 2009 every single one had gone on to BFP from the round they were discussing, so there's no reason that can't be us! How's the acupuncture going?
Hiya!! So pleased everything went well for you today!! Not long now!! Can't believe you have to get up at 2 am to trigger!! Can't wait for Monday now, nearly at the end!!! Absolutely no reason why that can't be us!!

Serena, I don't think I can't put that up my bum! I'm sorry and I no that's pathetic but I honestly don't!! Haha oh well!!

Well, today went fine, no cysts, thin lining so i had my first injection 75 iui and I'm due back in on Tuesday morning for a blood test! So all good news so far!!oh and I'm down to one sniff! Great because I'm still getting headaches!

How's everyone else doing?
Am so excited for you Serena and sounds like you should have a really good number of eggs, so i'm sure you'll end up with plenty of Grade A embies!!

Good luck with the 2am injection and enjoy the drug free day on Sunday. I'll be thinking of you monday and let us know how you get on.

Kazza -glad all is ok and your starting off with the injections. Did they tell you how many resting follicles you had when they did the scan?? I guess i'm a bit obsessed about this bit because i'm worried about my low number.

Also did anyone else have any spotting whilst on sniffers. I had AF last week for 4 days but as of last nite / today i'm getting spotting and don't know if that's normal?? It's my 18th day on sniffers BUT (on bright side) only a week on Monday til next stage thank god!

Acupunture still going well - i just go once a week now and actually quite enjoy getting needles stuck in my head and body (well need to get used to that anyway i guess). Have no idea if it makes a difference or not in the end but certainly don't think it does any harm.

k x
Hi key, I didn't get any spotting but I'm sure serena did, so I'd say that's normal.

The nurse never said how many resting follies I had but she said I had lots of follies and no cysts.

Key not long now Hun I'm sure you will be fine, the stims will help you produce more eggies, xxx
Hi Key, yes I had spotting up until the day before I started injections but the nurse said it's normal & stops with the injections. I would randomly get it in the afternoons for a few hours quite heavily & then it'd stop again. Bizarre. Is it the same for you? Man I hope this isn't really what menopause is like!

Kazza, did you do the injection yourself & was it ok in the end? Do you think you'll get your OH to do the next one? If you can't stick the suppository up your 'bottom end' maybe that's something he can do too!
Serena that's great news, so excited for you for Monday! Will be thinking of you. I too was really uncomfortable by this point, sitting, walking anything really. Hope you feel better than earlier, and as the others say, enjoy Sunday off the meds!

Kazza.. That too is very exciting how did you get on with the injection? It really is worth tryi g to get the pessary up 'there' cos I think it's quite a strong pain killer. I too thought I was never going to be able to do it but it really wasn't so bad.

Key , a week on Monday is so close now, here's to hoping it flies by and that your first timer research brings us all te good luck we need!

I am going to try and keep busy this weekend and try not to obsess! They calculate the date as 10 days after a 5 day transfer although I've seen some info that says 16 days past collection which is different. Really hope I can hold out. Trying not to symptom analyse as af symptoms exactly same as preg! Whoever arranged that!

Have great weekends all.xx
Hi ladies,

How are you all? I see you've all come so far... time must be flying now.

I felt compelled to write to give Serena some advice.

Serena do you have PCOS? Sounds like you may be very mildly hyperstimulated; make sure you drink sh*t loads of water, I mean bucket fulls.... it's the only way to prevent getting OHSS. Symptoms of hyperstimulation is what you describe - nausea, pains, and sever bloating. It's weird but due to the medication you're taking right now, you may not feel too thirsty but you have to force yourself. Do you know what your Oestrogen levels are? And which trigger you're taking? If it's Ovitrelle, it may make you feel a little worse - but don't worry - water will help alleviate your symptoms.

Water and eat plenty of protein.. the last thing you want is for them to delay anything. Don't mean to worry you, and nothing to for you to worry about as Guys would have done something if they were worried. But I've hyperstimulated before (at Guys), and it wasn't a nice feeling.

Kazza and Serena - Sounds like Guys put you on long protocol despite you having PCOS. I thought they'd changed this, and brought in short antagonist protocol? From my experience, us PCOSers get better results with short/antagonist, but having said that I've seen success with Long Protocol too.

Key, not long for you now.

Monkey Feet - congrats on being PUPO! Hopefully the 2ww won't go too slowly. Both the clinics I got a BFP with set the OTD as 14 days after, although I know this is considered too early by a lot of clinics. This cycle, I tested 4 days early and got the result. THey say HCG (or trigger) leaves your system about 10 days after you inject.

AFM - I got a BFP this week, but not counting my chickens before they've hatched, I've still got so far to go. Not taking anything for granted after what we went through last year, and understandably we're not so excited this time around.

All the best ladies, I'm still following you!
Hi Key, yes I had spotting up until the day before I started injections but the nurse said it's normal & stops with the injections. I would randomly get it in the afternoons for a few hours quite heavily & then it'd stop again. Bizarre. Is it the same for you? Man I hope this isn't really what menopause is like!

Kazza, did you do the injection yourself & was it ok in the end? Do you think you'll get your OH to do the next one? If you can't stick the suppository up your 'bottom end' maybe that's something he can do too!

Serena he would never do that!!!Hahahahahahahahaha

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