Firstly Kazza 5 fertilised embies is excellent news, I'm so excited! I guess you won't know til Saturday if you're having the transfer then or Monday. What time you booked in for on Sat? How are you feeling today after ec - oh and i nearly forgot how did you cope with the whole "bum scandal" as it shall now be known!!
Monkeyfeet - sorry to hear your still spotting / bleeding (i'd have absolutely no bloody idea what the difference is!!), and that you had a bitch of a nurse. It sounds like she needs some training on dealing with people. I'm glad to hear HCG is doubling that's a great sign and really have everything crossed for you that everything progresses ok. Just try and take it easy if you can whilst everything settles down.
Tinkerbell - don't worry about OH's sperm, they reckon that ICSI pretty much sorts out any problems. So welcome to the ICSI club!!! the others have pretty much given you the lowdown on what happens now, but as they said i would highly recommend you chase the PCT paperwork at all stages. Mine got lost from Farnborough hospital referral to PCT (only arrived once i had made sure fax was sent 2 weeks after it should have originally gone). Then it also got lost from PCT to Guys and i ended up faxing my own copy of referral over to Guys. Other than paperwork i think yuo're in pretty safe hands, and won't be long til your starting the treatment too
I have now done my own injections twice and like you all say it is fine and doesn't actually hurt. I don't have a problem with injections normally, but that's when i can close my eyes and someone else does it! But i have got over my fears and it's fine now - so that's a relief.
Still getting pretty bad headaches so can't wait to finally be off sniffers and gonal f but other than that I'm good. Although did anyone else get backaches - i've got it a bit the last 24hrs but it might just be from lugging loads of bags up and down the country on trains over the last 2 days!
I've just got to carry on with 300mg til appointment on Tuesday, when i'm hoping for some good size follicles.
Wow - i've just realised i written a huge essay, sorry all (if your still with me) - being off the forum for a couple of days is tough - I need to get it on my phone but is difficult on a blackberry.
k x