IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Tinkerbell - it does seem really unfair that there is a difference between the funding, personally i think everyone should get 3 attempts at least! I know some regions have cut funding completely, and can't imagine how frustrating it must be for people in those areas.

Hope everyone is doing ok today. Serena - how are you feeling? Kazza -hope the wait isn't driving you too mad. BTW, when is your test date?
Monkeyfeet - hope you're still getting to chill out on a well deserved break in Cornwall.

Update from my end - appt at Guys went well and she should see 12 follicles in total, i think about 7 or 8 were really good size, rest a little small. The nurse said my womb lining is "lovely" - so guessing that's good news, i've certainly never heard it called that before!!!

Most exciting news is that i'm booked in for EC on Thurs at 11.00am. I've got to take the trigger shot tonight at 11.00pm, get tomorrow off all drugs then it all happens :happydance:

Think they've told me everything i need to do - but any advice on what i should take with me or do that they might not of told me? also when we can't eat for 6hrs before, are we allowed hot drinks like tea?

k x
Key that is fab news! I am so sorry I thought your apt was tomorrow lost track of where I am! That is so exciting bout ec Thursday! Great number of follicles so should getsome great eggs. Advice on trigger.. I was told to take out of fridge couple of hours before injecting. Other than that, enjoy your day off meds! Day of ec is nil by mouth for 6hrs so nothing to drink either I'm afraid.

Serena, Kazza and Tinkerbell how are you all doing?xx
Key that's great news. So transfer will be Sunday or Tuesday - brilliant! Good luck with it. I used Monkeyfeet's advice about taking the trigger out of the fridge before & it was pain free so great tip. Also as monkeyfeet said no food or drink before, so prob a good idea to take a bottle of water/ snack with you in case you feel up to it straight afterwards. Although they did bring round tea & biscuits when I was in recovery which was nice.
How are you feeling with 2 days to go?

Tinkerbell - I agree it's massively unfair that each borough has a different system, it's ridiculous. Dr tom said the governing body recommends payment for 3 attempts but obviously PCTs do what they want.

Monkeyfeet - I'm glad you get a few days at the beach to recover. Hope you're doing ok x

Kazza - how are you feeling post transfer?

Afm - I am bleeding so so heavily it's like a scene from a horror film. Also been passing lots of clots the biggest was the size of a conker so wondering if this could be an early miscarriage or if it's just due to the injections making it heavy. Either way it's horrible & I'm looking forward to it being over.
Thanks for your advice - so just to be clear am i not even allowed water in the 6hrs before??

Am really excited now - it all seems so real finally!

Serena - sorry you're suffering so much with heavy bleeding, what advice have Guys given you, are you scheduled to go back in at any stage in next week or so to discuss next steps?
No nothing not even water. With my appt at 2.30 I was told just to have a light breakfast 6 hours before - 1 slice of toast & no more than 2 glasses of water. Did they tell you to just have your normal dinner & water or do you need to get up at 4 for breakfast!?! Kazza had an early appt so will know more.

Going to phone Guys tomorrow with test results & see what they say.

As Serena said, nOthing to eat or drink at all. I had a morning ec and told to eat the night before and not again. As Kazza said, got some tea
And biscuits after treatment and I ate when I got home as was ravenous!

Serena, I am so sorry, really thinking of you. Hope youre taking it easy and oh is looking after you. Def worth calling guys for some advice. I feel like you and just want it all to be over. Hope you get some advice or follow up tomorrow.xxxx

I've still not had a proper bleed since stopping progesterone which I can only assume is because beta levels not dropped to zero yet. Finally managed to speak to a nurse at guys this pm and booked for final beta hcg on Thursday and booked follow up appointment in march. Tinkerbell, confirmed that def need to self fund next treatment as we have no frozen embryos. However have been told no hold up for us to start so we can discuss it at our follow up appt. it is really odd the different pct's do different things but guess its just the way it is.

Hi ladies,

Serena I'm sorry you having a heavy bleed, I do think you should seek advice from guys x

Monkeyfeet, thinking of you too xxxx

Key, 12 follies! That's great how many days have you been Stimming for? Seems to have come around quickly! I was told to eat the night before and that's it no food or drink!! My appt was 9.30

Afm three days have gone by and it's been the longest three days of my life!! I've been testing out the trigger shot to make sure it's out my system as I no i will cave in early, my test date is 2/3/12, back to work tomorrow hoping it will help pass the time! All I keep doing is surfing th net for sucess stories, I'm driving myself mad!! Not feeling to hopeful, I don't no why though!

Kazza i think going back to work is a good thing - hopefully it will help keep you sane! I know the internet is full of useful information but sometimes it's just too much!!! Try not to feel too down hearted - there's every chance that it can work for you 1st time. As hard as it is, try and keep positive and imagine a healthy and happy embie developing as we speak.

It does seem to have come round quick now, after being on sniffers for ever. I started gonal-f on Mon 13th and took last one yesterday pm - so only 9 days worth. But i was on 300ml so guess that must of done the trick.

Did my trigger shot at 11pm and was all fine - getting a pro at this now, perhaps a career in nursing beckons!! But couldn't sleep as kept thinking i had injections or drugs to take weirdly.

Hope your all doing ok

Thanks Key,

I know you are right, been a complete emotional wreck these last two days!!!! and im only 4 days past transfer!! How i will get through the next 10 days is beyond me!!!! Work is deffinatly helping today though!!

Nine days, that is quick!!! Im really looking forward you getting through EC and ET and then you can join me in the agonising wait!!

Monkeyfeet how are you hun?

Serena? How are you feeling?
Best of luck for tomorrow Key, so excited ec finally here for you. Will be thinking of you.xx let us know how you get on.

Kazza, glad going back to work has helped today, I know I def found it a welcome distraction. Stay positive and try not to go crazy on al the websites although very much easier said than done.

Serena, hope you got some answers and advice today. Been thinking of you.xx

Afm.. Still waiting to start withdrawal bleed, really want it over. Had a lot of pain and cramps today but still nothing. Back at guys in the morning for bloods so hopefully hcg will be at zero so that will kick things off. Booked for follow up appt in 20th march, seems like an age away but just 4 weeks so something to focus on.

Night all.
Key - Hope EC went well today, how are you feeling? x

Kazza - How are you? was today easier being back at work and keeping your mind occupied? x

Monkeyfeet & Serena - Hope you are both ok x

I'm just patiently awaiting ovulation day, I know it seems stupid now we know OH sperm count is so low but we still feel like we need to keep trying. Did you all continue to do so or I am just being silly even thinking there is any kind of chance?
I started my Mucinex this cycle to thin my CM and OH is on vitamins and wellman since he found out his count was low (so about 7 weeks) and we just feel like we cant give up trying until we get our appointment for ICSI.

Had a letter from Guy's today which is just a copy of the letter they sent to my Cystic fibrosis consultant & GP. I'm slightly confussed though because at our appointment last week we were told OH's count was low but motility and morphology were normal but this letter says his total motility was 27% but isn't that bad?
Also found out (via this letter) I need to have an anaesthetic review before starting treatment which I'm guessing is due to having CF.
Evening all! Ec went fine today - got to say Guys seem pretty organised when it counts & facilities are great. Onto important stuff they collected 12 eggs which I'm really excited about and oh's mobility was at 70 odd % highest its ever been before is 40 's I think - so obviously very little alcohol and vitamins is good. Morphology still low which is why we're having icsi but was happy with rest.

So just got to wait til tomorrow to hear how many fertilized - the more the better but always had in my head that if we got 5 I'd be happy & hopefully that's possible.

Didn't react badly to medication but still have tummy ache like period pain that hasn't gone yet, but am hoping doesn't,t get worse when suppository wears off!

Kazza - hope work is making time go quicker.
Serena how you doing, heard any useful updates from guys?
Monkeyfeet - sorry to be wishing that af hurries but so you can move on & bring on the 20th march, it will come round really quick.

Tinkerbell we kept trynig up until ivf but I did away with all ovulation kits etc, in the end it was too much pressure when our natural chances we,really pretty low. But we,ve been told by docs a couple of times about people getting pregnant whilst waiting for icsi so you never know!

That's it from me - am making the most of the oh cooking for me whilst I chill on sofa :)

will update tomorrow once I know how many fertilized

key that's brilliant news! 12 is such a good number you must be really happy. hopefully loads will fertilise and it'll work really well for you.
and now you're officially a member of the bum tablet crew! Let us know how you get on tomorrow, we'll all be keeping our fingers crossed for you.

Kazza - how you getting on?

Monkeyfeet - I feel for you waiting around for something horrible, do you know what your progesterone levels are now?

Tinkerbell - I don't think you should ever stop trying as you hear so many stories of natural BFPs when least expected x

AFM - still bleeding loads! rang ACU yesterday but they didn't call back. My husband rang again today at lunch and they called me this afternoon. They said often people get their period a few days before test date, I said I wish I'd been warned about this as obviously it worried me. she didn't say much about that, just said she was sorry it hadn't worked & if I kept bleeding this much over the next couple of days to ring them. Booked in for an appt next Thursday to discuss next steps. Been talking to my husband about it and we think if it doesn't work this time we wont try anymore as if we end up adopting (which is something we're both happy to do) we would rather save the money to put towards that. still, one more chance before that happens!
Hi ladies!

Key 12 is a great number and congrats about oh motility! Same as us, everything gone up but morph still low! Really looking forwardvto tomorrow's update!

Monkeyfeet, deffo helped being back at work but still going out my mind! How are you feeling! 20th will certainly fly around!

Tinkerbell we just binned off the ovulation kits like key and just enjoyed sex! As to be honest it and become a bit of a chore having to do the deed at the right time! I didn't have anaesthetic review so guessing it must be due to you cf ?

Serena, we were talking about what we will do if this fails we might go down the adoption route too, just such a massive thing ti have to consider! Even If we are lucky enough to have one we will adopt the second no question!

I hope your feeling better soon, would have been nice to be prepared for the af know one mentioned that to us either!
Key - Glad EC went well and glad the got a good number of eggs. Will be thinking of you and keeping everything crossed that plenty fertilise :flower:

Glad you're not in to much pain either, how did you find the whole EC process? not looking forward to joining you ladies in the bum tablet club :haha: :blush:

Serena - Hope the bleeding calms down soon. It's rubbish they didn't tell you getting your period before test day was possible, I had read about this myself a few times and I really would of expected that it been one of the first things they mention.

Glad to hear you all carried on trying too and don't think im being stupid for even thinking it's worth it, OH doesn't want to just give up and wants us to continue trying every month until our appointments are sorted as he praying by some kind of miracle (and taking wellamn, vitamins etc) his count may just increase and I get pregnant as he hates the thought of me having to go through ICSI.
To be honest I binned the OV sticks quite a few months back, they were so hard work just having to remember to hold your wee for so long, do so many each day plus I never did get a true positive with them and my cycle is pretty regular so I knew I ovulate one of 2 days so ditched them.
Key, 12 eggs is fab! So excited for you. Looking forward to hearing your update in the morning. Glad you feeling ok. And as Serena says 'welcome to the bum club' !! Made me laugh out loud! So, Sunday earliest for et, tues for a blast! Can't wait. Rest up and take the next few database easy.xx

Tinkerbell, we too ditched the ovulation tests etc but been told not possible for us to conceive naturally but having a go can do no harm! As Kazza says, just takes some pressure off. Hope you're doing ok and that the time is moving quickly for you in right direction.xx

Serena, sound like guys were hideously uncompassionate and useless. I'm so sorry but at same time, pleased you are booked to see them withing the week for follow up. My dad always says to me , and first time it knocked me for six, but he stands by the fact 'it's not the end of the world if you can't have chldren' .. A d although initially it really feels it is. We still have each other and there are always options and whatever will be, will be ok.

Kazza, how are you doing back at work? Hope it's getting easier.xxx

Had my beta results this pm and frustratingly still pregnant although getting closer.. Hcg now 22 and prog 2! Nearly where I need to be.xxx
Sorry.. Last nights post looks like I wrote it with my eyes closed and missed every key on the keyboard!

Serena, how that paragraph should have read was that I totally agree with you, we will have one more go too, and everything crossed in the world that it works out for us all, but as you say, worst case, there are other options. we've got to stay positive though, we are all young ( I love the fact I'm now considered young (obviously in fertility context only) but I'll take that!), with young eggs and therefore stand a bloomin good chance of getting the bfp's we want en route somewhere. Hope the bleeding stops soon and that you start to feel back on track.

Just heard from guys - out of 12 there were 4 immature and 2 empty shells so they only injected 6. But the good news is that 5 of them fertilized! Booked in for transfers 12.50 on Sunday unless we make it to day 5. Just want sunday to come round know so I can find out how many of the 5 make it!

Monkeyfeet so glad that your levels are falling and nearly at af, can't imagine how much you just want to be able to move on at moment.

Re number of ivf cycles etc I think I'd like to give it 3 goes in all and then call it quits if it doesn't work and explore the other options. My bro & SIL had ivf about 12 years ago and it was on the third attempt that it worked and gave them lovely twins who are now growing into fantastic teenage girls - so i think I'd always have that nagging feeling if I stop Ted after second. Although am really hoping the 1st one does the trick of course!!!

Tinkerbell the ec was OK - hate to admit it but bum pain killer wasn't really too much of a problem. Not loving the pessaries so much once the "wax dissolves as the nurse put it.

Really a lot better today not too sore at all. Going take it easy for next few days - have accupunture on Sat and Mon as a pre and post transfer and then let the wwaiting begin


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