IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?


Tinkerbell, your bound to feel nervous! It's such a big thing!! All systems go from hear Hun!!

Key how you feeling?

Serena how's things for you?

Monkeyfeet, hope this is the start of putting all the sadness of the last few weeks to bed, and you can start looking to the future!

Afm af arrived today! As soon as I stopped the peseries ! Just want to hurry up and start again! I'm feeling a little better today but I can't stop worrying about the what ifs ! Sorry to bring everyone down but I'm so scared of what the future holds! All I want is a family of my own! :(
Tinkerbell -glad guys finally got thier act together and you've received the paperwork. I felt the same as you - really excited about progressing, but also a bit nervous as it all becomes a reality. I think that is completely natural and the feeling the whole way through this process - but at least you've got us to share your worries with :thumbup:

Kazza - glad AF has arrived but really sorry to hear your feeling down. Again i am sure this is all part of the ups and downs of the whole process and they say you should allow yourself time to feel down and grieve if that's what you need. Don't ever feel bad or apologise for it!

And you're going to be starting a completely fresh cycle where there is no reason why it can't work for you this time. I know i'll be having everything crossed for you all from day one!!!

From my end am starting to get a bit bored of the wait and am thinking i might test on Tues am just to see what happens!! I know it's early but am guessing the trigger is out so if it's positive should be good news and if negative then i am testing early so doesn't mean it won't turn positive. Not sure it makes sense but it does in my head!!!!

k xx
Hi Kazza, that's totally understandable to go through all of those emotions. As hard as it sounds, try not to worry too much ad focus in staying positive. You have another go at it and the appt in a few weeks will be to look at the cycle and make any necessary adjustments to get the best results. Thinking of you.

Unfortunately it turned out what I thought was the start of af actually seems to have jut been a little bit of spotting.. You'd think I'd know better now after that nasty nurse bit my head off last time!! Hey go... Sure it'll be along when it's ready. Feeling a lot more chilled out about it as know there is nothing I can do to speed it up.

Hope you're all enjoying your weekends.x
We must have posed same time key! Sorry that you're finding the 2ww difficult. The weekends are definitely the hardest. As soon as you get back into work as a distraction, I bet the week will fly by. X

Thanks ladies!

Monkey feet, glad your feeling more chilled out! If you don't bleed soon what will happen?

Key, that's the attitude I had, I still get some hope even after seeing my bfn but next time I do think I will try and wait!!

Thanks ladies!

Monkey feet, glad your feeling more chilled out! If you don't bleed soon what will happen?

Key, that's the attitude I had, I still get some hope even after seeing my bfn but next time I do think I will try and wait!!

Sorry for not getting on the forum for a while, suddenly my life has become ridiculously busy!

Monkeyfeet - thank you so much for the lovely message you sent me last week, it was so touching & really helped me to not be so blue. I hope you're doing ok, I can't believe how long this is taking. Glad you're chilled out about it, I would find it really frustrating. Hope your OH is ok too.

Key - not long now! I'll be checking the site first thing tomorrow to see if you tested. Fingers crossed for BFP!

Tinkerbell - good luck for the 26th. It all starts moving quite quickly from your first appt. they will prob ask you to start from day 1 of your next period after the 26th - do you have any idea when it might be?

Vesper - so sorry to hear about youu miscarriage. It's so awful and you've already been through so much. I really hope you're ok. Thanks for the advice about the long/short protocol. I have a very mild case of PCOS (one of my ovaries isn't PC and one has the minimum no. of cysts to count as PCOS). The doctor said it shouldn't really impact on my chances of conceiving, but I might mention this to them and see what they say.

Kazza - so sorry you've been feeling down. I definitely felt blue a lot after BFN. and I am sure it's going to be up and down a lot for all of us over the next few months. Hope you're feeling better over the next few days. It is really scary going through this process as you have so much riding on it. I can see how people become hooked on the idea and go through round after round of treatment. can you imagine the stress though!

AFM - feeling a lot better & had a lovely weekend with my friends. Looking forward to my husband coming home today. His uncle died recently & he has been left a few thousand pounds which his parents mentioned might help us to fund another go. I haven't spoken to my husband about this yet but I've been thinking that I would prefer to put the money towards moving house so that we can apply for adoption (if this round of ICSI doesn't work out). I don't think I can justify spending so much on this when there are kids out there desperate for a family. That is just my personal feeling about it and I completely understand why others feel differently. I would also feel even worse if it didn't work and we'd wasted so much money. But a big decision to make so I'll have to chat to my husband when he's back. Nice to have an extra option though!
Kazza - thank you, I think the nerves have set it now we have our appointment through because it's like the reality of it all has hit and I know this is our last (and really only) proper chance of me falling pregnant if what the Dr said about OH's results are right. If this one go we have at ICSI doesn't work then we will probably have to face the fact that we won't have a child :cry:

I'm glad you are feeling better today, it's completely normal to have the worries you have and you are not bringing us down at all, don't be so silly this is what we are all here for to listen and support each other who are going through the same thing :hugs: xx

Key - its so nice to have you all hear to talk to, ask questions, share my thoughts/worries with. I don't know what I'd do without you all, it's like a part of the stress is lifted having people to chat to that are going/gone though the same thing.

Have you come to a final decision about of you will test tomorrow or not? I'll be checking first thing to see and hoping its good news to do a little :happydance: it makes complete sense about the way of thinking if the test is negative tomorrow, Im sure I'd be thinking the same way xx

Sorry for not getting on the forum for a while, suddenly my life has become ridiculously busy!

Monkeyfeet - thank you so much for the lovely message you sent me last week, it was so touching & really helped me to not be so blue. I hope you're doing ok, I can't believe how long this is taking. Glad you're chilled out about it, I would find it really frustrating. Hope your OH is ok too.

Key - not long now! I'll be checking the site first thing tomorrow to see if you tested. Fingers crossed for BFP!

Tinkerbell - good luck for the 26th. It all starts moving quite quickly from your first appt. they will prob ask you to start from day 1 of your next period after the 26th - do you have any idea when it might be?

Vesper - so sorry to hear about youu miscarriage. It's so awful and you've already been through so much. I really hope you're ok. Thanks for the advice about the long/short protocol. I have a very mild case of PCOS (one of my ovaries isn't PC and one has the minimum no. of cysts to count as PCOS). The doctor said it shouldn't really impact on my chances of conceiving, but I might mention this to them and see what they say.

Kazza - so sorry you've been feeling down. I definitely felt blue a lot after BFN. and I am sure it's going to be up and down a lot for all of us over the next few months. Hope you're feeling better over the next few days. It is really scary going through this process as you have so much riding on it. I can see how people become hooked on the idea and go through round after round of treatment. can you imagine the stress though!

AFM - feeling a lot better & had a lovely weekend with my friends. Looking forward to my husband coming home today. His uncle died recently & he has been left a few thousand pounds which his parents mentioned might help us to fund another go. I haven't spoken to my husband about this yet but I've been thinking that I would prefer to put the money towards moving house so that we can apply for adoption (if this round of ICSI doesn't work out). I don't think I can justify spending so much on this when there are kids out there desperate for a family. That is just my personal feeling about it and I completely understand why others feel differently. I would also feel even worse if it didn't work and we'd wasted so much money. But a big decision to make so I'll have to chat to my husband when he's back. Nice to have an extra option though!

Nice to see you back :flower:

It's come at a bit of a tricky time to be honest :dohh: my next period after the 26th will be due around 12th April, give or take a day but we are then going away 23rd April and not back until 14th May which will be about 2 days in to a new cycle again for me so I'm not sure how it's going to work and on top of that my letter stated that Greenwich PCT ask that you take the funding/start treatment within 3 months of the letter which gives us till 2nd June :wacko:

If I've read correctly on CD1 you call up and at some point before CD21 you start those sniffing drugs right? And then from the next CD1 you start injections? I'm wondering if I can take the pill fro my April CD1 until I'm back from holiday to delay my May period by a few days, I still have a packet from when I was on it previously or I know there is a tablet people get to delay their period when going away or if I could get those sniffing medication before I go away and start it while on holiday. I guess I'll be stressing about this till our appointment on 26th now.

Glad you are feeling better, do you have any idea when you'll start again yet?
I completely understand about not feeling sure if you want to spend the money on paying for a cycle, it's so much to pay and knowing that it might not even work. I don't think we would pay for a cycle although we haven't spoke about it yet and OH might feel its worth trying, but nearly £4000 is so much money if it doesn't work but seems such a small price to pay if it did.
Hopefully your next cycle will work and you won't even need to worry about it xx
Tinkerbell... Flying visit but wanted to let you know, I gt my cycle started by calling in cd3 back in December. My frat appt with guys just so happened to be in cd3 and rather than wait another whole month, nurse suggested I give it a go an it worked. They just need enough time to order your drugs etc..

Sorry for flying visit, en route home from work but will pop on later with personals.

Key- beat of luck for tomorrow if you decide to test. Thinking of you lots.x
Hi ladies

Serena I'm so pleased to hear your feeling better! I think your outlook on this is admirable! Glad things are busy for you right now, will help pass the time till your cycle can be underway! When do u think cd1 will be?

I think it's a great Idea to move house and set up home for your family.

Tinkerbell, I don't no where I'd be without this forum too so nice to be able to talk to people in the same boat. Don't be disheartened about what your dr said, sperm counts go up and down all the time look at my oh 5 million, 12.8 million then 22 million in the pace of a year!

Get oh on the vits, no hot baths and less alcohol and smoking had a massive affect on my oh! I'm not ure about your dates, I had to call guys on cd1 meds ordered, start down regging cd21 then you get a period and Stimming starts shortly after.

Key, looking forward to your update, how have you been feeling ? Did you put one r two back I've forgot.

Monkeyfeet, how are you xxx
Tinkerbell... Flying visit but wanted to let you know, I gt my cycle started by calling in cd3 back in December. My frat appt with guys just so happened to be in cd3 and rather than wait another whole month, nurse suggested I give it a go an it worked. They just need enough time to order your drugs etc..

Sorry for flying visit, en route home from work but will pop on later with personals.

Key- beat of luck for tomorrow if you decide to test. Thinking of you lots.x

Thanks Monkeyfeet, hopefully then I can start the minute we get back all though I really wanted to delay that period anyway just by a couple of days, it's the last thing you want on honeymoon isn't it.

Did your OH have to do a SA at your first appointment, our letter says we MAY be asked to do bloods, him a SA and myself a scan
Hi ladies

Serena I'm so pleased to hear your feeling better! I think your outlook on this is admirable! Glad things are busy for you right now, will help pass the time till your cycle can be underway! When do u think cd1 will be?

I think it's a great Idea to move house and set up home for your family.

Tinkerbell, I don't no where I'd be without this forum too so nice to be able to talk to people in the same boat. Don't be disheartened about what your dr said, sperm counts go up and down all the time look at my oh 5 million, 12.8 million then 22 million in the pace of a year!

Get oh on the vits, no hot baths and less alcohol and smoking had a massive affect on my oh! I'm not ure about your dates, I had to call guys on cd1 meds ordered, start down regging cd21 then you get a period and Stimming starts shortly after.

Key, looking forward to your update, how have you been feeling ? Did you put one r two back I've forgot.

Monkeyfeet, how are you xxx

He is on vitamins, doesn't have baths (he does wash haha he is a shower person), doesn't drink and hasn't touched a cigarette since the day he got the letter to say his count was low but even before then he was only smoking now and then. We still think the fact he missed the pot with the 'first bit' didn't help the results. Did your oh do another test at your first appointment? It just says he may be asked, I know he would really want to do one though.

Is down Regina the sniffers that I've seen you ladies refer to? Whats the point of them at CD21? I've read you have a scan at the beginning of your cycle, it's not while you actually are bleeding is it? I can't imagine that's a nice experience at all :blush:
Sorry for all the questions that I will no doubt find the answers to on Wednesday at the info evening.
Hi Tinkerbell, I just spent ages writing a message and then got logged out. So annoying!
Anyway, yes you ring the ACU on CD1, you will then be sent the appropriate drugs (sniffing down regulating drugs and the gonal f injections). Kazza and I have PCOS so went on to the birth control pill between CD1 and CD21 but if you have regular periods you wont need to do this. On day 21 you start the sniffing drugs. They down regulate your system which means they basically stop your body producing the hormones it normally would in a natural cycle. It puts you into a temporary state of menopause. You have a scan before starting the sniffing drugs where they check your follicles, but you don’t have your period at this point. Then after about 2 weeks (it was longer for Key as they were too busy to begin her on the injections) you start the gonal f injections which start your follicles growing and producing the eggs. They monitor you during this process with blood tests and scans, and when they feel your follicles are ready you take the trigger injection which I think matures your eggs in preparation to be collected.

I’ll attach the long protocol timeline they gave me which might help make it clearer. let me know if you can see it.

My OH was asked to give a SA at the first appt at the ACU, but doesn’t need to give another one for this round of ICSI. Hope this helps!


  • timeline.pdf
    328.7 KB · Views: 9

My Oh also did a sample on our first appt too!

I have nothing to add to Serenas post, she covered it all!!
Hi Tinkerbell, I just spent ages writing a message and then got logged out. So annoying!
Anyway, yes you ring the ACU on CD1, you will then be sent the appropriate drugs (sniffing down regulating drugs and the gonal f injections). Kazza and I have PCOS so went on to the birth control pill between CD1 and CD21 but if you have regular periods you wont need to do this. On day 21 you start the sniffing drugs. They down regulate your system which means they basically stop your body producing the hormones it normally would in a natural cycle. It puts you into a temporary state of menopause. You have a scan before starting the sniffing drugs where they check your follicles, but you don’t have your period at this point. Then after about 2 weeks (it was longer for Key as they were too busy to begin her on the injections) you start the gonal f injections which start your follicles growing and producing the eggs. They monitor you during this process with blood tests and scans, and when they feel your follicles are ready you take the trigger injection which I think matures your eggs in preparation to be collected.

I’ll attach the long protocol timeline they gave me which might help make it clearer. let me know if you can see it.

My OH was asked to give a SA at the first appt at the ACU, but doesn’t need to give another one for this round of ICSI. Hope this helps!

Grr what a pain, I always write long posts and my stupid iPad closes the page down so I loose it all :(

Thank you for explaining all that, really helpful. Glad there is no scan during period and fingers crossed then I'll be starting the cycle that is due to start on/around the day we get home from our honeymoon :happydance: no, I'm pretty much as regular as clockwork so I guess no need for the pill for me.

That attachment was a great help to read, thanks for sharing it.


My Oh also did a sample on our first appt too!

I have nothing to add to Serenas post, she covered it all!!

Sounds promising he will get to do one then, he'll be pleased with that as he wants to see of these vitamins have helped at all

Excited for the information evening tomorrow although I bet I'll know it all now thanks to you lovely ladies :flower: x
Hello, - how are you all today?

Key - any news? i'm hoping no news is good news x

Kazza - how are you feeling now? I realised you'd messaged me below - yes I think it'd be a good idea to spend the money and move house - I think my husband pretty much feels the same. I just heard back from one adoption agency (TACT) that require you wait 1 year after IVF before you can even go to an information night! How rude is that? It's really insulting that because you've had IVF they think you must be having some kind of nervous breakdown. don't think we'll be going with them!
I think my CD1 should be between 19th and 29th March, but not sure if my cycles will be normal after the ICSI or if they might be a bit messed up.

Monkeyfeet - how are you getting on?
sorry all for the radio silence -I'm away with work for a couple of days so it's been really hectic.

Decided to not test in the end and am going to wait until the 10th - maybe my patience will be rewarded with good news!! Have to say am still feeling positive, but am not feeling at all pregnant. Don't have any symtoms of pregancy or AF - just feel completely normal (which is actually quite nice after all drugs)

Serena - can't believe you have to wait 1yr for one of the adoption agencies that seems crazy!
Tinkerbell- i think the ladies have covered everything - what a great wedding present to hopefully come back from honeymoon and then get BFP!!

Kazza & Monkeyfeet hope you're both good

k xx
Hi Key - you have amazing will power I'm very impressed. I'm not going to test next time either, and just have to hope I don't get my period early again!

You must be so excited about tomorrow. I have a very positive feeling about it for you too x

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