Hi ladies
Just wanted to pop on to say sorry to Kazza, Serena and Monkeyfeet.
Monkeyfeet - so sorry hun. Are guys monitoring you to make sure your HCG is dropping? Will you do another cycle at guys?
Serena - your plans for adoption are truly inspiring. And lucky your PCT covers more than one cycle. Would you consider doing a cycle privately?
Kazza - be kind to yourself
Does your PCT also cover more than one cycle?
I have to say how annoyed I am for the two of you; Guys take a one fits all approach for everyone, which is wrong. I'm so glad I didn't cycle with Guys again, because compared to my next clinic they were completely useless. You both did the long protocol, which, based on research, doesn't work for ladies with PCOS (google PCOS and best IVF protocol or PCOS and antagonist protocol). I'm not completely knocking Guys, but they're success rate is half of other clinics' rates, which is telling. I understand if your PCT is going to cover more than one cycle, but Serena, if I were you I would insist they change your protocol.
Sorry if I'm overstepping the mark; I just want to share what I've discovered and of course want you all to have a little baby. And from what I've learned (I've been to 3 IVF clinics now) down-regging doesn't work for our bodies about 95% of the time. I toyed doing another cycle with Guys as I felt so comfortable there, and the people were nice. But I can't tell you how pleased I was when I moved. Lister told me that on a scale of 1-10, the difficulty of getting me pg was around 2-3. This filled me with a lot of confidence... Of course, you have to do what's best for you. You're both young, and this journey really takes it out of you, but strengthens you as a person.
Key - great about the frozen embies. And hope the 2ww isn't too frustrating
AFM - I m/c a couple of weeks ago, just waiting from HcG to get down to 0 so I can get going again. The clinic is monitoring me closely, with calls from my IVF consultant each week to talk about progress and next steps. I think we'll be doing a FET this time, to make it easier on my body.
All the best ladies, wishing you all lost of luck and baby dust in your next steps!