IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?


Tinkerbell, how did you find the patient info evening?

Key, well done you for not testing, i too have a really good feeling for you!! Cant wait for your update!

Serena, roll on the next 10 days, hopefully your cycle will be normal!!

Monkeyfeet how are you chic x

AFM just really looking forward to starting again, still feeling worried but deffinatly feeling muich better, I was a bit annoyed about having to wait until 3rd april for follow up but i think its done me a favour to be honest.
Any news Key? keeping my fingerscrossed no news is good news [-o< I thought it was today you were going to test but just read back it's the 10th which is tomorrow, so goodluck :dust: xx

Tinkerbell - how did you find the info evening?



Tinkerbell, how did you find the patient info evening?

Key, well done you for not testing, i too have a really good feeling for you!! Cant wait for your update!

Serena, roll on the next 10 days, hopefully your cycle will be normal!!

Monkeyfeet how are you chic x

AFM just really looking forward to starting again, still feeling worried but deffinatly feeling muich better, I was a bit annoyed about having to wait until 3rd april for follow up but i think its done me a favour to be honest.

The information evening went really well, as you've both been I won't go on about it as you both know what happened but it was just really good for us both to go to. Even though to be honest I knew most of the stuff due to internet reading or you ladies but it was really useful to help OH understand, so now it's just the waiting game until our appointment with them on the 26th although we had a letter today from then which really annoyed me, you may remember OH had to go for a blood test after his low count sample and the results took 6 weeks, well I thought this letter today was the results (it's been 5 weeks) but nope apparently the blood didn't get to the lab or some rubbish like that :growlmad: how can it not make it to the lab? where the hell did it go and why has it taken 5 weeks to find that out? so now he has to take another morning off work next week to have it done again and we'll have to wait yet another 6 weeks to find out the results of that.

Kazza, glad you are feeling much better and looking forward to getting started again, 3rd April will come around so quickly x
Morning all - we only got home last night so haven't been able to post. Not good news I'm afraid I got Brno - which I knew as basically tested when on!

Because I was away for longer than thought I run out of cyclogest so didn't take it Thurs morning and started to get period pains and really feeling like AF coming so decided to take test Thurs nite - it was negative. Used last cyclogest on Thurs night, had some bleeding Friday and really bad period pain - but still held out some hope. Work up 6am Sat (test day) to heavy bleeding but thought might as well test and obviously it was negative.

Yesterday was awful as at in laws and we didn't want to tell anyone it had failed straight away but hhad a good cry when got home and feeling a lot more positive this morning. Also really bad period pains from last few days have now subsided. Think I'm go a tell people who knew we were doing ivf today then as of next week I can just move on.

I guess I'll call Guys tomorrow and see what next steps are for FET (which I know I'm really lucky to even have).

Kazza glad you're feeling more positive.

Tinkerbell -sort to hear about OH bloods, how frustrating!

Serena / Monkeyfeet - how you ladies doing?

K xx
Key I am so, so sorry. Thinking of you lots.xxx glad you are feeling better today and focusing on FET. Hope you get a good idea of next steps when you call tomorrow.

No change here my end, will contact guys next week if I've still not had a bleed.

How's everyone else doing?x
Thanks Monkeyfeet - can't believe you still haven't had AF yet, did they give you an idea how long it would take? Must be so frustrating for you, and am so sorry it's dragging on.

k x
Oh Key, I'm so sorry to hear that. I was so hoping for good news for one of us. As you say at least you have the good news of frozen ones so maybe you can feel positive about that. It is so hard & you go through such up & down emotions that it really takes it out of you. You sound very positive so I hope the hospital can set up the FET asap. It'll be interesting to see what it involves as none if us have made it to that stage yet!

Monkeyfeet - so sorry you haven't had AF yet, I can't believe how long it's taking. I hope the hospital get it sorted soon x

AFM I had one of the worst weekends ever. I was at a wedding with lots of friends & at about 10pm started heavily heavily bleeding. It went straight through my dress onto the white sofa I was sitting on. I was completely mortified & luckily one if my friends was amazing & helped me out so nobody except her & my husband new. Then we all got a cab back to our friends we were staying at & I had to change my clothes at which point I just started crying & then spent the next few hours crying in front if everyone while we all talked about IVF (2 of them were doctors & one guys sister has been through it so they were all lovely). The next day I was hungover & completely embarrassed, but all of the bleeding has completely stopped. I've called the hospital today as I don't want to start ICSI if there's something not right & causing bleeding. What fun this is! It was honestly one of the worst nights of my life x
Serena that sounds like an absolutely horrendous night - i'm so sorry you are having such a problem with the heavy bleeding. I know you felt embarrassed but it sounds like you've got a good bunch of friends who are just looking out for you.

You should definately speak to Guys to find out what's happening. I was quite heavy on Saturday but now it is just like a normal period, but I did have quite bad period pains from Thurs to Sunday morning, much worse than normal as painkillers didn't seem to do the trick.

I know i can't believe not even one of us had had any luck this cycle - must be that it is all being saved for next one!???

Sorry for absence, every time I log on the site seems to be down.

Serena that sounds awful. I am so sorry you are having to go through this. Really hope you've been able to talk to your doctor or someone at guys by now? Sounds like you have an amazing set of friends who love you very much and will always look out for you. Hope this ends soon.

Key / Kazza, how are you both doing?

Tinkerbell, any more news your end on bloods?

Afm, still nothing, called guys yesterday as its now coming up for 4 weeks since I miscarried but apparently I can expect a call in 2-3 days to discuss as the nurses are busy! A little put out but guess I am
In between cycles so technically not funded so they prob don't see me as their problem! Sorry tht sounds a bit negative.. Sure that's not the case.. Just having one of those days ;-)

Hey ladies!!!

Key - I am soooo sorry for the BFN!!!! This cycle has been complete S**t for us all!!! Parden the french! But at least you have you frosties, so you wont have the agro of down regging!!! When are you back at the hospital?

Serena, hun my heart dropped for you when reading your post :( But like monkeyfeet says, you have lovely friends and amazing husband to support you! Has the bleeding subsided? How are you feeling now? xxxx Big Hugs xxx

Monkeyfeet, I cannot believe its been 4 weeks and knowone seems to be doing anything for you! Thats horrific!! Cant you see your own GP or local hospital to see an obstetrician or gyaene (however you spell that)? When are you due back at the hospital?

Tinkerbell, how are you? When are you back at guys?

AFM - nothing to report just waiting around!!!! :coffee:
So happy the site is back up again!

Monkeyfeet - that is so wrong, I can't believe they have been so rubbish. I rang them twice on Monday & no response then my husband rang yesterday and left a very angry message, and still nobody called until this morning! They must be busy but it still is unacceptable to leave you waiting around like this. Kazza is right could you go to your local doctor/hopsital to speak to someone? i'm so sorry this is taking so long for you, it must be really difficult to get your mind off of it and think ahead to the future. Hope you're ok.

Kazza - I think you're right that it's best to have a few weeks before going back to see a dr, I wish we'd had more time to really think about it all as I have lots of questions now. Do you know when your next period in april might be? or will you want a few months off?

Key - how are you feeling? have all the period pains gone off now? Did you hear back from Guys about the FET or are you having some time off?

Thanks all of you for your lovely messages, I can't tell you how much it means and really helps me. I massively appreciate it. I had a really bad few days worrying as the bleeding came back on Monday & has been quite light (which I never have) since then. But the nurse said today that she thinks this is my period! I said it was 10 days early and not like my usual ones but she said that's just because i've still got drugs in my system & can cause your body to be erratic. I told her I hadn't been taking the BCP but she said it's ok to start it today (day 5) and take it for 21 days. I said I was worried as it seems so quick to be starting again and she said they do usually say to wait 3 months but most people don't do that. when I asked why 3 months she just said 'so your body can return to its normal cycle' so I asked if this was best for success rates and she said 'no, it makes no difference'. so I asked why they ask you to wait but she couldn't really give me answer and said it was fine to start now! really weird. I confirmed 3 times though that it shouldn't affect susccess rates and she said no, so I have to trust her. I asked if it was possible to slightly increase the gonal f doses or have them for longer as it might increase the number/quality of eggs but she said she couldn't answer that & would get the doctor to call me today or tomorrow to confirm. so i'm expecting the call sometime in April! She said to start taking the BCP but to wait until i'd spoken to the Dr to confirm doses & cycle for this month.
It feels really rushed & I feel a bit nervous about going through this all again so soon as I think i've only really started to deal with it properly. but I also don't want to hang around so think it's for the best overall. working out my dates it'll be April before the sniffing drugs start so gives me a few more weeks to get my head together!

How are you all feeling about things? I think I felt completely negative after the first round & 100% sure it'd never work, but it's eased off a bit now and i'm starting to be ever so tiny bit slightly hopeful again. but it seems to change daily so ask me again tomorrow! I think the massive public humilation crying episode on Saturday probably helped with all the heartache i'd been building up. My husband has been thinking a lot about the money from his uncle and I think he'd like us to give it one more go of ICSI if this round doesn't work although he didn't say that for definite, but I don't want to decide that for a few months or think too too far ahead yet if this is our last shot.

I hope you're all ok, and doing lots of nice things to distract yourselves. I'm a massive f1 fan so looking forward to lots of weekends taken up with cars & handsome men!
Monkeyfeet - don't think you should have to wait 3 days for someone to come back to you, that's completely unacceptable. I think i'm with the other ladies, and maybe it's time to see your local GP?

Serena - know what you mean about the ups and downs, there's only 1 thing you can be certain on for this IVF journey and that's that it's an emotional rollercoaster! I think you should see how you feel when it comes to taking snffers and if you need more time before the next cycle take an extra month. In the whole scheme of things we've all been waiting a really long time for this - so if you think you're body would be better off with a month's rest you should take it.

Kazza -sorry i can't remember, when are you next in Guys?

Tinkerbell - how are things going with you?

On my end, i called Guys on Monday to report the bad news and they called me back lunchtime tuesday. I'm booked in to see a doctor (not sure if it will be a doctor or nurse!?) on Tuesday 12th April and i asked in i could then start the FET straight after and she said yes. I have no idea what FET consists of, so will let you know more next month.

Guess now it's just trying to get back to normal - well normal with little alcohol, lots of vitamins and trying not to constantly think about IVF!!!

BTW Kazza completely agree - us girls definately deserve some luck on the next round because this was absolute s**te!!!!!

k xx
Hi all,

So pleased your been able to talk to someone now, albeit they felt it could wait a whole 3 days! Honestly, they are horrendous at the communication side. Totally appreciate why you are feeling a little overwhelmed, especially when you thought your period was almost 2 wks away an now feel thrust back into it. See how you fell over the next couple of weeks on the bcp and I am sure you will prob settle back into it but if it doesn't feel right, follow your gut and maybe wait one more cycle. It's such an emotional roller coaster that you've got to be feeling 100% to go back into it in my opinion. I was at times an emotional wreck!
Take is easy and see how you go.
Great thAt you are feeling more positive about the next round though. If you look at the statistics and it's just below 1/2 so in theory, we should have better luck in our second go's! Fingers crossed.

Key, glad you have follow up booked and hoping the 12 th comes round really quickly for you now.

Kazza, what date is your next appt? I want to say about 3rd April? Hope you're doing ok.

Afm, got a call back from a nurse this eve who seemed to think I was trying to tell her i had not bled after a bfn and when I explained Id miscarried she questioned me 3 times to confirm that Id actually had a positive preg test!!!!!!! Unbelievable!! Perhaps it's just a phone thing but really, this lot aren't great! Anyways, once I'd managed to convince her I had at some point been pregnant and 4 weeks later not had a bleed she has booked me for a scan pretty sharpish tomorrow to try and seen what's going on.
Had thought about my gp but knew they would need to do a scan and know they don't have the equipment at the surgery to do so so prob would have advised me to go back to acu rather than a referal I think. Had called guys the last couple of weeks but had been fobbed off sayi g it was normal.. Anyways.. We shall see what they say tomorrow.

Here's to Hoping we have a clean sweep of bfp's on our next round, positive thoughts all round! have good evenings.xx
Hi all,

Haven't been on in a while as busy with wedding stuff and trying to distract myself from being baby obsessed while I was in my 2ww that despite what we were told for some silly reason I felt so positive that perhaps a miracle would happen but no, AF had the cheek to arrive a day early yesterday.
So just over another week until our appointment now on 26th, I'm starting to get nervous for it, I'm scared to do the ICSI incase it doesn't work and to be honest I've found it hard to read it hasn't worked for any of you ladies. I was praying for BFP's for you all of course and thought there would be at least 1 or 2 :hugs: it has made me have less hope that it will work for us

I can't believe you still haven't had your bleed and Guys were like that on the phone, are they stupid or insensitive or maybe both?! Hope tomorrow goes ok x
I cannot believe how bad guys have been!! Serena, I can't believe your back on the journey already!vand as you have confirmed starting again so soon will not hinder your chances then maybe it's a good thing, sometimes waiting around to start can be a nightmare but, if your not comfortable starting now its not too late to hold off for a few more weeks ! Do whatever your body is telling you! I had a normal bleed as soon as I stopped the cyclogest but nowi have no idea when I'll start again as my cycles are so irratic! I no what ou mean about feeling so up and down about it all! The day we got our official bfn I literally stayed in and cried for most of the day, before scurfing my hair up and taking my big blood shot puffy eyes into Bromley for some retail therapy! It was. About 2pm and I was still in my pjs and curtains still closed when my oh parents turned upon my doorstep to see that I was ok! Embarrassing ! I must of looked liked little hermit!! Feeling sorry for myself! But since having this little break I'm starting to feel better, I'm seeing this cycle as a trial run

Serena, y like the f1 ? I can't say Im into it but I do like aving it on in the back ground the sound makes me sleepy!!

I'm back on th 3rd April fr follow up.

Key 12th will come round soon Enough, I too have enjoyed some wine!! Good that you can start fet soon, no more down regs!!

Monkeyfeet, I'm soooo glad your now booked for that scan! Now there rushing about!!! Maybe y should complain, I think you have been treated really badly and isn't on ! I'm really angry for you!! let us no how you get on!
Sorry Tinkerbell, think we must have posted together! Sorry you got af!!

Try not to worry about your appt I no its easier said than done but once you have had it you will start feeling much more positive neither actually gets a little exciting! Good luck !!
Tinkerbell, so sorry you have af. And so sad that you don't feel hopeful on the forum. You have absolutely every chance of it working, please stay positive and we are all 100% behind you.xx

Tell us about your wedding? That must be exciting and keep you focused / distracted? When is it? Where Re you off on honeymoon? I'm excited for you!! So much to look forward to.
Is it crazy and just me that despite what the Drs say you still have hope every month that it COULD happen? I feel so silly now for getting my hopes up this month just to have the, dashed like the past 16 cycles.
It's also so hard seeing OH so disapointed and feeling like its his fault, blaming himself for our dream not happening. He is so desperate for to be a dad and we've spent the last 15 months or so talking about how it will be when he/she is here, what they'll look like etc and yesterday he said he needs to stop doing it and face that he won't ever be a dad :cry: my heart was breaking for him.

I feel for you all so much that it hasn't worked, it must be heartbreaking and everyone of you deserve your 2nd cycle to work, I really hope by the time I start you've all had your BFP.
I think my negativity is just because I keep reading all over the Internet about people starting their 2nd, 3rd try at IVF and knowing that we'll only get the one try, no 'practise' round just one round to get our BFP unless we're lucky enough to get frozen embryos.

Now I'm also getting paranoid my eggs are rubbish or I'm going to have early menopause (I'm only 28) stupid google :dohh: because my periods are pretty short and light and this one is the worse yet, it's more like heavy spotting!

I' m getting married at Disneyworld on 1st May :cloud9: and then we're off to Mexico for our honeymoon. I'm so excited, we've been planning this since we got engaged in Sep 2009 so it's been a long wait.

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