IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

I was also meant to ask about short protocol! I forgot! Dam !!!
I've got a feeling they don't offer the short protocol at guys after what Vesper said, and it never seems to be mentioned.

What's your protocol then Kazza - Provera, then BCP for how long, and is that at the same time as sniffers? I just went straight to sniffers on Day21 so am a bit ignorant on provera etc

k x
I only need provera to induce a period because my cycles are not regular so, 8 days provera, then wait for bleed 5 to 7 days after stopping, then 21 days bcp then start sniffs on day 21 when bcp ends 2 weeks then scan to see if ready to down reg, can't wait to get going again!!
Serena good luck with d regging
Hopefully things will be different this time!!!

Just sitting out in the garden now! Lapping up the weather it could be on the turn for tomorrow!

Tinkerbell glad your mum is feeling better! And glad the appt went well! Our first one took ages tool! Did u gave your scans and oh sample? At least you no your chest consultant won't say no to treatment so nothing to worry about and you do have a while for them to get it sorted until your back from honeymoon! You must be so excited!!

Nope, no scan for me probably because i had the Hycosy not too long ago and they saw what they needed from that and no sample for oh as it had been within 6 months of the last one, which he was actually disapointed to hear as he wanted to see if numbers had changed.

Glad your follow up went well, be good if we do cycle close to each other. When did they say you might start? We'll be back on 14th May and AF should arrive around 17th so I'll be calling up then to get started :happydance:
I have to ring Guy's on Monday to check if the anesatist wants to see me before, they did a lot of bloods when I was there full blood count, my hba1c to check blood sugars are controlled and gawd knows what else but he wanted everything checked which is slightly annoying.
Tinkerbell - sure it must be annoying to have so many tests, but it is better to have that now and then know that everything is going to go fine when they do EC.

Just had a call from Guys trying to push my appointment back to 17th May - i said no way, as we're off on hols end of June and don't think the cycle would have completed by then so we would be waiting til July time to even start. They basically said that docs schedule has changed (probably want more time for easter!!) and so i can't go on the 12th April. I stood my ground and they called me back and i'm now booked in for 23rd april which is fine because still before Day21 so shouldn't delay anything.

so now got an extra 2 weeks to wait, as long as it doesn't delay anything then that's the main thing, just a bit frustating as i had been really looking forward to next week and getting moving. Seems i don't have much luck with Guys and scheduling after the extra 2 weeks on down regging as well last time!

Oh well moan over - guess that's just another frustrating part of this whole process, the bloody waiting

k x
Hi Tinkerbell I will be a bit ahead of you by then but not too far! I can't believe they never offered oh the chance to do another sample!

Key I cannot believe they have put your dates back again!! Very glad you stood your ground!!!
How's everyone getting on - hope you're all having a good bank hols.

Serena - hopefully still no symptoms on sniffers, when do you start gonal_f?
Monkeyfeet have you started down reg now?

Have been feeling a bit up & down this weekend thinking about if it doesn't work again. I was so positive the first time but once you've had 1 failure I keep thinking that it easily could not work again.

Sorry don't want to be depressing as I know we're all in the same boat but I seem to be surrounded by friends having their second & third babies and feel that time is running out for me!

Think I just need to get started again so I can get back in that positive place.

Think we've all been feeling like that since the failure hun of natural don't be sorry!

Once your starting again you will feel much better there is no reason why it won't work for all of us, it's not a case of won't it's a case of when! I actually feel much more relaxed about this time, well at the moment but I've been up and down too! Just got to keep that head held high! You'll get there! And you did get blastys and some snow babies so there are lots of positives just need get that sticky bean!!!! I no we all will x
Thanks kazza - I think you're right I just want to get started again.

Sure it will be second time lucky for us all - we deserve it!!


Hope all had a nice long weekend! I've eaten far too much chocolate!

It's only natural to feel anxious, I too go from extreme positivity to feeling certain it won't work. It can be such an emotional roller coaster. Trying to stay positive and not worry too much and hope tht this will be out time.

Started down reg on Saturday, as yet no symptoms so fingers crossed it stays that way.
Serena how are you?

Key, I can't believe they moved your appt, well done for standing your ground though. Really looking forward to heti g what your process is with the fet's.

Tinkerbell, what date is your wedding? Can't be long now.

Monkeyfeet glad to hear that no symptoms (except excess chocolate consumption!) from the sniffers.

Serena - how you doing, you must be getting close to starting gonal-f soon?

Kazza - any news your end?

Tinkerbell - if i'm right the wedding is only a couple of weeks away - how exciting!!

k x
Monkeyfeet - congrats on starting the downregging again. Fingers crossed the side effects will hold off. Did you have any side effects the first round?

Key - glad you held your own and weren't bullied into moving your appt back. You are cursed when it comes to being postponed! at least the 2 weeks extra wont stop you doing FET this month. completely understand about feeling up and down about all of this. It's easy to swing between being sure it'll work and being sure it wont. I guess we all need to try to stay positive, but sometimes it's easier said than done! As Kazza said once you start again it will help to feel positive as you get caught up in each step of the process.

Kazza - not long now before BCP, how are you feeling?

I've got tons of side effects now! down regging has kicked in full swing since coming off the BCP. Had 1 week of being SO tired & coldy (might have had a cold as well, not sure, but a lot worse when I took the sniffers for about 4 hours and then would wear off a bit) and now the headaches are back with avengence. Had yesterday off I felt so rough. But back at work and counting the minutes until I can go home and go straight to bed. I am actually really looking forward to the injections as they sorted out the headaches last time. Going to ask on Wed if I can have a bigger dose and will see what they say.

Hope you're all well x
Hi all!

Monkey feet hope your down regs are not to bad for you!!
I've eaten way too much rubbish thus weekend! Diet went right out the window!!

Key, not long now for that follow up! Really looking forward to hearing what fet involves! Hope your feeling better x

Serena oh those headaches not looking forward to that bit! Are the injections next week? I think im going to ask to up the dose a bit more too!

AFM last day of provera then within 7 data AF should come then I'll phone up and start BCp I can't remember if it's day one or two you start the BCp

Short week this week it's going quick so far!!
Sorry to hear about the headaches serena - i remember that part and it was s**ty! Hopefully not too long until you start injections

Kazza - how exciting not too long until you start bcp and then sniffers

My end no AF yet normally i am between 30 -32 days, now at day 34. Now sure if it is expected that it's late after an ivf cycle, anyone know? Typical it was slightly early last month for my testing month, so i knew before i tested!

have a good rest of week, not long until weekend..

k x
Hi everyone,
Hope you're all well and all feeling ok. Sorry to hear the side effects of down regging have kicked in Serena, doesn't sound nice at all :(

Haven't been on much lately as busy with last minute wedding/holiday things, we leave in 10 days and just 17 until the wedding :)
AF arrived this evening along with horrible cramps which have thankfully calmed down now, feeling slightly excited that the next time she shows up I'll be calling Guys to get started.

Hope you all have a good weekend x
Hello everyone, hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Tinkerbell - one week until you leave! Have a great wedding & honeymoon x

Kazza - has AF turned up yet? Are you back on the BCPs? I started BCP on day 5 this round! I think it helped with the sniffer side effects having them cross over at the beginning. Hope you're ok x

Key - Hope AF has turned up. I don't know but I think it's probably normal for your cycles to be a bit irregular after ICSI. Mine have been overly regular and I feel like i've mroe or less had AF non-stop since the last round! Hope it turns up soon if it hasn't already.

Monkeyfeet - how are you getting on?

AFM - Same symptoms as before. The headaches and tiredness are awful and I can't wait until Wed to get back on the injections. They have sent a new Gonal F pen - did any of you have the new one in the last round? Is it easy to use?

Tinkebell you must be sooo excited!!!

Serena Af still not hear yet last time it took 7 days after finishing provera so i would expect her in 2 days time!!

A new Gonal F pen? I had one that was white and red i dont no if that was the new one or the old one. Are you starting injecting this wednesday???

I so cant wait, i just wish af would hurry up!!!

Key, how are you?

Monkeyfeet, how are you doing xx
My gonal-f pens where white and red too, not sure if that's new style but they were pretty easy to use.

AF came on Sunday (stupidly i was beginning to think maybe there was a chance i could be bfp - i guess i won't learn!!). So now just waiting for meeting next Monday to learn the FET process and go from there

Serena - good luck with your appt tomorrow, will you be starting injections then?

hope everyone else is well and on track. Tinkerbell not long at all until wedding and hols - very jealous

k x
Hi key! Sorry to hear the witch arrived!! Looking forward to hearing how fet works!!

Monkeyfeet how are you?

AF arrived today!!! Just called guys so hopefully I'll get a call back tomorrow!!

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