IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Hi all,

Key / Kazza, glad you're both off and running again. Hopefully time will seem to go a bit quicker now you're back on protocol.

Serena I too have received new pens from last time, by the instructions they look fairly similar but hoping they will go through with me on my next appt on 30th. So sorry to hear headaches are back for you. Mine have now kicked in as well and I am exhausted! Hey Jo, all for a good cause.

Tinkerbell, you must be beyond excited, if a little busy. Hope you have an amazing wedding and honeymoon! X

Hi, just a quick one to let you know how I got on at Guys. Scan was fine, same number of follicles as last time. Asked nurse to up my dose, she wasn't keen but I kept pushing and asked her to talk to a dr & he agreed (actually said its a good idea!) so now on 225. Going back on Sunday for a blood test. Headaches have been a bit better already. Glad I'm on a high dose but a bit annoyed to have to push for it.

Monkey feet, the new injections are good, not too different really. Sorry you've got the headaches too, they are stinky x

Kazza - what dose are you going on this time? Did you hear back from Guys?

Key - it's so mean when AF comes late as you can't help hope even when you know the odds. At least you can get prepared for FET. Hope it goes well on Mon x
Hi serena

Glad the appt went well!! And so pleased they agreed to up the dose!! I had to phone guys three times before they confirmed to take bcp today and when I asked about upping the dose they were not having any of it!!!! So I'm on 112.5! I'm really not happy about it so I think I'm going to have a much bigger moan when they call me back!! What did u say to get them to Agree? Do you no which dr agreed it?
Is 112.5 the same dose you were on before?
I don't know the drs name, I think it was dr Cal something. I just said it was our last chance & if possible I'd like to increase the dose. The nurse kept saying its quality over quantity which I understand but when I asked if quality is better with a low dose she didn't say it was so not sure what the prob was. When she came back from the dr she said he thought it was a good idea as for my age I should be aiming for more than 10eggs in collection.
Thanks for the update Serena and well done for pushing for what you wanted, although a bit frustrating that if you'd not, the dr's opinion wouldn't have been asked. Glad to hear headaches are already better. Here's to hoping for an excellent round of eggs for you.x

Sorry to hear you have had problems Kazza, I too have been round in circles admin wise and have even been sent someone else's schedule in the post.. I really am just putting my faith in the fact that the medical
Staff and processes are much better than the admin. hope you get to say what you think when you next speak and get some resolution.

Thanks monkey feet, where abouts are you in the cycle ? What dose are you on?

Serena I started on 75 then upped to 112.5 and this time I'm starting on 112.5 bit I'm really going to push it on the phone to them when they call me to confirm Meds and book my next appt, think I'm going to demand to speak to a dr!!!
Glad you've got the increase you wanted Serena, can't believe EC is going to be before the end of April it has come round so quickly. Really good news that the headaches have gone

Kazza - definately worth trying again, maybe you'll have more luck face to face when you go for the baseline scan, like Serena did?

monkeyfeet - sorry to hear your suffering from the dreaded headaches too, when do you start gonal-f?

I can't wait to Monday to finally hear next steps for us

k x
Key - Mondays not far now!!! Im really excited for you!!

I have just spoken to Guys again!!! They are going to hate me!!!!! I had a right winge!!! And basically they said they think the DR will not change my dose because of the amount of follicals i already have due to my age, pcos and my very high AMH level and my irregular periods!!! I moaned and moaned and said its my last nhs cycle, cant afford to waste, you say my age but i got 9 eggs and you expected more!! You say i have a high ovarian reserve but i only got 9 before!! so all points to the fact i need a bigger dose!! But they said i am starting on a bigger dose as im starting on what i finished and and it can be increased if we need to!! But it was left that we will talk to the dr on the day of my scan 21st may!!

So, ive still got the hump!!!

Enough of my moan, when do you think EC will be Serena?

Monkeyfeet how are you?

Tinkerbell, been thinking of you and your lovely wedding which is almost here you must be so excited!!
Ive just re read the post ec will be before end of April wow that is quick !!!!! I start down regging on the 7th base line scan is the 21st may x
Hi Kazza, I don't blame you for having the hump! The nurses said the same to me but the dr said differently so it might be different when you go for your scan. It was Dr Khalid who agreed my increased dose - he did my blood test today. Although have a giant bruise on my arm so hope he knows what he's doing! Hope they can get it sorted on the 21st. Seems like ages away, the never ending waiting game!

Monkey feet - how you feeling on the sniffers? Looking forward to the injections in a week?

Key - good luck for tomorrow!

Afm - blood test came back fine so carrying on with 225 & will go for a scan & blood test on Tues. feeling ok but just had a 3 hour nap so a bit more tired than usual!

Hope you're all doing well x
Hi serena - glad to hear that everything's ok with blood test and things are progressing nicely. Have you found it much easier this time knowing what the process is, having done it before?

kazza - bring on the 21st so you can have another conversation with the DR. Is that when you're starting the sniffers?

Monkeyfeet - how's it going, hope time is going quickly for you and soon be on the gonal-f.

Tinkerbell - think you might have left for wedding now, so have a fantastic time!

Got my appt this afternoon, i really hope i can get started straight away and don't have to wait until next cycle.

k x
Hi all,

Kazza not surprised you peeved, hope you get a good chat when you go for your appt.
Serena glad all ok with your bloods albeit that you now have bruised arm. I once moaned about someone useless having taken my bloods and turned out it was a consultant! They just don't seem to have the same bedside manor! Hope the tiredness eases.. Nearly at the all exciting collection again.

Key, how I'd you get on today?

Afm, shattered but all ok, last week on the sniffers and I'm looking forward to injecting. I think someone asked me re dose. I started on 225 last time and will be doing the same again and I think the expectation is that I will hve to coast again but doctor made this decision based on how many eggs we got last time.

Hope you all had good weekends.xx
Hi everyone,

Key – how did it go yesterday? Looking forward to hearing all the details x

Monkeyfeet – I feel your pain for being shattered. It’s so exhausting on the down regging. Hopefully it’ll help with you start the injections on Monday. It’s strange they are planning on you possibly coasting again! But it worked last time so good to give it another go. Do you have your baseline scan on Monday too? Do you know how many follicles you had last time? My husband writes all of that stuff down or else i’d have no clue.

Kazza – hope you’re well. How have you been finding the BFP? You were fine on it last time weren’t you?

I had a scan & blood test this morning and everything seems to be going well. They will ring with the results and may need me to go in tomorrow for another scan. My husband asked how this scan was compared to the last round. Today’s scan was day 7 and last round I had one on day 8, but she thinks it looks a lot better as more seem to be growing larger (basically the little x’s on the chart look more bunched up this time). I’m hoping this is good news but still early days so not getting my hopes up too much.
I am so annoyed. Guys didn’t ring us back! They are absolutely useless. I rang up and left 2 messages this afternoon as had a bad feeling this might happen and nobody replied and now they’re closed! I can’t believe it. Fuming. Nobody is picking up the emergency number either.

I’ll just have to hope my blood tests were fine and to continue on the same dose, and that i’m not due to come in for another scan tomorrow. Morons.
Taking my rant back. They rang as I was driving home. Everything's fine & don't have to go back until Fri x
Hiya everyone

Serena, I'm really lad things are looking good !! And good news that you don't need to go back until Friday! How many days did you stim for last time?

Monkeyfeet, not long for Stims now! You both seem to be moving so quickly !

Key how was the appt ?

Afm still on bcp and I'm fine on that, start dr on the 7th and booked for scan on 21st so I'm pleased everything is in place still Angry about the dose but I'll chill until the scan, I suppose I did respon ok once I was n 112.5 but I could have had an extra 5 days on It if they started me on that from the start just want to be a bit higher though! But I no they will say because my irregular period high amh and my age they won do it! I just no it! Fat lot of good that did for me last time! Feel like my age and m amh is going against me not of me!!
Hi Kazza, I know what you mean about the age going against you. They always say that to me too but sure if they mean I'm too young to be trying higher risk treatment. That its only when your older & more frantic that you should try higher doses. Doesnt make much sense seeing as fertility drops with age anyway. And I don't really see how it makes a difference if you don't have more funding anyway.
The nurse said collection will be Monday which will be day 13, which is exactly the same as last time x

I have had the swollen stomach & pains since yesterday and went to the gp this morning to ask about painkillers (as have given up ringing the ACU for advice) and the dr said I needed to rest & wrote me off from work for 2 weeks! I feel really guilty as I hate having time off, but I know I'd have had next week off with the operation anyway. But it's so good to lay down and not have the shooting pains. I am going to turn into a couch potato.
Hi Ladies - sorry I’ve been AOW I’ve been travelling a little with work again.

Serena - can't believe EC will be on Monday, that's has flown by. Sorry to hear that you are in pain probably a really good thing that you've been signed off as can get some real r + r both post EC & ET.

Kazza - I’ll be starting DR about same time as you, so might be having transfers about the same time too :)

So appt on Monday was all fine they explained the FET process and asked us if we wanted to transfer 1 or 2, me & OH are both agreed on two. I'm liking the idea of twins more and more as time goes on! They told us that the two embryos were freezed on Day6 – which is really good apparently. Steps for the FET are – I start down regging on Day 21 – which is 5th May. They slightly prefer injections to the sniffer drugs for FET, so I will be doing those, although apparently doesn’t make much difference. I was also hoping that might help ease the headaches but nurse said may still get headaches. Then on 1st day of period I need to call up and I reduce DR dose and start with 3 tablets of oestradiol valerate, which has a tendency to cause nausea, so looking forward to that one! Then I am booked in for a scan which is done either 2 or 3 weeks after bleed, and is only done on a Thursday (not sure why this is?). After scan they’ll tell me when to stop with DR injections and when to start pessaries and when transfer is. Then after transfer I continue both oestradiol (this goes up to 4 tablets) and pessaries twice a day (as per fresh cycle). They also did a scan on Monday to check everything ok, which it was although apparently i have a slight dent at the top of my uterus but nothing to worry about apparently – not sure why no-one has mentioned before.

So basically in terms of length of treatment it seems to be the same if not slightly longer than a fresh cycle and I’m guessing my transfer will probably be around the end of may beginning of June time. Get the new drugs delivered on Tues then all kicks off on Saturday. Am now starting to feel pretty good about chances (forgot to ask what they would be) but in 2008 FET success rate at Guys was 46%. Interestingly enough guys said they only freeze embryos at 5 or 6 days now which is maybe why there success rate is slightly higher than some other clinics. Anyway still got another week to go until we kick off and fingers crossed for a headache and nausea free few weeks!

By the time we kick off again you’ll be on 2ww Serena, and Monkeyfeet wouldn’t have thought you were much further behind. How are you getting on with everything?

K x

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