IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Anastacia, welcome to the thread! Everytime I have spoken about how many embies to put back the nurses have said if u get a blast they will only want to put one back but monkey feet is private and they let her put two back!! How far into your cycle are you?

J honey you gave made me feel so much better I'm on 112.5 and was so upset because I really wanted to be a bit higher! I have a high amh level so they are worried about over stimming but last time I did 6 days on 75 then 5 days in 112 but got 9 eggs which I was dissapointed with. So I'm starting on 112.5 this time and your story has made me feel better, I'm sorry to hear of your over stimming! Hope your feeling better now! Do you have PCOS?

Monkey feet I can imagine how relieved you are!!! I have a good feeling hun !!!

Tinkerbell, the next few weeks will fly by too! It's exciting but nerve racking!!

Key how's you hun?

Serena hope your ok chick x
Welcome anastacia! The 2 embryo thing I thi k really depends on a number of things age (
Older than everyone else I think at 31), quality of embryos, whether it's your yest cycle or not and any health concerns. Guys really do only like to put one back in and they did say that had it been our first go yesterday, they would have insisted just 1 but they understood why we asked for two.
Good luck with the stims, not long now til egg collection!

Kazza how are your stims going?

Key how's you?

Tinkerbell, very exciting you have dates etc to get off and running, something to keep focuse on after the come down of the wedding.

Jhoney, take care and wishing you a happy and healthy preg!

Serena, hoping you are ok. Suspect you are having a break from all this and don't blame you at all but wanted you to know you'll still be thought of.

Looks like another sunny day - enjoy!
Tinkerbell it was our first time so we feel very blessed that it worked for us and I am 34yrs old so not that young and it still worked just make sure while your on the the stims you drink lots of water for me I found it kept me really balanced even when the dr's said i should have horrible symptoms I didn't and they said it was because of the water.

Kazza I do have psos and up until the point of having our treatment I had not had a period for 18months they gave me a round of clomid in Jan to see if I my ovaries could respond to stimulation drugs and if I was capable of having a period so I guess my body was dying to get rid of some of the eggs it had stored for so long

Am feeling much better it took a week for the hyper stimulation to finally go they said it was because i stopped drinking my 3liters of water a day which had kept me balanced during the stim injections

Good luck to you all and will keep checking in to see how your all going, can't wait for more of us to get the positive result

Have a good day everyone enjoy this gorgeous weather.x.
Jhoney - sounds like you had a really close shave with overstimulation but really glad to hear it turned out so well in the end. Plus you've got 5 embies for those brothers or sisters - which is fantastic!

Tibkerbell - how exciting so glad to hear things are moving, and you're right to be positive, this time next year we could all be pushing round a little baby (or two ) in the summer sun.

Kazza - how did first injection go?

Monkeyfeet -time to take it easy now and let nature take it's course.

Serena - like Monkeyfeet said i know you're taking a break but you're still in our thoughts :)

Anastacia - welcome!! I had a 5 day transfer on my fresh cycle (currently going through FET) and they only wanted to transfer 1. This time for FET we have requested both our 2 FET's back which they have agreed, although pointing out dangers for twins etc. If it's a 3 day i think they generally put 2 but if it's 5 day it seems to be 1. Unfortunatley i'm the oldest of you all - i'm 35 tomorrow which is a bit depressing as mentally i know my chances start reducing from now on in. BUT am convinced it will work this time - have to stay positive!!!

enjoy the sunshine all

k xx
Hello new bigger group!

Jhoney - that is such brilliant news, massive congratulations. It's great to hear some positive stories, makes you feel much more confident about carrying on treatment. And also great news about the frozen embryos. Sounds horrendous about over stimming but great they could still do transfer - unless you had FET afterwards? Keep us up to date with how it's progressing x

Monkeyfeet - how fantastic that you have 2 blasts & at least 2 more in the freezer! You must be so relieved. Make sure you put your feet up loads & get your OH to look after you. How are you feeling? Still sore at all?

Key - how's it going hon? Is FET better than ICSI? One more week before your scan! Hope you're feeling ok x

Anastacia - good luck with your treatment, this forum def helps to have people to talk to. I'm 32 and both times they recommended putting 2 embryos back on day 3. We just agreed as thought they knew best x

Tinkerbell - positive thinking is a great idea x

Much love to all of you, thinking of you & sending you buckets of luck x

Kazza - how are the stims going? Have you had any more blood tests/scans yet?
Hello all, thanks for the warm welcome :headspin: It's cool to find companions to walk this journey and understand exactly how you feel. It's funny that we are all in Guys, do you think we've bumped into each other and never knew?! I always wonder that when I watch the passing couples while waiting for the nurse.

Every time I sit at the ACU, I always feel like I'm in a dream. I mean, come on, surely IVF is something you read about and see on tv....it's weird that I'm sitting there at the waiting room. The first time I read the poem on the wall abt having gone through all the tests and now waiting for a new journey to start, tears welled up...I felt that someone really do understand how I feel :)

A little intro abt me, I'll be 35 in Sept (HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEY!!) and been trying for 2 years now. I think I was mistakenly recommended for IVF because on my first scan (when they were checking if my tubes were blocked), the doc saw only 5 follicles and hit the panic button claiming that if I don't start IVF now, my follicle count might reduce as I get older and might potentially be even a poor candidate for IVF. Was a dark day for me. Felt like someone hit my head with a brick.

To cut the story short, I've since had several scans. Follicle counts are usually between 17-19. So not sure why I'm doing IVF...but since I've tried for 2 years and classified as unexplained fertility...guess I'm going ahead with it.

I "stabbed" myself in the stomach this morning for the first time without a nurse. Was a weird feeling (2nd dose of Gonal F). Apart from feeling thirsty, am feeling happier with a reduced Buserelin dose.

Think I'm rambling. Sorry to bore you ladies. Haven't had anyone to really talk to...so I'm just ...talking :blush:

Kazzab: Looks like I started stimming just 1 day after you.

Key: Can I ask if your 2 FETs are 5 or 3 days old?
Happy birthday key!!!!!!!! Have a lovely day!!!!

Anastacia, I always sit and wonder if I've just walked past one of you ladies, I think the closest I've been is seeing monkey feet one time!! Oh and key at the induction!!

Your follicle count sounds normal to me have you had a lap and dye? Today is sat 4 of stims for me so we are cycling together!! Someone to sit out that dreaded 2ww !!! Talking of the 2ww how are you feeling monkey feet?

It has made things so much easier for me having these ladies to talk to! Where you can say anything at all without being judged and everyone knowing how your feeling!

Blood test tomorrow, then I bet my first scan will be Monday or Tuesday! No twinges yet just a bit thirsty too!

Key how are you?
Morning all - great to see the group growing!

Thanks for your b'day message - was out last night and just taking it easy working from home today, so all good! I'm doing fine actually - Serena the whole FET process seems to have been a lot easier than the fresh. although it seems to take forever, the medication hasn't had such an effect and i haven't suffered from the dreaded heachaches, and even the other tablets haven't caused nausea, although i do take then right be before so don't give them much chance to make me feel ill. So sure when you come to do your FET you'll find it easier.

Anastacia - my 2 FET are day 6 (think that's cos they were slightly slower, so proabably a day 5 in normal terms). Sounds like you've got loads of follicles so should get some great embryos - i only had a total of 7 (which is both sides) which was a bit of a shock when went for ivf scan, but still ended up with 2 frozen, so you just never know. Glad that you me and Kazza will all be on dreaded 2ww together - let's hope we get 3 for 3 positives.

Monkeyfeet - hope your able to take it easy at the mo. How you feeling?

Jhoney - sounds like you've been exhausted during the first 12 weeks, although i'm told it tends to get easier after that, so hope it's true in your case. Pls keep us updated on how you get on

Enjoy the rare british sunshine all

k xx
Happy birthday Key, what a gorgeous day for a birthday :) I always wished my birthday was nice but being January that's not possible hehe!

Anastacia - I know what you mean about it all feeling a dream, Im the same when i've been sat at the ACU waiting to go infor an appointment. I never dreamed that I'd be sat there waiting to see a Dr about starting IVF :(

JHoney - its great to read it was your first cycle, I seem to be reading so many cases atm where people got their positive result fromt heir 2nd or even 3rd round and saying the 1st is like a practise but for us (due to stupid postcode lottery) we only get one round funded so no practise go for us :(

Had a call from the medication company today and they're delivering on Tuesday, its all really starting to sink in for us both now and finally DH is feeling excited, his been scared and nervous and negative about it all since we found out we'd need ICSI back in Feb so good to see him more excited and positive now.
Are the injections in little vials that you need to draw up or are they in prefilled syringes or pen injection? trying to prepare myself for whats to come, im used to injecting everyday as im diabetic but have the smallest needles for my insulin pen and praying these will be the same.
Hi Tinkerbell - I'm pretty squirmish abt needles but honestly, the jabs are nothing. Prefilled pens with a small needle (an inch?)...easy to administer and doesn't hurt :) You'll be absolutely fine.

A few weeks ago, I was reading abt ppl's experiences with IVF and many said this (which in turn, I now concur) - It's not so much the drugs but the emotional roller coaster ride associated with IVF that's challenging. After some thought the past few days, I've decided to live life as normally as possible and stop myself from going down the emotional abyss (except during days when Buserelin takes over and I feel a bit mental :grr: :blush:). I even stop talking to my best friend abt my treatment and stop reading other threads abt how upset people are. The situation is what it is. We all know the success rates of our treatment. I'm feeling pretty "neutral" about the outcome. I know everyone's different...I'm just approaching it in a way to maintain some normalcy in my life :dishes::laundry:

This is the only thread I'm following :) You ladies play a special part in my life. While I'm sure you don't wish to be here, I just want to say Thank You for being here...for understanding the infertility language when neither mum, nor sister nor best friend can comprehend :)
Anastacia that's a lovely post, brought a little tear to my eye! But its so true, people try to understand but they don't really, even my mum she's over positive and that can make me feel worse! I'm very neutral too, I have had one fail but I'm just staying hopeful! I'm quite open about our ivf but this time I'm keeping things a bit quiet just for my own sanity! It was hard having to keep answering questions to peeps who have no idea anyway! the best thing ive done is just try and be normal this time, I'm even havin the odd sangria which I didn't do before but it didn't do e any favours last time o I'm just going to have the odd glass as I think staying calm will be better for me tan the emotional wreck I was last time!!

Tinkerbell, all getting so real, it is emotional but exciting too, I'm glad your oh is feeling more positive!

Serena, thinking if you loads hun, glad your still around, what date was your follow up again?

Key you may have already said but when are you due bk at guys?
Hello, what are you lovely ladies up to this weekend? I'm planning to pack up and leave office at 5pm today and put on my skates. Time to head to the park! Summer is here..woohoo :happydance:

Kazzab: Yes bless their soul, they do try to understand don't they :p But they can't... the months/years of BFN, the effect fr the drugs, the anticipation if each ivf step success...

I was thinking yesterday that at age 34 one of the things I despise the most in my life now is this question: "Why aren't you guys trying for a baby?" If you ladies see the headlines in the Metro "Friend/family murdered for inquiring about baby plans"...you know it's me!
I'll be pa king up at five, home too cook for my parents, work tomorrow then hopefully relax in the sun on Sunday!!! Wish I didn't work Saturdays!'
I'm working from home so had a nice lunch in the garden already today!

anastacia - you're comment about the headline made me chuckle!! I know exactly what you mean, i get asked all the time - how many children do you have / have you not got children!!

Kazza - i'm back at Guys a week today on the 1st

have a lovely weekend everyone, i'm off to a bbq tonight where i might have a nice cold glass of wine :happydance: (i'm also not being quite so strick on the alcohol this time round, but it is still few and far between - unfortunately!!)

k xx
Hi Tinkerbell - I'm pretty squirmish abt needles but honestly, the jabs are nothing. Prefilled pens with a small needle (an inch?)...easy to administer and doesn't hurt :) You'll be absolutely fine.

A few weeks ago, I was reading abt ppl's experiences with IVF and many said this (which in turn, I now concur) - It's not so much the drugs but the emotional roller coaster ride associated with IVF that's challenging. After some thought the past few days, I've decided to live life as normally as possible and stop myself from going down the emotional abyss (except during days when Buserelin takes over and I feel a bit mental :grr: :blush:). I even stop talking to my best friend abt my treatment and stop reading other threads abt how upset people are. The situation is what it is. We all know the success rates of our treatment. I'm feeling pretty "neutral" about the outcome. I know everyone's different...I'm just approaching it in a way to maintain some normalcy in my life :dishes::laundry:

This is the only thread I'm following :) You ladies play a special part in my life. While I'm sure you don't wish to be here, I just want to say Thank You for being here...for understanding the infertility language when neither mum, nor sister nor best friend can comprehend :)

Thats great to hear then as they sound just like my insulin needles, luckily i have no problems with needles (had to get used to them over the years) I just dread 'pricking' myself.

I'm going to try and carry on with everything as normal too, your post gave me a bit of a wake up there which im pleased about :) I cant spend the next month or so getting stressed and ivf crazy. If its going to work, its going to work and if it isn't no amount of stressing or not carrying on with life normally is going to change that.

Hello, what are you lovely ladies up to this weekend? I'm planning to pack up and leave office at 5pm today and put on my skates. Time to head to the park! Summer is here..woohoo :happydance:

Kazzab: Yes bless their soul, they do try to understand don't they :p But they can't... the months/years of BFN, the effect fr the drugs, the anticipation of each ivf step...

I was thinking yesterday that at age 34 one of the things I despise the most in my life now is this question: "Why aren't you guys trying for a baby?" If you ladies see the headlines in the Metro "Friend/family murdered for inquiring about baby plans"...you know it's me!

Hahaha :haha: that really made me giggle. Im thankful that no one asks me that question as I'm 28 and probably look about 18 so WHEN I'm pregnant its probably going to be then that im in the Metro for killing someone lol because i'll be sick of the stares or comments about 'that young girl' with a bump
Hi ladies, hope your enjoying the sunshine!!

Anastacia have you had your scan at the hospital how's stims going? Looks like egg collection could be Friday for me!!! Lots of follies seen on the scan!!

Tinkerbell how are ?

Key did you say your back at hospital today? Brain like a sieve right now?

Serena how's you hun?
Hi all,

Fab news Kazza about ec hopefully Friday! I'll be thinking of you.

Tinkerbell, I think your needs arrive tomorrow, very exciting.

Key, good luck at your appt Friday.

Serena, jhoney , anastacia, hope yore all doing ok.

Afm, been trying not to go too crazy in my 2ww. Went straight back to work day after transfer but nOt working stupid hours this time round and trying to take it easy. Sooo nervous. Roll on Saturday.xx
Ooooooo Saturdays your test day??? Will you test early!!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!!

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