IVF/ICSI at Guys? Anyone else?

Oh Key, so sorry to hear it was negative :( keeping everything crossed that maybe it's just a shy BFP and doesn't want to show till OTD. Hope you enjoy your holiday x

So, scan was today and all looked good :) lining nice & thin, no cysts so had my first injection of Gonal F, 150iu straight away and back next Tuesday to check how I'm responding to that. She said EC could be around that Friday (6th July) but likely to be early the next week. How many days of stims did you ladies have before EC? I know this has all been posted before but I've forgotten, so apologies x
Hi tinkerbell, glad the scan went well! I stunned for ten days then trigger shot and ex 36 hours later xxx

How's everyone doing xxx

Key, how hve you got on today? Thinking of you lots.

Tinkerbell, glad scan went well and that you re on your way with stims! Exciting and hopefully ec will come around in no time. I think I I'd between 10-12 days on gonal f before being booked. Hope you're getting on ok with them.

Kazza, glad you've had your bleed and seem to be full steam ahead for fet. Great that they're putting you straight through. I have a really good feeling for you and hoping this is your time now.

Anastacia, hope your chilling and avoiding the dust. I had and still do have constant cramps, twinges and weird feelings.

Jhoney, how's you?

Serena, still thinking of you hon. You are missed.x

Afm, on way to acu now. Had epu scan yest and 2 babies with 2 heartbeats were seen. One is much smaller than the other though so we don't know what's aroun the corner. Hoping guys can shed some more light today.

Hope all are enjoying the sunshine.xxx
Yep I understood Kazza ;) how are you feeling? Sounds like you're getting ready for your FET cycle, it won't be long before it all gets started.

I'm so impatient, I start one part and just want to jump to the next. Can't wait for the scan next Tuesday so we'll get a better idea of how much longer till EC, I'm feeling so upbeat and excited about it all which I know is a bad thing cause I could be asking for a huge reality check if it doesn't work.

Were you ladies told how many follicles you had at the scan on the day you started injections? Nurse said I had 6 on the left and 7 on the right, does this mean I can only get max 13 eggs? Or do the injections make more follicles grow as well?

Oh wow, exciting news about the scan Monkeyfeet :) had a feeling there'd be 2 heartbeats. Hope the scan at Guys goes all perfect, must be amazing seeing the heartbeat. A friend had iui and is pregnant with twins and during her earlier scans was told one was smaller than the other but all was fine, so fingers crossed it means nothing x
Key: How are you hun? Thoughts with you.

Monkeyfeet: Superb news! 2 heartbeats :) Did you learn anything from Guys?

Tinkerbell: IVF does that to you doesn't it? So many mix emotions :) The anticipation + anxiety + excitement + hope + "what if?" +....oh the list goes on :) Good to hear you've started stimming. I asked about my follicle numbers and sizes during my scans. Sounds like you've already got a good count. Follies will continue to grow between now and EC and accelerate with the trigger. So plenty more time for more follies to grow. Drown yourself with water though.

Kazz: Good to hear AF has cleared. 2 weeks will pass and you'll be starting FET before you know it.

Afm, dust has finally gotten the better of me. Throat is very scratchy today. Also feeling a little sickie (nausea) today. Hope it's just irregular eating rather than pregnancy symptoms coz it ain't very fun today. Cramping has tonned down.

Gosh is it only Tuesday? Can I have a day off tomorrow?
Just a quick 1 from me as only have brief internet.

Tinkerbell glad to hear moving smoothly & Monkeyfeet fantastic news on 2 heartbeats - am sure the smaller baby will get bigger by day.

Afm- as I thought it was bfn on Tuesday so I've stopted medications and now waiting for af. I am obviously so disappointed it hasn't worked again as I really thought it had this time but guess that's just my body playing with mind. Anyway think holiday might help take mind off it and i,I'll call guys when back to have a follow-up.

All you pregnant ladies take care & I'll have a huge glass of wine for you all

Day 4 of stims for for me today, the days are not going wuick enough :wacko: I've been desperate for the weekend because I know that always goes quick and once that's gone we'll soon be at Tuesday and scan day. I just want to know how things are going now, how these follicles are growing and a rough idea of when I'll be looking at EC.

Been feeling sicky, headaches and tiredness but not sure if I'm just feeling a little run down or it's side effects of the Gonal F.

Hope everyone is doing ok x

Key: How are you hun? Thoughts with you.

Monkeyfeet: Superb news! 2 heartbeats :) Did you learn anything from Guys?

Tinkerbell: IVF does that to you doesn't it? So many mix emotions :) The anticipation + anxiety + excitement + hope + "what if?" +....oh the list goes on :) Good to hear you've started stimming. I asked about my follicle numbers and sizes during my scans. Sounds like you've already got a good count. Follies will continue to grow between now and EC and accelerate with the trigger. So plenty more time for more follies to grow. Drown yourself with water though.

Kazz: Good to hear AF has cleared. 2 weeks will pass and you'll be starting FET before you know it.

Afm, dust has finally gotten the better of me. Throat is very scratchy today. Also feeling a little sickie (nausea) today. Hope it's just irregular eating rather than pregnancy symptoms coz it ain't very fun today. Cramping has tonned down.

Gosh is it only Tuesday? Can I have a day off tomorrow?

IVF really does make you feel every emotion all at once, it's like a rollercoaster.
Ahh sorry to hear the dust is bothering you, hope you're feeling better today. This week is going so slow isn't it? finally Thursday so just one more day till the weekend again :)

Just a quick 1 from me as only have brief internet.

Tinkerbell glad to hear moving smoothly & Monkeyfeet fantastic news on 2 heartbeats - am sure the smaller baby will get bigger by day.

Afm- as I thought it was bfn on Tuesday so I've stopted medications and now waiting for af. I am obviously so disappointed it hasn't worked again as I really thought it had this time but guess that's just my body playing with mind. Anyway think holiday might help take mind off it and i,I'll call guys when back to have a follow-up.

All you pregnant ladies take care & I'll have a huge glass of wine for you all


Thinking of you Key :hugs: x
Key - so sorry for you hon. It's gutting, I hope you're ok. It's such a long process & so stressful & it's hard to take a disappointment at the end of it. Im so sad for you. Hope you have a few relaxing IVF free weeks to feel better about things before you have to go back & think about the next round x also never give up on natural conception as science isn't the only way!

Kazza - how are you getting on lovely? Do you know roughly when you'll start gonal f injections? How are you feeling about starting FET so soon? Positive or slightly weary? I'm feeling quite positive about things as I'm on the break so it's not on my mind much but I know come Sept I'll be feeling more cautious about the whole thing.

Monkeyfeet - how are you doing hon? I am so pleased they can hear 2 heartbeats! That must have been such a surreal experience. I really hope they both stay strong & a few more months down the line little Jedward can come meet you! I hope that doesn't give you nightmares for the rest of your life.

Everyone else - hope you're all doing well & enjoying Wimbledon even though hottie Nadal is no longer in it x

AFM - off to Brighton this weekend & was in Manchester last weekend & at Silverstone next weekend so go go go. I'm loving it though. One quick story though. My friend from work brought her baby in & no word of a lie within 3 minutes all the 50 something women in my office started saying I'll be next & asking when I was going to have a baby. I would have loved to give them the double finger & tell them to rude things off. But I smiled politely of course. Thought you guys might appreciate the story! Ha ha x
Hey All

Room for a little one?

We have been ttc for 3 years but more activily for the past 2 years, we have had no joy :-( we have had lots of tests and fall in to the lovely group of ' unexplained', OH morpholgy came back low (2%) and our doctor said this was a factor, so OH had all vits under the sun to try to help.. We got referred for IVF and have had further tests and on thursday went back for the results. OH morphology came back at (3%) but the doctor said this actually does not really matter as the rest of the results were fine, they did say my eggs were a little low (nothing to worry about) and should not stop us from getting pregnant.

They went through every thing it took an hour (soooooooooo many forms to sign and soooooooooo much information to take in) but im trying to read up on what to expect etc, they have told us to call up on CD1 and then things happen 3 weeks later (im presuming this is when we get our meds?)

Any advise would be greatly appreciated in what to expect - Thanks Guys

Lucy x
Key, I am so so sorry to hear your news. Gutted for you. Hope you are relaxing with oh on your hols and doing best to enjoy and stay positive. Thinking of you lots.xxxxx

Tinkerbell, hope you're doing ok and headaches and sickness have eased a little. Not long now til Tuesday for scan. Certain those follies are doing great things.

Anastacia hope you're doing ok and feeling a hit better, especially now the weekend is finally here.

Serena, so great to hear from you and sounds like you're having a fab time enjoying not being in meds and having to have the one track mind. Agree it's such a emotional process that a break is needed to regain composure. Re your story, doesn't it just make you mad! People are so insensitive and just don't think. Agree would be great to shut them up but prob better to bite your tOngue!!!
Loving your weekend activities with Brighton and silverstone next weekend! Enjoy.x

Kazza, how are you doing lovely?

Jhoney hope all well with you too.

Welcome Lucy! Yes, when you call in cd1 they will order your drugs and out you in touch with drugs company to arrange delivery then you'll be off an running. As Serena says though, never lose hope on natural conception, it can still happen!
When do you think cd1 should fall?

Afm, guys refused to scan on tues as could see id been scanned at tommys the day before so have another scan booked for Tuesday. Have been having the weirdest pains all day and feeling fairly worried but I guess whatever will be will be.

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.xxx
Thanks Monkey feet! Think CD 1 will be on or around 18th July, the reason i was asking is because we are going on holiday on 21 july for a week and wondered if we would be ok calling this month, i didn't know if the wanted to see you when you called you see...

Where are you up to ? Good luck for your scan on tuesday :) x

Hi everyone hope you all had a great weekend.

Key I am so sorry to hear that it was not the result you wanted I hope that you are doing ok and looking forward to your holiday.

Welcome Lucy, good luck with your cycle of ivf I really hope it goes well for you everyone here is so lovely and will really help you every step of the way hope CD1 comes soon for you.

Monkeyfeet the pains are really annoying even at 16weeks there are still so many pains you get esp around the groin area Dr says it is all stretching but it still doesn't make you relax.

Anastascia hope you are feeling well and getting plenty of rest.

AFM had some bleeding last week as you can imagine freaked out completly rushed to the maternity ward where they listened to baby all is well with a nice strong heart beat, then comes the question "have you had sex today" it was awful having to say yes felt like a naughty school girl and an awful mum:blush: apparently it can happen after sex as the cervix is stretching and very delicate right now hubby and I have decided to leave sex out for a while. So not the best week and a half but I am continuing to expand at a rapid rate and as of Thursday the heart beat was still strong and fine so we live to fight another week.

People can be so insensitive with their invasive questions they just don't think sometimes esp if having babies came so easy for them they think its the same for everyone else, as if life is that simple. I used to hate when people who knew we were trying would tell us to relax and it will happen, so easy for them to say when they didn't even have to try to get pregnant but I guess you never truly understand what it is like to be us unless you have walked a day in our shoes.

Hope everyone is well, Serena Glad to hear you are having lots of fun and up to loads of exciting stuff.x.
Hi ladies,

Hope you are all well sorry I've been taking a lil break putting all this out of my mind for a bit! But I still think of you all every day!!

Lucylou welcome to our thread!! And good luck if you have any quetions we are all here to help!!

Tinkerbell how are you getting on hunny!

Anastacia how are you anymore symptoms?

Monkeyfeet how's you hun?

Key, did you have a nice holiday? When's your follow up?

Serena lovely to here from you, sounds like you are havinga well deserved break!!

J honey sorry to here of the bleed must have been so frightening! How long do you have to leave out the sex?

Afm few more weeks then onto provera ! I've decided if this fet fails I'll take a break till the new yr! So far this has been overshadowing me all year and not being able to plan things is getting me down, thinking better do that coz the ivf bla bla! But. Say that and you never know I might change my mind!!

Kazza, nice to hear from you :hugs: I'm not surprised you've taken a break from here, I imagined it's the last place you needed to be and just needed a break from it. Im preying the FET works for you.

Lucy, welcome to the group. They will want to see you when you call on CD1 but not until you've had the meds delivered and are nearer to CD21, infact they didn't see me until CD21 so am sure your holiday will be fine.

AFM - have my 2nd scan tomorrow since starting the cycle and will be the first to check how I'm responding to stims. Today I took my 8th injection of Gonal F (150ui) and I'm really hoping all is going well, I'm trying not to get my hopes up that I'll be told tomorrow I'm ready but I'd love that to happen and on the other hand I'm trying not to worry too much that I'll be told the complete opposite and my lining is rubbish and follicles aren't growing.
Hi tinkerbell - Thanks i recognised you from our other thread! LTTTC :) Good luck for your scan tomorrow !

So you think i will be ok calling up before we go away? So you get the drugs delivered then? are you in the UK?

Can any one give me any advise of what time i will need to book off work? ive not told work and im planning not to at the moment for a few reasons, do you think it is worth booking a week or two around CD21 to allow appointments etc, i know i will need further time off this is just regarding when taking drugs and scanning etc? Really sorry for all these questions guys!

Lucy xx
Hi Lucylou are you having ivf at guys hospital in London? This is where we are all having treatment. At guys you call on day 1 and they call you back to confirm they will order Meds. The Meds company calls and agrees a time for delivery before cd21. Then you start down revving for two weeks before your appointments start to track your follies. Depending on how you respond to gonal f you may not need that many appointments but it does depend on your response. I have PCOS so I'm super sensitive so I have to go regularly for blood tests.

Tinkerbell good luck today! X
Good morning ladies. What a gloomy day in London! Where did the lovely weekend sun go to? I'm solar powered so not too excited without Mr Sun.

Key: So sorry to hear about your results. Hope you had a good time going away for awhile.

Tinkerbell: It's your scan day :) You must be excited. Fingers crossed your can do your trigger in the next few days and EC before the week is over.

Monkeyfeet: You heading out to Guys as well isn't it? Let us know how the scan goes. Btw, why do you go to both Guys and Tommys now? Do you know if you stay at Guys the whole 9 months or do you move hospital awhile?

JHoney: The bleed must have really freaked you out. I'm not quite sure if sex is ok during 1st trimester so OH and I have just been "good" :p Is your tummy starting to show and are you feeling better in your 2nd trimester?

Kazz & Serena: You ladies enjoying your drug free break? Have a pint on our behalf. You'll be healthier and more prepared when you come back.

Serena: What a familiar story! Am sure all on this thread can understand the annoyance of being ask those insensitive questions. Sometimes you just wish you can retaliate with a sarcastic remark!

Welcome Lucylou! Ask away any questions you have. We're all happy to help where we can. I think most of us here don't book time off from work in advance as there isn't a fix schedule for the entire process. The timeline the hospital provides is indicative and you'll only be told when to come in next at each scan/hopsital visit depending on how you react to the meds.

Afm: I got pretty ill late last week from all the renovation dust and had to move out of my flat. Was quite concern of the little bean. Our flat is now wiped down and livable again. Was feeling a little nauseaus the last 2 days and had to keep eating to fight it. Also feeling quite tired. Hope it all goes away soon. My scan is next Friday. I know I shouldn't be but I'm still a little paranoid that something is not right until I see the scan...so counting the days till Friday.
Had my scan and i'm feeling disapointed and down about it :cry:

As always my right ovary was a nightmare to find and the scan was a bit uncomfortable, espcially when she was pushing on my stomach and moving the camera about quite a bit.

I only had 12 follicles, that's 1 less than at my baseline scan. There was only 2 on my right ovary :shock: which really shocked me as I thought that one would have more than my left as had felt like more was happening on that side but obviously I was wrong, and where did the other 5 that were on that side last week go?
Better news with the left with a total of 10 but biggest was only 14mm at the moment, maybe I was just expecting too much to soon? she did say my right ovary might start growing more, might? I need more than might, why isn't it working on that side?

The lady that did the scan was a bit rubbish, all the others I've seen up there have explained everything but she wasn't as good at telling me what was going on, didn't even tell me the sizes until I asked and only then gave me a quick 'flash' of the paper she had filled in.

So, all together 2x14mm, 5x 12 or 13mm, 3x10mm, 1x8mm, 1x6mm. I think thats right, was hard to note it all when she only showed me quickly so I made more of an effort to look at and remember the bigger ones.

My lining was 10.2 and I'm back on Friday for my next scan and really hoping it goes better.
Thanks Kazza, im at St Marys in Manchester, im not sure if its just me but you guys seem to know so much and when we had our appointment she told us the basics but think i need to do some more research!!!

Anastacia - Thanks, im just worried about what to tell them every time i need an appointment, like i say i am planning on telling them but not just yet. i will try to plan some holidays around appointments (as best as i can)

Tinkerbell - sorry it didnt go aswell as you wanted, im doing lots of reading and research at the moment so i will see if any thing is mentioned about one side not playing ball :-(

if you all dont mind me asking, has there been lots of success on this thread for IVF babies then?


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